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Xertini Xertini
posted on Wednesday, May 15 2013, 11:46 PM in General Chat
The other thread is sorta laggy so i will post the chapters here on this thread. If have suggestions please post on the following thread link instead of this please.

Also please do tell me that if you do not like the way your character is in the story let me know in a message, do not attack me. This is just for fun. Still looking for more volunteers before i start victimizing people for it.

Responses (43)
  • Accepted Answer

    Yoshi Yoshi
    replied on Thursday, May 16 2013, 07:24 PM #Permalink
    It's so good *-*
    Thank-you for this awesome read, can't wait for the next chapter \o/
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Sunday, June 30 2013, 04:07 AM #Permalink

    Aenji crashed into the ground with another griffon. They pecked at each other, leaving gashes oozing. Not too far away sparks were flying as AsianRider fought with alphanumeric. Daggers clashed against each other and missed the targets. Both men were on even grounds and fighting so fast their hands were blurry. Blades made shrieks as they scrapped metal. Alphanumeric pushed foreward, making AsianRider fall backwards. AsianRider rolled to the right as alphanumeric’s blades sank into the blood soaked earth. AsianRider used his foot and pulled alphanumeric off his feet. AsianRider immediately held his dagger near alphanumeric’s throat but cried out as the Wind Walker stabbed his leg. Alphanumeric slammed his foot into AsianRider’s stomach, sending him a few feet away. Both men got up huffing, then lunged at each other, blood laced daggers raised.

    xMori and OnlyYours circled the medics tent. Paperheart sat inside and healed soldiers as they were brought to her, her hands stained red. Suddenly two soldiers burst in supporting an individual who was covered in scars. One soldier, named Dap, spoke
    “We found him trying to help us on the battlefield but these scars are preventing him to do much. Please treat him.”
    Paperheart nodded then approached the individual and felt her heart break in two as she recognized them.
    The elf looked up and grinned at her. His teeth were stained red as he said
    “Hello love.”
    She pulled him into a fierce hug, shocked he was still alive. She wanted to hold onto him like that forever but knew she had to heal then move on. Many people were relying on her now.

    AsianRider leaned heavily against Aenji. The griffon had broken his wing in the battle, but had managed to kill the other griffon barely. AsianRider now stared at the defeated alphanumeric who was swearing and cursing him to terrible deaths. AsianRider winced as he tried to move his broken leg. Aenji chirped at him when they saw alphanumeric’s pet saber tooth. It charged at them, Aenji moving in front of AsianRider. AsianRider yelled for Aenji to run but the griffon stayed put. The saber tooth lunged but was immediately attacked. A white unicorn was reared up, swinging his front hooves. The horse stomped at the saber tooth and the cat tried to snap at its knee joints. Immediately the unicorn ran forward, trampling the cat. The saber tooth lay motionless as the unicorn shrieked of its victory, rearing up once again. RayDarkwolf appeared by AsianRider saying
    “Unicorns are feisty aren’t they?”
    “I suppose.”
    “Can you walk?”
    “Give me your arm. I’ll help you onto my pet and he’ll take you to the medic tent.”
    Aenji quibbled at this and RayDarkwolf sighed.
    “I’ll walk with you both back to the tent. I just hope that tiger and the idiot know what they’re doing.”


    The children continued to throw pebbles at ten year old Kaiyumie and nine year old Xertini. Kaiyumie shielded her sister from many of the pebbles. One kid grabbed Kaiyumie by the hair and screamed in her face.
    Xertini’s fist connected with his nose and she shattered it. Wind swirled around her hands as she approached the bullies. She created a cyclone around them, preventing air from reaching their lungs. As they gagged on their hands and knees, Xertini just watched them coldly. Kaiyumie hugged her sister from behind tightly saying
    “Its ok Xerti. They wont hurt us anymore. Please let them go.”
    Xertini looked at her sister, purple eyes flecked with storm cloud grey. She stared back into the identical purple eyes of Kaiyumie. Kaiyumie’s violet hair was messed up from the attack but she had no other visible maims. Xertini cut the spell and the children ran away, coughing and screaming monster.
    “Kaiyu, am I a monster?”
    Xertini hugged her sister then picked up a tiny knife. She cut her hand a little then cut her sisters. They held the cuts to each other and Xertini said
    “Let this be a binding spell. Even if we hate each other later on let this bond prove our sisterly love.”
    Kaiyumie smiled brightly and nodded. They held each other’s hands as they went back to their little home behind Archemi’s.

    Xertini winced as she sat up, not remembering what had happened. Then she saw Aquarius standing before her, grinning like a maniac. ‘Kaiyumie!’ Xertini looked to her left and saw her sister on her side convulsing. She tried to rush to her but Aquarius kicked her in the face. Xertini rolled three times before getting back to her feet. Xertini created a symbol in the air and she said
    “xMori forbade me to use this spell but I’m going to kick your ass one way or another.”
    Clouds darkened above them, lightning shooting down followed by heavy rain. Aquarius looked up laughing
    “A storm? HAHA! A lousy storm is supposed to defeat me?!”
    Winds picked up and swirled, becoming so cold the twisting wind become white. Aquarius suddenly realized he was stunned and could only watch as the lightning struck him. Xertini heaved for air, the spell draining much of her energy. Aquarius stumbled to his feet, bleeding furiously. He lifted his staff growling
    “I will not lose to some brat!”
    Xertini grinned as she said
    “I’m no brat. My name is Xertini and I will end your reign of terror.”

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    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Sunday, June 30 2013, 07:31 AM #Permalink
    Kage rested with the rest of the soldiers. They had gotten MiSHART, the commander of the warriors, to order them to stand down. Paperheart looked weary and healed his many cuts. Everyone was watching the great storm around Yggdrasil. Kage looked at the rest saying
    “Ten minutes then I’m going up there.”
    xMori nodded in agreement, rising to his feet.
    “I’ve come this far. Time to end this and make sure my pupil doesn’t do anything else stupid.”
    “I just want to see Aquarius brought to justice.”
    Kage continued watching the storm, a nasty feeling tearing him up.

    Ulric and Feralas fell dead at Xertini’s feet. She was leaning heavily on her staff, panting as she glared holes at Aquarius. He too was huffing, still bleeding badly from the Eye of The Storm attack. Bite was fighting with another tiger that Aquarius had created. Suddenly Aquarius spoke but it didn’t sound anything like him, the voice sounding watered down
    “I’ve waited so long to find this Temple and destroy the gods!”
    Xertini readied herself. Aquarius collapsed onto the ground as a large blue form was created. He grabbed Xertini into his great hand and she struggled to get out.
    “YOU keeping getting in my way!”
    “Who the hell are you?”
    “I am Nereus, Ruler of Atlantis. I quested for all the Gods Powers so that I may rule this pitiful world into something grander.”
    Xertini continued to struggle and looked at Kaiyumie. She was still convulsing and Nereus followed her gaze. He said in his deep voice
    “I wonder what would happen if I squashed her.”
    He extended his hand out to Kaiyumie but found it stopped. He glanced back at Xertini, seeing her eyes flashing different colors as she used air to hold back his hand.
    “So you had it after all. Now I really don’t need your sister.”
    Nereus’ hand exploded into flames and he let go, howling. Xertini dropped and ran to stand in front of her sister. Xertini suddenly knew what she had to do. Nereus was pure evil and she had to banish him. Xertini closed her eyes and asked herself, the self-containing the Pure Heart, for a favor. ‘Give me the power to eradicate this evil.’ She opened her eyes to Nereus’ hands raised, murder in his eyes. A large white rose appeared in Xertini’s hands. White vines shot forward and stabbed Nereus. The water being opened his mouth and whispered
    “I shall come…back again…”
    With that he burst into millions of water droplets. The white rose floated into the sky and vanished. Xertini felt Bite push her gently with his nose.
    “Whats wrong Bite?”
    The tiger turned his torn up and bloodied head to Kaiyumie. Xertini ran over to her and kneeled next to her.

    Kage and the rest finally approached the tree and saw Aquarius out cold. Then they heard her.
    “Kaiyu! Listen to me! Come on Sissy please oh god please say something!”
    Kaiyumie had streams of blood from her mouth, eyes, and nose. Xertini was crying, holding her sisters hand in hers. Kaiyumie tried to say something but only more blood came up. Xertini took in a shuttering breath and babbled to Kaiyumie. Kaiyumie swallowed then slowly raised her hand to Xertini’s head. She touched her cheek and whispered, barely audible
    “I…love you…..Xerti. Promise…you won’t….forget me.”
    “I won’t! Please Kaiyu don’t talk like this please! You’re going to be fine! KAIYU!”
    Kaiyumie kept smiling and patting Xertini’s cheek. xMori turned away, tears rolling down his face like rivers. Kaiyumie took one last shuttering breath. The light faded from her eyes and her hand dropped. Xertini let go of her hand and grabbed her shoulders
    Xertini buried her face into her sisters’ chest, wailing so loudly her voice became hoarse. She lifted her head, covered in her sisters’ blood, and screamed towards the heavens. Suddenly Kaiyumie’s body began to glow and crystal flowed over skin. Xertini watched this with silent tears then turned on Galadriel.
    “Kaiyumie is the Prophet of Air. Her body is now immortal. The Gods have informed me to move her inside the Temple.”
    Kage pulled Xertini into a hug and she punched him over and over in the chest area. She collapsed to her knees wailing once again as Galadriel took her sisters’ body inside the temple. Paperheart and HellMary were also on their knee’s crying. Xertini clutched her sisters’ necklace in her hand so fiercely it sliced into her.

    Two Months Later

    “You sure you’re going to be fine?”
    “Yes Dad I will be. Make sure to watch Mom well and that xMori doesn’t fall asleep when teaching new recruits.”
    HellMary nodded and looked at his sole surviving daughter. She was sitting on Bite, bags hanging from his saddle.
    “So you’re serious about reviving her?”
    “There was a spell long ago that could revive the dead. I plan to find it and bring her back Dad. I’ll be fine, really.”
    Xertini smirked, dark circles surrounding her eyes. Bite strolled off towards the Terminus gates and Xertini thought back to all that had happened. RayDarkwolf was back working as the Head Scholar. AsianRider was now part of the War Council, as leader of scouting missions. xMori was now teaching many students control in memory of his wife. Paperheart was Sorrow’s apprentice as was Ur. Aquarius, MiSHART, and alphanumeric were still recovering from their possessions. Kage…..he was just lazy and kept popping in wherever Xertini was. Almost like thinking of him was a spell, Kage stepped out into her path and said
    “Welcome to the journey to Hell. I hope you like the heat, Xertini.”
    “I hope you know what you’re getting into.”
    “Oh, I have a rough idea. Think I can handle it.”
    Xertini grinned and said
    “We’ll see.”


    If anyone is wanting the final draft of part one you can send me a Message on Site. Part Two will be soon but first my brain and fingers need a little break~ i shall by uploading Part Two sometime in August.

    Thanks to all who volunteered/supported me through Part One!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Monday, August 26 2013, 04:25 AM #Permalink

    Xertini hid behind a pillar as guards walked by. She crept silently in the halls of the castle. There was noise coming from a large room to her right. She peeked inside and saw xMori standing on a platform, surrounded by forty swordsmen.
    “Ready your blades men. End him!”
    They rushed forward and Xertini blew a way between the men. xMori created a pillar of fire and it melted the ground in front of Xertini. She rolled to the right and cast two cyclones of air. The cyclones hit the fire and distinguished it easily. He cast yet another spell and it burnt Xertini a little. Xertini didn’t register the pain as she created a giant wave of air. It blew away all of xMori’s attack’s, leaving him vulnerable. The swordsmen saw their chance and lunged for the kill. Xertini turned on them and trapped them all behind a meteor cage. xMori aimed a punch at her head, Xertini narrowly avoiding it. She knocked both of his arms away and hugged him as tightly as she could. She activated a cyclone spell, as a shield in case of more guards. xMori looked down at her, malice in his eyes. Xertini stared into his eyes and said
    “Snap out of it stupid!”

    xMori pulled two more books and plopped them down in front of Xertini. The young elf whined at the site of them. xMori smiled to himself when she asked a question
    “Why is control so needed?”
    “If magic as untamed as yours isn’t controlled it could do enormous amounts of damage.”
    “Speaking from experience?”
    “Sadly yes.”
    xMori froze as Xertini stood up and hugged him. She looked at him as she said
    “Stop blaming yourself. You have everyone here to rely on.”
    “Aren’t you afraid of what Kage would think if he saw this hm?”
    Xertini broke out in a blush as she stammered
    “Th..that idiot knows we’re just friends! Besides I hate him anyways and don’t care what he thinks!”
    Xertini strolled back to her seat, completely flustered. xMori chuckled to himself as Xertini said one more thing
    “You’re like a brother to me xMori. I’ll always be there for you so don’t carry burdens alone OK?”

    Xertini pushed xMori out of the way of the swordsmen’s blade as it tore through her cyclone. The blade sailed just inches above Xertini’s head. Xertini grabbed xMori’s sleeve and yanked him behind her as she knocked people out of her way. Prince Shilly and his bodyguard Braden Carters stood in front of the doors to the north. Behind them stood RayDarkwolf, watching the Sorcerers like they were experiments. Xertini looked back and forth at the two opposing sides. The Prince says in his childish voice
    “Both of you have been deemed dangerous. Surrender now.”
    Xertini crouched ready for an attack. xMori saw flashes of Felina cross his mind and how she had defended him to her death. It wouldn’t happen to his friend. Another side of xMori wanted to kill her. RayDarkwolf suddenly spoke
    “Your Majesty, I would like to examine xMori before you drag him off to ja….”
    An explosion sounded from the castle gates. Nereus walked in, a black icky substance surrounding Kaiyumie’s body. xMori stood in front of Xertini as he said loudly
    “You’re not Kaiyumie.”
    “Oh my possessed pet seems to have gotten free of my spell. Congratulations xMori, though know I’ll have to destroy your mind like that fool Templars.”
    Xertini gritted her teeth and bolted at Nereus, grabbing two fallen swords upon the ground.
    She sliced through the black tree’s that Nereus summoned, hatred in her heart. Nereus chuckled at the sight of this. Prince Shilly swallowed hard as he mumbled
    “So Nereus is back?”
    Ray Darkwolf continued watching the two elves fight as he replied
    “Yes and he seems to have developed quite a hateful plan on the rebirth. Possessing the body of a dead person, creating the Black Magic virus, and most of all attacking the former host of the Pure Heart.”
    “Not former.”
    “What xMori? Has to be! The Pure Heart is inside of Kaiyumie’s form right now!”
    “Xertini only managed to expel Thirty percent of its power. She still has seventy percent. Im guessing the thirty percent found a new host and Nereus possessed them, acquiring that power.”
    “So you’re saying he’s trying to possess Xertini now for the rest? How sick.”
    Xertini flew into a wall, landing hard. She glared holes into the giant monster Nereus had summoned. It was a large tree monster with about eight arms. Nereus grinned madly, deciding to antagonize her further.
    “If you weren’t so weak maybe Kage would have been saved from the mental torture I put him through.”
    Xertini turned a full circle and xMori tried to run to her but Ray Darkwolf held him back. Screams and maniacal laughter filled both men’s ears as they remembered what this spell did to Felina. Xertini held one hand up into the air as she said its name
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ur Ur
    replied on Sunday, June 30 2013, 07:46 AM #Permalink
    I love it. im so evil and i love ittttt
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ur Ur
    replied on Sunday, June 30 2013, 07:49 AM #Permalink
    and now im getting beaten up by nikkeehh so mean nikkeh so mean D:
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    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Sunday, June 30 2013, 07:51 AM #Permalink
    Lol if any consolation you beat her up pretty bad too but those details are being added into the final draft~
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, July 31 2013, 06:53 PM #Permalink

    “Gods where is she? They should have been back an hour ago. I hope nothing happened to them.”
    “Relax paper, they are fine.”
    Ur watched paperheart pace back and forth in front of the door as she had been for the past two hours. YoshiLove had popped in to tell them Xertini had been attacked and required help. Of course Kage and paperheart immediately wanted to go but Sorrow had sent Aquarius and MiSHART instead. Ur could see the distrust in Kage and paperhearts eyes. She could understand after all, they had tried to kill Xertini many times. But now even Ur was getting worried. A plume of smoke appeared, Aquarius and MiSHART stepping out of it. paperheart rushed to them and demanded
    “Where’s my daughter?”
    “We went but she’s gone. They had been there though, because we found this.”
    Aquarius lifted up a head dress. It was made of blue sea shells and pearls. The toy fins attached to either side were stained at the tips with red. Paperheart snatched the head dress from Aquarius and muttered to herself
    “Xertini never leaves anything her sister had given her.”
    Sorrow pondered on this, wondering what this could mean.

    Kaiyumie stumbled after Xertini; curious as to whom and where Xertini was being taken to. Once again YoshiLove popped out of nowhere, scaring Kaiyumie when he spoke suddenly
    “You are very clumsy for a spirit.”
    “Gods, would you give me a warning next time? You scared me to death.”
    “You’re already dead somewhat so I can’t see how that’s…OW!”
    Kaiyumie had thrown her slipper at him, the shoe hitting him square in the face. He cradled his nose and continued on
    “I don’t know what you expect to do as a spirit besides stalking your sister. I suggest both of us..”
    “I’m not leaving her.”
    “You need to.”
    “Why are you the only one who can see me?”
    “I’m a Summoner of Darkness. Darcel and I can see spirits of those who are trapped, like you, and those of the dead.”
    Kaiyumie continued to follow the kidnapper. Bite was following, his mouth tied with a rope. They approached a tent finally and a giant black griffon popped its head out. It chirped at the kidnapper happily, crawling out of the tent. A voice sounded inside
    “Bloody chicken. Aenji shut up before I cook you.”
    YoshiLove began to laugh a little as he recognized who it was and the look of annoyance on Kaiyumie’s face. She scowled at him and removed her other shoe, raising it to beat him with. He cleared his throat and explained
    “They aren’t bad guys. They’re people who helped your sister.”
    AsianRider put Xertini gently down inside the tent alongside a wall. Bite immediately plopped down in front of her and growled at them. AsianRider turned to his companion named Ruffian. She was annoyed with the two newcomers. Her cat ears twitched as she said
    “Hey who’s that?”
    “This is Xertini. She is the one who banished Nereus.”
    “You expect me to believe that this..”
    Ruffian reached for Xertini’s left arm and Bite swiped at her. His claws scratched her arm and Ruffian yelped.
    “Attack me you filthy beast.”
    Ruffian reached for her daggers but AsianRider grabbed them from her.
    “The tiger is good but it doesn’t trust us. I will bandage her head and you will continue your research about the rising undead here.”
    Kaiyumie noticed a curious piece of paper on a pile behind Ruffian as the hybrid grumbled and left outside. On the top page it showed a picture of xMori. Puzzled, Kaiyumie read on further. Under his picture it said ‘deemed dangerous, restrain or kill on sight. Wanted for destroying part of the Terminus Gypsy Market.”
    Kaiyumie felt her eyes widen and she raised a hand to her face. She wondered on why he was doing this. She asked YoshiLove to take her to see xMori real fast, wanting to get to the bottom of his mysterious change. They both vanished and Bite blinked twice, the cat seeing the smoke.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, July 31 2013, 07:26 PM #Permalink

    “Xerti that’s dangerous!”
    Twelve year old Xertini was playing with two magical objects. They were blue broken sword blades. Kaiyumie pointed a finger at her saying
    “Put them down! You could hurt someone with them!”
    Xertini ignored her and made the blades circle faster, humming as they became stuck inside a wall. Footsteps sounded and the kids were back with their parents. The parents started to yell at Kaiyumie and Xertini
    “Attacking innocent children!”
    “What kind of monsters are you!”
    Kaiyumie covered Xertini’s ears with her hands so her little sister wouldn’t hear their hateful comments. Xertini looked into her sisters face and saw her crying. She looked back at the parents and jeering kids and became furious. The blades melted and the hot metal was thrown at the group. They all screamed, parents getting in the way of their children to block the attack. Kaiyumie threw out a spell, a large pillar of light blocking the attack. The group ran away and Xertini stared after them with cold eyes. The liquid metal came back suddenly and circled around Kaiyumie’s left arm. She waited to be burnt but instead the metal cooled and laid snugly against her skin. It had formed into twin blue waves crashing against each other. Kaiyumie looked back at her sister who was smiling like a clueless fool. That careless smile scared her the most.

