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Sedy Admin Sedy
posted on Sunday, June 18 2017, 01:10 AM in Updates
Added 3 new reskinned Tiger mounts, Little Panther, Little Cougar and Little Jagger to the Moolah Store and Mount Vendor.


Updated Little Bengal Tiger and Little Red Tiger with new higher quality textures. No more holes or pixelated eyes, and fixed transparency on the tuft of hair on the chest.

/images/iris/Little Bengal Tiger.jpg
/images/iris/Little Red Tiger.jpg

Increased the range of default skills of pets Mumu and Typhoonus to 10m.

Fixed glitchy enhancement glows on Archane's Rod.
Fixed graphics glitches of the Giftbox window and Guild Management dropdown menus.
Fixed bug with the Moolah Store window always docking to the right of the screen.
Fixed incorrect button in guild window for terminating a guild union.

We have had lots of server crashes the past few days due to incompatibilities with the new server software. I have made considerable changes to the game server, login server and logging server this weekend and I'm hoping it will fix the instability and get us back to normal again, so let's see how it goes over the next few days.
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