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Xertini Xertini
posted on Sunday, November 17 2013, 10:27 AM in General Chat
I've been bored lately and in a typing mood, so I've decided to write another story. Main Characters are different this time though. Since story is a lot different I wanted to see if any of you guys want to join in this one.

Gist of what's planned:
Newbie Crusader Castain Steelcrusher must take up the banner of her family and defeat all of Arcana's most Malicious Beasts. Unknowingly she activates an ancient curse, releasing a dark overlord into the present world. Now she must not only honor her family's ways, but she must also gather a team to take on the Evil Lord of Shadows and his band of minions.

You can take your pick on whether good guy or bad, have to clarify what class you wanna be. You can also throw in numerous of your characters. I hope you guys will enjoy this o.o/
Responses (20)
  • Accepted Answer

    Fayth Fayth
    replied on Sunday, November 17 2013, 11:40 AM #Permalink
    I can haz both? *u*
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Sunday, November 17 2013, 11:43 AM #Permalink
    Yush you can o3o/
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  • Accepted Answer

    Fayth Fayth
    replied on Sunday, November 17 2013, 11:55 AM #Permalink
    /rolls sleeves
    To the Character creation screen *u*~
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Sunday, November 17 2013, 11:56 AM #Permalink
    you can do eet \o/
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  • Accepted Answer

    Fayth Fayth
    replied on Tuesday, November 19 2013, 04:40 AM #Permalink
    Let's make an official NS Roleplaying group or something xD
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Tuesday, November 19 2013, 08:34 AM #Permalink
    xD you'd have to get Sil/Zipo/Aleks/Kaze to agree with that but I have objections *3*/
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Tuesday, November 19 2013, 08:34 AM #Permalink
    no objections* OTL
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  • Accepted Answer

    Plumeria Plumeria
    replied on Wednesday, November 20 2013, 10:16 PM #Permalink
    I want in *-*
    Can Yoshi be the bad guy and Nakahara be a super bad guy? \o/
    Soul Blader and Sorcerer eh?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Crystal Boatman Crystal Boatman
    replied on Wednesday, November 20 2013, 11:23 PM #Permalink
    roleplay? a sexy one? IM IN >:D
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  • Accepted Answer

    CherryMango CherryMango
    replied on Wednesday, November 20 2013, 11:27 PM #Permalink
    naka, lemme be your evil lovah >U
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  • Accepted Answer

    Plumeria Plumeria
    replied on Thursday, November 21 2013, 12:59 AM #Permalink
    ooooh, go for it squiddo >:D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, November 21 2013, 01:32 AM #Permalink
    Lol sure.
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  • Accepted Answer

    CherryMango CherryMango
    replied on Thursday, November 21 2013, 03:01 AM #Permalink
    yyyyyaaaaaaaayyy /o/
    but whooo...clap or squid.... :I
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, November 21 2013, 03:42 AM #Permalink
    Nakahara ish now the Evil Lord of Shadows (yes she is now male in this story)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, November 21 2013, 04:50 AM #Permalink
    Here's Chapter One

