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Sedy Admin Sedy
posted on Wednesday, August 09 2017, 11:38 AM in Game Guides
Primary stats are Stamina, Strength, Agility, Intelligence and Wisdom.

Max HP
Increases your HP (Hit Points). HP is like your health. If they reach zero your hero will die.

HP Recovery
Increases the amount of HP you recover over time. The amount is increased substantially when you are sitting down.

Max MP
Increases your MP (Mana Points). Your skills have a cost in the form of MP but it can also be used in other ways by certain skills, for example an MP Shield which temporarily uses your MP to protect your HP.

MP Recovery
Increases the amount of MP you recover over time. The amount is increased substantially when you are sitting down.

Defense reduces the amount of damage you receive when attacked. Physical Defense reduces Physical damage, Magic Defense reduces Magic damage, and All Defense reduces both types.

Increases the chance that your attacks will successfully land on your target. Physical Hit increases the chance of Physical Attacks and Physical Ranged Attacks, Magic Hit increases the chance of Magic Attacks, and All Hit increses all of them.

Increases the chance that you will evade/dodge attacks on you. Physical Evasion reduces the chance of Physical and Physical Ranged Attacks, Magic Evasion reduces the chance of Magic Attacks, and All Evasion reduces all of them.

Evading an attack not only means the attack will do no damage, it will also fail to apply it's debuffs.

Increases the chance that your skill's debuffs will be applied to your target.

Reduces the chance that skill debuffs will be applied to your hero.

Crit can increase the amount of damage or healing your skills do. If your skill "crits" it will do additional bonus damage or healing based on your Crit Bonus. Physical Crit increases the chance that your Physical skills will crit, Magic Crit increases the chance that your Magic skills will crit, and All Crit increases both.

Crit Bonus
Increases your default 150% Crit Bonus

Protection reduces the chance that a skill with "crit" when it lands on you. It's the direct counter to the "Crit" stat. Physical Protection reduces the chance of Physical and Ranged Physical Attacks, Magic Protection reduces the chance of Magic Attacks, and All Crit reduces all of them.

Increases the amount that your healing skills heal for. This does not affect potions or skills that heal a percentage of HP.

Healing Received
Increases the amount of healing skills cast on you. This does not affect potions or percentage based heals.

Increases the distance of Long Ranged skills, allowing you to hit your target's from further away. Long Ranged skills are used by the Mage/Shaman archetype and for the Gun skills of the Ranger/Rogue archetype. Also increases your pets range.

Increases the distance of regular Short Ranged skills, allowing you to hit your target's from further away. Short Ranged skills are used by the Plate wearing classes and the Dagger skills of the Ranger/Rogue archetype.

Cast Speed
Increases casting speed, reducing the amount of time required to activate skills with a Casting Time.

Movement Speed
Increases the running speed of your hero and their pets, on foot and when mounted.

Damage Absorb
Reduces the damage your hero takes. Physical Absorb reduces Physical Damage, Magic Absorb reduces Magic Damage, and All Absorb reduces both types.

Damage Reflect
Similar to Absorb, Damage Reflect reduces the amount of damage your hero takes but it also reflects back that damage at the attacker. Physical Reflect reflects Physical Damage, Magic Reflect reflects Magic Damage, and All Reflect reflects both types.

HP Drain
Causes any damage you do to targets to heal you. If you have 10% HP Drain and you do 1,000 damage to a target, you are healed for 100 HP.

MP Drain
Causes any damage you do to targets to recover your MP. If you have 10% MP Drain and you do 1,000 damage to a target, you recover 100 MP.

Increases or decreases the amount of Threat your damage and healing causes. This includes Threat from using potions that recover HP or MP, and Threat that your pets cause.

