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Xertini Xertini
posted on Thursday, May 16 2013, 10:16 PM in General Chat
My final discussion related to my story besides the updates on the story page. This is just a page of summaries about characters whom have volunteered/victimized so far. Reason for such slow chapter updates is character backgrounds were taking me ages so today i took the liberty of doing several today while i was bored in class xP.

Tell me what you think of your character's summary please~.


Responses (6)
  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, May 16 2013, 10:36 PM #Permalink
    AGE: 18

    Our main heroine, she journeys to save her sister Kaiyumie. After her mother abandons them, they became trouble makers. Two men stopped them one day and told them they could change. She is apprenticed by xMori and he attempts to teach her control. She makes the wrong choice and runs away to Nightfall Shelter with her sister while her mentor was distracted. They were attacked and Xertini was left to die as her sister was taken. She was saved and began her journey to save her sister and the Arcanian world. Along the way she finds her mother, discovers who she really is, locates her father, and falls in love. Her journey comes to a tragic end when her sister performs black magic to save her. Xertini gains a dark being in the back of her mind, which calls itself "Elizeana". She begins her second adventure to restore her sister.

    AGE: Unknown

    One of our main hero's in the story. He is usually lazy and quiet when he isn't messing with Xertini. He joins her on her journey because he doesnt want to see her alone without family.

    AGE: 21

    Another main character who also joined the adventure. He teaches her control along the way, knowing from a dark past whats happens with loose power. He is dignified and an ex-Scholar of the Arcanian Library. He and the Head Scholar, RayDarkwolf, do not get along with each other for unkown reasons.

    AGE: "a woman never tells"

    Our other main heroine who hides a dark secret of her own. She is mother to Kaiyumie and Xertini. She had abandoned them to keep them safe and paid the ultimate price for it. She helps her daughter search for the other, attempting to make up for the lost time and to tell them both who she is.

    AGE: Immortal

    She is a messenger and guide from the Gods, known as a Deus ex Machina. Because she does not question the Gods authority, she is often the target of the Arcanian God, SunSets, tricks to amuse himself. This results into misleading the adventurers and a very annoyed Galadriel.

    AGE: 19

    This one is the main reason for the entire adventure. Kidnapped from the only family she has ever known, Kaiyumie delves into the world of black magic. When she is taken to the Gods Temple and see's her sister dying, she exchanges her life for Xertini's.

    AGE: 22

    She is the one who brings Xertini to safety after the attack in Nightfall Shelter. She joins them on their adventure so she can avenge her dead guildee's. She discovers who Xertini really is before anyone else.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, May 16 2013, 10:47 PM #Permalink
    AGE: 24

    Head of the Scholars in the Arcanian Library. It is not certain what side he is on but majority of the time he helps the good. There is bad blood between him and xMori afters xMori's wife, Felina, mysteriously died.

    AGE: 24

    Xertini and Kaiyumie's adopted brother. He went missing after the Atlantian War. He resurfaced when Xertini, Kage, and Bite were captured. He escaped with them only to betray his 'sister' and try to turn her in to Aquarius for a reward. He was the first and only person Kage kills.

    AGE: 23

    Last of his kind, the Featherfolk, AsianRider is a free spirit. His parents were slaughtered in the Atlantian War. Scared and alone, he stumbled across a baby griffon that was also alone. He raised it, naming it Aenji. They became Xertini's allies as Aquarius raised the Atlantian Army again.

    AGE: 32

    She is a fifth generation Guardian of Snow. She is one of Seven Guardians, chosen by the Gods with Supreme power but also had free will. She is forced to fashion weapons and soldiers for Aquarius when he sends his Lieutenant, Sakun, to hold her people hostage. She was freed after encountering the adventurers.

    AGE: 27

    Second generation Spirit Lord of Death, he allies himself with Aquarius. He was once a disciplined and worshiped Guardian but the power took control of him when he stopped training, believing he could handle all the power naturally. He is freed from his power after OnlyYours destroyed a shrine that had been dedicated to him, which in turn lessened his power and he was in control once again. He wounds Kage terribly when he was still under his powers influence.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Saturday, May 25 2013, 12:49 AM #Permalink
    Very annoyed Galadriel indeed!

    Nice one Xertini. :D

    You know I was thinking, since everyone can create their own blog on the site, you could put the chapters of your story as a blog post, and of course to boost it make a post here saying "new chapter added", or something.

    It would help people keep track, because posts tend to look a bit stretched, and you need to keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.

    Check under Community, My Blog, and click on the thing that says "Write your own", to the right of the screen.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Saturday, May 25 2013, 01:18 AM #Permalink
    I was trying to figure a way to put the story else where since i know my random updates can be missed very easily and that my new discussions were borderline annoying.

    I'll try this way out

    Story updates should get more consistent since Im about to graduate holla \o/ (lulz sorry that was stupid but im excited)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Saturday, May 25 2013, 01:24 AM #Permalink
    Cool :)
    I think the blog will suit you well, and if you keep up with it me and Sedy can do something about it, like feature it or something.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Saturday, May 25 2013, 01:25 AM #Permalink
    Oh that would be awesome. Thank you \>
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