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Responses (28)
  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Thursday, March 05 2015, 11:13 PM #Permalink
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 06:27 AM #Permalink
    Champions have a skill called Turtle Shell, this skill heals 15% HP every 1 second for 4 seconds and gives you immunity to Physical and Magic Damage and it isnt cancelled by getting hit. vs Templar's Holy Word: Restore skill which heals 8% HP and 15% MP per second for 5 seconds but does not have an immunity to any damage as well as breaking if you are taking any sort of damage.

    In terms of PvP survivability with a HP regen, Champions have a better skill "in the mid of battle" which Templars have a standby skill when they need to recover. Despite the cooldown being higher though. Its still OP since it does grant you almost full HP without getting damaged at all.

    Champions also have the skill Indomitability which is an immunity to stuns and knockback for 10 seconds (CD 30s) and Bolster Agility which is a skill that immunes you to Slow and Immobilize for 5 seconds (CD 15s) vs Templar's Restraint Amnesty which is 15 seconds of Stun and Immo immunity (CD 1m). Again, Champions have a more versatile skill depending on situation, which is good for pvp.

    As for attacks why cant you use Soaring Dragon and Lion's Roar? Both Stun while Lion's Roar gives a way for you to get out of a tight spot since it pushes your opponent as well as does a 10k unblockable damage? :D

    As for healers I am not one to say, I have not played a healer as much as others have XD We'll wait for a healer to say their piece~
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  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 10:59 AM #Permalink
    Ray Darkwolf wrote:

    Champions have a skill called Turtle Shell, this skill heals 15% HP every 1 second for 4 seconds and gives you immunity to Physical and Magic Damage and it isnt cancelled by getting hit. vs Templar's Holy Word: Restore skill which heals 8% HP and 15% MP per second for 5 seconds but does not have an immunity to any damage as well as breaking if you are taking any sort of damage.

    In terms of PvP survivability with a HP regen, Champions have a better skill "in the mid of battle" which Templars have a standby skill when they need to recover. Despite the cooldown being higher though. Its still OP since it does grant you almost full HP without getting damaged at all.

    Champions also have the skill Indomitability which is an immunity to stuns and knockback for 10 seconds (CD 30s) and Bolster Agility which is a skill that immunes you to Slow and Immobilize for 5 seconds (CD 15s) vs Templar's Restraint Amnesty which is 15 seconds of Stun and Immo immunity (CD 1m). Again, Champions have a more versatile skill depending on situation, which is good for pvp.

    As for attacks why cant you use Soaring Dragon and Lion's Roar? Both Stun while Lion's Roar gives a way for you to get out of a tight spot since it pushes your opponent as well as does a 10k unblockable damage? :D

    As for healers I am not one to say, I have not played a healer as much as others have XD We'll wait for a healer to say their piece~

    Okay, for one, the "charge" skill, glitches a lot and doesn't work properly and needs to be fixed. And the knock backs we have, sometimes doesn't work either, our combos are really hard to work out in an open area. Let's say you want to knock someone back and then use the charge skill, doesn't really work out that way unless you back them into a wall and then you can probably win and land your skills correctly. I just want some new skills for champ that AREN'T knock backs, since I'm a champ main and you aren't. Seems fair, no?
    And I know all about champions skills Ray... but the stuns don't last long, they should last longer, for gods sake assasin's stun(SLEEP) lasts for 30seconds, that needs to be nerfed. And socerer's(SLEEP) is what, 7-ish? And our cooldowns are insane, they should be nerfed a bit. Excuse me for not calling it sleep.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cie wie Cie wie
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 11:45 AM #Permalink
    "assasin's stun lasts for 30seconds, that needs to be nerfed. And socerer's is what, 7-ish" really?? wow @@
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 12:39 PM #Permalink
    You are mistaken, there is no class skill in the game that can stun anywhere near 30s. Sin's stuns are all between 0.1-4s. They could well chain some of them if they got the timings right but still wouldn't be 30s. Do you perhaps mean their sleep skill? That is 30s, but is broken if you take any damage, it's not a stun.

    Sorcs don't have 7s stun either - they get a 2s stun with the long cooldown Armageddon skill. Even Wizard's longest single stun is 4s long off the top of my head.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 12:40 PM #Permalink
    Charges are bugged, yeah that goes in turn with Templars as well. There already was a thread about it and it is a glitch that needs fixing. Also the skill charge has specific limitations to distance, if you have pushed too far or the opponent moved, you bug yourself and it doesnt work as well. Sometimes you do charge but it doesnt hit the opponent anymore since the opponent isnt there anymore. :D Think of.. Soaring Dragon 10m push -> Charge 10m push, has a higher tendency to bug.