    “My sister and I will be in Nightfall Shelter soon. Once we get there, I will pretend to attack you and you guys will take her. Please help her get rid of that power.”
    “Don’t worry we will.”
    Kaiyumie closed the channel and let the next person in line use it. She looked at Xertini from around a corner, studying her. Xertini was evaluating the crowd with her purple eyes. The wind blew, gently raising her hair and the fake fins in it. She was leaned against a wall, one foot placed flat against it and her arms crossed. She bore an icy look on her face until she saw Kaiyumie. She stepped away from the wall and genuinely smiled, one that came from the depths of her soul. That smile always stabbed into Kaiyumie’s heart, especially now that she was arranging for her own beloved sister to be kidnapped. ‘I’m doing this because I love you. I don’t want you to hurt anyone anymore or accidently hurt us.’ She took her sisters hand and they walked back to the Tatakai house, talking about how strict xMori was and how weirdly paperheart looked at them.

    Kaiyumie opened her eyes and saw they had appeared outside a burnt up building. YoshiLove pointed at a form inside, the both of them slowly approaching the window. Inside was xMori, torturing a monster. The bear roared in agony as xMori burnt away his foot. Kaiyumie looked at xMori’s eyes and saw the red circles around them. He was grinning madly, enjoying the pain the monster was enduring. Kaiyumie felt sick to her stomach and quietly asked YoshiLove
    “What’s going to happen to xMori?”
    YoshiLove looked away as he replied slowly
    “Xertini is going to kill him. It’s the only way to save him now”
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    Plumeria Plumeria
    replied on Thursday, August 01 2013, 12:26 AM #Permalink
    Nuh, not Mori, nuh, no T_T
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, July 24 2013, 06:04 AM #Permalink
    Ok so Part Two was burning holes in my computer. Here's Chapter One.



    Xertini stood on top of the sand dune, wind blowing her blonde hair back. She squints, looking for the building she required. She spotted it in the distance and grinned. She slid off the sand dune and onto Bite the tigers back. The tiger padded up to the building and stopped, sniffing around. Desert foxes popped up from nowhere, growling at them. Xertini whistled and Bite shot through the door. Xertini slammed the door shut behind her, letting out a large breath. She turned around to stacks of spell books covered in dust. She cracked her fingers and reached for the first book.

    Paperheart stared out her window inside the lighthouse she resided in. Watching the beach always calmed her. She went down stairs to see Ur tending to her wounded friends. They had recovered from their possessions but they randomly attacked things and one another now. Paperheart went to her own patient and frowned at him. Kage was trying to get onto his broken ankle again and she pushed him back down. Paperheart wrung out a cloth and applied it to Kage’s foot. He grumbled
    “I’m fine.”
    “If you’re fine then why are you here?”
    “Xertini became a ninja and dropped me here.”
    “Meaning, when you broke your ankle here while visiting was Xertini’s fault?”
    “My memory is vague on how I broke my ankle.”
    “You stole Bite’s snack and the cat slammed into you, knocking you off the wall.”
    “Cats face was worth it.”
    “Yes you got left behind and I have to watch you ‘til your leg heals.”
    She applied pressure to his leg and Kage winced. He glanced at Ur and the others, whispering
    “Are they ok?”
    “Yes but they’ve been having these..fits..of attacking each other.”
    Aquarius became aware of their whispers and narrowed his eyes at them. They looked away then spoke freely and happily about friends.
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    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Saturday, May 18 2013, 04:15 AM #Permalink
    i love it....good story coming along and great work...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Saturday, June 22 2013, 07:33 PM #Permalink

    OnlyYours hissed as she returned to her feet.
    “That little punk! She can go on her own after her sister and die from her own stupidity when the power goes berserk!”
    Paperheart screamed at OnlyYours at the top of her lungs
    “SHUT UP! What if you thought you were only doing this for your sister then suddenly get told you have some ancient magic that could possibly kill everyone! All you want is revenge!”
    “You’re one to talk since you abandoned her!”
    “I had my reasons! Now I plan to find my daughter and reconcile with her hopefully.”
    Paperheart ran off in the same direction Xertini had and OnlyYours scoffed. She hated how everything revolved around Xertini. She looked back at the others and saw Kage had vanished. xMori shook his head and quietly said
    “You may find her annoying and all of this stupid but it’s no longer about revenge and saving a sister. This is about saving this world.”
    “I know, just wish that the power went to someone who deserved them and would use them wisely.”
    YoshiLove chuckled softly
    “The Pure Heart isn’t given to someone who is ready for it, wanting it, or knows of it. It goes to someone it thinks is worthy. Best you guys not bicker anymore, for the hardest part in your adventure is about to come.”

    Ur and alphanumeric walked down the broken path towards the Atlantian Temple. Aquarius sat on the top step waiting for them with his assistant. They stopped at the bottom and waited. Finally Aquarius said, malice etched into his smile
    “We found it. The Temple of Arcana. We passed by it every day and never even thought twice!”
    Ur asked
    “Where was it?”
    “It’s inside Yggdrasil, the world tree, the one in Colossus Shadowfields. Now, Ur, I need you to meet with Darcel. He has a beautiful plan set up for that nasty group that keeps disrupting my plans.”
    “What will I help with?”
    “Keep the other sister alive. Kill the rest. We will need the other one if this one proves not to be the Pure Heart. Alphanumeric, go round up our guest and this time don’t get injured.”
    Alphanumeric nodded and walked up into the Temple. Ur looked at the cell window and saw Kaiyumie kick it out. Kaiyumie jumped down, casting a spell that absorbed damage. She slammed into the ground but quickly got to her feet. Ur tossed a stun at Kaiyumie, watching the elf collapse. Kaiyumie gave Ur a cold glare and Ur grinned. She couldn’t wait for this to be over and she could just kill this bothersome pest. Alphanumeric came back out and grabbed the elf saying
    “Come on Jackie Chan.”
    Kaiyumie yelled at him but he ignored her. He went to Aquarius and waited to be ported. Aquarius told Ur
    “Wait in Spirits Shelter for Darcel. Right now he’s probably rounding them up.”
    Ur told them she would rejoin them soon then she opened her own scroll to Spirits Shelter. She couldn’t wait for the agony of those ruining her dream.


    Xertini sat on a cliff that hung over a lake. She stared glumly at the water before her trying to cheer up. The reflection before her was confusing now. Weeks ago she had been happy and oblivious to what a hid beneath her skin. She spoke to the reflection
    “Am I a monster? Why does everyone I know come into the path of being injured?”
    “They still follow you though don’t they?”
    Xertini looked behind her, seeing paperheart and Kage. She frowned then turned forward. They sat beside her in silence. No one spoke for nearly half an hour. Finally Xertini said
    “What do you two want?”
    “Im studying the fish.”
    “Kage, there are no fish.”
    “Invisible fish.”
    Xertini turned to Kage, an incredulous look on her face. Paperheart laughed a bit then pulled Xertini into a hug. Xertini’s face flushed a little and she stammered
    “Wh-what the hell are you doing?”
    “We never wanted to get rid of you two. HellMary and I knew that our homes would be ransacked next by Aquarius. Hell asked me to get you two out and into safety. So I took you and Kaiyumie to a secret spot in the Gypsy Market and left you both necklaces that would hide you until adulthood. I returned home to a disaster. Alphanumeric had stabbed your father over and over. Aquarius kept asking me where you two were but I wouldn’t tell. They tortured me and Hell for about an hour before leaving. They took his body and left me on the floor of my own house.”
    Tears were running down paperheart’s face. Xertini felt hot tears falling down her cheeks as well, but they were from relief and grief. Her father had died to protect them both and her mother had forever loved them but couldn’t raise them out of fear. Xertini hugged paperheart and just bawled. Kage watched them both and smiled to himself. ‘Now she has one less thing to blame herself for.’ xMori and OnlyYours stood behind some trees watching them. They waited until Xertini had stopped crying before telling the others they had to go on. They grouped up together but Sorrow stopped them.
    “xMori’s arm is fully repaired. So now it’s your turn.”
    She placed her hands on either side of Xertini’s face and muttered a spell. Xertini suddenly felt energized and whole. Sorrow stepped back and wished them luck as they teleported to Corrupt Valley to meet Galadriel.

    Darcel twirled a key around his first finger, speaking in a mocking tone
    “My dear little Galadriel, what are you going to do? Your friends will be here any day and will be new guinea pigs. Oh, you can’t do anything while locked in there.”
    Galadriel slammed herself against the lantern he had caught her in. It was absorbing her magic power so she couldn’t blast her way out. She couldn’t let them fall into his hands. He would destroy them and any chance Arcana had of surviving Nereus’ wraith. She sent a prayer to SunSets for help in her time of need.


    Priestess Karen, AsianRider, and YoshiLove all glared down upon the cowering Prince Shilly. The Prince had just suffered a major scolding by the three of them that war was eminent. He cleared his throat and said
    “Fine I shall prepare the army.”
    “No need. Yuukino has offered her army of ice soldiers to the cause. Only thing you are needed for is to stay out of the way and in your castle.”
    Prince Shilly nodded his head and they departed. Priestess Karen looked to AsianRider and YoshiLove asking
    “Please make sure my sister Ur is ok. Though she is on the side of darkness I still worry for her.”
    YoshiLove smiled and said to Karen
    “We will. Ur will be fine.”
    YoshiLove and AsianRider continued to walk away to the teleport seller Kristin Owens.
    “Where the hell is that pipsqueak?”
    xMori whacked Xertini in the head again. They had been looking for Galadriel for hours now. They were in the center of the Black Trading Grounds, but still couldn’t find her. Kage readied his shield and sword. OnlyYours glanced about saying
    “Pretty quiet for a Trading Ground. I don’t like it.”
    “You won’t like it any better now.”
    They all saw Darcel sitting on top of the turning owl statue. He was smiling madly and hard black circles around his eyes. In a lantern that he was swinging with his foot was Galadriel.
    “I thought you guys would like some fun before coming with me. First things first though, Pure Heart container leaves first. Be happy I was asked to spare you from physical pain. You get to watch your team suffer after their little fun here.”
    Xertini glared at him and winced, a sharp pain in her head suddenly. People appeared from nowhere, wielding daggers and guns. Their leader Xertini immediately recognized. It was Emolga, King of the Assassins. She worked for the highest bidder no matter the danger. Kage and the rest immediately backed close together, preparing for the onslaught. Xertini felt the ground beneath her vanish and she fell screaming. Kage turned to see a black hole closing up in the area where she had just been. Emolga whistled and her assassins attacked. Kage activated an absorption skill as they got hammered with blades and bullets. Darcel watched them fight with happiness. xMori created several cyclones, sending the gunners flying. Paperheart was struggling with Emolga, the hybrids daggers inches away from her neck. Paperheart pushed upward with her rod and shoved Emolga off. Darcel waited several more minutes before yelling for the battle to stop. Black holes appeared beneath the rest of Xertini’s group. The holes vanished with them and Darcel threw a bag at Emolga.
    “The reward Aquarius was offering for the girl. I added extra since I now have more people to experiment with.”
    “A pleasure doing business with you.”
    Darcel vanished in a black plume of smoke, happy with his catch.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Tuesday, August 27 2013, 06:07 AM #Permalink

    Kage followed paperheart around the medical encampment, making sure no zombies attacked her. She told him to wait outside for her as she went inside a tent to heal someone. Kage reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture. It was a group of friends with him. He sat in a chair in the middle, a bored expression upon his face. To his right was xMori and paperheart. To his left stood Kaiyumie and a mysterious blonde haired elf. She and Kaiyumie were holding hands. ‘Who is she?’ Kage wondered. The mystery elf and Kaiyumie were almost identical twins, save for their hair color and attitude’s. Kaiyumie was smiling brightly into the camera, a rosy blush in her cheeks. The other however had a more forced smile, distrust and intelligence beyond her years shining in her eyes. A memory flashed of him untying the mystery elf and rescuing her from a forest of dead tree’s. The memory hurt his head a little. Sorrow came out of the tent and turned to Kage. She placed her hands on either side of his head and healed. Memories flashed like crazy and repaired themselves entirely as Sorrow healed him. She pulled back her hands and explained to him about the attack in Terminus. Paperheart came out after, fear in her eyes as she said
    “Kaiyumie was possessed and Xertini nearly killed herself protecting xMori?”
    “She was protecting everyone including the Prince. But she’s vanished again and no one can find her. xMori was cleared of his charges and Nereus escaped. The castle was blown in half. Also…Nereus was the one who attacked Kage.”
    “How do you know this all? You’ve been here with me the entire time.”
    Sorrow grinned and cast a yellow light outwards. It hit an invisible figure and brightened. It was Kaiyumie’s ghost, her form somewhat opaque. Paperheart cried out and fell to her knees. Kaiyumie knelt down and spoke, her voice sounding like she was in a cave.
    “I’m sorry mom. I wish I could have spoken to you earlier but I couldn’t until Sorrow sensed me.”
    Paperheart raised a hand to touch Kaiyumie’s face but it went through her. Kage asked suddenly, holding his head
    “How are you still alive if your body is possessed?”
    “I’m only alive because Xertini is alive. You have to find her as soon as possible! I don’t care if I die I just want her safe, healthy, and happy. It’s my fault all this started anyway.”
    Kage, paperheart, and Sorrow all looked at her wide eyed as she began to explain everything

    “You freaking idiot where the hell are you aiming?!”
    “Wherever I want you stupid teacher!”
    Kaiyumie sighed as her sister and xMori stood face to face fighting again. She looked down at her left hand to see a beautiful butterfly on it. It was emerald green with orange flecks. The insect flapped away and Kaiyumie decided to follow it. It flew under a bridge, towards a mining yard. As she stepped onto the other side she was attacked. She threw up her red circle and it deflected the attacker back. They stood up and brushed off their pants as they spoke
    “Very nice reflexes for a Prophet.”
    “Who are you?”
    “My name is Nereus.”
    “Nereus is a strange name. Is that the name of a disease?”
    “No it isn’t. I sense you need help my little Prophet.”
    Nereus stayed hidden in the shadows as he spoke to her. Her instincts were screaming at her to flee but her heart hoped he could save her sister. She too knelt down, still having her barrier active as she told him what was wrong.
    Xertini saw Kaiyumie coming back and scowled. As Kaiyumie approached Xertini pointed a finger at her and said
    “No running off!”
    “Hey! I’m nineteen and can do as I please. You meanwhile can’t.”
    “Because why?”
    “Because I said so.”
    Xertini opened her mouth to say something else when a rock slammed into her head. She whipped around to yell at xMori, who was playing with another rock in his hand laughing
    “Sure. Maybe then you’ll be able to hit something you’re aiming at.”
    “Why you little son of a…”
    Xertini created two large waves of lava but xMori quickly dispersed them. Kaiyumie watched her sister train and bicker. She mainly watched her sisters eyes for that evil grey.

    Kaiyumie yelled at Aquarius
    “You were supposed to take my sister and cure her!”
    “Oh I’ll cure her. Permanently with your help. Such a loving sister, willing to do anything for her only family.”

    Paperheart, Kage, and Sorrow stared in shock as she finished. Kage finally spoke
    “You wanted her to be gone instead?”
    “I wanted her fixed!”
    “Nothing was wrong with your sister!”
    “But mom…”
    “Don’t give me that. Your sister was meant for great things and yet you thought of her as nothing more than a monster! She’s out there risking her own life to bring you back! Do you know what will happen to her if she found out you were scared of her? It would destroy her! You were all the family she had growing up! How dare you!”
    Kaiyumie hung her head in shame as she mumbled
    “I know mom. I’m sorry. I only did it out of love. I will fix this problem in any way I can.”
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  • Accepted Answer

    Crystal Boatman Crystal Boatman
    replied on Sunday, August 04 2013, 12:34 AM #Permalink
    I wanna be in the story Q~Q
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, May 22 2013, 01:16 AM #Permalink

    Kaiyumie looked out her cell window to the sky beyond. She saw lights flying about, the lights being spirits that had been disturbed upon their arrival. There were also flaying manta rays, circling the sky high pillars of reversed water. She turned her attention back to the cell floor where she had volumes and journals of hand written work scattered about. Aquarius had told her to “make herself useful” since he was still looking for the Gods Temple. She was told to translate the volumes so that he could read it.
    “I won’t do it.”
    “Oh you will or we will finish off your dear sweet sister.”
    She lifted one of the journals and reread it. It was a journal she kept hidden from Aquarius and his cohorts. She read one of the pages.
    ‘Black magic uses energy and occasionally results in a physical toll on the caster. If one uses black magic with little energy then the caster will. . .”
    She gained hope from this. Ur came in daily to deplete her energy low enough to where Kaiyumie could only do mundane things. Kaiyumie told herself a little physical pain was worth freedom and she sent herself into rereading her notes.

