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New Cooking & Alchemy Recipes

Upgraded and brand new Cooking and Alchemy recipes are now available to buy from Elsa Walker in Terminus and to hunt from monsters.

New Cooking Recipes


These new recipes can be purchased for x100 Coin from Elsa Walker in Terminus. The ingredients drop from monsters in Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island.

[Recipe] Shiny Scalpel [Wisdom] +70
[Recipe] Fox Chops [Agility] +70
[Recipe] Choppa Stew [Strength] +70
[Recipe] Mirage Soup [Intellect] +70
[Recipe] Seafood Risotto [All Stats] +100
[Recipe] Crunchy Mystery Meat ([Size] -30% \n[All Defense] +1000
[Recipe] Dark Wolf Steak [Size] -30% \n[HP] +1500
[Recipe] Calamari [Magic Attack] +100
[Recipe] Primate Vitamin Shake ([Physical Evasion] +100
[Recipe] Fuzzy Rations [Physical Attack] +100
[Recipe] Undead Protein Shake [Magic Evasion] +100
[Recipe] Fancy Bandages [Healing] +150

These rare untradable recipes drop from monsters in Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island.

[Recipe] Embroidered Bandages [Healing] +200 [Attack Speed] 3%
[Recipe] Haunted Seafood Risotto [All Stats] +120
[Recipe] Blackened Mystery Crisps [Size] -30% [All Defense] +1500
[Recipe] Wolf Tenderloin [Size] -30% [HP] +2000
[Recipe] Beer Battered Calamari [Magic Attack] +200
[Recipe] Slow Cooked Bear-Balls Stew [Physical Attack] +200


These tradable recipes and their ingredients drop from monsters in Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove and Pandahama Island.

[Recipe] Super Defense Potion +1200 Armor for 30 minutes
[Recipe] Super Agility Potion +150 Speed for 30 seconds
[Recipe] Super Attention Potion +150 Range, +80 All Hit for 30 minutes
[Recipe] Super Benediction Potion +1000 Max HP for 30 minutes
[Recipe] Super Faith Potion +1000 Max MP for 30 minutes
[Recipe] Super Will Potion Movement Speed Reduction Immunity for 15 seconds
[Recipe] Super Giant Potion Size +20%, +10% All Damage for 30 minutes
[Recipe] Super Protection Potion +10% Damage Absorb, 5% Healing Received for 30 minutes
[Recipe] Super Ninja Potion +300 Physical Evasion for 30 minutes
[Recipe] Super Shinigami Potion +300 Magic Evasion for 30 minutes

Active Game Buffs

400% EXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
400% SXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Reputation Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Battlefield Point Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest EXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest SXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Drop Rate Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Dragon Bonus Damage
Valid until:23-02-2025 00:01

Upcoming Game Buffs

10% Drop Rate Increase
Starts in 7 hours 56 minutes
23-02-2025 00:01 - 24-02-2025 00:01
10% Elemental Bonus Damage
Starts in 1 day 7 hours 56 minutes
24-02-2025 00:01 - 25-02-2025 00:01
Movement Speed +100
Starts in 2 days 7 hours 56 minutes
25-02-2025 00:01 - 26-02-2025 00:01
10% Beast Bonus Damage
Starts in 3 days 7 hours 56 minutes
26-02-2025 00:01 - 27-02-2025 00:01
10% Boss Bonus Damage
Starts in 4 days 7 hours 56 minutes
27-02-2025 00:01 - 28-02-2025 00:01
10% Construct Bonus Damage
Starts in 5 days 7 hours 56 minutes
28-02-2025 00:01 - 01-03-2025 00:01

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Crown Holders

Server Rates

Experience x15
Skill Experience x15
Quest Experience x15-25
Quest Skill Experience x15-25
Drops x15
Gold x8
Quest Gold x15-25