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Anniversary Update

It's been two years since we launched NoScrubs Iris Online and to celebrate we will be releasing the next instalment for you today, Sunday 23 February.

It's been a while coming but I didn't want to just give you a copy and pasted 2nd to 3rd job, what's the point of that right? Some of these new jobs are vastly different to their previous job and will take some getting used to, but I am fairly certain you will really enjoy them.

I'd like to say a big thank you to Fistand for coming up with all the ideas for these new jobs and I hope I did them some justice.

The update will take place later this afternoon and the server will be down for a couple of hours. I will get the new client ready for download as soon as possible. Yes you will need to download the client again, we learned that the last time we did a big update. It's a lot faster than trying to patch in all these new files.

3rd Jobs

The new jobs are finally complete and ready for you to test..I mean play.








Speak to Lady Galadriel to start your 3rd job quest. She will send you on your way to your class trainer for all the details.

The new quests are as follows:

The Path of the Templar > Evidence of a Knight's Courage

The Path of the Crusader > Evidence of a Gladiator's Courage

The Path of the Soul Blader > Evidence of a Mercenary's Courage

The Path of the Champion > Evidence of a Guardian's Courage

The Path of the Vanquisher > Evidence of a Berzerker's Courage

The Path of the Myrmidon > Evidence of a Barbarian's Courage

The Path of the Wizard > Evidence of a Magician's Wisdom

The Path of the Saint > Evidence of a Priest's Wisdom

The Path of the Sorcerer > Evidence of a Warlock's Wisdom

The Path of the Prophet > Evidence of a Sage's Wisdom

The Path of the Assassin > Evidence of a Shadow Walker's Fierce Battle

The Path of the Sharp Shooter > Evidence of a Hunter's Fierce Battle

The Path of the Wind Walker > Evidence of a Adventurer's Fierce Battle

The Path of the Sniper > Evidence of a Scout's Fierce Battle

Each quest requires you to revisit your past and hunt down monsters that you have fought before, with a twist. They have to be completed within the time limit. Once completed you will be rewarded with your new job, bonus Skill Points and a Skill Reset Potion.

New Battlefield: Battle of Atlantis


The Battle of Atlantis will open every hour on the hour. Can you get to the enemy tower and beat it down before the other side? Will you play defensive and stop the enemy from getting to their target or will you ignore them and go all out in a battle against time?

New Dungeon Modes

Paniye Circus Troupe: Insane


Payaso and the gang are back again with a new level of difficulty and some nostalgic armor sets in Unique and Epic flavours.

A new daily challenge quest can be obtained from Payaso before you enter to beat them within 15 minutes. 

Temple of Atlantis: Hard


The next difficulty level for Temple of Atlantis with a chance of some Unique and Epic armor sets and also updated weapons.

New World Bosses

Enraged Sakun and Tundro: The Sandstorm Alliance


Sakun and Tundro are back but with a twist, they have formed an alliance to give you double the fun. Defeat them for a brand new title and nostalgic armor sets in both Unique and Epic flavours again. The Epic sets have set bonuses.

piratebob.pngPirate Bob:
Leader of the Zombie Pirates

Pirate Bob can be found wandering the islands but can you find him and beat him for his booty?

Several more world bosses will be added over the coming weeks/months.

New Titles

From Hunting

Brand new titles have been added to some of the bosses.

[Sandstorm Conqueror] Add damage to Boss monsters +10% All Stats +70 Max HP +2000

[Waterlord Conqueror] Add damage to Boss monsters +5% All Stats +60 Max HP +1500

[Zombie Pirate Conqueror] Add damage to Boss monsters +10% All Stats +70 Max HP +2000

[I Hate Clowns] Add damage to Boss monsters +3% All Stats +50 Max HP +1000

[LOLoha] Add damage to Boss monsters +3% All Stats +50 Max HP +1000

[Decomus Conquerer] Add damage to Boss monsters +3% All Stats +50 Max HP +1000

[I'm Livid!] Add damage to Boss monsters +3% All Stats +50 Max HP +1000

[Bloodletter] Add damage to Boss monsters +3% All Stats +50 Max HP +1000

From the Battlefield

These two new titles can be found on the Battlefield Merchant in Terminus.