    Seventeen year old Castain sighed loudly as she watched snow pile on the bustling streets of Terminus. ‘Soon.’ That word echoed inside of her mind like a cricket’s song at night. She placed her hand against the ice covered window of her two story home. Castain had been born into a privileged life, not having to work a single day. Of course this all was after the horrifying Atlantean Wars twenty years before. Now it was quiet, sometimes too quiet. Squeals brought her attention back to the small child behind her. It was an orphan her parents had adopted, named Lily Meadow. The young infant was playing with her blocks happily, oblivious to what her good fortune saved her from. Castain walked over to her father’s chest, opening it to reveal her weapon to be. It was a blood red great sword, only able to be wielded with two hands. She sighed again, not wanting to imagine how heavy it would be once she had to lift it. Because of her family and being the only surviving blood child of the Steelcrusher line, she was being sent out to honor her families ways. The Steelcrushers were infamous for their efficient slayings of the Four Beasts. The Four Beasts had to be slain in January during the full moon else the ancient spell of sealing on their master would come undone. Just then the door opened, snow blowing into the house. The sharp voice immediately irritated Castain as she turned angrily towards the newcomer.
    “Spoiled brat you haven’t been practicing have you?”
    “Well if it isn’t Lunaria the annoying.”
    Arms crossed before her was Lunaria Bane, a distinguished Wind Walker of the Ally Army. The elf was hired by Castain’s strict father to teach the young human how to battle. Lunaria’s blue eyes were etched with annoyance at Castain as the young teen replied tartly
    “I have been training with the sword! Daily!”
    “Pick it up and cut me in two with it.”
    Castain gulped, the sight making Lunaria even more agitated. The elf grabbed Castain’s greatsword with ease and one of the human girls bright red pigtails. She pulled her to a special training area cleared just for them.
    “Why did you drag me out here hag?”
    “You are of the Steelcrusher lineage. You must destroy these beasts. Though I would have preferred your brother over a pathetic creature such as you.”
    Castain felt her face grow hot with rage. She grabbed the greatswords hilt, not noticing she had even picked it up. She screamed “I Hate you” at the top of her lungs, aiming the blade at Lunaria’s head. The Wind Walker vanished then. Castain was shocked as she heard the woman whisper by her ear
    “Don’t you dare assume you can fight me with only rage.”
    Lunaria slugged her in the head, sending her flying. Castain rushed forward, surprising Lunaria. She jumped on top of the greatsword, sending the blade into the ground. Lunaria was prepared to beat some sense into the rage filled girl when she heard the alarms go off. Lunaria turned, seeing the Soul Blader who did not belong. Yoshi was laughing at them both, hands on her knee’s.
    “What a pathetic duo! A pitiful excuse for a slayer and a rejected..”
    Yoshi didn’t finish her sentence because she narrowly avoided the daggers thrown her way. Castain looked up at Lunaria’s face, fear entering her bloodstream. The elf had pure murder in her malicious gaze at the Soul Blader. Lunaria pulled two more daggers, claws that had been ripped off the body of Ulric. She demanded in a stern voice
    “Why are you here?”
    “Oh so rude. Why not introduce me to the failure of the Steelcrusher line?”
    “Answer the damn question traitor.”
    “So angry. Very well. I’m here to kill her of course.”
    A sour look crossed Yoshi’s face as she also said
    “Though I wasn’t expecting YOU to be the teacher they hired.”
    “Aw. Disappointed you didn’t get someone weak?”
    “No quite the other way around I am afraid. I was expecting someone stronger.”
    Lunaria looked back at Castain saying
    “Stay here, you’ll be nothing but a hindrance if you tried to help.”
    Lunaria vanished then, reappearing to Yoshi’s left. Yoshi parried the attack, grinning evily. Yoshi freed one of her swords from Lunaria’s daggers, slashing it across her chest. Lunaria winced but did not cry out. Instead the elf kicked Yoshi between her legs, rolled onto her back, and sent the Soul Blader flying. Her daggers now free, Lunaria aimed one at Yoshi’s back, only to be blocked yet again as her target turned just in time. They struggled then, metal screeching as they inched back and forth towards the other. Then Lunaria’s right side exploded in agony, even though she had not been stabbed. Castain grabbed her sword, running to help Lunaria. Yoshi shoved Lunaria off, readying a blade at the elves head. Yoshi heard a scream then felt her back being sliced open. Yoshi screeched as she scrambled away, cursing Castain as much as humanly possible. She pulled a scroll, saying to them as she vanished
    “He will come.”
    Castain let go of the sword, shocked that she had held it. She became even more shocked as she realized she had cut someone with it as well. Lunaria stood up then, angry beyond belief
    Pain exploded again from her right side. Blood began to drip then from her nose and mouth. Lunaria fell down into a pile, scaring Castain. Castain shook the elf, yelling for help. She helped Lunaria to her feet, walking as fast as she could to Priestess Karen for aid.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Plumeria Plumeria
    replied on Thursday, November 21 2013, 03:15 PM #Permalink
    It's so awesoooome; Yoshi be so evil *----*
    Yet again, I has another post to stalk :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Fayth Fayth
    replied on Friday, November 22 2013, 12:39 AM #Permalink
    Sexy everything! 8D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Tuesday, November 26 2013, 08:45 PM #Permalink
    Castain was pacing back and forth in front of her father’s study, clad in the ugly iron armor he had bought her. He was yelling at Lunaria for failing to teach Castain anything useful. Castain grinned as she thought ‘you deserve it hag’. Lunaria exited then, face hidden by her long blue hair. Castain noticed then that Lunaria did not have it tied up like usual.
    “Castain get in here.”
    Castain sent one more look at the elf that was wobbling away. She entered her father’s oaken study. He sent her a dark look as he says
    “It is time. Tonight is the night you will honor us. If you fail, that is fine too. We don’t expect you to succeed anyway. Women aren’t meant for battle anyway.”
    “Then what about the Atlantean Warrior Xertini? She was female last time I checked.”
    “Don’t talk about street mongrels that got lucky.”
    Her father sneers as he mumbles
    “No class trash like her defeating a giant threat such as Nereus. Makes me want to vomit.”
    Castain glared at her father defiantly telling him that she would not fail. He only laughed as she left his study. The greatsword strapped to her back was heavy but she had gotten better holding it in the past four days since Yoshi’s sudden attack. Castain decided to run after Lunaria, to apologize for her fathers and her behaviors. She rushed out the door, not paying attention to people who greeted her. She finally made it, huffing in front of Lunaria’s training room that they had been in when Yoshi attacked. Castain slowly opens the door, looking around. On her knee’s was Lunaria. Blood was seeping from her face again, looking eerie on her as she softly laughs
    “Damn I still can’t go full out. Oh mom, why did I get cursed with this.”
    “Hey Lunie there’s a visitor.”
    Castain yelped as she turned to see a bright and happy Saint behind her. The Saint had pretty blue eyes with skin that seemed to look like ice. The Saint walked over to Lunaria, attempting to treat her. Lunaria slapped her hand away, grumbling she was fine. She fixed her eyes on Castain, barking
    “Go kill those monsters failure.”
    Lunaria stormed out then, roughly shoving Castain out of her way. The human girl angrily flipped her off. The Saint sighed as she apologized for Lunaria.
    “Lunie really isn’t mean. She’s sweet when you get past her titanium skin.”
    “Why does she bleed like that?”
    The Saint looked at the floor as she said
    “Lunaria is a ‘mutt’ in terms of the rich. Because of that, if she exceeds a certain amount of power her body starts to shut down. I treat her whenever this happens, because I’m the only one who can heal ‘mutts’ like her. I’m Squid by the way.”
    “Castain Steelcrusher. Go ahead and make a snide comment.”
    “Why would I? I think when people are mean it gives you motivation to try your hardest to prove them wrong. I’ll even come along to help.”
    “Really? Thanks.”
    Yoshi was on top of the building, listening intently. She grinned as she jumped off to guard one of the Great Beasts.

