A Newbie's Guide to NS Iris Online
Are you completely new? Lost in what to do next? Look no further! This is a guide to most, if not all, of the random questions new players will have when they first join Iris!
Welcome to NS Iris! Have tonnes of fun! Hope this wall of text is not too much
This guide is split into several sections.
1. Getting into the game
2. Choosing a race/class
3. Gameplay mechanics (Basics of the basics!)
4. Travelling
5. Finding Mobs/Items/Equipment/NPCs
6. Leveling & Quests
6.5 Skills
6.7 Job promotion
7. Inventory
8. Assistant Skills
9. Money System
10. Equipment and gear
11. Wings (Mantles)
11.b. Titles
12. Tarots
13. Monster Transformations
14. Dungeons
15. World Bosses
16. Battlefield
17. PK
18. Reputation
19. Pets
1. Getting into the game
register an account if you haven't already and then
download and install the game~!
Launch your game – either via a shortcut or going to the folder you installed it in, and choosing IrisLauncher.exe. The launcher will open and check for updates and then you can press the START button to open the game.
The username and password to login to the game are the same as those you use to login to the website. If you ever want to change your password, choose
Edit Profile from the website menu (top right corner in the top menu).
Voila, you're in the game!
2. Choosing a race/class
When you first log in, you will be prompted to create a new character. You can choose your race, class, gender and name. You can create up to 5 characters per game account, but can only log in one character per game account at one time. You can have multiple accounts. Total characters logged in at one time: not more than 2.
Name – this is case sensitive. Try not to pick a name that goes lIkEtHiS. It makes it very hard for other people to message you or invite you to a party. No spaces in names are allowed. You can pay using the in-game equivalent of real cash to change your name (see
https://noscrubs.net/discussions/how-to-job-change-and-name-change ).
Gender – No effect on your stats. You can purchase an item to change gender later on if you wish.
Race/Class – you cannot change this later unless you pay using the in-game equivalent of real cash (see
https://noscrubs.net/discussions/how-to-job-change-and-name-change ).
Class – there will be class change quests at level 30 and level 75.
How to choose? Each class has its own merits. But they can be broadly split into these categories:
The classes below are the final classes.
-Tankers – Champions/Templars
-Healers – Prophet/Saint
-Magic ranged DPS – Wizard/Sorcerer
-Physical melee DPS – Vanquisher/Soul Blader/Crusader/Assassin/Wind walker
Note: SB can be considered semi-ranged.
-Physical/Magical melee DPS - Myrmidon
-Physical ranged DPS– Sharpshooter/Sniper
3. Gameplay mechanics (Basics of the basics!)
Go for the Tutorial! It will go through a bunch of things!
Adjust your screen by pressing 'O' – this will open the audiovisual settings.
Open your inventory by pressing 'I'
Adjust your keyboard settings by pressing F11
Take a screenshot by pressing F12
Friendslist: 'F'
Skill list: K
Area map: M
Character stats: C
-Private message/whisper:
-type /w or /whisper
-if someone messaged you, you can type 'r' to skip typing /w
-You can increase the number of chat windows and customise what chat is in each window. There are little boxes below the chat that you highlight if you -want to see it.
-P – party chat
-G – Guild chat
-M – megaphone (whole server can see)
-Y – yell (one map can see)
-N – normal chat (only those in your area can see)
-T – trade chat (not many use this)
Aiming: Either click on your target or tab to it
Autoattack: either via your hotkeys or by Ctrl
Moving – move via arrow keys or by left clicking the location you want to go. You can rotate your view using your mouse (right click then move). You can open map (press M) and select a location to autorun to. But be careful, because mobs can still attack you!
4. Travelling
How to move from one map to another? Well, you could walk!
But an easier way is to use Teleport scrolls. Kristin Owens sells cheap one-use scrolls to specific maps that drops you off at the entrance of the map.
May sells a 30day teleporter for scrub tears that allows you to choose the exact spot in a map to teleport to (PK maps excluded). Moolah shop (bottom right of screen) also sells teleport scroll & rapid teleporter for moolah.
Psst: I recommend the 30day teleporter. You can vote for tears to get it! (see section 9 for details)
5. Finding Mobs/Items/Equipment/NPCs
The website is super handy for this.