Some of the Secondary stats are increased by the Primary stats. They are as follows:

1 Sta = 1 Physical Defense
1 Str = 1 Physical Defense
1 Agi = 0.5 Physical Defense

1 Int = 1 Magic Defense
1 Wis = 1 Magic Defense
1 Agi = 0.5 Magic Defense

1 Sta = 7 HP

1 Int = 1.2 MP
1 Wis = 1.8 MP

1 Sta = 0.2164 HP Recovery

1 Wis = 0.2 MP Recovery

1 Agi = 0.06 Physical Evasion

1 Str = 0.06 Physical Protection

1 Int = 0.06 Magic Protection

1 Wis = 0.4 Heal

Fighter/Warrior melee classes
1 Str = 0.5 Physical Atk (when using a gun: 0.12 Ranged Physical Atk)
1 Agi = 0.25 Physical Atk (when using a gun: 0.25 Ranged Physical Atk)

Ranger/Rogue melee classes
1 Str = 0.25 Physical Atk (when using a gun: 0.25 Ranged Physical Atk)
1 Agi = 0.5 Physical Atk (when using a gun: 0.5 Ranged Physical Atk)

Mage/Shaman magic classes
1 Str = 0.12 Physical Atk (when using a ranged weapon: 0.12 Ranged Physical Atk)
1 Agi = 0.12 Physical Atk (when using a ranged weapon: 0.25 Ranged Physical Atk)

Mage/Shaman magic classes
1 Int = 0.5 Magic Attack
1 Wis = 0.25 Magic Attack

Fighter/Warrior melee classes
1 Int = 0.25 Magic Attack
1 Wis = 0.12 Magic Attack

Ranger/Rogue melee classes
1 Int = 0.25 Magic Attack
1 Wis = 0.12 Magic Attack

Before the February 2022 update

1 Sta = 1.2 Physical Defense
1 Str = 1.2 Physical Defense

1 Int = 1.2 Magic Defense
1 Wis = 1.2 Magic Defense

1 Agi = 0.1 Physical Crit
1 Str = 0.02 Physical Crit

1 Int = 0.1 Magic Crit
1 Wis = 0.02 Magic Crit

1 Sta = 7 HP

1 Int = 5 MP
1 Wis = 3 MP

1 Sta = 0.8 HP Recovery
1 Int = 0.2 HP Recovery

1 Wis = 0.8 MP Recovery
1 Int = 0.2 MP Recovery

1 Agi = 0.1 Physical Hit
1 Str = 0.1 Physical Hit

1 Int = 0.1 Magic Hit
1 Wis = 0.1 Magic Hit

1 Agi = 0.1 Physical Evasion
1 Str = 0.06 Physical Evasion

1 Int = 0.1 Magic Evasion
1 Wis = 0.06 Magic Evasion

1 Agi = 0.1 Physical Protection
1 Str = 0.02 Physical Protection

1 Int = 0.1 Magic Protection
1 Wis = 0.02 Magic Protection

1 Wis = 0.5 Heal
1 Int = 0.12 Heal

Fighter/Warrior melee classes
1 Str = 0.5 Physical Atk (when using a gun: 0.12)
1 Agi = 0.25 Physical Atk (when using a gun: 0.25)

Ranger/Rogue melee classes
1 Str = 0.25 Physical Atk (when using a gun: 0.25)
1 Agi = 0.5 Physical Atk (when using a gun: 0.5)

Mage/Shaman magic classes
1 Str = 0.12 Physical Atk (when using a ranged weapon: 0.12)
1 Agi = 0.12 Physical Atk (when using a ranged weapon: 0.25)

Mage/Shaman magic classes
1 Int = 0.5 Magic Attack
1 Wis = 0.25 Magic Attack

Fighter/Warrior melee classes
1 Int = 0.25 Magic Attack
1 Wis = 0.12 Magic Attack

Ranger/Rogue melee classes
1 Int = 0.25 Magic Attack
1 Wis = 0.12 Magic Attack

Flat Secondary Stats (Max HP+, Max MP, Physical Defense+, Magic Defense+, Physical Attack+, Magic Attack+ etc. etc.) increase their secondary stats by a fixed amount.

