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3rd Job Preview: The Vanquisher

The Vanquisher is the pain train and successor to the Berzerker: he can inflict insane amounts of damage in a very short time span.

However, to maintain this high damage he has to carefully plan his attack since many of his new skills have a fairly long cooldown. The Vanquisher's defense is his offense, he doesn't have lots of defensive skills or disables, and those he does have, usually disable himself as well as the enemy.

New Abilities

b2ap3_thumbnail_Frenzied-Edge.pngFrenzied Edge

Expend a large chunk of your own health in exchange for a devastating strike dealing xx% bonus damage with a high chance of a critical strike but stunning you and your target. Generates high threat. (36s cooldown)

Forceful Throw

Hurl your weapon at an enemy, disarming yourself but severely maiming the target, dealing it xx% bonus damage and slowing it down. (30s cooldown)


Challenge a chosen enemy to a duel, pulling them into melee range and compelling both of you to solely battle each other. Whilst duelling you are both Immobilized, Skill Paralyzed, and reject all healing. (2m cooldown)


A demonstration of your overwhelming strength demoralizes nearby targets, purging beneficial buffs from them. (40s cooldown)

Decisive Strike

Despite barbaric behavior, you are actually able to quickly assess the combat situation. Next strikes made in 2s will have double the chance to hit. (60/50s cooldown)


For a short time you perform wide forward-arc strikes, hitting more targets in front of you. (2m cooldown)


Unlocks the inner savagery of your party members, granting them increased Movement Speed and immunizing them from any movement restraints. (2m cooldown)

Relentless Assault

Relentlessly hack away at the enemy, dealing xx% bonus damage whilst briefly pushing yourself to the limit, gaining armor penetration but losing some of your own defenses and speed. (9s cooldown)

Raging Sweep

They are still more likely to just unleash their raging fury in battle, however. In the next 2 seconds, attacks will ignore defenses altogether but have 50% reduced chance to hit. (60/50s cooldown)


Switch your full focus to surviving, gaining increased movement speed and healing 1%/2%/3% HP every 1s for 15s, but being unable to attack. (90s cooldown)


Launch a violent combo-attack, increasing your Attack Speed but completely removing your Damage Absorption. (2m cooldown)


Violently run a target through, causing it to suffer xx% bonus damage whilst ignoring some of it's physical defenses and briefly being unable to escape you. You and the enemy will be immobilized and forced to fight. (60s cooldown)

Ritual of Divinity

Call upon the spirits of the ancestors, imbuing you with immense otherworldy strength, enabling the use of Celestial Slaughter. Whilst under the effect of Divinity you cannot use your other abilities but you will be immune to stuns and immobilization. (This skill lasts 5/7 seconds and has a 3m cooldown)

Celestial Slaughter

With godlike strength you mercilessly execute your enemies, instantly charging them and delivering a destructive strike that deals bonus magic damage whilst ignoring xx% defenses. (This skill is only usable when Ritual of Divinity is active and has no cooldown)

Upgraded Abilities

Comet Strike 2

A skyfall power-strike causes xx bonus damage, further diminishing the enemy's capabilties, reducing their stats.

Beastial Impact 3

A powerful smash slams the enmy for xx% bonus damage with a high chance to crit.

Charge 3

Furiously charge the enemy, dealing xx% bonus damage and staggering it briefly

Shockwave 2

Sends a fissure into the ground that violently bursts dealing xx bonus damage to the enemies, whilst ignoring xx% of physical defenses

Hurricane 2

Brandish your blade in a circle dealing xx% bonus damage to targets around you

Ferocious Roar 2

Let out a primal roar, scaring enemies in range and lowering their defenses

Skill Paralysis 2

A forceful pressure roar strikes fear into nearby targets, scattering them aside and physically disabling them.

Attack Posture 3.

Your savage fury inspires your allies, granting them Physical and Magical Defense Penetration

Important note: Destruction from the Berserker skill tree will be completely changed to a different skill that does not involve armor penetration. As you can see from the new skills below, there are plenty with armor penetration and even some that are similar in a way to Destruction but with a much shorter active time or with some penalty attached such as movement speed reduction.

Also, take note that some skills are giving a % bonus damage instead of a fixed amount. I have not included the actual figures for bonus damage as they will all be tweaked once all classes are finalised.

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Valid until:15-03-2025 00:01

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