    Kage wished he could nap but couldn’t since it was his turn to be the watch out as the others rested. Paperheart was asleep by Xertini who was still asleep. xMori was reading a small book he had pulled from his pocket. OnlyYours kept glancing at Xertini, suspicion in her eyes. They were resting next to a gate called Frozen Nest. There was a loud whooshing sound and he turned just as a green blur raced by him. The blur had kicked up dust and Kage wiped his eyes. He saw that it was a green Ju-ju bird and it was carrying a note in its beak. xMori took the letter, saw who it was from, and ripped it as much as he could. He placed a coin in the bag around the Ju-ju’s neck and the bird took off. It zoomed by paperheart and she jumped to her feet, drowsy but ready for a fight. xMori stormed into the next gate, leaving the others behind. Paperheart restored the note and OnlyYours read it aloud
    “Dear xMori,
    Though I know we are on bad terms still since the ‘accident’, I require your expertise. Since you were the best (and only living) Scholar in the Arcanian Historical and Folklore department, I thought it best to ask you.
    To the point of this letter;
    AsianRider, last of the Featherfolk, has informed me of Nereus’ revival. Nereus’ aim is the Gods Powers. Right now he is in pursuit of the Pure Heart. I know very little to nothing about the Atlantian War. I would appreciate your assistance.
    RayDarkwolf, Head Scholar of the Arcanian Library.”
    Kage looked at them and said questioningly
    “xMori is an ex-Scholar? What was this ‘accident’?”
    paperheart shook her head saying
    “I don’t know. Though I have known him for years he has never talked about anything personal.”
    As Kage headed over to Xertini so that they may catch up to xMori, paperheart called him back. OnlyYours went to get her instead and balked at the sight of her. Xertini’s eyes were the color of storm clouds and she fixed them upon OnlyYours. Power radiated from her in waves. Just as OnlyYours was going to yell for the others Xertini’s eyes lightened back to their violet color and she went back to sleep. All OnlyYours could do was stare and ask herself what had just happened.


    RayDarkwolf was happily asleep, lightly snoring. A Wind Walker strolled in , closing the doors behind him. He lightly tapped RayDarkwolf’s shoulder and when that didn’t wake him the Wind Walker lifted a large volume and slammed it hard onto the desk. The Scholar bolted upright, papers stuck to his face. As he removed them his visitor said
    “Run away.”
    “Because you spoke to AsianRider alone, the prince thinks you two are plotting to overthrow him.”
    “WHAT?!? Why in SunSets name would I overthrow him?! I’m busy enough as is!”
    “The Prince is frightened that what the Featherfolk says may be true but he refuses to acknowledge it.”
    “So he decided to make up a lie and take out his fear on us?!”
    There was banging on the door and both men watched it. Braden Carters boomed
    “RayDarkwolf you are hereby under arrest for plots against his Majesty. Open up!”
    RayDarkwolf made a ‘tsk’ and grabbed all of his notes on Nereus and Atlantis. The Wind Walker says
    “What about the rest of your stuff?”
    Flames burst suddenly and began eating the room. He opened a teleport scroll and glanced about his burning office one last time before he was sucked into the vacuum of teleportation. He reappeared in Spirits Shelter. As RayDarkwolf looked up from rearranging his papers and clothes the last thing he saw was a great red fist and a dark figure behind it.

    “For the love of the goddess put me down!”
    Xertini had finally woken up and was beating on Kage. He plopped her down hard. She stood up and brushed snow from her clothing. As she finished OnlyYours let out a scream. Everyone turned and saw a moth-spider mixed monster was standing there. OnlyYours was trapped under a blot of webbing. It loomed closer to her, its pincers almost touching her. She screamed again as it drooled, its saliva landing on her cheek. Kage and Bite rushed to her aid but the bug was waiting. It slammed them with its front leg and covered them both with a blot of webbing as well. Bite yowled and hissed, beyond agitated and Kage attempted to slice the sticky substance. The monster went back to OnlyYours but to be disrupted yet again. Paperheart stabbed it abdomen with her rod and as she moved webbing caught her right leg, trapping her. Xertini and xMori glanced from around two large crystals. Mini spiders had spawned and they were heading towards the trapped people. Xertini muttered something then ran out. She focused all her energy into one large blast. xMori felt the air around him warm and a memory flashed.
    She stood on the hill, watching the army’s remaining soldiers approach. She raised both her arms and casted her spell even as xMori screamed out to her.
    xMori snapped back to the present and shoved Xertini. The spell required years of control. He raised one arm into the air, casting the dangerous spell ‘Armageddon’.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, August 28 2013, 05:01 PM #Permalink

    Xertini limped along the path to Shebuz Snowfield. She looked at her left arm again. The skin was bright red, bleeding, and peeling. Her arm had broken mid-spell when xMori threw a large section of granite at it. After her arm broke the spell had ended and she made her getaway. She didn’t know if she had done much damage, only focusing on getting away. Xertini sat down under a tree and relaxed for a bit.

    xMori put on his coat as he headed out of RayDarkwolf’s office. RayDarkwolf asks him
    “Why did you break her arm?”
    “To save her from the same fate as Felina. Only two sorcerers have lived casting that spell. One of them being me. The other being the Sorcerer of Island Fire.”
    “True. Good luck finding her. She’s a slippery one I’ll say.”
    xMori left quickly and went straight to the Logging Area gate.

    Xertini knelt down by a patch of dirt alongside the river. This was Kaiyumie’s favorite spot to sit and relax. ‘Pretty isn’t it Xerti? At least we have this and each other.’ Xertini tightened her grip on her sisters necklace and before she could stop herself she let out a high pitched wail. She continued to wail as tears poured down her face, like a never ending waterfall. Xertini was finally doing something she should have done two years ago. Grieving. Memories of Kaiyumie laughing, smiling, disciplining her, guarding, and dying flashed through Xertini’s mind. Xertini began to stand up when a cloth was clapped over her face. She lost control of her legs and arms. It was some sort of paralyzing drug. Xertini couldn’t move an inch as she looked into her attacker’s eyes. Nereus chuckled as he said
    “I’m tired of this body. It has weak attack and you apparently aren’t dying anytime soon, so I suggest a compromise. We share your form and I’ll revive Kaiyumie for you. The two sisters can be together once again. Don’t worry drug should be wearing off now. I only did it to stun you so you could hear my offer.”
    Xertini slammed her head forward into his. She wobbled back to her feet as she said
    “Like I would believe you! Kaiyu would never forgive me if I did that!”
    Nereus sighed as he said
    “Fine. Have it your way then.”
    Kaiyumie’s body fell to the ground and Xertini felt extreme pains in her head as she realized Nereus was trying to possess her now.

    xMori followed the sound of the wail from earlier. What he came upon set his blood cold. Kaiyumie was dead once again on the ground, re-encased in crystal. On her knees beside her was Xertini. A blue mist surrounded Xertini as she held her head tightly. xMori took a step towards her and she looked up. One of her violet eyes was ice blue and both eyes were surrounded in red. xMori knew then what was going on. He readied his staff as Nereus threw spells at him. xMori had to stall Nereus while Xertini regained control.


    ‘It’s your fault’
    ‘You killed her.’
    ‘You killed me.’
    Xertini turned in complete circles, surrounded by bloody images of her sister. Paperheart, xMori, HellMary, and Kage appeared next. Paperheart and HellMary said together
    “Who would want a monster like you for a child?”
    “We hate you.”
    “You killed our only child you beast.”
    xMori was next
    “A moron like you could never save anyone.”
    “All you know is destruction.”
    “Die already.”
    Finally, Kage spoke, the one she feared most
    “Who could ever love a demon like you?”
    “How could you even think you love me if you can’t even save your own sister?”
    Xertini could feel her heart crushing inside her as their comments kept repeating themselves over and over.

    Kaiyumie screamed her sister’s name over and over as Nereus used Xertini’s form to attack xMori. He laughed as he said
    “This power! I should have possessed her sooner!”
    xMori created a tidal wave of hot air and thunder. It slammed Xertini into the ground as he replied
    “Don’t overestimate my pupil. She may be an idiot but she’s not weak.”
    The blue eyed Xertini dissipated the spell, anger in their eyes. They sent another assortment of spells, each one deflected by xMori. Kaiyumie ran over to Xertini and whispered a small spell into her ears, hoping it would help her sister.

    Xertini just sat surrounded by her guilt, grief, self-hate, and loneliness. She just wanted to die so much. She was a failure. Only created more problems. A tiny spark appeared before her and she touched it. She stumbled as she was thrust forward into a bright day. She and Kaiyumie were hiding in a tree, silently laughing at the men looking for them. As they watched them they didn’t notice their friend sneak up on them. Suddenly an Adeventurer’s face came into view and both girls squeaked in shock. Lasingiia scowled at the both of them as she hung upside down from a branch above.
    “Well girls. I see you’re in trouble yet again. Why can’t you two behave?”
    “’Cause Xerti is a troublemaker!”
    The men from below looked up and demanded they come down. Lasingiia came down first and helped the sisters down as well, seeing as they were both eleven and ten. The soldiers immediately bowed to Lasingiia and said
    “Lady Lasingiia! We did not know these two were yours!”
    “They are not. They are just kids I am babysitting for their mother.”
    “Stop lying. Mother hates us. Everyone hates us. It’s because of me. If I wasn’t Kaiyumie’s sister, Kaiyumie would have a family. If it wasn’t for me, she wouldn’t be called a monster.”
    Lasingiia looked at the shaking little girl as she sniffled. Lasingiia knelt down beside her and said
    “Hey..don’t give up. No matter what anyone says to you or does to change your mind be proud of yourself. Only one who determines who you are is you.”
    Lasingiia pulled her into her arms and held Kaiyumie’s hand. The men guided them back to the Main Hall where Lasingiia had residence. The girls went immediately to bed and Lasingiia stayed downstairs to read her novel. The sisters found her the next day, still in her rocker holding a picture of her and the sisters when they were babies. The sisters had cried for hours after the Priestess took the body away and determined she had passed due to old age. Xertini decided then to live by what Lasingiia had told her.
    Xertini was thrown back into a pit of darkness. This time she wouldn’t be harassed. She held out her right hand as she said
    “I am Xertini Lightheart. I won’t be told what, who, or how I am. As for you Nereus, GET THE HELL OUTTA ME!”
    Xertini threw a fireball at the darkness and it burnt away like paper.

    The blue mist shot off of Xertini and straight into Kaiyumie again. Nereus teleported away as xMori rushed over to Xertini. She laid panting on the ground as he asked
    “You okay?”
    Xertini smiled as she kept huffing
    “Of course….moron teacher. Takes more….than that…to keep me down.”
    xMori smiled as he helped her to her feet. As they were turning around a blade lifted itself off the ground. Xertini shoved xMori as she screamed ‘look out!’ She prepared herself for the hit but it never came. A sickening thud told her it hit something else. She opened her eyes to see Bite on the ground before her. Tears fell down fast as she started crying out Bite’s name. xMori pulled her away towards Terminus, knowing full well that the cat was dead. He would never forget the wails and screams of Xertini’s grief, even if he were to live a hundred years.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Monday, June 24 2013, 05:21 AM #Permalink

    RayDarkwolf looked up to see Tundro heading for his cell. The bear threw in two people then left, grumbling to itself. RayDarkwolf rushed to their sides and immediately got a fist slammed into his face. He fell backwards and saw who it was. xMori was staring at him with pure hatred, fist doubled up for another hit. RayDarkwolf raises his hands in surrender and says
    “Nice to see you too. How did you get caught?”
    “None of your business back-stabber.”
    “Ouch. Ok that I deserved. Seriously, how and why are you here?”
    xMori helped up paperheart as he answered
    “We were traveling with Xertini to save her sister.”
    RayDarkwolf tried to come close to paperheart but xMori got in the way.
    “Im only wanting to help xMori.”
    “Like hell. Last time you ‘helped’ my wife died.”
    “I did what I had to! Otherwise you would be dead right now. Or do you prefer it that way?”
    “It was MY WIFE! I should have been the one to save her!”
    RayDarkwolf looks at xMori as the realization hit him. xMori had wanted to stop Felina himself and put her out of the misery she was suffering because he loved her. Paperheart healed her face and their injuries. Just as she finished healing they heard a woman screaming. Paperheart looked up at the ceiling as she whispered
    “Oh SunSets. Please let someone stop him.”

    Xertini screamed at Darcel again as he stabbed Kage. OnlyYours held her back, knowing full well if they got too close they could be next. Kage winced and tried to avoid the next stab but couldn’t. Darcel had a bored look upon his face as he aimed to stab again. Kage teleported backwards just as the blade came down.
    “Oh? Let’s see how long you can keep that up.”
    Xertini fell to her knee’s sobbing and begging Darcel to stop. OnlyYours tried to console her, telling her it would be fine. She stopped crying suddenly and Darcel yelped. He dropped the blade that was now pure white with heat. Kage was taking deep breaths, trying to recover from the teleporting and wounds. Darcel looked over to Xertini and smiled to himself.
    “Ah so it finally woke up. Now I’ll have some fun.”

    xMori kicked the bars to his cell again. No matter what he did they wouldn’t budge. He looked at RayDarkwolf asking
    “Do any guards come by to check on us?”
    “Yes but this guard is…special….”
    “His name is Wheatley and half the time I don’t know whether he’s bad or good.”
    Large booms sounded above and paperheart’s worry continued to skyrocket. They heard footsteps and xMori hid behind a bone wall that adjoined to the cell. As the figure came into view xMori punched them. RayDarkwolf sighs and said
    “That was Wheatley you just knocked out. What are you going to do now Mr. Violent…”
    xMori lifted the keys from Wheatley’s pocket with his magic. They hovered over to him and he grabbed them. He looked meaningfully at RayDarkwolf saying
    “For a head scholar you are pretty dense sometimes.”
    RayDarkwolf’s face flushed and he prepared a snarky remark but the deadly look from paperheart made him clamp his mouth shut. The lock clanged to the floor and they all got out quietly. As they crept up the stairs paperheart deflected a flash. She looked up and saw Ur standing at the top of the stairs. She said to paperheart
    “Let’s finish this and see who the best is. Obviously it will be me and Aquarius shall help me fulfill my dream.”
    Paperheart braced herself for attack and Ur immediately sent multiple attacks at her. Paperheart avoided the majority of them and swung her rod at Ur. Ur grabbed it but her grin vanished as she saw paperheart smile. Lightning zapped Ur and sent her flying. Paperheart turned to the men and told them to keep going. Just as she turned around Ur slammed her rod into the side of paperheart’s head. Paperheart kicked Ur in the stomach and both Saints stood for a minute huffing. Ur growled at paperheart
    “Why won’t you drop dead like a good girl?”
    “I don’t follow orders remember teacher?”
    Both swung their rods at each, the weapons clanging together. Both immediately used their magic depletion spells on each other. They dropped their rods since they had no magic left. Paperheart doubled up her fists and said
    “I’m going to beat you black and blue for what you’ve done to my family.”
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Tuesday, July 02 2013, 01:45 AM #Permalink
    lol thanks~ im just glad everyone enjoyed it as much as i did.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Segu-tan Segu-tan
    replied on Tuesday, July 02 2013, 01:17 AM #Permalink
    *saves into Document file to read them while I'm out anytime* *3* Good job on writing her story! :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Friday, July 26 2013, 07:27 AM #Permalink
    Here's Chapter Two. I might be able to give you guys up to chapter seven before i go on a 2 week vacation, dunno really. anyway enjoy~


    Bite paced in front of the door growling. Xertini ‘shh’d him once again, trying to focus on the last book. It gave details to a secret location of an all-powerful Sorcerer. This individual knew of many spells, including the spell of revival. Bite growled again but louder. Xertini shut the book and slipped it into one of Bite’s saddle bags. She looked out the door window and felt her throat close up on her. She was staring into the eyes of a monster she hadn’t seen in two years. The deformed wolf ripped the door off its hinges and swiped at her. She kicked him in the nose but the beast wrapped its claws around her leg. It pulled her out and growled. Bite leapt at it but was slammed down by another tiger. Then Xertini noticed it. These monsters had an icky black aura around them. A person approached from behind Ulric and looked inside the building.
    “My library which held my most treasured secrets. You probably learnt something you shouldn’t have doll face.”
    The gladiator turned around, smirking at Xertini. She tried to swipe at him but Ulric grabbed her head in his other paw, letting go of her leg and holding her up by her head. She grabbed the wolfs hand. The gladiator tsk’d then said
    “Now now Ulric, I said we were going to leave her alive didn’t I? After all I can’t have my revenge once I’m in my own body if she’s dead.”
    “Nereus you bastard.”
    “Nereus part yes. Bastard? No.”

    Kaiyumie felt..different. She couldn’t figure out where she was. Half of the area before her was nothing but war, clashes between two armies. The other half was a meadow, tranquil and calm. Suddenly she was in Pandan Cove, staring at her sister. Xertini was struggling with a wolf, tiny streams of blood running down her face from where it held her by her head. Kaiyumie yelled and tried to hit the wolf, only to phase right through it.
    “No point. You’re stuck between worlds right now.”
    She whipped around to see YoshiLove. He was watching her with sad eyes. She turned back to her sister and attempted to speak to her.
    “Xerti I’m here! Come on! Don’t let this thing beat you!”
    Xertini still had her eyes shut, a pained expression on her face. Kaiyumie yelled at her again and again. Xertini put her hand on Ulric’s elbow joint and shoved a force of wind against it. The beast roared and dropped her, grabbing it arm with its good hand. Xertini flicked her hand as she landed and the wolf yowled in agony as arrows made of air pierced him. Bite twisted from under the other tiger. It lunged at him but he was waiting. He swiped his paw at him, shoving his face into the ground. While it was down, Bite clamped his jaws around the other tiger’s neck and snapped it in two. Both Xertini and Bite turned towards the gladiator, bleeding but ready to fight. The gladiator vanished then reappeared in front of them. He had switched to a shield and slammed into the both of them. Kaiyumie screamed as her sister slammed into another building, falling down unconscious. Bite wobbled over to Xertini and growled, baring his fangs. Desert foxes could smell Xertini’s blood and were coming towards them. Kaiyumie rushed over to her sisters side and was crying over her. The gladiator too was coming and Kaiyumie glared coldly at him. YoshiLove only watched this, wondering what Kaiyumie would do next. His eyes widened as he watched her cast a spell. The gladiator stopped and looked around, sensing her magic. Sweat rolled down his face and he vanished in a geyser of water. The foxes backed away, not wanting to mess with the power they sensed. Kaiyumie kept muttering for Xertini to not be dead. YoshiLove sat down beside her and spoke softly
    “She isn’t dead. Only has a concussion. I will send a message to Sorrow so she can be healed. I’m impressed Kaiyumie. Even in spirit form you can use those powers to an extent.”
    Kaiyumie sniffled and asked, still looking at her sleeping sister
    “What powers?”
    “Your powers as the Prophet of Air. Technically you shouldn’t even be using them since they are preserving your body.”
    Bite laid down beside Xertini, keeping his eye on the foxes. He began to lick her face, cleaning away the blood. Kaiyumie laughed a little reaching for Bite.
    “Such a good cat.”
    YoshiLove told Kaiyumie they should leave but Kaiyumie refused. She would never leave her sister’s side again, even if she was a spirit. YoshiLove nodded, understanding how she felt from an experience, then left to get help. Kaiyumie vowed she would never let her sister be alone again.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Friday, August 30 2013, 01:57 AM #Permalink
    Chapters Thirteen and Fourteen. Only six more chapters left before 'A NoScrubs Story' is done.