    Champion has 5 knockbacks, all the rest arent, why not use those. Heck i saw a bugged skill which has improper cooldowns =P. But what you really want/saying is you want to have the Templar's Destiny skill where it pulls a few enemies to them and stuns them for a brief period, not only that you want to deal a high damage to them too. :D Noted :D

    Oh on another note? :D There is no 30 second stun on a sin, or a 7 stun on a Sorc. Those I believe, are sleep skills. :D There is a difference. Stun if when you can be attacked without you being able to move, Sleep is when you are stagnant there until you get damaged. There is a reason its high in counter, because if the enemy is stupid and damages you, the sleep debuff goes away. If therye smart and uses it properly, youre stuck there (that is...if you dont use debuff potions).

    And just cause you're a "champ main", doesnt mean I cant say anything about this~ :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 12:49 PM #Permalink
    Charge/Blink skills in Iris are completely bugged. I've explained in numerous threads why it's difficult to fix. Basically it comes down to either lag (on you or your target) and also movement speed.

    When a charge skill is used, the client checks with the server - it gets your xy coordinates and the targets xy coordinates. It then checks the distance the charge skill can travel and if it adds up, it initiates the skill. The problem comes when either YOU or the TARGET are lagging. Because when you lag out a bit, the server sends you back to your last known valid coordinates (the rubber band effect). Now if you have just tried to charge to some coordinates but at the same time the server has just sent you or your target back to previous coordinates, the charge will fail.

    It can also fail if the target has really high movement speed - usually due to a mount or some skill that temporarily boost speed. Basically the target is too far from the landing point of the charge skill so by the time you get there it fails.

    I am experimenting with different methods to get around the speed problem but the lag thing will probably never be fixed. It's one of the reasons a lot of games are region locked because certain mechanics rely on good connections and low latency, and this is one of them.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 12:51 PM #Permalink
    Treat/Hydroxie wrote:

    Ray Darkwolf wrote:

    Champions have a skill called Turtle Shell, this skill heals 15% HP every 1 second for 4 seconds and gives you immunity to Physical and Magic Damage and it isnt cancelled by getting hit. vs Templar's Holy Word: Restore skill which heals 8% HP and 15% MP per second for 5 seconds but does not have an immunity to any damage as well as breaking if you are taking any sort of damage.

    In terms of PvP survivability with a HP regen, Champions have a better skill "in the mid of battle" which Templars have a standby skill when they need to recover. Despite the cooldown being higher though. Its still OP since it does grant you almost full HP without getting damaged at all.

    Champions also have the skill Indomitability which is an immunity to stuns and knockback for 10 seconds (CD 30s) and Bolster Agility which is a skill that immunes you to Slow and Immobilize for 5 seconds (CD 15s) vs Templar's Restraint Amnesty which is 15 seconds of Stun and Immo immunity (CD 1m). Again, Champions have a more versatile skill depending on situation, which is good for pvp.

    As for attacks why cant you use Soaring Dragon and Lion's Roar? Both Stun while Lion's Roar gives a way for you to get out of a tight spot since it pushes your opponent as well as does a 10k unblockable damage? :D

    As for healers I am not one to say, I have not played a healer as much as others have XD We'll wait for a healer to say their piece~

    Okay, for one, the "charge" skill, glitches a lot and doesn't work properly and needs to be fixed. And the knock backs we have, sometimes doesn't work either, our combos are really hard to work out in an open area. Let's say you want to knock someone back and then use the charge skill, doesn't really work out that way unless you back them into a wall and then you can probably win and land your skills correctly. I just want some new skills for champ that AREN'T knock backs, since I'm a champ main and you aren't. Seems fair, no?
    And I know all about champions skills Ray... but the stuns don't last long, they should last longer, for gods sake assasin's stun lasts for 30seconds, that needs to be nerfed. And socerer's is what, 7-ish? And our cooldowns are insane, they should be nerfed a bit.

    I mean their sleep skill, not stun. Sleep/stun, same thing to me, haha, you can't move around either way lol. i just made this thread for some new input on some new skills...not to argue/debate or anything like that...-Sighs-
    I know any character can be good in PVP, but I didn't make this thread for a giant debate -- and I haven't see any of those threads Sedy.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 12:52 PM #Permalink
    Ray Darkwolf wrote:

    Charges are bugged, yeah that goes in turn with Templars as well. There already was a thread about it and it is a glitch that needs fixing. Also the skill charge has specific limitations to distance, if you have pushed too far or the opponent moved, you bug yourself and it doesnt work as well. Sometimes you do charge but it doesnt hit the opponent anymore since the opponent isnt there anymore. :D Think of.. Soaring Dragon 10m push -> Charge 10m push, has a higher tendency to bug.

