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Welcome to NoScrubs Iris Online,
a Free-to-Play 3D Fantasy MMORPG
where you get to explore the
anime inspired world of Arcana!


Halloween Events

It's almost Halloween and the Terminus residents have been busy decorating the town center ready for the festivities. Denubu the Halloween Ghost will have quests and goodies for everyone.


New Terminus

Our beloved Terminus, the hub of everyone's adventure in Arcana has grown in size and been given a complete makeover.


Guard Snow Mountain

Introducing Guard Snow Mountain, a stage and mission based dungeon where players must protect Snow Mountain from the onslaught of the invading Dwarven Clan army.


New Cooking & Alchemy Recipes

Upgraded and brand new Cooking and Alchemy recipes are now available to buy from Elsa Walker in Terminus and to hunt from monsters.


Mighty Trophy Armors

New armor sets for fresh level 85 players have been added to Trader-85+ in Terminus and are available to buy with Scrub's Mighty Trophies.


Recent Patchnotes

VALENTINES It's almost Valentines Day and Alfredo is back in town. Speak to Alfredo in Te...
1 week ago 0 137
CHRISTMAS SEASON New Mantle Schematics Two new mantle schematics are now availab...
2 months ago 0 379
The server will be offline shortly for a maintenance and update. SEASONAL EVENT: HALLO...
4 months ago 2 449

Active Game Buffs

400% EXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
400% SXP increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Reputation Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Battlefield Point Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest EXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Quest SXP Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
100% Drop Rate Increase
Valid until:27-02-2025 23:59
10% Dragon Bonus Damage
Valid until:23-02-2025 00:01

Upcoming Game Buffs

10% Drop Rate Increase
Starts in 16 hours 28 minutes
23-02-2025 00:01 - 24-02-2025 00:01
10% Elemental Bonus Damage
Starts in 1 day 16 hours 28 minutes
24-02-2025 00:01 - 25-02-2025 00:01
Movement Speed +100
Starts in 2 days 16 hours 28 minutes
25-02-2025 00:01 - 26-02-2025 00:01
10% Beast Bonus Damage
Starts in 3 days 16 hours 28 minutes
26-02-2025 00:01 - 27-02-2025 00:01
10% Boss Bonus Damage
Starts in 4 days 16 hours 28 minutes
27-02-2025 00:01 - 28-02-2025 00:01
10% Construct Bonus Damage
Starts in 5 days 16 hours 28 minutes
28-02-2025 00:01 - 01-03-2025 00:01

Next Events

Crown Holders

Server Rates

Experience x15
Skill Experience x15
Quest Experience x15-25
Quest Skill Experience x15-25
Drops x15
Gold x8
Quest Gold x15-25