We thought you guys deserved some new toys so we are currently preparing an update. So far we have created 12 new costume sets but with a twist!
These brand new costumes are 5 part, just like armor, so that's Head, Chest, Legs, Hands and Feet. Each has 1 card slot (3 x AB and 2 x O type) with the possibility to add 1 more with a Card Expansion Scroll, giving you a possible 10 card slots in total (8 x AB and 2 x O type).
Seeing as there are 5 parts we thought why not give you 5 set bonuses too, so yes, you get a bonus once you equip 2 parts, then another with 3, another with 4, and a few more with 5!
Oh and one more thing. As these are job-type specific, we were able to target the stats. Until now with costumes we had to give generic stats that suited everyone. They still have the usual +Stats, and +HP but now also have things like +Healing, +Resist, +Evasion.
So the all important question. How do they look? [widgetkit id=59]
Two new titles (with the obligatory wings of course). See above.
Several mounts moved from the Tears vendor to the gold vendor to spend your ever increasing gold reserves on.
IV Wearing cards moved from the Moolah vendor to the Tears vendor.
Updates to some job's skills (see the forum post in the updates section).
Experience | x15 |
Skill Experience | x15 |
Quest Experience | x15-25 |
Quest Skill Experience | x15-25 |
Drops | x15 |
Gold | x8 |
Quest Gold | x15-25 |