[Combatant] PVP Damage +20% All Defense +10% All Stats: 10%

[Contender] Physical Protection +150 Magical Protection +150 Resistance +50


[widgetkit id=69]

Information on the 18 new Moolah titles can be found here 


Herb and Ore's have been spawned on the level 75+ maps and can be gathered with the right tools and assistant skill level. Visit Spike in Terminus to buy your Mining Pick and Gardening Shears.

The herbs and ores from these are used for the new potion and weapon recipes and will also be used for future recipes.

New Assistant Skill Recipes



Brand new potion recipes can be found from the Battlefield Recipe Vendor.

Enriched Mega HP Regeneration Potion Recipe

Enriched Mega MP Regeneration Potion Recipe

Enriched Mega Vitality Potion Recipe

Enriched Mega HP Potion Recipe

Enriched Mega MP Potion Recipe

Enhancement Cards

These new level 85 item enhancement card recipes can be found on the Battlefield Recipe Vendor and from Terrio Longman.

Legendary Navy Incant Recipe

Legendary Orange Incant Recipe

Legendary Yellow Incant Recipe

Legendary Blue Incant Recipe

Legendary Purple Incant Recipe

Legendary Red Incant Recipe

Legendary Green Incant Recipe

Legendary Colorless Recipe

Legendary Shining Navy Incant Recipe

Legendary Shining Orange Incant Recipe

Legendary Shining Yellow Incant Recipe

Legendary Shining Blue Incant Recipe

Legendary Shining Purple Incant Recipe

Legendary Shining Red Incant Recipe

Legendary Shining Green Incant Recipe

Legendary Shining Colorless Recipe

Nereus Weapons

Want to upgrade your Nereus weapon? You will need to fight him again and be lucky enough to acquire his Bloody Heart and the recipe. You will also need to get your Mining Pick ready to mine some ores.

[Recipe] Imbued Nereus's Shortsword

[Recipe] Imbued Nereus's Longsword

[Recipe] Imbued Nereus's Dual Swords

[Recipe] Imbued Nereus's Shanks

[Recipe] Imbued Nereus's Cannon

[Recipe] Imbued Nereus's Staff

[Recipe] Imbued Nereus's Rod

[Recipe] Imbued Nereus's Shield

Card Master

Ulric Weapons

Want to upgrade your Ulric weapon? You will need to fight him again and be lucky enough to acquire his Bloody Heart and the recipe. You will also need to get your Mining Pick ready to mine some ores.

[Recipe] Imbued Bloodletter's Crimson Sword

[Recipe] Imbued Bloodletter's Crimson Destroyer

[Recipe] Imbued Bloodletter's Crimson Blades

[Recipe] Imbued Bloodletter's Crimson Shanks

[Recipe] Imbued Bloodletter's Crimson Bayonet

[Recipe] Imbued Bloodletter's Crimson Stave

[Recipe] Imbued Bloodletter's Crimson Torch

[Recipe] Imbued Bloodletter's Crimson Barrier

*Bloodletter weapons are now tradable, no seals required.


Livid Weapons

Want to upgrade your Livid weapon? You will need to fight him again and be lucky enough to acquire his Secret Ingredient and the recipe. You will also need to get your Mining Pick ready to mine some ores.

