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Hunt the Christmas Shushu

The Christmas Shushu likes to roam and play in the snow around Arcana, and always carries some of his favourite Christmas foods wherever he goes. Think you can find him?

Christmas ShushuThe Christmas Shushu is a rather tough little fellow that drops Christmas Fireworks to replenish your HP, MP, or both, and also usually has some Christmas event foods too!

But beware! Find the Christmas Shushu enough times and his much stronger brother might appear somewhere in Arcana laden with Christmas gifts stolen from Santa Claus! You will need to gather your friends if you hope to defeat him.

Christmas ShushuHe drops many different christmas costumes, mounts, a festive pet and plenty of Christmas food and fireworks. This guy is so full of himself, he will probably challenge you to defeat him in 5 minutes for a better chance of lovely Christmas loots!

Start your hunt in Shebuz Snowfield, Shrouded Valley, Altus Gorge, Hidden Cavern, Conflict Valley and Frozen Nest.

This event will run through the whole of December until New Year's Day or perhaps a little longer. 

Merry Christmas everyone!


Active Game Buffs

400% EXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
400% SXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Reputation Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Battlefield Point Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest EXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest SXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Drop Rate Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Drop Rate Increase
Valid until:24-02-2025 00:01

Upcoming Game Buffs

10% Elemental Bonus Damage
Starts in 5 hours 18 minutes
24-02-2025 00:01 - 25-02-2025 00:01
Movement Speed +100
Starts in 1 day 5 hours 18 minutes
25-02-2025 00:01 - 26-02-2025 00:01
10% Beast Bonus Damage
Starts in 2 days 5 hours 18 minutes
26-02-2025 00:01 - 27-02-2025 00:01
10% Boss Bonus Damage
Starts in 3 days 5 hours 18 minutes
27-02-2025 00:01 - 28-02-2025 00:01
10% Construct Bonus Damage
Starts in 4 days 5 hours 18 minutes
28-02-2025 00:01 - 01-03-2025 00:01

Next Events

Crown Holders

Server Rates

Experience x15
Skill Experience x15
Quest Experience x15-25
Quest Skill Experience x15-25
Drops x15
Gold x8
Quest Gold x15-25