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Catacombs Public Raid Dungeon

Introducing the Catacombs, a brand new PK enabled public raiding dungeon, packed with bosses and treasures. 

The Catacombs is a brand new PvP enabled public raiding dungeon located in the new zone Sandstorm Desert, and is home to new raid bosses and elite monsters. The fact that it's public means there are no restrictions on the amount of players allowed entry at any one time. You can form a full raid party of 18 players, or even two.

Bosses do similar or less damage to existing level 85 world bosses but have a shorter 10 minute enrage timer, so you need as much damage as possible to defeat them.

Entry & Quests
Head over to Sandstorm Desert and speak to Lawrence to pick up quests and enter.

Catacombs Entry
Lawrence has 5 daily quests for Catacombs:
[Daily] Catacombs Treasures requires you find and loot Ancient Documents from chests throughout the Catacombs and rewards a Tomb Raider Box I containing event food or a chance at Epic hand armor.

[Daily] Clear The Path requires you to defeat Catacombs Warders and Sentinels and also rewards a Tomb Raider Box I.

[Daily] Tomb Raider requires you to defeat the first two bosses, Mumrah the Hunter and Skerris, and rewards a Tomb Raider Box II containing event foods and a chance at Epic foot armor and a choice of another Tomb Raider Box II or a Tomb Raider Box I, or Shining Trophies. 

[Daily] The Blightlord requires you to defeat the 3rd boss, Blightlord Naelak, and rewards a Tomb Raider Box III containing event food or a chance of Epic head armor, as well as a choice of another Tomb Raider Box III, II or I or Shining Trophies.

[Daily] The General requires you to defeat the final boss, General Manu, and rewards a Tomb Raider Box IV containing event food or a chance of Epic leg armor, as well as a choice of another Tomb Raider Box IV, III, II or I or Shining Trophies.
Catacombs Map
Boss Locations
The Crypt Mumrah the Hunter
The Menagarie Skerris
Reach of Trials Blightlord Naelak
The Atrium General Manu
Mumrah the Hunter drops 75 different epic gloves.

Skerris drops 75 different epic helms and 3 unique race restricted mounts, Imperfect Skerris (Humans), Imperfect Chimera (Hybrids), and Imperfect Pegasus (Elves). These mounts are called Imperfect because they do cause problems with some armors on female characters, but are mostly fine on male characters.

Blightlord Naelak drops 75 different epic leggings.

General Manu drops 75 different epic chest armors and has a higher chance than any other boss in the game to drop Nether Whelpling, Scarlet Whelpling, Azure Whelpling and Angel vanity pets.

All four bosses also drop new V equip cards, Golden Temple epic weapons, % HP/MP pots, pets and Shining Trophies.

CerberuGargantuan Champion and Catacombs Sentinel drop 75 different epic gloves, Golden Temple epic weapons, % HP/MP pots, Shining Trophies, Golden Temple alchemy and cooking recipes.

The new epic armor items (375 in total) do not have set effects. Instead of set effects they have increased stats and additional bonus stats allowing you to build your own sets with the stats that suit your playing style. To check them out, just click on the boss names above for a full listing on nsDB.

Active Game Buffs

10% Boss Bonus Damage
Valid until:01-04-2025 00:01
Nighttime Party Bonus
Valid until:01-04-2025 06:01

Upcoming Game Buffs

10% Elite Bonus Damage
Starts in 40 minutes
01-04-2025 00:01 - 02-04-2025 00:01
10% Bug Bonus Damage
Starts in 1 day 40 minutes
02-04-2025 00:01 - 03-04-2025 00:01
10% Elemental Bonus Damage
Starts in 2 days 40 minutes
03-04-2025 00:01 - 04-04-2025 00:01
10% Undead Bonus Damage
Starts in 3 days 40 minutes
04-04-2025 00:01 - 05-04-2025 00:01

Next Events

Crown Holders

Server Rates

Experience x15
Skill Experience x15
Quest Experience x15-25
Quest Skill Experience x15-25
Drops x15
Gold x8
Quest Gold x15-25