    Squid squealed as she ran, a giant statue chasing her. Rhyolite, the Beast of Earth, groaned as it raised its mighty sword. Castain swung her sword then, slicing the beast in two. It fell to the ground, vanishing into a plume of dust. The girls yelled their happiness and high fived, the third beast defeated. Castain and Squid approached the Altar of Water, to the final beast. Arcturis was asleep but had company. Standing before him was Yoshi and a lightning mage. Yoshi smiled as she yelled a hello to the girls. The mage only stared at them with malice.
    “Yoshi stop being social. Kill the Steelcrusher brat. I call the Saint.”
    “With pleasure.”
    Yoshi ran at Castain. She barely brought her sword up in time. Yoshi slammed her head into Castain’s, knocking the Crusader off balance. Yoshi sliced her cheek, laughing. Castain kicked the Soul Blader in her stomach. Squid screamed then, attracting Castain’s attention. Squid had cast up numerous ice shields, which were being slowly shattered by the vicious lightning mage. Castain tried to run over to her when Yoshi placed her sword against the girl’s throat. Yoshi hissed in her ear
    “I have a better plan for you. Why don’t I let you meet Master? He LOVES Steelcrushers after all. Come on Claptrap, leave the ice healer be.”
    Castain tried to pull free but couldn’t. Squid hollered her name as Claptrap joined Yoshi. She opened a scroll, the three of them vanishing. Squid got to her feet and ran back to Terminus.


