So I dunno if you'll know the game that's usually done at fund raisers "How many sweets in the jar?" Well here is the Iris Online Version~
How many Tears in the Gift Box.
Start Date -
End Date -
17/03/2014. Finished

Winner of How many tears in the gift box is
- Sorrow - 567 -
No one guessed the exact number And I had collected up the tears a few days ago so that none were added to it : ) so I've known how many there were for a few days now~
Sorrow please PM me what GM boxes you'd like
Closest number - Will receive all the tears in my bag and 4 GM Boxes.
Rules -
1) You can only guess 3 times per
person and all 3 times must be in the
SAME POST otherwise they do not count.
2) Make sure you add your IGN, No IGN = No prize.
3) You cannot guess a number someone else has already picked, I will list the numbers in this post.
4) You're not allowed to edit your numbers after you're IGN and guesses have been added to this post.
5) Only post your IGN and numbers to this post, use "Comment" if you wish to say anything or message me personally.
6) No fighting over numbers.
7) Posts that break the rules will be removed.
8) No silly guesses such as "Over 9000"
Guessing the exact number - I will double the amount of tears in my bag and get 10 GM Boxes.
Closest number - Will receive all the tears in my bag and 4 GM Boxes.
Consolation prize - None. : )
Example -
IGN - Kyleakin
Guess 1 - 620
Guess 2 - 439
Guess 3 - 299
IGNs and Numbers taken.
- Miata - 76
- Infinitive - 115
- LiiLii - 134
- vash12 - 201
- FESK - 210
- LiiLii - 218
- Lays - 220
- Lays - 225
- Sorrow - 234
- MasterOfAir - 235
- Aaoi - 244
- TiRaMissU - 245
- MasterOfAir - 265
- Shampoo - 273
- Aaoi - 284
- MissWarlock - 300
- Eevee - 304
- MasterOfAir - 315
- Aaoi - 316
- estellechan - 317
- FESK - 321
- Lays - 330
- Icikiwik - 333
- Icikiwik - 334
- Icikiwik - 335
- Infinitive - 346
- BlitzBane - 350
- kotenok - 351
- Rizyki - 384
- ShiroO - 369
- Kirasica - 372
- BlitzBane - 375
- TiRaMissU - 378
- Seneca - 380
- Zen93 - 396
- BlitzBane - 400
- Sinne - 422
- Faenia - 420
- FESK - 432
- vash12 - 438
- xTnTx - 440
- DumbKid - 444
- sanjik - 466
- Eevee - 474
- RedRoses - 475
- Miata - 496
- Amilkas - 500
- Cattia - 521
- RedRoses - 523
- Eevee - 524
- Yara - 529
- Zen93 - 532
- ANIGMA - 540
- LiiLii - 548
- Adi - 550
- xTnTx - 552
- MissWarlock - 560
- Sorrow - 567
- Azurine - 587
- Ricotta - 589
- Elladan - 598
- Seven - 601
- Seven - 602
- Seven - 603
- Ricotta - 606
- MissWarlock - 620
- KaiEto - 621
- Ricotta - 629
- Adi - 630
- PopNFresh - 646
- xTnTx - 650
- kotenok - 659
- DumbKid - 666
- miyakoo - 678
- Lindsay - 680
- HelloPanda - 699
- ANIGMA - 700
- estellechan - 706
- Adi - 710
- Azurine - 715
- Faenia - 720
- qVsmAshVp - 725
- VulcanSuki - 738
- qVsmAshVp - 750
- Shampoo - 745
- Yara - 753
- Netero - 756
- KaiEto - 757
- Saotoshi - 760
- qVsmAshVp - 775
- Seneca - 777
- Lindsay - 780
- iNatsume - 789
- sanjik - 794
- CritKill - 798
- ANIGMA - 800
- PopNFresh - 802
- Amilkas - 809
- Shampoo - 814
- Zen93 - 820
- Faenia - 822
- Yara - 832
- Saotoshi - 840
- Ranin - 847
- vash12 - 856
- Kirasica - 858
- MeetYourMaker - 860
- MeetYourMaker - 862
- MeetYourMaker - 864
- Cattia - 867
- iNatsume - 873
- Lindsay - 880
- TiRaMissU - 888
- lenkagamine - 890
- Sorrow - 891
- VulcanSuki - 892
- JenJen - 900
- Cattia - 908
- Nakahara - 909
- Saotoshi - 920
- Azurine - 921
- Rizyki - 944
- Cafe - 945
- HelloPanda - 957
- kotenok - 960
- Netero - 964
- lenkagamine - 970
- iNatsume - 976
- KaiEto - 982
- VulcanSuki - 988
- Amilkas - 996
- sanjik - 998
- hon3y - 999
- DumbKid - 1000
- miyakoo - 1008
- hon3y - 1011
- Sinne - 1212
- iTwasUdamn - 1014
- Seneca - 1020
- Netero - 1040
- iTwasUdamn - 1052
- OnlyYours - 1084
- PopNFresh - 1038
- iTwasUdamn - 1094
- Elladan - 1098
- hon3y - 1120
- Cafe - 1145
- OnlyYours - 1164
- Rizyki - 1184
- estellechan - 1226
- OnlyYours - 1288
- Infinitive - 1323
- Nakahara - 1330
- Cafe - 1345
- JenJen - 1500
- CritKill - 1520
- Kirasica - 1556
- Ranin - 1587
- ShiroO - 1620
- Ranin - 1657
- Nakahara - 1700
- ShiroO - 1703
- JenJen - 2000
- HelloPanda - 2002
- Elladan - 2014
- lenkagamine - 2200
- RedRoses - 2583
- CritKill - 2601
- miyakoo - 2626
- Sinne - 4202
- Miata - 5968