    Champion has 5 knockbacks, all the rest arent, why not use those. Heck i saw a bugged skill which has improper cooldowns =P. But what you really want/saying is you want to have the Templar's Destiny skill where it pulls a few enemies to them and stuns them for a brief period, not only that you want to deal a high damage to them too. :D Noted :D

    Oh on another note? :D There is no 30 second stun on a sin, or a 7 stun on a Sorc. Those I believe, are sleep skills. :D There is a difference. Stun if when you can be attacked without you being able to move, Sleep is when you are stagnant there until you get damaged. There is a reason its high in counter, because if the enemy is stupid and damages you, the sleep debuff goes away. If therye smart and uses it properly, youre stuck there (that is...if you dont use debuff potions).

    And just cause you're a "champ main", doesnt mean I cant say anything about this~ :D

    that is what i meant sleep skill, sleep/stun same thing, either way you are stunned and can't move, i just made this thread for some new input for some skills, not to argue..... -sighs-
    I know any character can be good in PVP, but I didn't make this thread for a giant debate for someone to try and prove how right they are or wrong they are.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 02:28 PM #Permalink
    :D I havent even debated on how right or wrong anyone is :D Im merely giving you facts that you have a lot of skills that gives you a lot of leeway even more so than a Templar, which was what you were comparing on in the first place :D

    Also in discussion, not debate--I do not agree on a skill which sucks opponents in, stuns them AND also deals good damage without any means of escape. I find that too OP to begin with unless you give that skill a cool down of 3mins :D Even a Templar's major pull + second stun does not feature such since it IS op. At the same time there's also variety that Temps Pull, Champs push xD so fun
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  • Accepted Answer

    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 03:52 PM #Permalink
    Lol sleep and stun are so different. Stun you can keep piling on the damage, but sleep you hit once and they can run for their life~~ Unless of course you are ohko-squishy in which case you're screwed :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    AsianRider AsianRider
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 05:57 PM #Permalink
    Another Day of reading fun Threads, :) so amusing.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Friday, March 06 2015, 08:07 PM #Permalink
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  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Saturday, March 07 2015, 12:33 AM #Permalink
    Ray Darkwolf wrote:

    :D I havent even debated on how right or wrong anyone is :D Im merely giving you facts that you have a lot of skills that gives you a lot of leeway even more so than a Templar, which was what you were comparing on in the first place :D

    Also in discussion, not debate--I do not agree on a skill which sucks opponents in, stuns them AND also deals good damage without any means of escape. I find that too OP to begin with unless you give that skill a cool down of 3mins :D Even a Templar's major pull + second stun does not feature such since it IS op. At the same time there's also variety that Temps Pull, Champs push xD so fun

    Oh I know what you're doing. I know how Champion works. I've been playing iris since retail and champion since this private server opened. I'm mainly complaining about 1vs1 on Champion, not Battlefield. Battlefield is much easier, rather than 1vs1 because you have to corner someone and do a lot of combos. xD
    But what I'm mainly complaining about is Saint, not Champion...I just wanted to mention some new skills -- that's all. Period, end of story.
    I just wanted to complain about how Saint dies so easily unlike Prophet because of their circles.
    Done replying now.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Saturday, March 07 2015, 12:38 AM #Permalink
    Just fyi, Assasins 30 second "sleep" they can hit you nonstop, so you've got that wrong Spunny. Now for socerer's sleep, dunno.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Obsidean Obsidean
    replied on Saturday, March 07 2015, 05:40 AM #Permalink
    when im in battlefield I usually notice:
    prohet > saint
    templar > champion
    sorcerer > wizard
    crusader > vanquisher
    soul blader > myrmidon
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Saturday, March 07 2015, 05:55 AM #Permalink
    :D Idk why you keep on telling me youre a retail old main idek lol I dont care LOL

    As for Saints, I agree they have a huge disadvantage over Prophet due to circles being a passive debuffing place. Pretty good if the opponent is only a one type debuffer like a magic. Phys has two kinds or all 3 so sure. :D

    Id probably suggest an immunity buff like a templar one to stun with a high CD =P No need healing or something :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Saturday, March 07 2015, 06:22 AM #Permalink
    Ray Darkwolf wrote:

    :D Idk why you keep on telling me youre a retail old main idek lol I dont care LOL

    As for Saints, I agree they have a huge disadvantage over Prophet due to circles being a passive debuffing place. Pretty good if the opponent is only a one type debuffer like a magic. Phys has two kinds or all 3 so sure. :D