    Lunaria stared at Arcturis, daggers impaled into its head. ‘It’s too late for the sealing to be saved, but at least all four generals are dead.’ Blood decorated the floor as she lay against it. Squid and Sierra had run off to rescue Castain, leaving Lunaria to kill Arcturis alone. Lunaria struggled to her feet, refusing to let injuries from some oversized ice chicken prevent her from rescuing a rich brat. Lunaria opened her scroll, whispering the sealings location.

    Castain struggled with the ropes that bound her, trying to get free enough to grab her sword. Yoshi was practically dancing around the glowing yellow symbol inside the Red Sand Hill temple. Claptrap stared longingly at the bright emblem. The light brightens even more, nearly blinding the three of them. A man slowly emerged from inside, a dark plume emitting from where his top half appeared. Castain quickened her yanking, trying her best to become free. The man was completely out now, hugging the
    Mage named Claptrap. She looked at him with eyes of adoration as she told him about ‘his gift’. He saw Castain and laughed.
    “A Steelcrusher. The ones who have screwed with my release for the past three hundred years. How I will relish killing you. Don’t fret, I shall be sure to slowly kill you.”
    As soon as he stopped speaking Castain began to scream as her mind felt like someone was sticking nails into it. That’s when Lunaria showed up, staggering but ready for battle. The man looked at her, stopping his attack on Castain. Lunaria immediately rolled to her right, avoiding a lightning bolt from Claptrap. Lunaria sped away from sight, reappearing behind Claptrap. The mage turned, lightning bolt in hand. Squid and Sierra, a hybrid of the Assassin lineage, came then. Squid pulled Castain away quickly while the evildoers were distracted. Sierra glared at Squid whispering
    “I’ll take the human. Go help your friend.”
    “OK Sie. Cassie, I’ll see you soon.”
    Sierra helped Castain to a shadowy spot, watching from a distance. Lunaria was watching them all with narrowed eyes, flashing gold. Yoshi saw this and jumped in front Nakahara. She knew what those eyes meant. The air became very cold, their breath turning into small clouds of steam. Nakahara said ‘ow’ as his face was slit by an ice shard. Claptrap turned from Lunaria, seeing the cut on her lover’s face. She created a large ball of lightning, filled with anger. She threw it at Squid, whom summoned a pillar of ice. Claptrap was determined to kill her, sending more and more bolts. Squid deflected them all, preparing a spell to drain the area of magic. Lunaria took her chance to attack Nakahara, kicking Yoshi out of her way. Nakahara only stared blankly at the daggers coming for him. He grinned as he said
    “Let the false skin erode to reveal the true monster inside.”
    Lunaria let out a scream then, falling to her knees. Nakahara snapped his fingers, sending her flying into one of the nearby statues. His bored expression irritated Castain, she wanted to kill him. He grabbed Lunaria by the head, saying lazily
    “I thought a half-breed of your heritage would have been more challenging. I don’t like trash.”
    Lunaria screamed again, but it sounded more beast like. Squid cast her spell then, the mana absorbing spell slamming into Claptrap. Nakahara let go of Lunaria to run to his love’s aid. He snapped his fingers, sending Squid flying. She slammed into the other statue, then crumpled on the floor. Yoshi stumbled over to her master, who held Claptrap up as they teleported away.


    “You call me a failure and yet you haven’t won a fight yet.”
    Castain had her hands on her hips, glaring at Lunaria’s back. She took a step forward but stopped as she saw them. Scales. She turned towards Squid to say something but also saw something unnatural. Squid’s fingers were points now, dark blue in color. Castain stumbled backwards saying
    “Just what kind of monsters are mutts?”
    Squid looked away, hiding her hands beneath her. Lunaria was breathing heavy, bestial sounds sounding from her. Squid sighed as she explained
    “Me and Lunie are not pure human or elf.”
    “I saw that.”
    “My mother is Frigid. She and a human man fell in love, therefore creating me. My father died from always being cold, but loved my mother nevertheless. We aren’t monsters. We were made from pure love.”
    “What kind of pure love creates a monster like Lunaria?”
    “I don’t know. Lunie won’t say.”
    Lunaria put her daggers away, saying in her old voice
    “There’s no time to sit around. We need to kill Nakahara or figure out how to reseal him.”
    Squid smiled at Castain saying
    “You can hate us later, but let’s get rid of the big meanie first, ‘kay?”