    Kaiyumie followed her body, determined to kick out Nereus. Almost as if he knew he had to leave, he left her body and went into another. It was his own body. He finally found his grave and repossessed his own form. The blue waterlord flexed his arms as he laughed loudly. He had his back to Kaiyumie as she finally repossessed her form. Now that she was in her own body, she quickly ran away to a nearby tree. She heard a silent ‘psst’ and looked.
    “Yes now come here.”
    Kaiyumie hid with Wheatley and asked him how she could repossess her own form now.
    “Because your punishment was to see what your selfish actions did to your own family.”
    “How do you know this?”
    “I’m not stupid. It’s common sense. What better way to show you what you did wrong than to torture you by making you watch your sister suffer?”
    Kaiyumie sighed and told him she had to go but he insisted upon coming. Kaiyumie gave him a wry look but let him come.

    Kage, paperheart, xMori, and Aquarius’s group watched Xertini. She hadn’t moved in days from where she was sitting. She was staring out of the medical tent, eyes vacant. She sighed and turned around to come face to face with Kage. A blush came onto her face as he spoke
    “What’s wrong? Don’t like me near you?”
    “I like my space thank you! Go away!”
    “Then why are you blushing?”
    “Because it’s hot in this tent!”
    “Not hot to me.”
    “Shut up!”
    Xertini put her right hand flat against his face and pushed him backwards. The others laughed silently at this, a light of normality in these dark times. Kage continued his antics and finally laid his head in her lap, looking up into her eyes. Xertini looked away, still blushing and annoyed he wouldn’t leave her alone.
    “Can I sleep here?”
    “I’m not a freaking pillow! Go away!”
    “Night pillow.”
    Xertini gave him a death glare and he just laughed as he fell asleep. Xertini stared off into space again, the empty look back in her eyes. So many were being lost because of her. Night finally fell and everyone was asleep except Xertini. She tip-toed towards the tent opening and felt a hand grasp her leg. She looked down to see Kage looking up at her and immediately put her hands over the edge of her skirt as she said
    “Wh..what are you doing Perv King?!”
    “Perv King?”
    “Shut up! Let go of my leg.”
    “Why? So you can run away?”
    Xertini remained silent and shook her leg free. She stormed outside and into the cold winter night. Snowflakes fell into her hand. She wished she still had Bite to keep her company. Xertini frowned at the thought of him. How could she have gotten so attached to another living creature?
    “I just kill everything I love.”
    “You haven’t killed me yet.”
    Xertini turned around, pointing a shivering hand at Kage.
    “Because I hate you!”
    Kage laughed and turned away from Xertini. She felt her blood boil as she knew he was mocking her. Kage saw something behind Xertini from the corner of his eye and yelled out to her
    “Behind you!”
    Xertini turned instantly, slamming her left foot into the head of the thing behind her. She heard a yelp and something similar to a cat’s meow. People rushed from tents with lights to see what the racket was. Xertini felt tears on her face again and her heart hurt, like it was going to explode. In front of her rubbing her face was her real sister Kaiyumie and she was sitting upon a bandaged Bite. Xertini ran at them both and pulled them both into a tight hug, crying as loudly as she could while she tried talking to them. Kaiyumie too was crying, fiercely hugging her sister. Bite was choking from the girl’s grip and felt like he was going to die a third time. They let him out and continued hugging, telling the other how much they missed each other. Kaiyumie withdrew a dagger and the others tensed, waiting. Instead Kaiyumie cut her hand and Xertini’s, saying
    “Let this be a blood binding. So we are never alone if one should perish from the material world.”
    Xertini nodded and walked to a separate tent the soldiers had put for them and Bite. Kage stared at the cat puzzled, and the beast just sent him a goofy grin as it went inside the tent. Kage pointed and said
    Paperheart laughed to the point of tears as she said
    “Nine lives silly! Though he’s down to like seven now.”
    Kage sighed and went back inside his own tent to sleep before one of two great final battles tomorrow.


    “You sure you should be joining the battles tomorrow Kaiyumie? You just got your body back.”
    “You’re one to talk Miss-Get-Blown-Up-Arm-Broken-Possessed-Stabbed-Thrown-Like-A-Rag-Doll.”
    Bite yawned and curled up for a nap but smelt an intruder. The girls continued to bicker when Bite dragged in Wheatley by his shirt.
    “Demon Cat!”
    “Bite, let him go. You don’t know where he’s been.”
    “I take that offensively!”
    “Oh look, he has a brain after all.”
    “Xerti be nice.”
    Xertini leaned against Bite who had laid down behind her. Wheatley sat in front of the sisters and began talking
    “Ever since you destroyed Nereus two years ago a Black Magic virus has been plaguing everyone of high magical ability. With RayDarkwolf’s help we neutralized the source and reason behind the Black Magic Virus.”
    “Yeah it was Nereus.”
    “Nereus is an airhead. He’s only taking credit for something he can’t do.”
    “Then who created it?”
    Wheatley pointed at Xertini and Kaiyumie
    “You both did. Xertini, your dark feelings of loss were so intense that the magic inside you sent out a large pulse of black magic. We treated many people for the virus before it infected them too severely. Kaiyumie however, is a master of Black Magic so when she died transferring her soul to you her Black Magic went to you also, amplifying the backfire.”
    “But not xMori?”
    “We gave him the antidote. His feelings of loss and yours fused into something completely different so we could not cure it.”
    Wheatley withdrew a small vial of pure white shiny essence. Xertini could feel herself backing up without control over her own limbs. Kaiyumie snapped her fingers and vines held Xertini still.
    “This will cure you of the backfire and send all the Black Magic back to Kaiyumie.”
    “So my sister will go insane? No way.”
    “She’s the Prophet of Air. Prophets of Air specialize in Death Air and Spirit Air attacks, so they have to be Black Magic masters, but most who had potential died. Kaiyumie has a natural resistance to it however, except the transfusion spell. Point being, she’ll be fine.”
    Wheatley splashed the antidote onto Xertini’s face and a soft red lily appeared in Kaiyumie’s hands. Kaiyumie crushed it into her palms and the magic went back inside her.
    “Bite take Wheatley out.”
    “What? Nooooo!”
    The cat dragged him out and buried him in the snow before returning inside.

    Kage sat upon his saber tooth, waiting for the signal to rush onward. Everyone was prepared for war today. Today would mark the beginning of a long fight. Kage looked out his right eye at Xertini. She sat upon Bite, clad in silver and red armor. She had her headset on again, the fins waving gently in the crisp morning breeze. Bite was covered in gold armor and his nails had been sharpened. Kaiyumie sat behind her sister, same armor except she wore her own necklace finally and wore a silver blade on her left hip. Paperheart stood with Ur behind the fighters, both clad in pure white armor indicating they were healers. Bite snorted as a large soul and zombie approached. Behind them were their armies. The zombie spoke, his voice one of someone choking
    “Kill..them all!”
    Xertini whistled and Bite shot off towards the approaching army. Everyone yelled at them to come back but Kaiyumie carefully stood up on Bite’s back and clapped her hands. The ground below the army split in half, swallowing numerous soldiers. The rest charged and the battle began.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Tuesday, June 25 2013, 08:23 AM #Permalink

    “You sure we should have left paperheart behind?”
    “She’s tougher than she looks now please shut up.”
    Tundro stepped into their way and RayDarkwolf whined
    “Oh COME ON! First some Saint and now this giant red ball of fat.”
    “My name is TUNDROOOOO!”
    Tundro slammed his fist into the ground, cracking the stairs they stood on. xMori shot RayDarkwolf a nasty look and yelled
    “Are you mad? That bear can understand us! Did you learn nothing as an apprentice in animal studies?”
    “No not really. There was a cute girl in front of me and I only liked studying her in that class.”
    xMori rolled his eyes and jumped out of Tundro’s next punch. Both Sorcerers used their wind pushes on him clearing him out of the entrance so they could get onto the top floor. They continued to attack him together and Tundro finally fell down permanently with a thud. RayDarkwolf picked up the glowing purple chest saying
    “Tundro’s Right Eye. Hey, xMori, what do you think this could be used for?”
    He turned around to see xMori running in a different direction and sighed. He slipped the medal into his pocket and followed after xMori.

    Ur landed on her bottom as paperheart towered over her. Paperheart had a busted lip, blood dribbling from it slowly. Her hands were dark purple from the numerous punches she had thrown. Ur was in exact same stat except had a bleeding cut above her instead of a busted lip. Ur stumbled to her feet and lunged at paperheart. Paperheart ducked and slammed her fist into Ur’s stomach. Ur fell back down gasping for air. Paperheart, who was also gasping, asked
    “ of yours…”
    “ To help ….Aquarius… create a…. better and peaceful… world.”
    “Now that…is a bunch…of bull.”
    “My dream is NONE of your business.”
    Ur grabbed paperheart around her waist and slammed her into the ground. Paperheart felt the air leave her and Ur proceeded to choke her. Paperheart gasped for air as Ur tightened her grip.
    “We’ll kill you all! Aquarius will make this a peaceful world! We’ll be immortal! I’ll never be separated or fear losing him again!”
    Paperheart realized she meant to keep her love alive and safe. Paperheart felt a stone in her left hand and slammed it into Ur’s head. Ur crumpled to the side, completely unconscious. Paperheart used what little magic she had and healed Ur’s head. Then she swung on of Ur’s arms across her shoulders then lifted her, carrying her out and into the light above. She laid Ur against the crumbled entrance and ran as fast as she could towards the booms sounding off.

    “What the….”
    xMori and RayDarkwolf were in shock at the sight before them. Xertini was cut up and casting humongous explosions. Darcel kept getting hit but he shot back with shadows. He waved his hand and a large monster appeared. It was made of spirits and hissed yellow smoke. It was about six feet tall, had four legs and two arms. It was solid black with huge claws. Darcel chuckled as he said
    “This creature is made from the spirits of those I have killed. I wish you the best of…”
    The monster exploded into millions of white dots after Xertini snapped her fingers, sending a wave of air through it. Darcel lost his smile and immediately jumped to the right as lava appeared beneath him. ‘Looks as if I underestimated that power. How clumsy of me.’ xMori saw two of his friends hiding behind a fallen pillar and joined them. RayDarkwolf followed and crouched down asking OnlyYours
    “What’s going on with them?”
    OnlyYours was prying open Galadriel’s prison as she answered.
    “Kage got badly injured and Xertini went nuts. I had to hide here to avoid…”
    A large explosion sounded next to them.
    “…being killed by friendly fire.”
    Galadriel stepped out of the lantern as OnlyYours finally opened it. Galadriel looked at the two combatants and immediately felt her worry hit the boiling point. OnlyYours asked suddenly
    “Hey Galadriel, why is Darcel guarding that shrine behind him so much?”
    Galadriel looked over at a very simple looking stone behind the combatant. Then she saw the icky black power oozing from it.
    “Because that’s the central point of his powers. If we destroy that not only may he lose power but he may regain control over himself. If we don’t, Xertini is going to lose. She may have the Pure Heart but she isn’t born with an immortal form like Darcel was.”
    OnlyYours nodded and crept up to the shrine, ducking as Xertini’s attacks flew overhead. Finally she arrived to it and made sure she wasn’t noticed. Darcel and Xertini were now beating each other magically and physically. OnlyYours kicked the shrine over and watched Darcel turn towards her after hearing the crash. He raised his hand and OnlyYours grabbed a rock. She slammed it into the biggest crack and the shrine split in two. Black mist came from it and Darcel. As it settled Darcel was on his knee’s holding his head. Xertini threw another attack at him and sent him face first into the sand. OnlyYours ran up and grabbed her by the shoulders yelling her name. Xertini turned to OnlyYours, fixing her with a cold glare. OnlyYours screamed as an invisible force slammed her into a large fossil. She fell in a pile and didn’t get back up. Xertini slowly started after OnlyYours. RayDarkwolf pulled a dagger from his pocket and xMori held him back.
    “She hasn’t lost her mind yet. We just have to figure out…hey Kage where are you going!”


    Kaiyumie bit his arm again, drawing blood. Alphanumeric yelped and asked
    “When the hell do I get rid of this vampire?”
    “Soon. We shall rest and hide out here until our troops arrive. They had stopped at a village, quiet and tranquil. Alphanumeric threw Kaiyumie into one and slammed the door shut. He looked down at his arm and sighed. He tore the bottom part of his pants and wrapped it around the wounds before following Aquarius. Kaiyumie sat on the floor of the house, plotting her next course of action. She removed a torn piece of paper from inside her boot. The slip had two spells.
    “Spell of Death: the target and caster are both killed instantly and poisoning other nearby for a few minutes. Spell of Transfusion: caster transfers their life force into a target and the caster usually dies slowly with pain.”
    she slipped them both back into her boot so they would not know her intentions. ‘He will surrender whether by death or beating.’ She curled up on the floor and drifted to sleep, her thoughts on her sister.

    “You are an absolute…”
    Paperheart, RayDarkwolf, and xMori all yelled at Kage. He was talking calmly to Xertini, who had stopped attacking people and was in shock. Darcel had brought OnlyYours and Ur to them. Darcel opened his mouth to speak when Galadriels hand went across his face and she began to rant in a loud tone
    “I know but..”
    Galadriel looked at the others and saw them all gawking at her. Darcel was staring at the ground as he spoke
    “I’m sorry Galadriel. It won’t happen again.”
    “Damn straight it won’t.”
    “If I can, I wish to make up for my stupid actions.”
    “Doubt you can.”
    The cold replies froze xMori and the rest. ‘Are all Gods and containers like this?’ Darcel told them he knew where the Gods Temple was and that Aquarius would be heading that way. Xertini tried to stand up but her legs would not respond. Kage noted this but he headed towards paperheart to be recovered. Finally, they would save her sister and everything would be fine.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Friday, August 30 2013, 05:16 PM #Permalink

    CrazyCrystal twisted herself free from the stony grasp of Rhyolite. The statue slammed its fist into the ground, determined to kill her. She avoided it narrowly and landed on top of his fist. Wheatley pushed her off the hand before Rhyolite lifted his only arm. As Wheatley came face to face with the living statue he said
    “My my how rude to attack a lady. You sir, are no gentlemen.”
    Ruffian was turning and twisting with her fight with Gerry and yelled at Wheatley
    “Hey! This isn’t the time to be screwing around you creepy British sage!”
    “Don’t mess with my lines missy! I hope that wolf eats you!”
    “I hope that statue pummels you into a fine British tea!”
    AsianRider was killing off sea wolfs and added his own input
    “Would you both shut up and fight?!”
    They continued their fights and eventually both sides had to call for a break. AsianRider plopped down beside Aenji. The bird was soaked from the water minions Nereus had summoned. Ruffian was holding her arm, four giant holes in it. Wheatley proceeded to heal her arm, bickering with her the entire time. CrazyCrystal was covered in dust from Rhyolite and she stared into the sky wondering how the other battle was going.

    Kage and xMori were resting, watching the other soldiers continue on. The main ones they watched were Xertini, Kaiyumie, and Bite. They were battling the head zombie at the moment. He swung his arms at Xertini and she flipped over them. The zombie took a deep breath and Kaiyumie cast a green shield, blocking his poisonous breath. Kaiyumie flicked her wrist and two red pillars of air sliced into the zombie. It roared in rage as Xertini took her chance to slam a fireball into his face. The zombie reared its head back for another breath but Bite sank his teeth in before the zombie knew what happened. He fell and shattered into pieces, his army watching him fall. Some immediately ran away while others charged forward. Xertini and Kaiyumie were both smiling, casting spells in sync. Kage said to xMori
    “Beautiful isn’t it? How well those two can fight?”
    “Yes but it’s also scary. I’m glad they are on our side.”
    Xertini cast three giant waves of lava and Kaiyumie created thousands of blue sparkling trees. Enemies fell right and left, easy prey to the Lightheart sisters. xMori yelled for them to rest and took their place wiping out hordes of minions. Xertini sat down beside Kage, sweating and panting. Kaiyumie smirked at the sight of them, dragging Bite away, who grumbled not wanting to leave. Kage patted Xertini on the head and tells her
    “You do pretty well out there.”
    “Thanks. Don’t pat me ever again. I’m not your pet dog.”
    “Oh, you are, you just don’t know it yet.”
    He patted her head again and ran off back onto the fields. Xertini touched her head and whispered to herself
    “I love you Kage. Don’t die on me.”


    Nereus watches both battles on two spheres of water. He saw the way Xertini looked now with her sister beside her and smiled. He gathered his troops, leaving without the other army noticing he thought. CrazyCrystal noticed, then yelled to AsianRider. AsianRider swore and called for the others to teleport to Shrouded Valley, the area Nereus was probably heading for.

    Kaiyumie stiffened, sensing something was off. She and Xertini stood by the soldiers. Everyone had stopped attacking for some reason. They were staring at something ahead of them and the girls snuck closer. Xertini immediately went into battle mode, ready to fight. Nereus said loudly
    “Xertini will fight my entire army of Nelium. You won’t have a choice but to. After possessing your sisters’ form I injected a part of my soul into her heart so I can kill her whenever I please. The rest of you filthy mongrels can die by my special bosses hands. Now Xertini, proceed or I kill your sister now.”
    Xertini watched a water sphere surround Kaiyumie and Nereus created a water dome so that she would not receive assistance. Xertini looked into Kage’s pained eyes. She ran over and kissed him before entering the dome. As it shut she said to him
    “I love you and always will.”

    Kage had always hated his childhood. He was forced to grow up in a strict lifestyle. He had to be the best Templar in all of Arcana. He wasn’t allowed to be second best or third. He had to be the best. He joined Tatakai for the freedom and happiness it gave him. He could lazy around and be normal for once in his life. He planned to spend the rest of his days normal and happy when he met her. Xertini and her sister walked through those doors. Kaiyumie was cute and bubbly yet fearful. Kage was more interested in Xertini though. She was distant, guarded, and evaluating every little thing. Kage thought he would strike up a conversation about what they loved. Kaiyumie immediately answered
    “I love cats.”
    “I hate everything but Kaiyu. Especially people. All they will do is leave you all alone and let you die. We have no interest in associating with you so leave us alone.”
    Kage looked at her in shock, her hatred so prominent. He wondered what had turned her that way.
    Kage felt his heart shatter as he saw Xertini get surrounded by blue monsters. xMori yelled for Kage, as he was fighting two large stone statues alone. Kage tore his eyes away from Xertini and rushed to help xMori.