Want to know where to find something? Want to know what this monster can drop? Look no further!
6. Leveling & Quests
You gain EXP and SXP from two main things – killing mobs and from quest rewards. As your level increases, just grinding mobs does not increase your exp as much as quests do.
You will stop getting EXP/SXP when you are too high leveled compared to the mob you are killing. If a high level character is in your party, no EXP if that high level character is too high too.
A ! mark over an NPC means it has a quest for you. If yellow – normal quest. If green – dungeon quest. If blue – daily quest (resets every day). Pink - event quest.
A ? mark over an NPC means you completed a quest and are supposed to hand it in.
An NPC can have a quest for you that only shows up if you hover your mouse over it in the map (without the !) if it is underlevel for you.
Wanted papers – These are from notice boards in various maps. These are quests to kill a specific amount of mob in return for exp, reputation and medals. You can do them once per day. Tip: try to do these together with your normal quests while leveling! E.g. you have a quest to kill 20 of Mob X, and a wanted paper to kill 10 of Mob X - do them together and only kill 20 instead of 20 then 10 later!
In general, dungeon quests & quests in PK maps (where you do PVE and PVP) give higher exp than normal quests and you also get 30% more exp from monsters on PK maps.
Magic Tower (entrance via Shrouded Valley or Terminus) is a solo dungeon from L55 onwards. You can go in once per day (dungeon resets do not work on this dungeon) and you can get a fair bit of exp. Find out more:
6.5. Skills
You can add skills by pressing 'K' and upgrading or acquiring new skills that way (or click on the little icon at the bottom). You gain Skill points to use, either by leveling, or by doing special quests that give additional skill points.
Skill Resets - You get a free skill reset when you do your job change quest at L30. You get another free skill reset when you do your second job change at L75. You can also buy a skill reset potion at May (for tears).
Skill points: You get these when your SXP bar levels, not your EXP bar. (Usually they level at a similar time though).
You can get additional SP from certain quests:
Hint: For the medal collection quests, you can decomp higher level medals at Barecalf to give you 2 of the lower level medals. Eg 1 gold medal decomps to 2 silver medals. And the 2 lowest level medals can be bought at NPC.
6.7. Job Promotion
Notice: Make sure you do your level 2 quest 'About Skills' from top left area of Terminus (from one of the three trainers) before you change class as it gives an SP.
At Level 30 you get a new quest from Shilly 'New Job' that will lead you to your class instructors (you can see what kind of skills each class has at those instructors). Class instructors will then give you a quest to change class.
At Level 75 you get a new quest from Sedy/Galadriel NPCs to job change.
7. Inventory
You probably noticed your inventory is not very big but you will find an extra 40-slot bag in the NoScrub's Giftbox and you can get another from the quest "Must Have For Explorer" at level 10 from Prince Shilly in Terminus.
The 3rd bag can be bought for gold from Al Rotches (or any of the warehouse NPCs) or you can get it for free via the
First Time Donator Bonus! .
Bag 4th and 5th bah can only be bought with moolah from the moolah shop.
If you went to Al Rotches, you probably also noticed warehouse bags for sale. You have a warehouse in town that can be accessed by talking to 3 NPCs (for all those lazy people not wanting to walk to the other end of town). You can leave things in there that you do not need for the moment. Only you can access your warehouse. Up to bag 3 can be bought for gold. Bag 4 and 5 are bought with moolah.
Guild warehouse is accessible by the guild members etc depending on the settings your guild leader put on it.
8. Assistant Skills
At L10, you can choose to take up any 1 of 4 assistant skills. You can also buy an expand assistant skill scroll from Al Rotches for gold (or get it for free from the
First Time Donator Bonus! ). So you can learn up to 2 assistant skills in total.
-Cardmaster – make wearing cards/cards that can be slot into your equipment (Tobias)
-Chef – make food that you can consume for 15min buffs (Elsa Walker)
-Alchemist – make potions that recover HP/MP and can provide buffs (Archemi)
-Artisan - make accessories and one type of mount (Masako)
Find out more:
Artisan is fairly new - personally I think unless you enjoy farming ores maybe think about doing a different skill as your first skill.