For Max HP+, Max MP+, Physical Attack+, Magic Attack+, All Attack+, Physical Defense+, Magic Defense+, All Defense+, HP Recovery+, MP Recovery+, and Heal+, the number you see is what you get. So +200 Magic Attack will add 200 Magic Attack in your Hero Window. +400 Heal will add 400 Heal etc. etc.

Accuracy Rating, Resistance Rating, Hit Rating, Crit Rating, Evasion Rating, and Protection Rating, are shown in percentage form in your Hero Window. The amount you need for 1% changes with your character's level.

Up to level 40, it's a 1/10 ratio. So +10 will be 1%. +100 will be 10%. Above level 40 and you will need more to get a percent. At level 100 you need +25 for 1%, or +250 for 10%.

The equation is simple. ( rating / (level * 0.25) ). So ( 250 / ( 100 * 0.25 ) ) = 10.

Percentage based Secondary Stats including Hit, Crit, Evasion, Protection, Absorbs, Reflects and Cast Reduction, give exactly what they say. 10% Absorb will reduce damage by 10%. 10% Reflect will cause 10% of damage to be reflected. 10% Cast Reduction will reduce casting time of a skill by 10%. 10% Evasion will make 10% of attacks against you miss.

Attack Speed % will increase your base Attack Speed of x1.0. So 10% Attack Speed will make your Attack Speed x1.1. 50% Attack Speed will make it x1.5.

Movement Speed % will increase your base Run Speed. So 10% Movement Speed will make your base* 400 Run Speed 440. A total of 100% Movement Speed will make it 800.
*You can see your base movement speed by unequipping all items and checking your Movement Speed in the Hero window.

The percentage based Secondary Stats Physical Attack %, Magic Attack %, Physical Defense %, and Magic Defense % increase how much of the stat you obtain from the Primary stats (Agi, Str, Int etc.).

10% Physical Defense does not increase the Physical Defense number you see in the Hero window by 10% more, because that total is the Physical Defense gained from the primary stats AND the Physical Defense+ secondary stat (% stats DO NOT increase the + version of the stat). It gives 10% more Physical Defense from the Primary stats that actually give Physical Defense. We know from the above information that Stamina and Strength both give 1 Physical Defense each, and Agility gives 0.5.

1 Sta = 1 Physical Defense
1 Str = 1 Physical Defense
1 Agi = 0.5 Physical Defense

If you have 11,000 Strength, 5,000 Agility, and 5,000 Stamina in your Hero window:

Strength 11,000 * 1 = 11000
Agility 5,000 * 0.5 = 2500
Stamina 5,000 * 1 = 5000

So we know you get 18,500 Physical Defense from your Strength, Agility and Stamina.

If you have an item that gives 10% Physical Defense, you would get 1.1 Physical Defense from both Strength and Stamina, because 1 increased by 10% is 1.1, and 0.55 Physical Defense from Agility, because 0.5 increased by 10% is 0.55.

Strength 11,000 * 1.1 = 12100
Agility 5,000 * 0.55 = 2750
Stamina 5,000 * 1.1 = 5,500

So with that additional 10% Physical Defense, your 18,500 Physical Defense from primary stats is increased to 20,350.

So from this example you can see that the higher your Primary stats are, the more you get from the percentage based Secondary stats.

Accuracy increases the chance that your skill's debuffs will land on your target. If a skill debuff has a default chance of 80% and you have 10% Accuracy, the debuff chance to land increases to 88% (10% of 80% is 8%, so 80% + 8% = 88%).

The skill debuff chance amount that you see in the skill's tooltip will reflect how much Accuracy you have. So if you have 10% Accuracy a skill with a debuff with 80% chance will be updated to show 88%.

Resistance reduces the chance that a skill debuff will land on you. If a skill debuff has an 80% chance and you have 10% Resistance, the debuff chance to land reduces to 72% (10% of 80% is 8%, so 80% - 8% = 72%).