    Xertini fired spell after spell, destroying thousands of his minions. She was soaked to the bone. As she saw the mobs keep coming, fear crept into her veins. She continued to fight on, for the sake of her sister. She finally killed the last of the monsters, huffing. Kaiyumie was put before her and Kaiyumie drew her sword. Xertini glanced at Nereus as he chuckled
    “If you die, she will be free of my soul possession. If she dies, same result. Have fun.”
    Kaiyumie shook her head and screamed at her arms. She ran towards Xertini and Xertini evaded. Kaiyumie was crying and screaming still, all while her body ran after her sister. Nereus continued laughing as he watched them. It was so satisfying! Xertini stopped suddenly and held her arms open. Kaiyumie charged, yelling for her sister to move. The blade slid right into Xertini’s sternum and out her back. Kaiyumie glowed a light blue and was freed. Xertini hugged her sister, whispering in her ear
    “I won’t let you die again. Live on Kaiyu.”
    Xertini fell towards the ground and Kaiyumie caught her. The battles all stopped as Kaiyumie yelled for her sister. Kaiyumie heard Nereus laughing and felt a dark hatred rise. She picked up her sister and put her near Kage, who was crying. Kaiyumie turned to Nereus, intent on killing him.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Friday, August 30 2013, 05:40 PM #Permalink
    These are Xertini and Kaiyumie's final two chapters. the remaining two chapters are a Wheately/AsianRider/Ruffian side story.


    xMori and the other soldiers yelled as giant columns of red air were sent at Nereus. The waterlord was having trouble deflecting all these hits. He couldn’t believe that such a small healer was giving him so much trouble. Kaiyumie had created a rod out of rock, the head of it having two dragon wings. She continued her air attacks as she ran at him. Nereus tried to trap her in water as he had done before but it immediately burst. Kaiyumie could feel the tears turning into ice on her cheeks as she ran at him. A memory flashed in her mind of her sister.

    Xertini created a small bird of fire and it flapped high into the sky. Kaiyumie had just finished changing into her armor. She sat down beside her sister, watching her intently. Xertini turned to Kaiyumie saying
    “Hey Kaiyu, you know I love you right?”
    “Of course. Why? Whats wrong Xerti?”
    Xertini looked back up into the sky as she answered
    “I get this feeling I’m going to die today. I just want you to know I love you. I want you and Kage to stay alive, because I love you both.”
    Bite growled and Xertini laughed at the annoyed cat
    “Yes I love you too Bite. You take care of Kaiyumie in case I don’t make it. She’s too much of a soft heart and fairy princess mix.”
    Kaiyumie wrestled with Xertini for a while, both girls laughing and carrying on with name calling. When they stopped Kaiyumie looked at her bracelet, wanting this moment to never end.

    Nereus was low on magic energy but could tell Kaiyumie was far from exhausted. The elf stood before him, anger in her eyes. For once in his life, Nereus felt afraid. Afraid of a small elven Prophet. She let go of her rod and it spun in circles. She explained why
    “This determines if you will live or die. This is the spell called ‘Life or Death’.”
    The rod continued spinning and stopped on ‘Death’. Kaiyumie grabbed the rod and raised it, ready to kill him. Light began to appear from his body, not cause by Kaiyumie. She ran away as the waterlord howled in agony, withering in the pain. He exploded into millions of pieces, those pieces landing onto the ground. Kaiyumie ran back over to her dead sister. Xertini had blood from her mouth and around her stab wound. As Kaiyumie placed her hand on Xertini’s heart, she felt something she shouldn’t have. Heartbeats. Faint, but still there. She yelled for her mother and Ur, both coming to heal the wounded Sorcerer. Kaiyumie let go of the anger and wailed from happiness into the sky.


    ‘Wow heaven is nice.’ Xertini was standing surrounded by white. She saw Lasingiia, running over to her she smiled at the old elf. The elf looked up and smiled
    “My child you are here finally.”
    “Yes I am. I’m sorry but Kaiyumie won’t be joining us for a long time.”
    Lasingiia grinned, her wrinkles elegant in an angelic way. She fixed her yellow eyes on Xertini, telling her
    “My dear Xertini, you won’t be joining us either.”
    Xertini looked at her in disbelief.
    “When someone is killed with the Pure Heart and they would not fight back or they willingly gave their life it destroys any tainted soul it touches. The power will go back to the original spot it had begun and will not activate again until it’s chosen one, you, need it once more. The power also revives its last victim as an apology of sorts. You were the Sorcerer who knew the cure to Kaiyumie’s revival. ‘Through the ice through the water’. You were standing through ice and under a water dome.”
    Xertini stumbled with her words
    “So…Nereus is dead and I’m alive?”
    Lasingiia nodded and kissed Xertini on the forehead.
    “Go back my child. I will wait here for you when the time is right.”

    Xertini slowly opened her eyes to the ceiling of the Tatakai lobby. She turned her head and saw Kaiyumie, who burst out into more tears. She had black rings around her eyes from lack of sleep. Everyone else came out and began talking to her at once. Xertini felt the love and finally…peace. Kaiyumie explained that after Xertini had died Nereus and his minions had exploded. They found out Xertini was breathing when more blood came out fifteen minutes after she had died. Xertini was still in shock that she was finally…normal.

    Three months later

    Kaiyumie sighed again as Xertini and xMori continued on with their control lessons. Even though the Pure heart was gone from her, Xertini had almost the same amount of power as Kaiyumie now does as the Prophet of Air. She looked back up at Xertini and xMori, seeing they were face to face throwing insults yet again
    Kage was watching too and smiling. He enjoyed watching them bicker. xMori only ever got really social around him or Xertini. He really got social though with Xertini and their name-calling contests. Bite was irritated and flicked his tail. Bite was a father now and had three cubs to look after. They all looked like him except had both of their eyes. The cubs had been named Cub, Tiger, and Stripes. Kaiyumie once again gave them ironic names and all the others could do was stare. Xertini stomped off from xMori and plopped under a tree to drink some water. Kage sat down beside her and held her close. Xertini smiled as she looked into the setting sun. She had her parents, her sister, friends, freedom, and most importantly, someone else to love for the rest of her days.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Saturday, June 22 2013, 10:19 PM #Permalink
    Love the story....get going...doing a great job!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Plumeria Plumeria
    replied on Wednesday, July 24 2013, 04:54 PM #Permalink
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, August 22 2013, 12:59 AM #Permalink

    Ruffian looked inside the tent, watching the two strangers. The tiger was asleep, his tail twitching. She hated the both of them. Guarding them meant more work for her. Ruffian looked up at the now night sky, watching the stars shine. A noise inside the tent made her turn but everything went black as she saw a fist come at her. AsianRider saw Ruffian fall and came running. Xertini was standing there, a lifeless look in her eyes. Light red rings surrounded them and AsianRider silently cursed. Those with red rings were affected by Black Magic and were highly dangerous. xMori had been infected and was now a threat to Arcana. He withdrew his daggers when Xertini blinked and the rings lightened to a very faint pink, almost indistinguishable. She saw AsianRider and threw a spell at him, knocking him away. Last thing he remembered was seeing her and Bite run off.

    Xertini walked down the hills of Ursadine Highlands, scanning the area for more clues. She had awakened inside a tent with two others sleeping. She had tied them before leaving. Now she was continuing her search for this elusive Sorcerer. The book said he left signs in Ursadine for the other Powers to find him. Xertini approached Keyless Hamilton and he jumped at the sight of her. She still had some blood on her face.
    “Are you the clue left by the Fire Sorcerer?”
    “Yes and no. I do know the next clue’s location but you have to pass a test…”
    “Tell me it.”
    “You have to defeat all one thousand five hundred of them.”
    Xertini turned around to all kinds of Ursadine monsters approaching her. She grinned and held out both hands, fire swirling.
    Bite whined at Xertini. She had passed but was definitely severely beaten. She gave Keyless a look that made his blood run cold as she demanded the next clue.
    “Through the ice through the water.”
    “What kind of clue is that?!”
    “Figure it out.”
    Xertini laid on Bite as she thought. The tiger snapped his head up as two plumes of smoke appeared. Xertini had her eyes shut relaxing from her aching wounds. Paperheart and Aquarius stood there, arms crossed. Xertini opened her eyes and turned to see what was bothering Bite. She saw the two people there and frowned. Paperheart stomped over to her and said
    “We just rescued AsianRider and Ruffian from your trappings. You are coming with us. End of discussion.”
    Xertini continued to give her mother a cold glare as she said frostily
    Paperheart looked at Aquarius and nodded. Aquarius attempted to stun Xertini but she evaded it. She pushed them both away, stumbling a little. Paperheart sighed as she said
    “I didn’t want to use this magic spell, but seems I have no choice.”
    Xertini was on her knees suddenly, all her magic gone. It swirled in the shape of a white rose in paperheart’s hands. Aquarius grabbed the back of Xertini’s shirt and activated a scroll. They were gone in seconds, back at Abysmal Shore. Keyless Hamilton smirked to himself as he watched them leave.


    The gladiator opened the gate to the Gods Temple. It was dark and smelt heavily of flowers inside. He saw the Altar of Life and grinned. He attempted to touch it but his hand was burnt severely.
    “After my revenge on that brat will I mess with you Gods. First things first….”
    He approached the crystalized body of Kaiyumie as he said maliciously
    “..what better way to get my revenge than to torture her as well? By using her sisters form and killing her with those hands. Once she’s dead I’ll take her form and destroy this.”

    Kaiyumie felt a sharp pain in her heart. Her left hand flew to her chest, her breathing sharp. YoshiLove looked at her and mumbled a curse.
    “Your body has been occupied by another spirit. Usually the original soul vanishes once their form is taken by another, but you aren’t. did you ever exchange blood with anybody?”
    Kaiyumie wheezed out
    YoshiLove said cheerfully
    “Of course! A blood binding! That’s why you can still use magic and haven’t vanished. As long as Xertini lives you have a chance of returning to your body!”
    Kaiyumie felt her mouth drop open as happiness replaced the agony in her chest. Kaiyumie prayed to the Gods to help her keep her sister alive.

    Xertini scowled at Ur as she came in to heal her. Ever since she had been brought here Sorrow demanded she had to be isolated and treated by someone she did not trust. Which happened to be Ur and company. After all, they had kidnapped her sister were the reason she was dead. Ur reached Xertini’s forehead but Xertini slapped her hand away. Ur saw the hatred in her eyes and was shocked. The hatred was almost as much if not more than her hatred for her sister Karen. That good for nothing ‘perfect’ child. She’s far from perfect! Never did anything right and even committed the worst sin ever. Yet she still became the High Priestess of Terminus, how disgusting. Ur shook her head and reached again, resulting as the same as before.
    “Don’t touch me.”
    “I have to treat you whether you like it or not.”
    “I’ll heal on my own. Go run back to your friends and kidnap another helpless healer.”
    Ur grabbed the front of Xertini shirt and hissed
    “Listen here. We were all possessed by ghosts thank you! As for that kidnapping it was supposed to be YOU! She wanted us to get rid of that Pure Heart and make you normal! That’s right, your own sister was afraid of you and arranged for you to be taken out of love. YOU are the true monster here!”
    Ur let go of Xertini’s shirt and watched the elf for a few minutes before proceeding finally with the healing. While she healed she kept glancing at Xertini’s face but the elf wouldn’t look at her. Guilt stabbed into Ur’s heart but she finished the daily heal and left. She closed the door gently, standing there for a few minutes. Muffled sobbing and hiccups were audible to Ur. She sighed and went back down the stairs of the lighthouse to her room.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, June 13 2013, 03:05 AM #Permalink

    She stood there rinsing dishes from that mornings breakfast. Her long silver hair was in a loose ponytail. xMori walked over and held her whispering in her ear
    “I see something lovely this morning. How are you?”
    The woman chuckles and placed another clean dish in the drainer. She laid down her washcloth and answered
    “Wonderful but I would be better if my husband didn’t run off to a library every day.”
    “Jealous my work gets almost as much attention as you do?”
    “A little yes.”
    xMori kissed her on the cheek and headed for the door when he called back to her
    “Happy second Anniversary Felina.”
    “You too my love. Do tell Ray I said hello.”

    xMori woke up with blood caked to the right side of his face. He saw his wife standing in front of him on a hill, her arms raised level with her shoulders. Hot air was swelling around her arms as she slowly turned in a complete circle, fire trails left behind by her fingertips. The remainder of the Atlantian Army made its way up to her and she whispered “Armageddon”. xMori screamed out to her as the army was incinerated.
    Felina turned to him and smiled, tears running down her cheeks. She started to run to him and stopped, her form shuddering. Her hands flew to her head and she screamed. xMori tried to get up but his legs would not work so he continued to yell to her
    Felina quit screaming and looked coldly at him. Her eyes were completely white and she began to blow up their city and laughed as she did. xMori froze in shock as he realized the woman before him was no longer his wife. What was before him now was just a shell that looked like the woman he loved. It held nothing but pure madness inside it now. xMori began to cry silently and continued to plea with the creature before him. Finally Felina turned to him and a large fireball formed in her left hand. She readied it at him when a blade tip protruded through her heart. She fell in front xMori and whispered to him, her eyes back to their soft green,
    “Happy Anniversary xMori. I love ….youu….”
    The life left her eyes and her head went to the left. xMori screamed her name several times, pulling her into his arms. He looked up to see who had killed his wife. He glared into the eyes of Felina’s crying cousin, who was still wielding the bloody dagger. It was RayDarkwolf.

    xMori opened his eyes and saw a large canopy above him. The leaves were a bright green so xMori had to squint to see where he was. He saw Pelicanesis walking around, puzzled at the sight of the monsters.
    He turned and saw paperheart. She pulled him gently into a hug. Behind her stood OnlyYours, both of her arms bandaged up. OnlyYours nudged paperheart and paperheart slowly said, sniffling
    “After you cast the spell the monster called Sraclone exploded along with his spawns. You passed out and your left arm was on fire. Me and the others were freed after it died so we rushed over to you. This man came out of nowhere and and..”
    paperheart took a deep breath before continuing
    “He trapped Kage with a spell and he was coming after the rest of us. Xertini threw an Absymal Shore scroll at us and went to fight the mysterious man. As we were being teleported he was holding her by the neck. Xertini might be…..”
    xMori looked at paperheart in horror as the thought of Xertini dying for them. Apparently the thought also bothered OnlyYours, for she was staring at the ground, eyes shrouded and watery looking. Paperheart whispered to him
    “xMori…I tried my best…”
    He looked to where she was pointing and was sick. His left arm was severely burnt, sections of white bone shining through. ‘At least it was my arm and not my mind’ he thought. He sat up carefully and patted paperheart with his right hand saying
    “Its ok. At least you tried.”
    “I can repair your arm but I require a small favor in turn.”
    They all turned to the new voice and immediately held back their harsh replies. The Absymal Priestess of Earth looked at xMori’s arm with a sad expression. She kneeled next to him and lifted it into her hand. xMori was surprised that he felt no pain from this. The Priestess said
    “He must remain here with me for a few days. This is a very devastating burn.”
    paperheart and OnlyYours nodded then OnlyYours asked
    “Priestess, Wh..”
    “Please call me Sorrow.”
    “Ok…Sorrow, What is this favor you request of us and do you happen to know a Galadriel?”
    “Galadriel shall return to you tomorrow. She is helping the Arcanian Goddess WinJR with something urgent and very important. As for my favor,”
    She point a finger at paperheart and says
    “I want her to tell Xertini that she is her mother. A simple but very important favor.”


    Kage yanked again at cuff that held him. The dungeon reeked of mold and a skeleton was in the way back. ‘How cliché’ Kage thought. The dungeon door opened and Xertini was thrown inside. She landed on her right side hard. The door slammed shut and Kage whispered to her.
    “Are you ok?”
    She didn’t budge for several minutes after he asked and fear crept into his veins. Finally Xertini sat up slowly. She kept her back to Kage as she said
    “Yes I’m fine. Now let’s get out of here.”
    “How exactly?”
    “When me and Kaiyumie were little we got caught and locked up for bullying children. We learned how to pick just about everything.”
    She walked over to him and kept her face hidden behind her hair as she picked his lock with magic. The cuffs released and her rubbed his wrists. Before she could get away Kage grabbed her wrist and asked
    “Why are you hiding?”
    “I’m not.”
    “Then show me your face.”
    Xertini was silent and yanked her arm but Kage held it. After another minute he released it saying
    “They beat you didn’t they?”
    “I’ll be fine. Let’s get Bite and leave this place.”
    She unlocked the door and they headed into the hall. It was mainly frozen ground and she turned to the left. Kage caught a glimpse of her face and grew angry. The entire left side was bruised and bleeding a little.
    “Why did they beat you?”
    “I wouldn’t tell them where I sent the others.”
    She went inside and freed Bite but also another person. She whispers to Kage
    “It’s my adopted brother Smoochie. I was told he had died.”
    Smoochie told them he knew of a way out. Kage eyed the grime covered man warily and followed him. They passed into an underground tunnel and continued down it until they reached outside. They were in another area.
    “Where are we?”
    Smoochie was far behind them and for evil reasons. He was slowly pulling a dagger from its hiding place from under his shirt. Bite had run off ahead to the lake in front of them. Kage was about a foot ahead of Xertini when Smoochie attacked Xertini from behind. He impaled the dagger deep into her shoulder and laughed at the shock on her face.
    “You think you escaped my clutches so easily? That’s right it was me who had you locked up and beaten like the trash you are. I heard about Kaiyumie. It’s your entire fault my baby sister is kidnapped and probably being slowly killed right now!”
    Kage threw his sword at Smoochie and it slammed into his knee cap. Smoochie yelled in agony but continued towards Xertini, who was clutching her bleeding shoulder.
    “Aquarius offered to pay me nicely if I brought you to him. He didn’t mention dead or alive.”
    Kage was by Xertini now, her face trapped in horror and shock. She said in a whisper
    “What happened to you Smoochie?”
    “After mom abandoned you and my sweet Kaiyumie she came home to a nightmare. I was watching outside the window and saw what they did to HellMary, your father. It’s your fault he’s dead! Now I will kill you to avenge him, make a profit, and see my Kaiyumie again.”
    Bite locked his jaws onto Smoochies right leg, the bones immediately being crushed. Smoochie slammed the hilt of the blade into the tigers eye patch. Bite yowled and let go, shaking his head. Smoochie healed himself and withdrew Kage’s blade from his knee. He ran at Xertini but Kage blocked the way. Both weapons slammed into Kage’s shield, sparks flying. Smoochie kept the dagger on the shield and swung at Kage’s knees with the sword. Xertini grabbed the blade in her hand, slicing it open. Smoochie scowled at her and was about launch the blade foreward when Kage shoved him away. Smoochie stumbled and Bite, a small trickle of blood from his eye patch, laid down behind him, tripping him. Kage picked up his sword and held it near Smoochie’s throat.
    “Don’t come near her or her sister ever again.”
    He stepped back and walked towards Xertini. A blue smoke appeared to her left and their friends appeared. Paperheart immediately began healing Xertini’s shoulder and hand. Smoochie screamed and ran at Kage, weapon raised. Kage turned on him and stabbed him.