[Recipe] Imbued Carrot

[Recipe] Imbued Kebab

[Recipe] Imbued Carving Knife

[Recipe] Imbued Ice Cream Sundae

[Recipe] Imbued Rose

[Recipe] Imbued Turnip

[Recipe] Imbued Meat on the Bone

[Recipe] Imbued Frying Pan

[Recipe] Imbued Bagguette

[Recipe] Imbued Sunflowers

[Recipe] Imbued Carrot and Leek

[Recipe] Imbued Kebab and Chicken Leg

[Recipe] Imbued Carving Knife and Rolling Pin

[Recipe] Imbued Ice Cream and Chocolate Banana

[Recipe] Imbued Rose and Tulip

[Recipe] Imbued Cucumbers

[Recipe] Imbued Sausages

[Recipe] Imbued Silver Fork and Spoon

[Recipe] Imbued Ice Creams

[Recipe] Imbued Flowers

[Recipe] Imbued Aubergine

[Recipe] Imbued Hot Dog

[Recipe] Imbued Salt Shaker

[Recipe] Imbued Ice Cream Sundae

[Recipe] Imbued Flower

[Recipe] Imbued Pea Pod

[Recipe] Imbued Fork

[Recipe] Imbued Kitchen Spade

[Recipe] Imbued Lollipop

[Recipe] Imbued Flower

[Recipe] Imbued Garlic

[Recipe] Imbued Knife

[Recipe] Imbued Ladle

[Recipe] Imbued Ice Cream Sundae

[Recipe] Imbued Hydrangea

[Recipe] Imbued Lettuce Leaf

[Recipe] Imbued Pizza

[Recipe] Imbued Cutting Board

[Recipe] Imbued Pie

[Recipe] Imbued Lillypad

*Livid weapons are now tradable, no seals required.

You can check nsDB for all of the updated weapon's stats. Click here to see all the new items in this update.


The WANTED papers for monsters on Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island have had their rewards increased compared to the level 75 papers.

Brand new levelling quests added to Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island, some of them daily.

[Daily] Flying Delicacy

[Daily] Enemy At The Doorstep

[Daily] Cuteness Kills

Path to the South

Path to the North

[Daily] Noisy Birds

The Price of Curiosity

[Daily] Biologist's Revenge

[Daily] Vacation Ruined

[Daily] Twinkle Twinkle Little Starfish

Investigate the Stink

They Do It With Poison

Important Letter

Crab Legs For Starters

Fish Pie

Tastes Like Chicken..Apparently

They Stole My Rum!


Twin-Tailed Mutation

Stolen Lab Tools

Tufty Tails

[Daily] Fried Squid Rings

[Daily] Piran-ha?

Insane Challenges

New daily Challenge quests have been added for the Insane mode dungeons. These need to be completed within 15 minutes.

[Challenge] The Great Escape

[Challenge] Nick of Time

[Challenge] Decomus Redemption

[Challenge] Run, Forest!

Level 85 Chain Quest

The level 85 chain quest will be available soon. The only hint I can give you is: Don't stop working on the level 75 chain if you haven't done it already and don't throw away any of the items from it.

The item rewards are ready and can be seen on nsDB.



Soltice, Subsolar, Equinox.


Imbolc's Needle

Yulian Bonesweeper

Midsummer Bolines

Mabon's Athame

Lugnasadh's Scourge

Samhaine's Stang

Beltane's Besom

Ostarath's Aspis



These new level 85 potions drop from monsters and the Enriched variant can be crafted by alchemists.

Mega HP PotionHP recovers by 3200

Mega MP PotionMP recovers by 3200

Mega HP Regeneration PotionHP recovers by 640 every 3 seconds for 15 seconds

Mega MP Regeneration PotionMP recovers by 640 every 3 seconds for 15 seconds

Enriched Mega HP Regeneration PotionHP recovers by 720 every 3 seconds for 15 seconds

Enriched Mega MP Regeneration PotionMP recovers by 720 every 3 seconds for 15 seconds

Enriched Mega Vitality PotionHP/MP recovers by 3600

Enriched Mega HP PotionHP recovers by 3600

Enriched Mega MP PotionMP recovers by 3600

Battlefield Accessories

Red Skull Cloak

Holy Defender's Cloak of Light

Darcel's Shining Honors Battlefield Ring

Darcel's Shining Honors Battlefield Earring

Darcel's Shining Honors Battlefield Necklace

Darcel's Shining Honors Battlefield Bracelet

Darcel's Shining Honors Battlefield Medal

Darcel's Ancient Battlefield Ring

Darcel's Ancient Battlefield Earring

Darcel's Ancient Battlefield Necklace

Darcel's Ancient Battlefield Bracelet

Darcel's Ancient Battlefield Medal


Cloaks can be found from Lottie in Sandfall Desert town area. These are costume back items.