    Id probably suggest an immunity buff like a templar one to stun with a high CD =P No need healing or something :D

    Sorry I didn't mean to repeat myself so many times about retail, I don't care that you don't care that I was in retail, I don't see the big deal about me telling you, jeez. "LOL"
    But yeah, maybe they'll add new skills eventually when the new levels come out.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Obsidean Obsidean
    replied on Saturday, March 07 2015, 03:14 PM #Permalink
    i think that prophets should get a nerf by this time
    their circles are just too op on bf, and have no cd between them
    with a circle and a mana shield/purpuresia they are immune to debuffs, pushs and dots
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cie wie Cie wie
    replied on Saturday, March 07 2015, 05:41 PM #Permalink
    im really dont agree with u, just becoz usomeone QQ or u cant deal with it, then u asking nerf for others class. Do u hav prophet? try play it first in pve and pvp. Prophet hav cd between them, pillar of life 2(anti push immunity circle) cd is 2min and that circle is for 30 sec. oh yeah if they do like what u say they seem like immortal, but become pupuresia they can heal him self? prophet its not for punch bag.

    I see some good saint too. Saint hav high heal then prophet. And yeah prophet is kinda cool on pvp, but in some pve i like saint better then prophet. Both class hav own unique.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Plumeria Plumeria
    replied on Saturday, March 07 2015, 07:32 PM #Permalink
    I suggest you try to play a prophet in bf and and see "op" they are. We have circles for ONE debuff, so what's stopping you from using another skill to stun/silence/etc.?
    Unlike saints prophets don't have debuff removal skills individually, we have less heals and quite frankly it depends on how you deal with the class and the situation that makes you "op".

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  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Saturday, March 07 2015, 09:59 PM #Permalink
    Obsidean wrote:

    i think that prophets should get a nerf by this time
    their circles are just too op on bf, and have no cd between them
    with a circle and a mana shield/purpuresia they are immune to debuffs, pushs and dots

    You can barely kill prophets at all, I agree with Obsidean completely, but they most likely won't get nerfed.
    Saints may have debuffs, but they can't debuff themselves when they are stunned/slept and so on saints may have tons of heals and so on, but saints are killed much more easily due to not having circles and saints heals cooldowns are much longer.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Lauren Lauren
    replied on Saturday, March 07 2015, 10:48 PM #Permalink
    Nope, you're wrong. As soon as the prince kisses sleeping beauty, she wakes up. :D

    All Sleep in Iris works the same way except for SS which is permanent. If you receive DMG, sleep will break, and you can move again. 0 DMG won't break sleep if you are wondering. Lots of people say Assassin's sleep is OP. Idek why. I just use ailment and all assassin look so dumb lol. Sorc's sleep is more versatile, last 10s and 20s CD. If you add up, they can sleep you 30s in 1 minute. That being said, IMO, sorc's sleep is stronger.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Sunday, March 08 2015, 12:36 AM #Permalink
    Actually I'm not wrong.
    Because when an assasin slept me, I couldn't move during the whole time. :p
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  • Accepted Answer

    Plumeria Plumeria
    replied on Sunday, March 08 2015, 12:52 AM #Permalink
    Well, tell me how you will nerf a prophet's circle.
    Those circles are the only debuff skills we have, don't you think it would be unfair to put a cd in between or lower the cooldown (which sedy has already done btw, if I remember correctly, he reduced it from 20s to 15s). We would be completely vulnerable and would die in those few seconds of cd, so please, stop complaining. Prophets aren't impossible to kill, our other circles have longer cds, 2min for the pillar, etc.
    There are many ways to counter the circle, go find them.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Lauren Lauren
    replied on Sunday, March 08 2015, 12:53 AM #Permalink
    Yes, you are ._.

    If you are stunned, no matter how much damage you take, you can't move.
    If you are slept, the effect will break as soon as you receive DMG.

    I can't be any clearer than this. That's how sleep and stun works, unless there is bug that causes sleep works as stun.
    IF the assassin hit you, you would have been able to move, but he didn't cause he knew sleep would break.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Sunday, March 08 2015, 02:14 AM #Permalink
    I don't want to nerf prophets. I never said I did. I only want saints to have new skills in the future is all lol. And I can complain all I want, it's freedom of speech. Don't be rude, please. I never said I wanted them nerfed, Obsidean did. All I ever said was that I wanted Saint's to be partially equal to Prophets, not totally, just enough.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Treat/Hydroxie Treat/Hydroxie
    replied on Sunday, March 08 2015, 02:18 AM #Permalink
    If I'm wrong, why couldn't I move lol?
    Fight an assassin and see for yourself. I'm done here.
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