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Limited Edition Titles

If you are looking for something to make your character more unique, you might be interested in purchasing a limited edition title. These titles have the same stats as the 100 Moolah titles you can buy ingame, but with awesome new effects. These titles won't be available forever so check back often to see the latest offers and snap them up quick before they are gone.
All titles come in the usual three flavours, Symbol of Rage, Symbol of the Devoted and Symbol of the Agile.

Symbol of Rage

  • 25% All Attack Power
  • 25% All Defense
  • 30% All Stats

Symbol of Agile

  • 25% Phys Avoidance
  • 25% Mag Resistance
  • 30% All Stats

This months titles have just been added and they are:

Yellow Feather

Red Feather

Both of these titles are now available from the shop for a limited time and cheaper than the equivalent titles in game. The shop accepts Paypal and Qiwi Wallet payments at the moment but I'm afraid we cannot offer mobile payments.

Active Game Buffs

400% EXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
400% SXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Reputation Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Battlefield Point Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest EXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest SXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Drop Rate Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Drop Rate Increase
Valid until:24-02-2025 00:01

Upcoming Game Buffs

10% Elemental Bonus Damage
Starts in 10 hours 20 minutes
24-02-2025 00:01 - 25-02-2025 00:01
Movement Speed +100
Starts in 1 day 10 hours 20 minutes
25-02-2025 00:01 - 26-02-2025 00:01
10% Beast Bonus Damage
Starts in 2 days 10 hours 20 minutes
26-02-2025 00:01 - 27-02-2025 00:01
10% Boss Bonus Damage
Starts in 3 days 10 hours 20 minutes
27-02-2025 00:01 - 28-02-2025 00:01
10% Construct Bonus Damage
Starts in 4 days 10 hours 20 minutes
28-02-2025 00:01 - 01-03-2025 00:01

Next Events

Crown Holders

Server Rates

Experience x15
Skill Experience x15
Quest Experience x15-25
Quest Skill Experience x15-25
Drops x15
Gold x8
Quest Gold x15-25