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Christmas 2016

It's almost Christmas and Terminus Center has been given a festive makeover, Marie is back in town with quests and the Christmas Shushus will be back on the move, laden with christmas goodies - can you find them?
Merry Christmas from NoScrubs

Christmas Quests and Store

Santa's Granddaughter, Marie, is back in Terminus for the festive period. Can you help her save Christmas?

Marie has a new quest to find Christmas Shushus this year, rewarding a new Christmas title, and she is selling a new look Rudolph the Reindeer mount too.

She is also selling Christmas themed costumes, mounts and accessories in her store and some can be purchased with Santa's Reward, obtained by completing some of her quests.

Marie's Quests

Christmas Pets

Marie has six winter themed pets that she will exchange for Pet Summoning Pieces and Santa's Rewards. Speak to Marie and click on Item Exchange to see what's available.

Marie's Exchange Store

There is a pet of every type, Physical Melee, Magical Melee, Physical Ranged, Magical Ranged, Assist and Panzer.
Snowy Shushu

Snowy Shushu

Type: Physical Melee 
Chance Effect: Reduce Physical Defense


Type: Assist 
Chance Effect: Reduce All Attack


Type: Magical Melee 
Chance Effect: Reduce All Hit
Snowy Bear

Snowy Bear

Type: Physical Ranged 
Chance Effect: Immobilize
Ice Solder

Ice Soldier

Type: Panzer 
Chance Effect: Immobilize
Ice Lich

Ice Lich

Type: Magical Ranged 
Chance Effect: Reduce Movement Speed

All Pet Summoning Pieces can be obtained by defeating the Christmas Shushu, Christmas Shushu Boss and Christmas Dungeon Shushu and Rudolph Summoning Pieces can also be obtained by defeating Rudolph the Lost.

The Christmas Shushu

The Christmas Shushu is a rather tough little fellow that drops Christmas Fireworks to replenish your HP, MP, or both, and also usually has some Christmas event foods and pet summoning pieces too!

But beware, the much stronger Christmas Shushu Boss might also appear somewhere in Arcana at any time, laden with Christmas gifts stolen from Santa Claus! You will need to gather your friends if you hope to defeat this one!

Christmas Shushu
He drops pet summoning pieces, Santa and Rudolph the Reindeer costumes, Christmas Sleigh and Thousand Year Old Reindeer mounts, Festive Squidink vanity pet and plenty of Christmas food and fireworks. This guy is so full of himself, he will probably challenge you to defeat him in 5 minutes for a better chance of lovely Christmas loots!

Start your Shushu hunt in the snowy areas of Shebuz Snowfield, Shrouded Valley, Altus Gorge, Hidden Cavern, Conflict Valley and Frozen Nest.

Dungeon Christmas Shushu

Adventurers might also discover the Dungeon Christmas Shushu at the end of their level 85+ dungeon runs. This guy has similar strength and abilities to the Christmas Shushu Boss and drops similar items including pet summoning pieces.
Defeating the Christmas Shushu or Shushu Boss will also buff the entire server with a random Seasonal Buff including bonuses to EXP, Money, Drops, Battlefield Points, Stats, Defense, Speed and more! These bonuses stack so you could have up to 15 buffs active at any one time.

EXPChristmas Bonus Game Buffs

The weekends leading up to Christmas will have some major boosts to experience gain, so there has never been a better time to level up a character or even make a new one. This coming weekend will have a 200% bonus to both EXP and SXP and the following weekend will have 300%!

To top it all off, starting on 24st December and running right through until the 1st January, the bonus will be a huge 400% EXP and SXP + 100% drops + a boost to All Stats.

25% Moolah Bonus

You can get 25% MORE Moolah from now until Midnight on 31st December when you Topup using the coupon code CHRISTMAS2016 - simply head on over to the donate page and enter CHRISTMAS2016 into the coupon code box to see your new discounted price.


*This is strictly a limited time offer ending 31/12/16 at 00:00 so don't delay to avoid disappointment!

Active Game Buffs

400% EXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
400% SXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Reputation Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Battlefield Point Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest EXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest SXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Drop Rate Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Dragon Bonus Damage
Valid until:23-02-2025 00:01

Upcoming Game Buffs

10% Drop Rate Increase
Starts in 16 hours 4 minutes
23-02-2025 00:01 - 24-02-2025 00:01
10% Elemental Bonus Damage
Starts in 1 day 16 hours 4 minutes
24-02-2025 00:01 - 25-02-2025 00:01
Movement Speed +100
Starts in 2 days 16 hours 4 minutes
25-02-2025 00:01 - 26-02-2025 00:01
10% Beast Bonus Damage
Starts in 3 days 16 hours 4 minutes
26-02-2025 00:01 - 27-02-2025 00:01
10% Boss Bonus Damage
Starts in 4 days 16 hours 4 minutes
27-02-2025 00:01 - 28-02-2025 00:01
10% Construct Bonus Damage
Starts in 5 days 16 hours 4 minutes
28-02-2025 00:01 - 01-03-2025 00:01

Next Events

Crown Holders

Server Rates

Experience x15
Skill Experience x15
Quest Experience x15-25
Quest Skill Experience x15-25
Drops x15
Gold x8
Quest Gold x15-25