posted on Wednesday, August 07 2013, 09:59 PM in Game Suggestions
I think battlefield deserter is unfair in some cases, yes I know that many chars used to DC in btf just cause they knew was going to lose or something BUT, sometimes I dc cause of: Lag, Channel crash, or Server crash. And I think that is unfair I know it is impossible to know when we dc cause of these things but IDK just asking if any admin can do something with that. I dc'd cause of channel crash at 23:50 (Server time) And there was a rollback, my BTF deserter was in 10mins and when I came on again it was in 60mins again. Maybe can do something an andmin? Thanks.
replied on Thursday, August 08 2013, 06:49 AM #Permalink
The actions of those who left BF's and generally messed them up are the reason why the debuff is there, I know there can be legit times when a legit player suffers as a result but to be honest? I think it's better that these instances occur so that battlefields can go as smoothly as possible.