Crystalisk returns in this Hard mode raid dungeon encounter, but this time he is not alone. His mate Rhinestone has awakened from her long slumber and is eager to exact revenge on Arcana!
Ever wanted to know what each costume box in the Scrub Lord Sedy's Costume Bundle contains? Click here, and you'll be able to find what items are in the boxes you're looking at.
The Lady Galadriel's Costumes are beautiful in their own way. Each has a unique quality to them, fitting to each class. This is a list of each costume so that you can find what you want.
All face costumes, body costumes, and back costumes are shown in the guide. Each gender and race is shown so you know how you will look when you buy a costume. Warning some content may be disturbing.
It is well known that dragons are usually good and nice, playful and "cuddly". It is also well known throughout the lands that dragons have a hoard of treasures that they value and save, in their big nest in a cave that they call home.
Experience | x15 |
Skill Experience | x15 |
Quest Experience | x15-25 |
Quest Skill Experience | x15-25 |
Drops | x15 |
Gold | x8 |
Quest Gold | x15-25 |