New Mantle Schematics
Two new mantle schematics are now availab...

Enjoy 20% more gold, 20% drop chance bonus, and 20% more points from the battlefields, and 20% off Moolah topups for the entire week to celebrate the new update and Summer!
Check our Facebook page and enter the Summer Event for a chance to win a summer costume and hat worth 300 Moolah!
It's Easter soon and the Easter Rabbit, Momo, will be back in town with missions and rewards, and bonuses to experience gain, drops, gold and battlefield points!
It's the 8th anniversary of Iris Online at NoScrubs this coming Saturday and we will be celebrating through the weekend and next week with anniversary quests and a Facebook Moolah Mantle giveaway.
It's Valentine's Day soon and Alfredo has set up his store in Terminus and is offering Love Tokens in return for help stocking his shop shelves.