    Xertini lay back against a tree in Absymal Shore, watching Sorrow heal xMori’s arm. Sorrow had attempted to repair her face but Xertini had begged her to finish with xMori. Paperheart and the others were talking about what happened after their capture. Kage was shaken but alright from what had happened with Smoochie. Xertini wobbled to her feet and walked far away from them towards the beach. Little mobs were walking around peacefully, though an occasional scuffle between a Mung Fish and Octocan broke out. Xertini looked at the sea stretching out into the horizon and sighed. She thought back, smiling softly to herself.
    “Kaiyu! Where are you?”
    Xertini said, looking for her sister. Nine year old Kaiyumie came from behind a tree with shells in her hands. She placed some in Xertini’s hair and giggled.
    “Princess Xerti!”
    “You’re the Princess!”
    Kaiyumie looked at her hands and asked
    “Hey Xerti, you think mom ever imagined us as her two princess’?”
    Xertini shrugged her shoulders and took her sisters hand. They ran back to Terminus gate from the Logging Area, hearts happy and yet sad.

    Xertini touched the shells in her hair, one of the few things her sister had given her. She heard a twig break and whipped around to see a shadowed figure behind her. Xertini flung her hand at it, using a force of wind so strong it ripped tree’s in half. The figure had ducked and it spoke to her
    “HEY! Calm down! I just want to thank you.”
    The figure was a man and he had darkness floating about his wrists. The others had seen and heard the racket so they came to investigate. Sorrow frowned and said
    “YoshiLove, why is it every time you enter my domain you get my stuff destroyed?”
    “She attacked me!”
    “There’s this thing called a mouth. Use it.”
    YoshiLove frowned at Sorrow before speaking
    “I came to thank you for killing Smoochie.”
    Kage shot him a dark look and Xertini glared at him with the eyes of a killer. YoshiLove cleared his throat and continued
    “Smoochie had been corrupted by Darcel. Darcel is the owner of the Gods Power Death. He can speed up time of inanimate objects and animals but not people. I was on a mission to put these on Darcel when Smoochie, my assistant, turned on me.”
    He withdrew two large bracelets made of silver from inside his jacket.
    “These restrict Gods Powers and make us nearly mortal pretty much. WinJR gave me these in the hope to save Darcel from his own madness. Of course I tried to remove them but because Smoochie was a Prophet, he could cast locking incantations, which he did. So I was trapped in a cell until he died. Now I can continue on my mission thanks to you.”
    Sorrow looked behind him and said
    “AsianRider you can come out we don’t bite.”
    AsianRider appeared with Aenji and walked up beside YoshiLove. He immediately felt the power. He looked at the group trying to pin point it but couldn’t since they all stood together. Suddenly OnlyYours pointed at Xertini saying,
    “She’s it.”
    “Im what?”
    “You really are a ditz aren’t you? You are the Pure Heart. Featherfolk recognize its powers since they were the Gods servants. Plus I saw you with grey eyes and you were a child when the power went missing. I figured it out after a while and just wanted to see if you were smart enough to notice it as well.”
    AsianRider puts his hand on Xertini’s head as if she were a dog saying
    “The power is with you.”
    “Well you can have it. I just want my sister.”
    AsianRider looked at Sorrow and YoshiLove but both shook their heads.
    “Only way to transfer it is to kill you. Sorry.”
    Everyone eyed her differently now and it stabbed at her heart. AsianRider told them that Galadriel was waiting for them in Nights Forest, outside of the Black Trading Grounds located in Corrupted Valley. AsianRider put his hand on Xertini’s shoulder and said she had to go with him. In response, Xertini grabbed him by the arm and threw him at her comrades. While they were confused she ran away, not wanting to be someone special or a monster. All she wanted was for this horrible story to end.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, May 15 2013, 11:47 PM #Permalink

    A woman ran quickly along the passages of Terminus, two small girls in tow. She stops at a corner and whispers hurriedly to them
    “Mommy has to go away for a while. You two take care of each other ok? Here, a gift to remember mommy by.”
    She pulls out two necklaces and puts them around each child’s neck. Both necklaces were silver and extremely intricate in design. A loud sound followed by a scream echoed from behind the mother and she glanced back. She looked back at the girls, into two sets of lilac eyes before turning and running away, tears streaming.

    Seventeen years later

    Xertini glanced around the Alchemists home at a pair of people. She maliciously grins and turns to beckons to her sister to follow. Kaiyumie crept close behind her and they both nodded in agreement. They sneak up behind the pair ever so quietly, their shoes making no noise on the grass. Kaiyumie threw a sphere of light into the air, temporarily blinding the pair. Xertini aimed a kick at one but was shocked when a man grabbed her foot. Frustration shoots through her veins and she threw a fireball at this face. Quick as lightning he avoids it and grasps her wrist with his free hand. Kaiyumie summoned a tree and one of the branches whacked the man across the face. Kaiyumie got overjoyed and didn’t see the trap beneath her feet. Another man had shown up to help. The smoky circle encased Kaiyumie and she could not escape. Distracted by her sister, Xertini did not see the previous man sneak behind her. She tried to kick him as she turned but he just put her into a head lock. The pair whom had been attack were watching this with fright. The second man walked to them and said
    “Everything is fine now. We are sorry of this frightened you. Please proceed from here.”
    The pair left and the second man let out a long sigh. He looked back at his partner and the girls they had stopped. The one his partner held had pure hate in her eyes. The trapped one just sat quietly inside her circle and just watched both men with fear in her eyes. Finally he spoke
    “So Ladies mind telling me what you were doing?”
    “Look you guys could be something better than just bullies. Try to join a guild.”
    The hateful eyed one answered, every word dripping with pure venom
    “We don’t need anyone.”
    “So you say. You both belong somewhere and you both need help badly.”
    The fearful girl looks at her sister and says
    “Maybe we should try to join something? Honestly Xertini, I’m tired of attacking people. I want to help.”
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, May 15 2013, 11:47 PM #Permalink

    The sisters approached a large building made of marble. The door was a large oak one with an old iron knocker. Written in fading elaborate letters was ‘Tatakai’. Kaiyumie slid behind her sister as she knocked. The knocks reverberated loudly. A sound behind the door followed by “shoot” alerted the girls. The door opened inward and a young man’s face popped out. He looked at them with circled blue eyes, indicating he slept very little. He coughs then clears his throat
    “May I help you?”
    “Hello. We are Xertini and Kaiyumie. We wish to join the guild.”
    The man stares at them for a few more minutes before saying
    “Alright I’ll take you to our leader. It’s her decision.”

    Aquarius sat on his throne of shadows, bored beyond recollection. In his right hand he twirled his staff of darkness. He looked over to a black wall at a composite. Staring at it only infuriated him worse and the twirling of his staff quickened a humming noise now audible. His assistant MiSHART walked into the room and his mood immediately lightened. He could never stay angry for long around her. She was holding a few parcels in her hands and she passed them to him. Aquarius took the parcels and began to read them. On the last parcel was a drawing and Aquarius began to chuckle. He had finally found his missing prey from the years before. He leaned back into his throne chair and laughed loudly. The drawing was of Xertini and her sister. “Soon” Aquarius thought. Soon he would fulfill his seventeen year old goal and show Arcana reason to fear him for ages to come.

    Xertini’s mentor sighed loudly and deeply. Xertini had managed to burn up half of the fields they were training on in a matter of seconds. xMori glared at her and barked
    “Again! And this time do control it better. I’d rather not have the Abysmal Priestess breathing down my neck because you can’t control a tiny spark.”
    Xertini frowned at this remark and she flicked her wrist. A large boom sounded and the fields were once again ablaze. xMori quickly pushed water from a nearby river onto the flames. He lets go of the book he had been reading, leaving it to float in the air, as he strolled over to his newest disciple. He looked at her and said in a somewhat agitated tone
    “Pay attention.”
    He lifted his right hand and a small orb of flame appeared, its flames leaping about hungrily.
    “Creating a spark is all about care and control. You are letting your emotions rule over your power and this is why it’s……messy.”
    Xertini took a deep breath and relaxed. She pictured that exact same orb in hers, the flames, and the way it seemed to just hang there. She opened her eyes and saw an identical orb in her hand. She started to laugh and let out an excited sigh when the flames went berserk. A stream of fire nearly hit xMori as he evaded it. She quickly stops the power and helps xMori back to his feet. He looks at her and says
    “Almost. Now do it again.”


    Kaiyumie sat next to paperheart as they watched Xertini nearly kill her teacher numerous times with sparks. When one zoomed too close xMori would yelp. Finally xMori stopped for a break. Xertini walked over to a surviving tree and collapsed under it. paperheart motioned for Kaiyumie to follow her. They walked over to the burnt fields, where paperheart touches a tree that was still ablaze. The flames go out and the tree blossomed new leaves. Kaiyumie stared with an open mouth. Eager to do the same, she cast a glowing circle of blue light. The grasses began to rise from their pitiful state back to complete green blades. Unbeknownst to them, a tiger had prowled over to their field. It smelt them and growled. Both girls stiffen and slowly turn to stare at it before screaming and running. They climb the tree that paperheart had healed. xMori peers around a different tree at the sudden noise. When he catches sight of the tiger he yanks Xertini with him. He says to her
    “Maybe your excessive fire will come in handy. Go distract that tiger.”
    The tiger hears this and turns towards Xertini. Xertini gulps and takes off at full speed. The tiger follows in hot pursuit. Kaiyumie yelled after her sister, fearing for her safety. xMori helped them out of the tree and says
    “Go help Xertini.”
    He opens a scroll, the letters written on it brighten to an iridescent blue. A blue twister engulfs him and when it disperses he is gone. Kaiyumie summoned her unicorn mount and rode after the tiger. The tiger smelt the unicorn and pursued Kaiyumie instead. Xertini takes deep breaths and runs after them, occasionally stumbling and requiring help from paperheart.

    MiSHART quietly followed the unicorn. She hid in the shadows with her black griffon. It made soft noises that sounded like a mix of chirping and purring. Kaiyumie pulled her unicorn to a stop, looking around for the tiger. The unicorn kept moving about in circles, fear radiating from it. The tiger burst out and knocked the unicorn down. Kaiyumie fell onto the ground and rolled over twice. As she got to her feet the tiger lunged. She touched her Crimson Torch in time and summoned a blue tree. The tree lifted the tiger into the air. MiSHART grew impatient with watching and decided to test this prophet. She came from her hiding spot and with one swift blow, impaled the tiger in the face. The tree bursts into pieces and Kaiyumie stares at the incoming crusader with fear. She swallows hard and throws dust into MiSHART’s eyes. Kaiyumie dove under the crusaders blade, her side gaining a deep gash as she went to the dying tiger. She threw up a red barrier barely in time. The barrier became cracked and Kaiyumie quickly healed the tiger then herself. MiSHART saw this and stopped her attack. She pulled out a scroll and whistled as the letters began to brighten. Her griffon shot out of its hiding spot and as it zoomed by Kaiyumie, its front feet grasped her silver necklace. It lands by MiSHART and they disappear into the blue twister. Kaiyumie looked at the tiger and whispered to it, promising everything would be fine.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, May 15 2013, 11:49 PM #Permalink

    xMori pinched the bridge of his nose and asked with disdain
    “I understand wanting to save animals and take them as pets. A bird, cat, or dog is fine, but….tigers that tried to EAT us? I would like to disagree.”
    Xertini snickered at xMori’s displeasure. He retaliated with a whack to the back of the head with his book.
    “Another verse giggle-box.”
    “Oh come on.”
    “Fine, two verses.”
    Kaiyumie pets Tatakai’s new pet. They had given it an eye patch to cover the stab wound and fashioned it with a saddle also. Only paperheart and Kaiyumie were able to seat upon it. Kaiyumie scratched the tigers ears and said
    “Technically he is a cat. Plus Bite’s super sweet now.”
    xMori’s face twitched as he replied
    “’Bite’….the irony.”
    “Only if he bit you.”
    The guild doors opened and Kage strolled in, placing his sword and shield on a nearby table before stretching out on a couch. He looks at Xertini and sends her a smile. She returns it by giving him the bird before reading once again. Kage clears his throat and says
    “No one has seen the Crusader that attacked you. It’s been two weeks and surely someone would have seen her by now.”
    Kaiyumie continues to scratch Bite’s ears. Had she imagined the crusader? No, she couldn’t have. Bite’s face was evidence it had been real. She shuttered from the recollection. Suddenly Xertini was beside her and there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. xMori was lecturing to Kage about his laziness and was obviously distracted so he couldn’t pay attention to his pupil. Xertini whispers
    “Lets go exploring. I want to see Nightfall Shelter.”
    Kaiyumie’s eyes widened and she hissed
    “No way! You still cant control your powers enough! What if we get attacked?!”
    “Hey! I can control them just fine.”
    “Tell that to paperhearts wardrobe you blew out the window last week when you sneezed.”
    Xertini frowns and continues
    “Come on, we are just going to look around. You don’t have to go since you’re a chicken.”
    “Me a chicken? Bring it loose cannon.”
    Xertini hid her smile of triumph and they quietly went outside and teleported to Nightfall Shelter. The map was extremely dark, an aura of evil emitting from everything. Kaiyumie grabbed her sister’s sleeve and they proceeded.

    Aquarius stepped over the woman Saint he had just killed. He glared at the form with disgust. The kill had been to easy. He glanced over at MiSHART and saw that she too was disgusted by her kill. Aquarius looked around at the never ending sand and ask’s himself
    “Is the gods temple here?”
    There was a squeak to his left and he looked over with an annoyed look. It quickly became a malicious grin as he realized it was his long lost prey. He motioned to MiSHART and she followed. Today they would not fail, Aqua would be sure of that.

    Kaiyumie stopped dead in her tracks, frozen with fear. The Crusader that had attacked her and Bite was coming. Xertini looked at her sister and followed her gaze. Anger filled her features and she pointed at the Crusader with her Crimson Stave as Kaiyumie screamed
    “Wait don’t!”
    It was too late. The Crusader went flying through the air. Xertini’s triumph was short lived when she was hit with the end of a staff. She fell to the ground and rolled to the left, narrowly avoiding a stab from the pointed scepter. Kaiyumie attacked the Wizard from behind, beating him in the head. The Crusader had gotten up and with the hilt of her sword, slammed it into the back of Kaiyumie’s neck. She immediately collapsed into a pile on the ground. Xertini felt an anxiety attack coming on and she lunged at them with everything she had. She set the Wizard on fire, only to the fire freeze and shatter. The Crusader ducked under the flames and ran her blade through Xertini. All of the heat of battle ebbed quickly from Xertini. The Crusader withdrew her blade and Xertini fell back on her back. The sand beneath her started to turn black. The wizard walked over to Kaiyumie and removed all of her scrolls and took away her ring, proof that she had belonged to Tatakai. He stomped it to pieces and returned to Xertini. She had rolled over onto her stomach and was reaching for her sister. The Wizard told his accomplice
    “MiSHART go on ahead. I’ll catch up after I have a few nice words with this thing.”
    MiSHART grabbed Kaiyumie by the back of her shirt and opened a scroll. They were gone in seconds and Xertini gurgled her sisters name in an attempt to yell. The Wizard kneeled next to her and placed an object next to her. It was Kaiyumie’s missing necklace. The Wizard said to her
    “Something to remember her by.”
    Memories of Xertini’s mother came up. “A gift to remember mommy by.” Xertini spat blood into the Wizards face and he back handed her. He got up and also teleported away. Xertini felt the tears run as she squeezed Kaiyumie’s necklace in her hand. Why hadn’t she listened? Xertini told herself she deserved death and surrendered to the tides of darkness.


    Kage yawned as xMori kept going on and on about his lack of enthusiasm for work. Rabid knocking the door stopped xMori and he grumbled something about unwanted visitors. He opened the door and horror etched his features. A woman was holding his pupil. “Or what remained of her”, he thought. He asks her as he takes Xertini
    “What happened?!”
    “I don’t know. I was looking for the people who had killed my guild mates when I found her. She was barely alive and I saw her ring I immediately rushed here.”
    “Come in and I’ll ask our leader for a change of clothes for you after we help Xertini.”
    The Sorcerer followed them in and Kage says drowsily
    “Coming back to lecture me?”
    xMori zoomed by and up the stairs to paperheart s room. Kage follows and heard a paperheart’s “oh my god”, which made him quicken his pace. Paperheart told xMori to lay Xertini on a spare couch then quietly whispered
    “Get out.”
    “I want to be of assistance. You can’t handle some-“
    “I. Said. Get. Out.”
    xMori heard the venom dripping for each word and hurried out, shooing Kage out as well, and he shut the door behind him.
    “Mind telling me why you ran up here?”
    “My idiot pupil apparently went on her own adventure and got herself nearly killed.”
    “How bad is the injury?”
    “I couldn’t see it for all the blood but it is definitely going to leave a scar.”
    They headed back down to the lobby and sat in silence. Hours passed and paperheart finally came down to them. She told them Xertini would live and demanded to know what happened. She saw the Sorcerer who had brought Xertini and said quietly
    “Hello OnlyYours. I thank you for bringing her back when you did.”
    xMori went to get OnlyYours a new set of clothes and paperheart asked
    “Any idea who it was?”
    “More than likely it was Aquarius and MiSHART. They’ve been killing a lot of people lately and your friend was muttering “Kill MiSHART” over and over until she stopped and I thought she was dead then.”
    paperheart looked around and said
    “Where’s Kaiyumie?”
    “This Kaiyumie must have owned these.”
    OnlyYours pulled out a broken Tatakai ring and a bloodied necklace. Paperheart began crying at the sight of them and prayed that Kaiyumie was safe.