Feathered Blue Crystal Cloak

Cloak of the Black Cross

Cloak of Bone and Feathers

Devout Cloak

Holy Avenger Cloak

Fleur Di Lis Cloak

Furlined Cloak of the Lion

Cloak of the Golden Cross

Purple Powerstone Cloak

Goldcrest Cloak

Gem Encrusted Cloak

Red Feathered Cloak

Gold Trimmed Red Cloak

Gold Crested Red Cloak

Cloak of the Crusader

Blue Crystal Ribbons

Blue Crystalised Ribbons

Gold Trimmed Red Ribbons

Holy Defender's Ribbons

Peacock Feather Ribbons

Purple Tassles

Red Flame Ribbons

Gold Trimmed Red Ribbons

and from Crystalisk

Crystalisk's Claw

Crystalisk's Claw Ribbons


Pets can be found from the mount vendor in Sandfall Desert town area. These are vanity pets that use up your costume face slot. They give stats like the other costumes.


Blue Batty

Roast Chicken

Creepy Doll


Flying Saucer


Skull Sweeper

Smiley Face


Red Demon

Green Demon

Blue Demon


Similar to pets, balloons use your costume face slot and can be found bought from Lem in Sandfall Desert town area.

Blue Rabbit Balloon

Hatchling Balloon

Chipmunk Balloon

Flying Pig Balloon

Green Icecream Balloon

Heart Balloon

Lion Balloon

White Llama Balloon

Lucky Clover Balloon

Piggy Balloon

Pink Butterfly Balloon

Pink Flower Balloon

Pink and Smiley

Pink Orchid Balloon

Pumpkin Balloon

Snowflake Balloon

Yellow Orchid Balloon


Lots of flags, single and double, can be bought from xxx in Sandfall Desert. These use the costume back slot.


Single Yellow and Blue Flag

Single Golden Flag of the Hare

Single Green Holy Star Flag

Single Pink Flag

Single Purple Flag

Single Black and Red Flag

Single Gold Trimmed Red Flag

Single Red and Black Flag

Single Yellow and Brown Flag

Double Gold and Blue Flags

Double Silver and Blue Flags

Double cyan purple flags

Double red horned flags

Double red and gold flags

Double Red Gem Encrusted Flags

Costume accessories

These can all be purchased from May in Terminus.





Army Supplies Backpack

Blue Rabbit Backpack

Black and White Cat Backpack

Kitten Backpack

Chameleon Backpack

Gold Crucifix

Silver Crucifix

Puppy Backpack

Blue Jetpack

Green Jetpack

Smart Leather Backpack

Samurai Shuriken

Red Rabbit Backpack


Teddy Backpack

Army Walky Talky

Gold Mecha Halo

Blue Mecha Halo

Baby Mush Backpack

Evil Baby Mush Backpack

Siberian Tiger Bag 1

Siberian Tiger Bag 2

Green Butteryfly Wings

Pink Butterfly Wings



Tusk Nose

Cat Whiskers

Cat Mask

Piggy Snout

Elephant Trunk

Tribal Bones

Armor Sets

New armor for level 85 is mostly job restricted with a few exceptions.

Sakun/Tundro: Unique single parts and Epic set parts.


Circus Insane: Unique single parts and Epic set parts.


Temple of Atlantis Hard: Unique single parts and Epic set parts.


Monsters on Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove, Pandahama Island. Circus Insane: Rare single parts.

Mini-bosses on Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island: Unique single parts.



New weapons for level 85 are also mostly job restricted but with a few exceptions.

Sakun/Tundro: Unique and Epic, job restricted.

Temple of Atlantis Hard: Epic, job restricted.

Monsters on Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove, Pandahama Island, Circus Insane: Rare, unrestricted.

Mini-bosses on Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island: Unique, unrestricted.


All of the accessories are unrestricted and usable by all jobs.

Sakun/Tundro: Epic.

Monsters on Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove, Pandahama Island, Circus Insane: Rare.

Mini-bosses on Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island: Unique.