9. Money System
Gold – You earn gold by killing mobs/handing in quests/selling items to NPCs
Scrub tears –
-2 every hour online continuously in Iris.
-Varying amounts by voting for NoScrubs every day. Read more:
-Buy from other players/Auction house
-win contest in forum where it is offered as prize
**note: you need to input your character before you vote (note: case sensitive!) so that the tears get sent to the right giftbox (do this via the dropdown menu in top right, choose Edit Profile)
PLEASE VOTE. Everyday. It's really worth doing because it's free to do so + people are willing to pay well for them.
Scrub Moolah
This recently underwent an update.
Moolah Token (tradable): Get these by
donating ; generally 1 USD = 10 Moolah Token.
Psst there is a
First Time Donator Bonus!
Untradable Moolah Token (untradable): from some daily quests at higher levels (See notice board in terminus), from Daily Gift (day 7) and Quiz Winner's Envelope (from winning the quiz event).
Sell Moolah Token/Untradable Moolah Token to any NPC to convert it to Scrub's Moolah that can be used to buy items from the Shopping Mall and vendors.
Scrub Trophies/Scrub Mighty Trophies
-only used for equipment vendors in Terminus
-obtained via monster drops
Scrub Shining Trophies
- used for buying a cloak at equipment vendors
- obtained via dungeon drops plus some daily quests
10. Equipment and gear
There are different tiers:
-White – normal
-Green – common
-Blue – rare
-Yellow – Unique
-Purple – Epic (best)
-Legendary - These are usually from very long quests for the best accessories
Who uses what weapon? Check out your skills (press K). What weapon do they require?
Upgrading equipment/weapons/accessories
-You can enhance your weapon up to +10 to get greater attack; you can also craft (alchemist) special enhancement cards to give bonus properties to your weapon enhance.
-You can enhance your armor to have greater defense by using enhancement cards. Not only that, you can put properties on them like more HP (alchemist can make these cards).
-Read more:
-[NEW] You can enhance accessories now! (Not worth it until you have something nice)(No special properties, can be bought from Nojacque).
Where to get gear from?
-Normal mobs (usually white or common, occasionally rare. Very rarely unique and epic)
-dungeon drops (range from normal to purple)
-buy them from Auction House or other players
-buy them using Scrub Trophies/Mighty Scrub Trophies (unique/epic)
-at L74 your first chain quest will start to get epic L75 gear (see the Sedy/Galadriel NPC for a green ! ). At L85 there will be the second part of the chain quest for L85 epic gear.
- For details on the chain quests:
- at L100, main dungeons
---> Wonderland Insane and Von Stein's Mansion Insane (these drop gear which are tradable until opened to use) - you can buy from auction house or from other players
---> Dead Man's Peak: current end game dungeon with all drops untradable. You need to be geared before joining. Generally most balanced set.
--> Catacombs: current end game dungeon with all drops untradable. You need to be geared before joining. A bit more options if you want to tweak your build.
--> Hell Modes (Laioha and Decomus): you need to be geared with DMP or Cata gear, enhanced and carded before attempting these. Untradable armor and weapon, improving with each level of hell mode. There is also a one time moolah quest for clearing the dungeon.
What are they? Essentially extra gear that will boost your stats as you build your character. They don't come cheap though. You can buy them in Al Rotches(for gold, temporary costumes), Auction house (for gold), from May (for scrub tears) or from Lady Galadriel NPCs (for Moolah). Some dungeons (ToA/LiskH) drop costume pieces. Arcanian Pioneer can drop from any mobs.
Check out some pictures of them:
What's a relic? Next to your wearing card slots, there's a single slot for a relic. This usually boosts some stats such as speed.
For newbies, check out the relics from Al Rotches – some cheap ones available for gold there.
Later on, you can use the ones from May (bought using Scrub Tears)
Wearing cards
Wearing cards can boost yet more stats. Nojacque in Terminus sells some beginner wearing cards. A cardmaster can make some. Vortex drops some.
You can buy wearing cards from May (again, using tears). Or from Moolah shop.
11. Wings (Mantles)
All the high level characters seem to have wings. Where do I get mine?
Those wings are the effects from Mantles. These are the most expensive item in game and can cost up to 750 Moolah. You can buy them from moolah shop.