    Nakahara scowled down at the small team he had gathered. All four of his generals were dead, leaving him without an army. For the moment anyway. ‘The spell I cast on that half-breed should kick in the next time she fights. A new ally shall be made then.’ He glanced over at Claptrap. She was grumbling her hate, slowly recovering her mana.
    “Can I go kill that human?”
    “No Yoshi. Let the lieutenants weaken them first. Then strike at the heart.”

    “I can’t help you I’m sorry.”
    “But Xertini! We need your help! We can’t fight Nakahara alone!”
    The adult blonde elf looked at Castain before smiling.
    “You can. I learned the hard way about avoiding my destiny. Make the right friends, know what’s right, and follow your heart.”
    “Wait! Where are you going?!”
    “Nereus has reappeared in this other realm called ‘Iris’. I’m going there to defeat him again, before he does any damage there.”
    “Xerti! Portal is ready.”
    Xertini turns towards another elf whom had knee length violet hair. Kaiyumie hugged Lunaria, whispering something to her before patting Squid on the head. Xertini messed up Castain’s hair before whistling. Bite came out, laden with gear. The tiger was almost white now with age. Both elven sisters walked through the portal. As it shut Xertini said
    “Never surrender to darkness. Keep hope alive.”
    Castain groaned, head in her hands. Her last hope just abandoned her. Squid knelt before Castain smiling.
    “We can do it. Xertini was right. It’s our destiny.”
    Castain nod as she and Squid stood back up. Sierra looked at them all before telling them they needed to start looking. Lunaria said she would lead the group, clapping her hands. A bright scarlet griffon landed before them; the saddle upon its back a nice mixture of browns. Castain and Squid got upon ‘Spicey’, taking flight into the air. Squid held her arms out feeling the air rush by her. Sierra and Lunaria walked underneath the shadow of the great griffon, hours passing by slowly. The hybrid cat was aware of the stalker they had acquired several miles back. She stopped walking, listening intently. She pulled her aquatic gun, shooting a tree eight feet to her left. An elf yelped, falling down onto his bottom. Sierra shoved the guns barrel in his face asking
    “And you are following why?”
    “I’m a scientist. I wish to study the half-breed you are traveling with.”
    “What’s your name boy?”
    “First off I’m not a boy. Secondly it’s Melopan.”
    Lunaria didn’t look back as she told Sierra to leave him be. They continued to walk as Melopan played twenty questions with Lunaria
    “What is your beast parent?”
    “Go away.”
    “How do you handle weather.”
    “The same way I handle annoyance.”
    “Are you ever tempted to kill without reason, due to being part beast?”
    “Right now it’s really tempting.”
    Sierra just laughed quietly at the exchange. Castain and Squid too were grinning, since Spicey landed to rest his wings and they heard the entire talk.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Tuesday, November 26 2013, 08:48 PM #Permalink

    Aerin turned towards Yoshi, smiling. The Soul Blader greeted him with a smile of her own. She peered into the crystal before her but Aerin pulled her away.
    “No peeking at the Lord’s newest pet.”
    “Aw just a peek?”
    “Sorry. Maybe when you bring me the half-breeds to experiment with you can see it then.”
    Yoshi sat down in his chair, spinning around. She stopped spinning as she said
    “Your sister is going to kill the Lord.”
    Aerin Steelcrusher laughed as he told her she was a fool. His sister was just a brat who complained to servants when things weren’t perfect. He hated her. Faking his death had brought him happiness watching the hurt inflict its damage. Aerin then asked Yoshi
    “The scaled one hasn’t turned yet? I thought Master cast a spell on her.”
    “He did. Lunaria is tough. She’ll give in soon though, no one can battle the darkness in their hearts forever.”
    Aerin smirked then, saying
    “Why don’t I give her the final push into the pitch black wave of evil then?”