Note: Currently there isn't much variation between these new armor, weapon and accessories, they all have very similar stats but scaling depending on rarity and where they are obtained from. The stats will be looked at again so expect them to change once I get some feedback from the players.

What Else?

So that's the main features, the rest is here with a few bug fixes too.

  • Level cap increased to 85.
  • Armor and Weapon encant cards renamed to Enhancement Cards and changed to work on equipment above level 75.
  • Dungeon Reset cards changed to work above level 75.
  • Skill Reset Potion changed to work above level 75.
  • Experience and gold gained from quests has finally been fixed to x20 as was always intended. Nice of me to fix it just before a level cap increase isn't it :D
  • Added gold drops to new monsters and some old ones that weren't dropping any.
  • WANTED Daily quests for monsters on Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island had their EXP/SXP and rewards increased.
  • Tooltips now display costume set effects properly.
  • Ailment Potion cooldown increased to 30 seconds and now only removes debuffs up to efficiency 10.
  • Medals removed from May.
  • Made more daily quests available above level 50.
  • Battlefield schedule changed. Battle of Altantis every hour on the hour, Deathmatch at 20 past every hour and Flagmatch at 40 past every hour.
  • Monsters on Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island had their levels and damage adjusted.
  • Mini-bosses added to Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island.
  • Enraged Tundro/Sakun added to Sandfall Desert.
  • Pirate Bob added to Pandan Cove.
  • Ore and Herb spawns added to Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island.
  • Icons for Moolah and Scrub's Trophies changed.
  • New icons for the 3rd jobs added, thanks to Happiny for creating them.
  • New icon for the client.
  • Nereus spawn times adjusted. He will spawn in a similar manner to the original Tundro, at one of three times.
  • Christmas removed from Terminus.
  • Lots of changes to the game texts to make a bit more sense since some were confusing.
  • Vortex quest reward mount speed increased to 60%.
  • Terminus Train Depot added giving 1 hour 50% mounts.
  • Gladiator/Berzerker skill Destruction completely changed. It no longer gives armor penetration.
  • Mercenary skill Chilled Tempest completely changed. It no longer gives armor penetration.
  • The mail classes Emergency Cure no longer heals to full.
  • Fixed a lot of item and skill tooltips that were displaying the wrong information.
  • Fixes to assistant skill recipes cooldowns.
  • Most armor and weapons in the game below level 75 have had their item seal requirement removed. This should hopefully boost the economy by allowing you to sell almost everything you find. There are some items such as chain quest, Battlefield items, recent level 75 items that are not tradable at all or still require seals, but not many.
  • Directly running the irisclient.exe will now open the launcher and check for any updates before opening the game. This has been done to minimize the amount of help requests we get from people that have issues because they don't have the latest updates.

Active Game Buffs

400% EXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
400% SXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Reputation Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Battlefield Point Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest EXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest SXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Drop Rate Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Dragon Bonus Damage
Valid until:23-02-2025 00:01
Nighttime Party Bonus
Valid until:23-02-2025 06:01

Upcoming Game Buffs

10% Drop Rate Increase
Starts in 1 hours 5 minutes
23-02-2025 00:01 - 24-02-2025 00:01
10% Elemental Bonus Damage
Starts in 1 day 1 hours 5 minutes
24-02-2025 00:01 - 25-02-2025 00:01
Movement Speed +100
Starts in 2 days 1 hours 5 minutes
25-02-2025 00:01 - 26-02-2025 00:01
10% Beast Bonus Damage
Starts in 3 days 1 hours 5 minutes
26-02-2025 00:01 - 27-02-2025 00:01
10% Boss Bonus Damage
Starts in 4 days 1 hours 5 minutes
27-02-2025 00:01 - 28-02-2025 00:01
10% Construct Bonus Damage
Starts in 5 days 1 hours 5 minutes
28-02-2025 00:01 - 01-03-2025 00:01

Next Events

Crown Holders

Server Rates

Experience x15
Skill Experience x15
Quest Experience x15-25
Quest Skill Experience x15-25
Drops x15
Gold x8
Quest Gold x15-25