    Kaiyumie woke up and saw ice. She glanced around, trying to see where she was. It was solid ice and crystals all over. She saw a door and quietly ran to it. It was an easy lock she saw, and inserted a small amount of magic into it. She heard a soft click and the door opened. She stepped quietly out into a hall of more crystal. Kaiyumie glanced at the shadows under the crystals. She kept getting this eerie feeling she was being watched. She heard footsteps and she immediately ducked behind a crystal and peered out over it. A saint walked past and towards another door. It appeared to be the same as the door she had just opened so Kaiyumie slowly got up when a dagger was placed onto her neck. The cold metal told her not to move an inch and a voice followed
    “My my we have a little mouse trying to go back to its hidey hole.”
    The Saint hears this and walks back over to them.
    “I told you that door was too simple to keep a magic user in.”
    “So put a ward around the lock.”
    Kaiyumie captor spun her around and back to her dungeon. He shoved her in and slammed the door shut. She tried her magic again and saw it failed. She started kicking the door and a muffled voice from behind the door said
    “You break it you buy it.”
    Kaiyumie ignored him and kept kicking until her legs couldn’t hold her up anymore. She fell to her knee’s and glared holes through the door. Her mind was set on escaping and finding her sister. Nothing would stop her, not even some cheap door.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, May 15 2013, 11:50 PM #Permalink

    OnlyYours scratched at the grains of wood at the table she was seated at. She cast another glance around the Tatakai lobby and grumbled to herself. Why was she leaving on an adventure with these people? ‘Because you wish to protect your friends from the constant murders’ a voice reminded her. She gazed down upon the ring that’s had “Lyrics” etched into the final silver metal band. Many of her guild mates suggested she avoid teaming up with Tatakai but desperate times called for desperate measures. She heard footsteps and looked up from the table at the group that assembled. Paperheart had a small bag tied to her left hip and her rod to the other side. xMori looked tired of everything already but there was a fire behind his eyes and what seemed to be mischief. OnlyYours made a note to watch ‘the nerd’ as she had tagged him. Kage was consistently looking at the tiger beside him. It had many bags attached to either side of its saddle and hissed its displeasure quietly. Behind all of them leaning heavily on her crimson stave was that girl. Her entire stomach area was bandaged up and tiny red specs had already formed on it. Her violet eyes were swallowed by sadness but had fierce determination at the same time. There was something else that puzzled OnlyYours but pushed that suspicion to the back of her mind. She asks
    “Whats with the bags?”
    “We are walking the entire way.”
    Xertini looked at OnlyYours and replied
    “Because if we just teleport everywhere and don’t check behind gates for hidden passageways we may easily overlook any clues.”
    She looks at everyone and says calmly
    “You don’t have to come. She’s my sister and it’s my fault she’s gone. You guys may get hurt or killed if you come with me.”
    OnlyYours made a ‘tsk’ sound and walked over to Xertini and they stared face to face. She kicked the stave and Xertini immediately fell to the floor. OnlyYours crossed her arms and says
    “Oh yes, we are just going to let some injured Sorcerer who cant even stand on her own go out and get beat to a pulp when the nearest monster smells her. Are you sure that wound doesn’t extend to your brain?”
    Xertini shot OnlyYours a look that could only be described as hate and embarrassment. She slowly stood back up as OnlyYours continued
    “Im going with you to help because I want them gone too. Now, let us stop bickering and be on our way. Xertini I like your determination to go on your own as injured as you are, but you must remember others care too.”
    She holds her hand out to Xertini and is surprised at the fierce grip the girl gives it. Xertini gives her a smile and says
    “Welcome to the journey to Hell. I hope you like the heat, scholar.”
    Xertini limped on out and OnlyYours followed her, smiling to herself and thinking ‘this will be very interesting.’

    The crystal sat there, not a scratch on it. Kaiyumie was gasping for air after her sixth attempt at a destruction spell. Paperheart had been right. Casting spells without something to channel the magic was almost painful and wore out the user fast. Kaiyumie felt like giving up when an image of her sister popped up. Xertini, the one that had always been there for her. Xertini, the one who had been down on the ground and under attack when she was hit from behind because Kaiyumie had not warned her in time. Kaiyumie slammed her fist into the icy floor and fixed her anger upon the stubborn crystal. She threw out a Flash skill, yelping as the skill tore the skin of her palm when it was released. The attack hit and blew chunks off of the crystal. She wanted to jump for joy but couldn’t as she heard the door start to click. She quietly ran behind it just as her guard came in. He grumbled as he entered
    “Can’t you just stay quiet for a day?!”
    He saw the smoking crystal and curiously over to it. An idea hit Kaiyumie then and she blew another flash at it. The remaining crystal blew up, shooting crystal shards everywhere. A few hit the guards leg and he fell, swearing in a language Kaiyumie had never heard before nor cared about at that moment. She ran out the door and bolted it shut from the outside. She stood there against the door before making it to the one she had seen before. She inserted magic and grinned when the door pushed outward slightly. She saw that it was inside an old shaman’s house. She quietly shut the door behind her, making sure not to relock it and trap herself. Kaiyumie saw an empty floor cabinet and crawled in to hide out the coming storm.

    Ur had her hands on her hips, glaring at her assistant. He was sitting on the ground, plucking crystal shards out of his left leg. He saw her and grinned sheepishly and said
    “We had an explosive party.”
    Ur fought the urge to grin and strolled over to her assistant. She proceeded to heal his wounds as she lecture him about letting his guard down after he told her his account. After his cuts were healed he looked at her and said
    “Aqua is going to kill us.”
    “Gee alpha, I hadn’t thought of that at all.”
    “Think of it next time then?”
    Ur gave him a glare that wiped the smug look of his face. Alphanumeric got back up, testing his left leg before putting his full weight on it. He pulled out his daggers and they both left to find their escaped prisoner.


    Feet crunched in the snow, making the walk slightly discomforting. Bite’s paws sank deep into the snow, melting between his toes and soaking into his fur. He growled in annoyance and shook his paws to relieve them of some water. Xertini stumbled alongside him, chattering her teeth. Kage looked back at her and said with mild amusement
    “You two seem to be having fun, but you look like you are at your limit. We can always go back and hope for the best.”
    He knew he sounded cold hearted but it worked. Xertini gave him the bird and stormed past him with new determination. xMori whistled and yanked Xertini back as she almost blew past him. They ducked under a bridge that led out into a frozen lake. Bite tried to sneak under with them but the bags and his size wouldn’t allow it. Xertini motioned him to the forest and he sped through to the underbrush just as they heard thundering footsteps. OnlyYours signaled to them all to be silent as the footsteps went by them. Someone walked on the bridge and stopped at where paperheart was laying. She was shoved into the snow and was turning light blue. OnlyYours touched her shoulder, trying to warm her. A gravely voice sounded from above.
    “There has been no sign of the trespassers. The soldiers will continue on the pursuit. Once found I will destroy them for you my liege.”
    Another voice sounded from a further distance
    “Very well. We can’t have these….pests….going around spilling Aquarius’ secrets. It would be a burden should all our years of planning go up in smoke because of a group of pesky children.”
    Xertini felt her face grow hot and xMori gave her a stern look that clearly said ‘don’t do anything stupid’. The weight lifted off of paperheart as the figure moved on. She took a big gasp of air and then they were found. The bridge was torn up by a gigantic blue bear. Everyone scrambled to their feet as the bear approached them. Xertini saw icy swords pointed at them and before any of the others knew what was happening, she had blown the blades and their wielders away. A sudden scream let out as the bear grabbed paperheart into his mighty fist. OnlyYours held the others back as the bear spoke to them in its gravely tone
    “You have encroached upon our training grounds and must die. I will rip you all apart slowly!”
    With this, the bear began to slowly pull on paperhearts arm. Bite shot out of the forest and lunged at the bears open toes. He roars in agony and chases the cat, letting go of paperheart. She screamed as she fell and suddenly her descent slowed. xMori slowly let his Cyclone skill bring her to safety. Xertini and OnlyYours battled with the never ending sea of ice soldiers. OnlyYours looked to her left and saw at least one hundred soldiers gathered together. She felt her stomach twist as she saw them fuse and create a large being. It was a large woman with snowy skin and she had horns. Her hair was frozen in a way like she had been caught on a windy day. She slammed her scepter into the ground and a large flashing symbol appeared below OnlyYours and Xertini. They both jumped out of the way as the ground exploded, showering the area with ice chunks. Kage had snuck behind the newly created monster and flung his sword into her back. She yelled loudly, her voice sounding like breaking glass, and she turned on him. She stabbed at him with her scepter and he blocked it. As he blocked the attack, he summoned his pet saber tooth. It leaped up the woman’s scepter and bit her neck. The cat jumped from the monster, running down her back and retrieving Kage’s sword first. She impaled his saber tooth and it shattered into pieces. She slammed the side of the scepter into his sword and sent him flying. He fell and grunted as he felt his hand twist. He peered out of the corner of his eye to see the woman raise her scepter. xMori grabbed the blue bears toe and teleported them both backwards into the womans path. She could withdraw her scepter fast enough and stabbed the bear. It roared in despair and melted away, leaving behind a large chest with a purple glow. xMori opened it and removed a pulsating medal called ‘Sakuns Heart’. Xertini and OnlyYours continued dispatching the endless rush of ice soldiers. Xertini collapsed to her knee’s but continued casting. The soldiers stopped coming and they turned to their left. The group reassembled by OnlyYours and Xertini. An elf was walking towards them, her feet freezing whatever they touched. She fixed them with her icy blue gaze and asks in a chilling tone
    “What are you doing here?”
    Before anyone could stop her Xertini shot off
    “None of your business. Why are you helping Aquarius? Who do you think you are trying to kill a group of travelers?”
    xMori smacked his forehead and the rest just let out exasperated sighs. The icy elf flung her hand, throwing icicles at Xertini. Xertini created a large wall of fire, burning them. As the fire died down, Xertini shot the elf a smug look before xMori’s hand came down on her head. She glared at him and yelled
    “Quit throwing your power all about! CONTROL CHILD CONTROL!”
    “Why are you lecturing me at a time like this!”
    Xertini returned to her feet, wobbling a bit. She switched her gaze back to the other elf who astonishingly did not attack them while they had bickered. She looked down at the ground with glimmering eyes as she said
    “I only worked for Aquarius in the hope my people will stay safe.”
    OnlyYours watched her warily, never putting her Ephyra staff away as she asked
    “Who are you?”
    The elf looked up and said
    “I am Yuukino, Guardian of the Snow. You freed us from Aquarius’ General.”
    She motioned to the medal in xMori’s hand as she continued
    “He has many creatures like Sakun, forcing many people of the land to do his bidding.”
    Xertini rushed foreward andasked quickly, her voice echoing strong hope
    “You know where Aquarius hides?”
    Yuukino shook her head, her icy headdress tinkling. Xertini looked down to her feet and murmured a ‘thank you’. She began to walk away towards the next gate when Yuukino says
    “But I know where you can find a wonderful Deus ex Machina. She’ll be of more help to you than I would and it’s the least I can do to repay you for freeing us.”
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  • Accepted Answer

    Plumeria Plumeria
    replied on Friday, July 26 2013, 09:04 PM #Permalink
    Kaiyumie is aliiiiiive (almost). WOOP
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, May 15 2013, 11:50 PM #Permalink

    paperheart followed the group at a slow pace. xMori looked back at her and told her to hurry. Paperheart grumbled ‘you didn’t almost get suffocated, get your arm ripped off, and fall from an insane height.” Yuukino lead them to a tree and she silently stood there, staring up into the branches. They stood there watching her, and just as they were about to walk away back towards the gate to Shrouded Valley they heard leaves shaking. A small elf plopped down onto a branch inches away from Xertini. They both stared at each other for a minute and the little elf said
    “I was summoned?”
    Yuukino cleared her throat, watching the two stare down at each other.
    “They need guidance to stop the evil plaguing NoScrubs.”
    The tiny elf pointed at Xertini and says coolly
    “This one doubt’s I will be of any assistance and yet she doesn’t at the same time.”
    Xertini controlled the surprise she had felt before shooting back
    “’This one’s’ name is Xertini. Of course I would doubt someone of your stature. How do I know you’re not just..ow ow ow!”
    xMori grabbed her by the ear and pulled her back. He and she exchanged a fierce argument as the small elf continued
    “I do not mind helping these people. They play a large part in the upcoming war, according to the gods.”
    This made xMori and Xertini shut up and to turn to gawk at the elf. She jumped from the branch and became taller once she hit the ground. She leveled her gaze with Xertini and said
    “Two things you should know. One my name is Galadriel, not ‘shrimp’. Two, you may want to watch your anger and feelings. They are more dangerous than you could possibly imagine.”
    Galadriel informed the group to gather close because she was going to teleport them only once to a location closest to where Kaiyumie was being held. Yuukino handed something to Kage then backed away, waving good-bye. Xertini glanced at Galadriel and pondered on what she had said. ‘You may want watch your anger and feelings.’ She cast her gaze to the sky and swore she had seen someone upon a bird up above them.

    Kaiyumie’s back ached from hours of hiding in the cabinet. She finally decided to risk getting caught just to stretch. She peeked out the door and saw two saber tooth’s pacing back and forth in front. Kaiyumie knew then they had known she was hiding in the house and were just trapping her there. Both cats stared at her with shining violet eyes, waiting for her to open the door wide enough. Kaiyumie took a deep breath told herself she was insane, and lunged out the door, using a pushback skill as she sailed by the cats. She ran with all she had but the cats caught up. Kaiyumie grabbed a crystal and used it to channel her power as she threw up a barrier. The saber tooth’s bounced off the barrier and circled her. Kaiyumie closed her eyes and tried to remember forbidden spells she had learned. She came to the one she wanted and reopened her eyes, prepared to cast it. The saber tooth’s were engaged in a battle with Bite. Xertini was running towards her yelling her name.
    Kaiyumie made the wrong choice and lowered her barrier as she extended her arm out towards her sister. Alphanumeric grabbed Kaiyumie from behind and Xertini threw a fireball at them, which joined with xMori’s Tempest arrow. Ur cast a shield about alphanumeric and grinned maliciously at them. Paperheart threw a flash and it hit Ur’s shoulder. The two Saints stared at each other. Ur said to paperheart
    “It is nice to see my apprentice again. Care to show me what you have learned?”
    Just as she finished saying the sentence paperheart threw another attack at her and Ur side stepped it. Kage was battling with MiSHART, their blades creating sparks and clanging. Xertini then saw the one she wanted to kill. Aquarius stood there watching them all, a bored expression over his face. xMori chased after alphanumeric and saw exactly why Aquarius was so relaxed. A large crystal was moving on the ceiling to where Xertini was charging towards Aquarius. Kaiyumie called out to xMori
    “Forget me! Save my sister!”
    xMori watched them disappear before yelling to Kage and pointing at the ceiling. He glanced upwards and saw it. He ducked as MiSHART’s blade whistled past and threw her upwards using his shield. He made his way to Xertini and told her to duck. She ignored him and he shoved her out of the way as the large crystal form dropped. Paperheart glanced towards Xertini and Ur kicked her away. She and MiSHART joined Aquarius’ side. Aquarius chuckled and informed Xertini’s group.
    “Say hello to one of my newest pets, Crystalisk.”
    Ur activated a scroll and just as they were vanishing Aquarius saw Galadriel. He pointed at her and mouthed ‘you will die’. They vanished in a plume of smoke. OnlyYours helped Xertini to her feet as Kage ran away from them, luring the crystal dragon to another area. OnlyYours lifted her staff and meteors fell about the dragon. Crystal shards flew everywhere. Bite ran around pushing the group out of the way of shooting shards. Crystalisk jumped and whipped his tail about, knocking Kage down briefly but Xertini and xMori used their push skills to help him back up. Paperheart threw out many heals and recovered conditions. xMori kept the dragon disorientated with his wind attacks. Xertini continued what OnlyYours had started with the meteors and finally the dragon stopped moving, its fist inches away from hitting Kage again. He lashed his sword across its knuckles and the dragon shattered. Xertini fell onto her back, drained of energy. Bite was panting, plopping down beside Xertini. OnlyYours went to paperheart and got her wounds treated. Galadriel looked upon these people and blamed herself a little for not arriving sooner. xMori was walking about the shattered remains studying them. Galadriel spoke finally to break the silence
    “We should rest up then continue on from here.”
    Everyone nodded except Xertini, who was spaced out staring at her hand. ‘So close and yet so far. Will I ever get her back?’ She thought to herself. She formulated a plan on her own and would wait for everyone to sleep before carrying it out.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Yoshi Yoshi
    replied on Thursday, June 13 2013, 07:04 PM #Permalink
    I-It's so sad T___T Poor Mori T^T
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Friday, August 23 2013, 12:03 PM #Permalink

    Kaiyumie ran as fast as she could after her body. It was walking to the Abysmal Shore lighthouse. As Nereus approached paperheart looked up and cried from relief.
    “Kaiyumie you’re alive!”
    “Yes. I woke up inside of a temple. Where’s Xerti?”
    Horror filled Kaiyumie and she yelled
    “NO! Don’t believe him! Its not me!”
    Paperheart ran inside and called for Xertini. MiSHART escorted Xertini out, a firm grip on her shoulder to keep Xertini from escaping. Xertini looked at her sister warily. Nereus attempted to say something when Xertini said
    “Get out of here.”
    “What? Xerti it’s me Kaiyu!”
    Xertini took MiSHART’s sword and lunged at Kaiyumie. She held the blade next to her ‘sisters’ neck. Nereus immediately knew then Xertini could see through his attempts. The others though did not. He planned to make Xertini seem like a total nutcase by continuing the façade.
    “Xerti it’s me! Please! What’s wrong with you!”
    MiSHART and alphanumeric grabbed Xertini, dragging her back to her room as she struggled. Kaiyumie only stared after her sister. Nereus pretended to be shaken as paperheart came to help him. Kaiyumie hissed loudly, her rage at its peak. The ground beside Nereus cracked suddenly. He looked around for the cause of it but saw nothing.

    Xertini stared at the floor of her room. She had tired from trying to untie herself. They were protecting that imposter downstairs. She had attempted twice more to kill the imposter which had wound up getting her tied to a chair in her locked room. Xertini saw a scroll on a nearby desk and saw her chance for escape. She gently wobbled the chair over to the desk and still couldn’t reach the scroll. She swore and tried again when her door opened. It was the imposter. She was grinning cruelly, a smile that didn’t fit her sisters’ face. The imposter walked over to Xertini and placed both hands on her shoulders.
    “I wish you had been as stupid as those downstairs. It would have been more fun.”
    Both hands wrapped around Xertini’s neck and she gasped for air. Xertini could feel herself growing cold as she looked into the eyes of her possessed sister.

    Kaiyumie saw Nereus choking her sister and yelled. Kaiyumie put her arms around her sister sobbing, begging her to live. Xertini’s lips had started to turn blue as she was dying. Kaiyumie attempted to heal Xertini but to no avail. Kage jumped in suddenly and yanked Nereus away from Xertini. Xertini slumped in her chair and Kaiyumie feared the worst. Kage cut the bindings and checked for a pulse. It was weak but there. Nereus snarled as he summoned a forest of black tree’s. Kage grabbed Xertini and evaded the attack. Just as he was almost out the door Nereus grabbed his ankle. He dropped Xertini but placed a random scroll onto her. She vanished and Nereus roared in anger. He grabbed Kage’s head and said, venom dripping
    “Im going to erase her from all of your memories now.”