(PS: If you want to buy them slowly, there is the option to do so too:
http://noscrubs.net/iris/about/news-updates/186-title-upgrades - basically you can buy weaker versions of wings and top up moolah as you earn it to work your way up to the most expensive wings.
11.b. Titles
Titles can drop anywhere and can be equipped for boosts such as extra speed or damage. For example, in the logging area (first map out of town) you can hunt the Cutie Shushu for a title that give movespeed.
Nicer titles drop from world bosses and higher level dungeons.
12. Tarots
Iris has a unique system of tarots. These are little buffs that last for 1-2hours.
Read more:
We now also have gold tarots.
We can also use other people's gold tarots for a fee that they set:
13. Monster Transformations
Something else unique about Iris – you can turn into a monster/mob!
Just rightclick a transformation card and voila! You're a mob for 15min (some special trans cards are only 5min) or until you cancel it (look at the top right of your screen where all your buffs are and right click the transformation buff to cancel).
While you are transformed, you cannot use your skills (but you can still use potions/food). Instead, you can use three skills associated with that trans card. These can be very useful. For example, Shushu's third skill can give you a 30second +300 speed buff. You can cancel the transformation and continue to enjoy the benefit of that buff.
Some mobs are non-aggressive (yellow names) while you are in transformation (similar to the communion skill that Prophets/sorcerers have) and will not attack you unless you attack them first.
14. Dungeons
Iris has a lot of dungeons. Most dungeons have different modes (via dropdown menu). Most dungeons are reset once daily.
Except – Vortex/Snow Mountain/Hall of Elements (you can go 3 rounds daily)
In minimum level/difficulty order:
L15: CN: Circus Normal (Payaso)
-can be soloed at level 15+ with free unique starter gear with potions.
L25: LN: Laioha Normal (Dio Reeves)
-can be soloed at level 25+ with potions.
L35: DN: Decomus Normal (Woons Swordwind)
-can be soloed at level 35+ with enhanced gear and potions.
L40: WGN: Wood Garden Normal (Buddy)
-can be soloed at level 45+ with enhanced gear and potions but better with a couple or party.
L40: LH: Laioha Hard
L50: DH: Decomus Hard
-gives Scrub Trophies
L60: WGH: Wood Garden Hard
-gives Mighty Scrub Trophies
-questline for killing the bosses here for extra skill points
L65: ToAN: Temple of Atlantis Normal
L65: HoE: Hall of Elements Easy
-solo dungeon.
L68: CH: Circus Hard
-gives Mighty Scrub Trophies
L75: HoE: Hall of Elements Normal
-solo dungeon.
L75: Lisk Normal (Guile in HC1F)
L75: LI: Laioha Insane
L75: DI: Decomus Insane
L75: WGI: Wood Garden Insane
L75: TLC: Time Lost Caverns (Scrub Lord Sedy)
L75: Lisk Hard (Guile in HC1F)
L85: HoE: Hall of Elements Hard
-solo dungeon.
L85: ToAH: Temple of Atlantis Hard
L85: VSM: Von Stein's Mansion (Lucian)
L85: CI: Circus Insane
L85: LiskI (Guile in HC1F)(NEW!)(this is a raid boss - go in with up to 18 people)
L85: GTN: Golden Temple Normal (Lara)
L85: GTH: Golden Temple Hard
L85: ToAI: Temple of Atlantis Insane
L85: GTI: Golden Temple Insane
L55-69: MT: Magic Tower - Solo
L70-84: MT: Magic Tower - Solo
L85: MT: Magic Tower - Duo
L90: WN: Wonderland Normal
L95: WH: Wonderland Hard
L100: WI: Wonderland Insane
L100: VonI: Von Stein's Mansion Insane
L100: Cata: Catacombs
L100: DMP: Dead Man's Peak
L100: Various Hell modes
More info about specific dungeons (some guides are in progress):
Wood Garden:
Temple of Atlantis:
Time Lost Caverns:
Von Stein's Mansion:
Catacombs (public raid dungeon, now changed to party dungeon):
Guard Snow Mountain:
Magic Tower solo/duno dungeon:
Hall of Elements solo dungeon:
Von Stein's Mansion (Insane):
Dead Man's Peak:
You enter the dungeon by talking to the NPC. NPC can usually be found in Terminus top right.