    Castain whined about the herbal soup they were eating for the tenth night in a row.
    “It’s so nasty.”
    Squid frowned, flicking a spoonful of soup at Castain. Castain yelped, standing up as it dripped down her shirt. Squid laughed but soon was doused in soup too. Melopan had his arms folded behind his head, one leg crossed over the other as he slept. Sierra glared at the two squealing girls. Lunaria sat alone, back towards the group. She looked at her hands, grimacing at the sight of them. They were now white claws surrounded by sea green and violet scales. The puddle before her reflected the glowing gold eyes that had taken place of her ocean blue ones. Thankfully when she walked her bangs kept her eyes covered and her hair was long enough to keep her hands concealed when it was down. There was a scream, making her turn a little towards the group. She felt her eyes widen as she saw Aerin Steelcrusher standing there with his greatsword made from the fangs of Crystalisk. His sister was under his foot, being shoved into the mud. Squid was against a tree, rubbing her head. Sierra and Melopan, who woke up from his nap, were giving him looks. Aerin disregarded them, pointing his greatsword at Lunaria.
    “Fight me, child of beasts.”
    Lunaria did not want to turn around, to reveal her hideous transformation. Aerin rolled his eyes, aiming the blade at Castains head.
    “Fight me or she dies.”
    Lunaria gritted her teeth, which all had become pointed. Aerin let go of the blade, tired of waiting. Castain watched as white claws stopped the sword. She slowly looked into Lunaria’s gold eyes, framed by her knee length blue hair. Castain must have shown fear, for a hurt look entered those gold eyes. Aerin yawned rudely. Lunaria punched him with her free hand. As he landed several feet away lunaria leapt after him. Squid yelled after her but the group was held back by Yoshi. She immediately rushed Squid. Sierra shot Yoshi’s foot, throwing her off balance. Yoshi growled, fixing her brown eyed gaze onto the young hybrid hunter. She bore a cocky grin on her face as she beckoned to Yoshi.
    “How about battling someone challenging instead of weaker?”
    Yoshi activated an attack skill that made her super-fast but Sierra was waiting. She jumped straight into the air, planting a bomb onto the back of Yoshi. The Soul Blader screamed as it exploded. She fell to one knee, huffing. Her back was burnt, her armor having absorbed most of the damage. Sierra was still grinning, gun perched on her shoulder. Her blue feline eyes were watching every move Yoshi made.
    “A Soul Blader is supposed to be so fast they ‘appear to slice the spirit right from within’. You are a miserable excuse for one.”
    “Oh that insult almost hurt.”
    Sierra aimed her gun at Yoshi’s chest, saying in a dark tone
    The gun fired, but no bullet came. Yoshi laughed at her.
    “How pitiful! This team is a sorry excuse to be going after Master Nakahara! You couldn’t even shoot a bullet.”
    Sierra pointed at Yoshi’s chest, saying
    “Pay attention cocky brat. I didn’t shoot the bullet yet.”
    Yoshi looked down to see a gold bulls-eye on her chestplate. She tried running but Sierra coldly said
    “Once you have Buckshot on you, you can’t out run its bullet.”
    Sierra fired, the bullet zooming around from behind Yoshi and slamming into her. Yoshi fell down, coughing blood. Sierra aimed a death shot at Yoshi’s head when she felt something was wrong. She turned running back to the group. Everyone was frozen in fear, staring ahead of them. She turned to see what it was, also freezing as she saw it. It was the same size of an elf, its scaly tail swishing back and forth from where it had ripped through her pants. The dragon’s face was twisted into a vicious smile as it pounded Aerin into the ground. Yoshi stumbled over, throwing a rock at the dragon. It turned, shocking them all. Horns stuck out of the long blue hair, Ulric daggers clanking at its hips. Castain whispered, almost inaudible
    “Oh my god…that thing is Lunaria..”