    Three Weeks later

    CrazyCrystal rubbed her back, recovering from yet another fall. She had climbed to the top of a stall in Terminus and was doing great until Nocjaque yelled at her. She was on her way home in the Main Hall when she saw someone laying on the ground. She rushed over to him, worried that something happened. Men appeared suddenly and said
    “Do not approach citizen. This is a dangerous fugitive.”
    “Fugitive? But he’s injured!”
    “xMori will be fine. Move along!”
    CrzayCrystal kept staring at xMori before slowly making it home. She closed the door behind her and went to the guest room. Her guest was still there, staring off into space as usual. CrazyCrystal sat down beside her guest and fixed her hair back into a twisting ponytail. The blonde elf looked at CrazyCrystal with sad purple eyes. CrazyCrystal lifted up the newspaper and read it.
    ‘Kaiyumie and her group continue the manhunt for the fugitive Xertini. Wanted for destroying the mind of Kage.’
    ‘Zombie army has risen in Shrouded Valley and is advancing towards Altus Gorge. Sorrow and her apprentice’s advance to the front lines to aid in stopping them.
    ‘Fugitive xMori deemed to die at midday tomorrow.’

    CrazyCrystal looked again at Xertini and sighed.
    CrazyCrystal left the newspaper beside Xertini and left to cook dinner. When she returned an hour later Xertini was gone as well as the newspaper. CrazyCrystal swore and grabbed her coat, bolting out the front door after her.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Saturday, June 29 2013, 12:34 AM #Permalink
    CHAPTER TWENTY THREE (Extra/Side Story)

    Xertini kept staring at the sand she sat on as others were sleeping around the fire. Bite had caught up to them thanks to Galadriel. The tiger was curled up beside her, snoring lightly. Xertini patted the tiger gently on the head. Bite was dreaming of rabbits when a sharp pain in his tail woke him up. He lifted his tail. There, hanging from the tip, was a baby dragon. Xertini stared at it then looked behind Bite and saw lots of glowing yellow eyes. They were all baby dragons and they were hissing. One waddled up to Bite and attempted to blow fire at him. Bite just laid his paw on it.
    “MY BABY!”
    Wheatley stared in horror at Bite’s foot. The tiger flicked his tail, sending the baby flying. Wheatley squeaked and ran after it. He glared back at the tiger and yelled
    “Satanic Beast.”
    Bite flipped an ear backwards. Xertini just watched all this before saying
    “Who are you?”
    “My name is Wheatley! I am the evil king of Crystalisks! Cower in fear and surrender or face the wrath of my army.”
    The babies charged and Bite took a deep breath. The tiger growled so loud it not only frightened the dragons but also woke up the others.
    “Hnn pineapples are a vegetable.”
    “Darcel…they are not.”
    They all turned towards Wheatley. The dragons cowered behind him and Wheatley had his fists raised. He nodded to xMori.
    “Let’s settle our fight from earlier.”
    “That wasn’t a fight. That was an accident to a degree.”
    Wheatley scuttled closer to xMori. xMori frowned then punched Wheatley, knocking him out cold. xMori looked at the waves of hissing dragons. He pushed up his sleeves saying
    “Who wants dragon stew?”
    All the babies ran to Wheatley, lifted him up, and carried him away.
    “Im sure this was a dream.”
    “Yeah. Let’s get some sleep.”


    They stood before the gates to Colossus Shadowfields. Galadriel looked back at them saying
    “You have had three days’ rest so hopefully you are ready for the battle that awaits you. I can no longer help you but the Snow Guardian can. AsianRider and Aenji are in the skies above waiting for your entrance. I wish you all the best of luck.”
    Xertini took a deep breath and entered the gate. She reappeared on the other side to a war zone. Soldiers were slamming into each other and stabbing, arcs of blood flying. Xertini whistled and Bite shot to her. She jumped onto the tigers back and they took off in search of Kaiyumie. xMori and the rest watched them take off. Just as Kage proceeded after Xertini, MiSHART rushed towards him. Kage deflected the blow barely. The Crusader barraged Kage with attacks, trying to break through his shield. This was going to be a long hard battle.

    Xertini and Bite were staring at Aquarius as he turned towards them. Kaiyumie was curled up in a ball, bruised because she refused to move and Aquarius had beaten her. Xertini got off of Bite, cold hatred running in her veins. She spoke to Aquarius, venom dripping
    “I want my sister and I want you to die. No one hurts Kaiyumie.”
    Aquarius chuckled but immediately created an ice barrier as fire came at him. The ice shattered and Bite lunged at Aquarius. The Wizard side stepped and stunned the tiger where it landed. Aquarius created a thunderstorm and Xertini dodged the bolts with ease. But she had stepped right into a trap. An electric field activated and it zapped her. She screamed loudly but kept her gaze fixed on Aquarius. Wind swirled around her, making her so fast Aquarius lost sight of her. She locked an arm around his neck from behind. Aquarius struggled to free himself then fired a spell at Kaiyumie. Xertini let go and jumped in the way of the blast. The spell knocked Xertini several feet away along with Kaiyumie. Kaiyumie opened her eyes and looked at her sister. Xertini looked like she was in painful sleep. Kaiyumie placed a hand on Xertini as she whispered to her
    “Hey Xerti. Xerti wake up! XERTI!”

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    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Sunday, July 14 2013, 07:14 AM #Permalink
    Only because i got bored. Rest will come in August.

    Candle lights flickered from within the antechamber, casting eerie glows upon the walls. The floor of the chamber was decorated with white lilies. In the middle of these beautiful flowers encased in crystal was an elf. Her eyes were closed, giving her the appearance of a sleeping angel. Her violet hair was fanned out beneath her. The Arcanian Goddess WinJR sat down beside the elf and gently patted her head, speaking quietly to her.
    “Your sister was here today. She has become a beautiful Sorcerer. Two years have done her a lot of good. She left you these today.”
    WinJR pulled out a bundle of purple irises. They were tied together with seaweed, to honor part of the sleeping elves namesake. WinJR placed the flowers in her hands then left a card beside her before leaving. The card read with elaborate writing
    “Dearest Kaiyumie
    It has been two years today since you were taken away from me. I have come no closer to the spell to bring you back. I will Kaiyu. I will find it and bring you back to this world. I miss you every day. I stare at your necklace every day and wonder if you will ever awaken inside the temple and come running home. I would welcome you with open arms and hug you like we had never been separated. That day will soon come.
    With Love,
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    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Sunday, May 19 2013, 01:13 AM #Permalink

    Aenji flew around the skies, savoring the feel of the wind between his feathers. He tilted his wings to his left and turned. He saw his most treasured friend and slowly landed next to AsianRider. AsianRider scratched Aenji’s head as they stared at the gates of Atlantis. He closed his eyes and grimaced a little at the memories that came flooding back, the screams of his dying people echoing in his ears.
    AsianRider turned a corner and ran straight into a soldier. The aquatic being stared down at him before raising its sword. Suddenly AsianRider was thrown inside of a nearby bush as a figure stepped in. The blade protruded from the figures back and the figure collapsed. The Atlantian soldier stabbed the mass several more times and ripped the bracelet from its wrist. It went away and AsianRider slowly came out and approached the unmoving mass. As he saw what it was he burst into tears, grabbing its hand and shaking it.
    “Daddy.. Daddy come on.. wake up. DADDY!!”

    AsianRider reopened his eyes, his lashes heavy with water. He looked over at Aenji who was softly chirping to him, a worried look in his yellow eyes. AsianRider told him he was fine when a sudden sound distracted him. He took cover behind a tree and Aenji flew to the skies, circling close to AsianRiders location. There was loud puffing sound and the sounds of grunting and yelling. He peered around the tree and saw a group of people standing before the gates. His attention was drawn to a man having trouble holding a girl. She kept flailing her legs around and stepping on his toes. AsianRider only caught bits and pieces of the conversation
    “…..only making this harder.”
    “Let me go! HELP!”
    The Wizard that was with them frowned and looked to his right to what appeared to be a Saint. The Saint walked over to the struggling pair and activated a spell. The struggling girl was surrounded by a purple hue. The hue flew over to the Saints staff and the girl stopped struggling. Her captor said
    “Gotta love that energy depletion spell.”
    “Yeah yeah lets get going.”
    AsianRider fought the urge to run over and help the girl, knowing the group would easily defeat him. He watched the Wizard open the gates and the group enter. As the gates shut two large monsters appeared at either side. They were deformed twin wolves, one called Ferales and the other was Ulric. Both panted and glared about, waiting for prey. The Wizard stayed behind to say something to the beasts and AsianRider stepped on a branch by accident. He immediately hid behind a nearby rock and as he looked up to see if he was noticed, he felt his heart shatter. The Wizard was surrounded in an icky blue mist. The face of the mist AsianRider knew too well. It was that of the Atlantian War Commander Nereus. The mist vanished as quickly as it had appeared and the Wizard walked further toward the temple. AsianRider stood up and whistled, jumping into the air and landing onto Aenji’s back. They soared into the sky, AsianRider saying to Aenji and himself
    “Why does that Wizard have the ghost of Nereus? Why do they have that girl? What is going on?”
    He thought for a second and decided to report what he had seen to Prince Shilly, hoping the Prince could offer some insight into this disturbing manner.

    Xertini was annoyed. She had tried to run away on her own but OnlyYours had set up a barrier to keep her in. She watched the others sleep and pulled her knees to her chest. She crossed her arms and laid them upon her knees. She glanced down at the two necklaces she was wearing, the both making a silver tree together. She felt hot tears run down her face and angrily wiped them away, refusing to feel sorry for herself. Bite stared at her and meowed a little, sensing her depression. Xertini reached out and patted his head, telling him and herself
    “We will rescue her even if it kills me.”
    She looked up towards the crystalline ceiling, her determination rebuilt.


    Prince Shilly gave out an exasperated sigh, lounging further into his chair. He was tired of hearing AsianRider’s ridiculous claims about the Temple of Atlantis. He said, boredom dripping from each word
    “It was an illusion. You’re still upset from the loss of your people. There is absolutely no way that Nereus is back. Go home and get some sleep.”
    AsianRider slammed his fist into the desk before and said loudly
    “It is not an illusion you pampered brat! Nereus is back and he will destroy us all. What about the girl they have with them?! Is she just an illusion too?!”
    Prince Shilly grew red in the face and boomed as loudly as he could
    “ENOUGH! I shall not sit here and be insulted by some low class about supersitions! Leave before I have you carried out.”
    AsianRider scoffed and headed for the door, turning to say one last thing
    “You’re right you wont sit and listen. You would rather sit in denial.”
    He slammed the door behind him and growled
    “That fool.”
    He stormed out towards the courtyard when he heard a whistle. He glanced back and saw a male elf beckoning to him. AsianRider approached him and the elf said
    “My my you sure got his Majesty riled up.”
    AsianRider said nothing and gave the stranger a cold glare. The stranger cleared his throat and said
    “Forgive my rudeness. My name is RayDarkwolf, Head of the Scholars at the Arcanian Library. I heard bits and pieces of your talk to his Majesty. I am intrigued by this. Please do tell so I may offer my assistance if I can.”
    AsianRider eyes the man suspiciously before telling him what he had witnessed. The Scholar nodded and raised an eyebrow when AsianRider mentioned the ghost and girl. There was a long silence then AsianRider said coldly
    “You think Im insane.”
    “Dear god no my friend. What it sounds like to me is the beginning of another War. If Nereus has possessed a victim then it must mean he wants to finish what he had started. Problem is what is it he’s after and why the girl?”
    RayDarkwolf brings his hand to his face and let out a log “hmmm”. He finally said
    “Come my friend to my office. I think we may find what we’re looking for there.”

    paperheart was exhausted from walking so she hopped onto Bite’s back. The tiger shot her a look and continued onward. Galadriel was once again small and was hopping around OnlyYours shoulders. They were heading deeper into the cavern, the crystals vanishing and solid mud appearing. There were bones scattered everywhere, along with weapons of all kinds. Paperheart saw one skeleton wearing a gold bracelet in the form of wings. She asked aloud
    “What is that?”
    Galadriel glanced and a sad expression took hold of her face.
    “Those are the remains of a Featherfolk.”
    “The Featherfolk were an ancient race, tuned into the gods almost as much as I. They were also guardians of a sacred power that went missing during the Atlantian War.”
    “What power?”
    “The power was called ‘The Pure Heart’. Legend has it that when the Featherfolk village was attacked the Chieftain spirited the power away into a child. That is why after the Featherfolk were nearly destroyed all the children of Arcana were targets.”
    “Nearly destroyed?”
    “Only one Featherfolk remains. He does not have the power as you would guess he did. He watches the Atlantian Temple in fear that the army of Atlantis would rise once again.”
    Kage looked to his left at Xertini. A somber look was on her face as she thought of how lonely it must be, being the last of your own kind. They continued on in silence, though OnlyYours kept thinking to herself ‘‘spirited the power away into a child’ huh? I wonder..’ She ran a little to catch up, thoughts still running through her mind.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Sunday, July 14 2013, 06:00 PM #Permalink
    Wonderful job on the story!
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    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Sunday, May 19 2013, 07:00 AM #Permalink

    xMori kicked the pebbles at in his way and said
    “Make a circle of pebbles.”
    Xertini frowned and asked
    “You still need to learn control. Make a circle of pebbles.”
    She continued to frown but did as he requested. Ten pebbles wobbled into the air, shaking as they were placed in a perfect circle. He asked her to do several tricks with the circle and she finally had it orbiting around one of her wrists. xMori was pleased that her control had gotten a little better. What was bothering him though was the way it was shaking. The pebbles dropped suddenly and Xertini’s hands flew to her head and she winced. xMori looked at her and said
    “Are you ok?”
    “Yeah..just a small headache. Lets try again.”
    “No we’ll stop for a few minutes. Your energy is still pretty depleted.”
    Xertini nodded and they continued to walk onwards. They finally saw a gate before them that lead to a place called Hidden Cave. What they didn’t realize though was that they were being watched the entire time. Darcel sat in the shadows watching the adventurers approach the gate. He made a waving gesture and the ground beneath the adventurers cracked. Darcel stood up grinning and vanished in a plume of black smoke. Kage and paperheart lunged to the left as the ground beneath them cumbled away. Bite had grabbed xMori by the back of his shirt, causing the Sorcerer to yelp in shock. Xertini fell, grabbing onto the ledge as her feet tried to find a hold. The rocks beneath her hand crumbled and before she fell far OnlyYours grasped her arm. OnlyYours pulled with all her strength and finally helped Xertini back onto solid ground. The entire group was panting and Kage said between huffs
    “What…in…the..hell was that?...”
    Galadriel was looking around warily, specifically at the spot where Darcel had just been. She looked at the group and said
    “I’ll return soon I have a few questions I must ask the gods.”
    Galadriel turned a soft gold hue and evaporated away. Xertini was still gasping for air when Kage lifted her up and over his shoulder. Xertini yelped and smacked his back, demanding to be put down. He ignored her and entered the portal. The vaccum of space was brilliantly colored, different shapes and hues fantastically whirling around them. They exited into a moldy smelling cavern. As Kage stepped through he glanced at Xertini. Xertini was out cold over Kages shoulder. OnlyYours gave him a wry look and said
    “You knew the teleport was going to knock her out didn’t you?”
    “Well I was listening to her and xMori. Plus teleporting takes some energy from you if you use gates so I figured this was a high possibility.”
    OnlyYours chuckled and then asked
    “I wonder what that was back there.”
    “The floor?”
    “No the wonderful aroma of dead people and mud. Of course the floor.”
    xMori shot her a look and replied, clearly annoyed
    “Don’t attack us just because you were scared.”
    OnlyYours opened her mouth then shut it as she realized he was right. Her hands were shaking from fear, not the unusual cold. The fear she had seen etched into the Xertini’s face had frightened her and it made her wonder if her guildee’s had looked like that when they were murdered. She clenched her hands into fists and scolded herself for being so foolish. Paperheart touched her shoulder and told her
    “Its fine. Once we get Kaiyumie everything will be back to normal.”
    “Not until I have Aquarius’ head on a silver platter.”
    paperheart gave OnlyYours another pat before following xMori and Kage, Bite trailing behind her. Bite glanced at OnlyYours, licked her hand and trotted after paperheart. ‘The faster this is over the sooner I get away from that creepy cat’ she thought. She shoved her remaining fear to one side of her mind and ran after the group.


    AsianRider stared at the columns of books in RayDarkwolfs office. There were lots with splintered spines, indicating daily usage for many years. RayDarkwolf was hunched over a book, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose. He pushed them back up, never pausing in his reading. Finally he said
    This made AsianRider jump in his seat from fright and he flipped RayDarkwolf off as the Scholar laughed. He cleared his throat and said
    “Atlantian Commander Nereus was after all the God Powers in this realm.”
    AsianRider asks warily
    “God Powers?”
    RayDarkwolf sighed and walked over to a chalkboard, placing his candle on a nearby table as he explained. He drew a large circle and tapped the inside
    “This is the Pure Heart that the Featherfolk, your people, were protecting. Now these,”
    He drew a large square, triangle, and pentagon into each other like a messy looking Venn Diagram.
    “Those are the three Elemental God Powers. The triangle represents the Abysmal Priestess of Earth. The square represents the Prophet of Air. Last but not least the pentagon represents the Sorcerer of Island Fire. With me so far?”
    AsianRider nodded and let him continue on
    “If Nereus were to gather all of these powers to his side he would overthrow the gods and rule over Arcana. Seeing as he nearly wiped out your race, I say there’s a good chance that’s exactly what he’s after. One problem though.”
    “Well three problems. First is there has never been a Prophet of Air. I suppose they may have taken the girl for that. Second is we have no idea how to find the Pure Heart, which is the most dangerous of the God Powers. Third is I only know where the Abysmal Priestess resides. Zemirenth, the Sorcerer, tends to move about a lot.”
    “I can find the Pure Heart.”
    “The Featherfolk guarded it so we became use to its power and the vibes it gave off. I just need to be close enough to the person to feel for it.”
    RayDarkwolf sat down at his paper cluttered desk and said
    “Interesting. I suppose I could call upon an old acquaintance of mine. He used to work here at the Library until….an accident..happened. I’ll request he come and hope he does.”
    RayDarkwolf begins writing a letter and addresses it. A little Ju-ju bird waddled in and RayDarkwolf gave it the letter.
    “To xMori.”
    The bird took off at an insane speed, leaving papers to fly in its wake. AsianRider got up and headed for the door saying
    “I’ll start checking villages for the Pure Heart. If I find it I’ll bring it here.”
    RayDarkwolf nodded and watched him leave. Once alone RayDarkwolf peered into a crystal and said to it
    “Aquarius my friend! I have some news for you…”

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    Segu-tan Segu-tan
    replied on Thursday, May 16 2013, 05:21 AM #Permalink
    Always loved reading the opening for some reason, it's like, I keep seeing it as a movie scene whenever I do.

    Keep it up!
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