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Set Name
New in patch
Toggle Head (Cloth) ( 1 )
Marsh Silk Hat of Substance
Armor Head (Cloth) 90
Toggle Chest (Cloth) ( 1 )
Marsh Silk Tunic of Substance
Armor Chest (Cloth) 90
Toggle Legs (Cloth) ( 1 )
Marsh Silk Leggings of Substance
Armor Legs (Cloth) 90
Toggle Hands (Cloth) ( 1 )
Marsh Silk Gloves of Substance
Armor Hands (Cloth) 90
Toggle Feet (Cloth) ( 1 )
Marsh Silk Shoes of Substance
Armor Feet (Cloth) 90
Toggle Head (Mail) ( 4 )
Marsh Leather Cap of Spite
Armor Head (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Cap of Deftness
Armor Head (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Cap of Reach
Armor Head (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Cap of Fortitude
Armor Head (Mail) 90
Toggle Chest (Mail) ( 4 )
Marsh Leather Armor of Spite
Armor Chest (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Armor of Deftness
Armor Chest (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Armor of Reach
Armor Chest (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Armor of Fortitude
Armor Chest (Mail) 90
Toggle Legs (Mail) ( 4 )
Marsh Leather Pants of Spite
Armor Legs (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Pants of Deftness
Armor Legs (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Pants of Reach
Armor Legs (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Pants of Fortitude
Armor Legs (Mail) 90
Toggle Hands (Mail) ( 4 )
Marsh Leather Handguards of Spite
Armor Hands (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Handguards of Deftness
Armor Hands (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Handguards of Reach
Armor Hands (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Handguards of Fortitude
Armor Hands (Mail) 90
Toggle Feet (Mail) ( 4 )
Marsh Leather Boots of Spite
Armor Feet (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Boots of Deftness
Armor Feet (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Boots of Reach
Armor Feet (Mail) 90
Marsh Leather Boots of Fortitude
Armor Feet (Mail) 90