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3rd Job Preview: The Templar

Templars are masters of defense, invoking shield buffs on the majority of their attacks, greatly reducing damage taken from single targets.

An essential member of any dungeon party, able to absorb the majority of damage dealt allowing their healer to focus more on keeping the rest of the party healthy and debuffed and a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield with it's improved offensive capabilities, but more importantly, it's ability to rescue it's ally's from dire situations.

Welcome to the first of our 3rd Job Previews. These skills are very likely to be part of the Templar's arsenal but may change before release. The skills still need to be tested with the other new jobs once they are ready for testing and your comments and suggestions will also be taken into account. A massive thank you goes out to Faltorn for coming up with all these new skills for the 3rd jobs, he done a really thorough and amazing job. 

New Physical Abilities

Righteous Strike

Invoke immense divine power to strike your rival down, dealing 140/155/170% physical damage and ignoring 30/40/50% physical defense. (24s cooldown)


Channel your wrath into one mighty strike that deals 135/145/155% physical damage, slowing the target and causing it to take more damage from attacks. (21s cooldown)


Channel dazzling light through your shield, firing a ray that pierces 4/5/6 enemies in a 10x2m radius for 115/130/145% physical damage, blinding them for 2/3/4 seconds and shielding you from the next 3 attacks. (20s cooldown)

Defensive Wall

Covers your party members with a holy shield absorbing 20/30/40k damage and making them immune to criticals for 5 seconds. Whilst in effect, the shield's weight slows you and party members by 40/35/30%. (1m cooldown)


You raise your shield for 3 seconds, protecting yourself from criticals and blocking 8/12/16k damage from the next 3 attacks. (12s cooldown)

Aegis Strike

A fierce shield strike that deals 120/130/140% physical damage and staggers the enemy for 2 seconds and blesses you with a shield that deflects the next 3 attacks over 6 seconds. (15s cooldown)

Holy Protection

Rush to your ally, transferring 8/12/15k of your health to them and shielding them from 1/3/5 attacks of 10/15/25k damage. (40s cooldown)

Divine Intervention

Call upon the gods themselves to intervene, rendering a party member immune to everything for 3/5 seconds but at great cost to yourself - your own health. (3m cooldown).


One's fate is all but unavoidable. Pull the enemy from 10/14m, dealing substantial damage, stunning it briefly and also knocking it from it's mount. (24s cooldown)


Heathens will not escape judgement. Pull 4/6 targets from 10/14m away, dealing substantial damage, stunning them briefly and also knocking them from their mounts. (2m cooldown)


Consecrate the very earth you walk on damaging upto 6 nearby enemies and causing them more damage over time. (20s cooldown)


Transform into (undecided), gaining ranged attacks and offensive abilities for 15 seconds.

Passive abilities include extra range, +2 targets and 15% more physical attack.
Active abilities include:
Retribution - Strike the target and it's surroundings for 130% physical damage. (3s cooldown)
Interdict - Condemn the target, causing 130% physical damage and paralysing it for 3 seconds. (10s cooldown)
Mercy - Invokes heavenly lightning to strike the enemy with the least HP, dealing 225% physical damage and stunning for 2 seconds. (6s cooldown).


Take a giant leap 8m backwards in preparation to rescue your allies.


Upgraded Physical Abilities

Torrent Slash 2, Deviated Crash 3, Armor Destruction 3, Shield Bash 3, Shield Throw 2, Protective Posture 2.

New Magical Abilities

Holy Word skills are magical abilities that require Magic Attack, rather than the classic Physical Attack used by it's previous job, the Knight. These skills are particularly useful on targets with high physical defenses, and of course, in PvP. Virtue should always be active when these skills are used to make them effective.


Recite a prayer, blessing your self with Holy Might granting xx/xx/xx/xx magic attack and xx/xx/xx/xx% magic hit for 10 seconds. (20s cooldown)

Holy Word: Exorcism

Powerful holy magic attempts to expel the target's soul from it's body, rooting it to the ground for 1/2/3 seconds whilst dealing 150% magic damage and purging 1 Physical and 1 Magical buff. Generates a high amount of threat. (1m cooldown)

Holy Word: Condemn

Curse the target causing 60/70/80/90% magical damage and -700/800/900/1000 every second for 4 seconds. Also reduces casting speed by 30/37/44/50% and reduces healing by 20/30/40/50%. Generates a high amount of threat. (1m cooldown)

Holy Word: Smite

Smite the enemy with holy magic causing 110/115/120/125/130% magical damage and placing a seal for 3 seconds. Whilst the seal is active the target will take an additional 5/10/15/20/25% damage from the next attack by you or an ally. (6s cooldown)

Holy Word: Restore

Envelops an ally in holy magic, recovering their HP by 4/6/8% HP and MP by 10/12/15% every second for 5 seconds. This effect breaks when hit. (1m cooldown)

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Valid until:15-03-2025 00:01

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