If the owner of the skill debuff has 10% Accuracy and you have 10% Resistance, it will cancel out the additional Accuracy and the debuff chance to land will be 80%.

Some stats are capped at a certain amount - to prevent them becoming too high (or low).

Attack Speed
Capped at 1.9x

Movement Speed
Capped at 2300

Capped at 30% from the Primary stats Agility/Wisdom and secondary stats Physical Evasion Rating and Magic Evasion Rating, but can be increased above 30% temporarily with skills that give Physical, Magic, or All Evasion %.

Range (Affects gunners and magic class long ranged skills)
Capped at 40m including the skills built in range. So a skill cannot exceed a range of 40m.

Reach (Affects melee skill range)
Capped at 20m including the skills built in range.

Crit Bonus
Base is 150% (what you get by default).
Capped at 200% for monster targets.
Capped at 175% for player targets.

So if you have 180% Crit Bonus, the full 180% will be applied when hitting monsters, but it will become 175% against other players.

Armor Penetration
Capped at 80%. You can penetrate upto 80% of a target's armor, no more.

Capped at 80%. You can absorb upto 80% of incoming damage, no more.

Capped at 80%. You can reflect upto 80% of incoming damage, no more.

HP Drain / MP Drain
Capped at 100%.

Capped at -90%. No upper limit.

PvP Bonus Damage
Capped at 150%.

Humanoid/Beast/Undead/Dragon etc. Bonus Damage

Vet/Elite/Boss etc. Bonus Damage

Note about bonus damages. Both types can stack.
If you have 150% Humanoid Bonus Damage and 200% Boss Bonus Damage, and you hit a Humanoid Boss monster, your damage will receive a 350% bonus.
Responses (5)
  • Accepted Answer

    Mo Mo
    replied on Sunday, August 13 2017, 11:14 AM #Permalink
    Helped me a lot ty sedy
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Wednesday, November 15 2017, 12:42 AM #Permalink
    bump .. cant seem to find this post when i search it.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Friday, December 01 2023, 04:17 PM #Permalink
    Updated with Accuracy/Resistance info.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Frucs Frucs
    replied on Thursday, January 04 2024, 08:38 PM #Permalink
    Mr. Sedy, I have a question. By how much exactly does defense reduce damage taken? for example, how much does 10,000 defense reduce incoming damage?
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Friday, January 05 2024, 02:59 PM #Permalink
    Frucs wrote:

    Mr. Sedy, I have a question. By how much exactly does defense reduce damage taken? for example, how much does 10,000 defense reduce incoming damage?

    Difficult to answer but I will try.

    Assuming the attacker and target are the same level, the target has 10,000 Physical Defense, no absorb or reflect, and you have exactly 10,000 Physical Attack and the skill doesn't have any bonus damage and doesn't penetrate any defense, so you are hitting them for exactly 10,000 damage. After defense calculations the damage would be reduced to 4,355.

    5k defense = 5,900 damage
    10k defense = 4,355 damage
    15k defense = 3,552 damage
    20k defense = 3,063 damage
    25k defense = 2,736 damage
    30k defense = 2,501 damage
    35k defense = 2,326 damage
    40k defense = 2,191 damage
    45k defense = 2,083 damage
    50k defense = 1,995 damage

    There are diminishing returns on defense. Obviously more defense reduces more damage but it starts to become less effective. With a low damage amount of 10k in the examples above it doesn't seem like stacking high defense is worthwhile, but with much higher damage amounts it looks a lot different.

    Assume damage of 250,000 from an elite monster in Dead Man's Peak dungeon:

    5k defense = 147,495 damage
    10k defense = 108,875 damage
    15k defense = 88,807 damage
    20k defense = 76,582 damage
    25k defense = 68,389 damage
    30k defense = 62,536 damage
    35k defense = 58,158 damage
    40k defense = 54,769 damage
    45k defense = 52,073 damage
    50k defense = 49,883 damage
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