    Lunaria smiled goofily as her mother, Aly Bane lifted her from her crib. She brought the baby over to a large dragon. He was watching the both of them with love. Crystalisk swished his tail in happiness as his love set down their child. Lunaria crawled over to her father’s great foot. He lifted it, careful to make sure she couldn’t fall. Lunaria laughed, hugging his nose. Crystalisk smiled, but it went away as he heard voices. Aly took Lunaria and hid her behind some rocks, then ran to Crystalisk. A large group of adventurers stumble in, some drunk some just in a bad mood. One pointed at Crystalisk, his words slurred from his buzz
    “Hisss hide ihh worth lotsh of gold.”
    “Let’s kill him then.”
    “Hey there’s a girl here. Ew. Don’t tell me this whore and that lizard are a thing?”
    Aly told them to leave but they charged at the couple instead. Lunaria watched silently as her father and mother was murdered. The group was tearing her father apart, taking pieces for weapons. They kicked her mother’s body around, calling it names. They saw her crib, grinning
    “Hey there’s a baby. This whore really did have a child.”
    They took a knife to Aly’s body, cutting her up. Lunaria couldn’t stand it anymore and ran out screaming. The drunk leader picked her up, laughing.
    “Let that child go.”
    The leader frowned looking at the intruders to his party. The two elves stood there side by side, dark looks upon their faces. The blonde one wore a mermaid head dress, the look of spite in her violet eyes. The other elf, whom had long violet hair with matching eyes, was glaring at the leader with hate.
    “Xerti, take care of the trash.”
    “Don’t boss me around.”
    The one called Xerti immediately set fire rings around the body carvers. They all screamed for mercy but their yells reached deaf ears. Xerti looked back saying
    “Kaiyu get the kid. She doesn’t need to see more carnage.”
    Kaiyu approached the leader who threatened to kill Lunaria. Kaiyu fixed her cold violet eyes on him, saying
    “I don’t usually kill people but…you murdered a couple in love. You tore one apart for money, disgraced the other because she followed her heart. You don’t deserve life.”
    Lunaria glanced back at the man, shocked to see he had turned into solid wood. He looked at himself, turning slowly towards Xerti. Kaiyu snatched Lunaria just as Xerti set him on fire. His followers all watched, stunned. Xerti fixed her gaze on them saying
    “Don’t worry. I won’t kill you scum. I’ll let Shilly bring justice onto you.”
    The group ran away, screaming. Xerti softly looked at Lunaria who wailed out. Kaiyu looked at the bodies, snapping her fingers. The bodies glowed and shrank, turning into earrings. She carefully put them on Lunaria, saying
    “So you never feel alone.”
    Lunaria wailed more, hugging both of the women who saved her.

    Castain shook her head, confused at what she just saw. The others saw it too, confused also except Melopan.
    “We have to calm her down. When a half-breed goes into a beast form, which has only happened twice, they usually send out telepathic waves, unconsciously sharing memories to anyone close by. It also means the mind is battling itself for control. We might have to kill her though, since she’s a dragon.”
    Squid teared up at the thought. Sierra readied her gun, aiming for a kill shot. Castain ran forward hugging Lunaria from behind. Aerin took his chance, teleporting away with Yoshi. Lunaria looked at Castain, the human grimacing as Lunaria’s mind shouted
    “Lunaria please! Don’t do this! I’m sorry about your loss! Please Lunaria!”
    Lunaria swung her off and readied her fist. Castain oddly felt tears to her own face, whispering
    “I am sorry Lunaria. I never thought that would be why you were so strict. You act so brave, I sometimes wished you had been my mother. I’m so sorry.”
    Lunaria stopped her fist midway, her mind once again sounding off.
    “Pain. Loneliness. Bottled up.”
    “You don’t have to anymore. You have us.”
    Castain watched as Lunaria slowly changed back to an elf, tears flowing from bright blue eyes. Squid shoved Castain away as she waited for Lunaria to bleed. Lunaria looked up, no blood at all. Melopan raised an eyebrow intrigued. ‘A full reversal without effects on the body means only one thing; evolution. Best to watch her closer from now on.’ Sierra let out the breath she didn’t remember holding, glad that she didn’t have to blast her friend into bits. Castain just smiled, glad to have Lunaria back, but even more glad to finally understand why she hurt so badly.

    There's chapter 2-6 for you xP. Sorry if it seems a little rough storyline wise stuff at home is just bleh atm. Chapters 7-10 shall be up soon o3o/ enjoy~
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  • Accepted Answer

    Plumeria Plumeria
    replied on Tuesday, November 26 2013, 09:47 PM #Permalink
    It's so goooooddddeeehhhhhhh *----*
    *tackles Tini* *stories come flying out*
    *steals and runs*
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Sedy wrote: They should have ended tomorrow, not today, my bad. I will extend them until Sunday.
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They should have ended tomorrow, not today, my bad. I will extend them until Sunday. When the server
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