15. World Bosses
World bosses are special bosses that spawn on normal maps. Anyone can go and kill them, so competition is fierce!
Note that most of these are in PK maps (players can kill you). Exceptions are Glaceon & some spawns of Ulric and Nereus
Glaceon – L30 boss in Shrouded Valley/Atlus Gorge
Frigid Queen Glaceon – L68 version of Glaceon in Hidden Cavern 1F
Sakun – L40 Conflict Valley
Sraclone – L50 Frozen Nest
Tundro – L60 Spirit Shelter
Lost Mysterion: L75 Nightfall Shelter
Cringer: L75 Colossus Shadowfields
Ulric: L75 Colossus Shadowfields
Livid: L75 Colossus Shadowfields
Nereus: L75 Abysmal Shore/Pandahama Island
Enraged Sakun/Enraged Tundro: L85 Sandfall Desert/Sandstorm Desert
Namazu: L85 Pandahama Island
Frigid: L85 Crystal Tower
Cruel Cletus: L85 Tainted Fen
Monoxia: L95 Tainted Fen
Excavator: L100 Sandstorm Desert/Port Plunder
Okeanos: L100 Port Plunder
16. Battlefield
Battlefield is optional. You will get notifications every 20min to join unless you turn them off in settings (press O).
BF brackets are as follows:
Levels 40-64
Levels 65-84
Levels 85-100
Death match
-5 points for leader deaths
-1 point for other enemy deaths
-10 points for tower death
-50 points to win or the higher points when time runs out
Flag match
-1 point per flag
-5 points to win or the higher points when time runs out
-If a draw, first to put flag in wins
Battle of Atlantis
-5 points for leader deaths
-1 point for other enemy deaths
-50 points for tower death
-50 points to win or the higher points when time runs out
Capture the Flag/Aerterna
-1 point per flag
-5 points to win or the higher points when time runs out
-If a draw, first to put flag in wins
You get points when you win a battlefield match. Sometimes you get them if you lose.
The higher your level bracket, the more points you get.
You can use these points to buy special recipes, materials or armour at the battlefield NPCs (towards to the top left of Terminus).
You also gain Honor Points when your team wins a battlefield. The player with the most points at the end of the week wins the Honor Crown.
You also gain reputation with League of Athanor when your team wins a battlefield.
17. PK
PK – player killing
This only occurs in PK maps and you get a temporary immunity to attacks but skill paralysis for a few seconds when you first enter the map (enough for you to get out if you change your mind about venturing in).
These are: Conflict Valley, Frozen Nest, Spirit Shelter, Colossus Shadowfields, Pandahama Island and Port Plunder.
If you die at the hands of a player, no EXP/SXP is lost, but you can lose chaos points (CP). Everyone starts off with 1000 points and a 0 kill/death record.
Chaos Points are reset on the last day of the month at midnight and the top few players of each class with the most points can claim Chaos Fragments from the PK Bot in Terminus that can then be used to buy items, including titles. Full info:
You do not get any battlefield points for PK.
18. Reputation
New system:
Essentially points to collect for cool bonuses. To learn some recipes you may need to have a certain level of reputation too.
19. Pets
Do you want a cute pet to follow you around and help attack? Maybe one to heal you? Read this:
Yay you finished the wall of text! Congratulations!
Anyway, hope this helps

Please let me know if something is wrong and/or something should be added!
16/12/2013 - updated to remove mention of PIN, add in LiskI
26/2/2014 - updated to add CTF & where to get skill reset potions
10/4/2014 - updated to add Namazu/Cruel Cletus
9/9/2014 - updated to add MT/asst skill guide
1/4/2015 - updated to add more info on SP, update for Catacombs, Von Stein
6/2/17 - updated to add multiple things like artisan, rep, frigid etc.
18/3/18 - updated to add in a few things like mantles, VonI, DMP, event quests(pink), PP is pk zone.
10/10/19 - updated to add Okeanos, hell modes, link to pets and generally clean up some random changes
PS. There is a
Part 2, aimed at L80 and above.