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Arctic Arctic
posted on Wednesday, October 23 2013, 05:20 AM in Game Suggestions
Hello ppl!

Well... sedy, i was thinking about the mana regeneration of mages/shaman... Why u dont create a new lvl from this skill, thats give % mana regeneration, instead +500 for 5s ?...

Since the new jobs advancements were released, the mp consumption are pretty fast. and not everyone have sufficient foods/potions to restore this. Remembering now the "heal foods" have shared cooldown, being too hard recover a good number of the total mana..

Its mine suggestion, increase 1 more lvl on this skill that gives % of mana regeneration for 5s, and the required lvl is 75 or higher ( since only 75's jobs spent this quantity of mana). So, What u think about ? D:

( every body can tell ur own opinion too xD, not only sedy :3 ) TY, Arctic :B

Accepted Answer

Sedy Admin Sedy
replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 12:23 AM #Permalink
I already increased the amount of mana you gain from those regen skills of the 1st job and I most certainly won't be making them percentage based. It would be an extreme advantage to those jobs with massive mana pools, especially when it comes to using MP based shields and glitch casting.

MP use for the 3rd job skills was intentionally set high to try and make you think a bit about what skills you use rather than just smash everything not on cooldown and hope for the best and it's not just caster skills, melee skill cost was increased also.

There are already a couple of newer items in the game that reduce the MP cost of skills and more will be added on new accessories soon, but I won't be touching the regen skills, sorry guys.
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Responses (31)
  • Accepted Answer

    Syao Syao
    replied on Friday, October 25 2013, 02:02 AM #Permalink
    you choose the most cimple because is all you know haha and yeah i guess you can say alot of crap cuss again is all you know crap XD and I really still don't understand where did you get I am jealous of something but okay!
    so you're life is better than mine? XD that's assuming too much haha well for you to actually know if your life is better or not (but with the simple fact of you pointing a your "better life" it means your actual life sux) you would have to know me irl and not just that you would had to be my friend and I doubt I wouldnt have such a trash friend XD anyway VulcanSucky as all you know is drama drama drama and I really dont feel as arguin with you anymore here because I have been trying to actually don't say any bad word if you have something else to say just pm me :) but knowing you I know you will just continue replying here so your friends can see your reply XD so pm me but i know you wont do it haha cuss if no one else see your drama it lose its point isnt? pm me if you have something else to say xD
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  • Accepted Answer

    Arctic Arctic
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 09:36 PM #Permalink
    ah, dont need to be ironic '-' (Charlie ↑ )
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    xmori92 xmori92
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 05:15 PM #Permalink
    i don't know what to say Suki ....hahahaha, let him run wild all he wants, he won't understand what u meant....
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 03:22 PM #Permalink
    I can find a crap load of word to call you Syao, I chose the most simple so that you will be able to understand. % of X will always be a fix number but X is not the common number for both Magic and Melee. Meaning you Base MP is a lot lower than my base MP to calculate for the Cost MP per use. You are just jealous because you dont know how to control your MP and you just dont have a regen mana skill to begin with hence why you jumped in here and talk about our mana skills. You are 85 and you still dont know what is the different between mana use of magic and melee? Now that is just a joke. I am pitying you as well as laughing at you now.
    You can pity me all you want, but my life is way better than yours for sure because at least I have a brain while you are just brainlessly complaining whenever,wherever you found something that you dont get lol.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Arctic Arctic
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 03:01 PM #Permalink
    okay sedy, ty for reply (:

    now i understand why u didn't it before... but it was only a little suggestion made by a poor player . xD
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  • Accepted Answer

    Arctic Arctic
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 02:56 PM #Permalink
    ok guys... i think mine suggestion hurt some ppl, so, i'm sorry guys. Vulcan, Ty by all ur comments o3o was really good to see at least 2 ppl agreed with me c: (if some other agreed too and i didn't saw, feel with my thanks too)

    i'll mark the Sedy's comment as answer since he told that will not do it, and i understand they point like all the others... '-'

    cya in game guys C:
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  • Accepted Answer

    Syao Syao
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 02:25 PM #Permalink
    you know? you are really being pathetic I guess is normal for you because since you can't find any other word you just name call people maybe is normal for people like you with so short brain so lets think a bit shall we?
    you see in your skills you will see a highger number because you have alot moe mp than other classes so if you have that long ago 10-20% seems alot so now if you had less mp you would see a lower number why? because a % of X will still be the same %
    You said I'm jealous ok jealous of what? in the first reply I said "do you see people complaining..." so how is that being jealous? really try to read and try to think a bit before you answer something when you really have no idea of what are you talking about of about what someone else is trying to tell you all you do is to go blah blah i am 85's so no one knows anything lol?

    and instead of feeling pitifull for me you should feel sorry for you for being so short brained think a bit it wont hurt you and even might help you say everything you think but think everything you say. Maybe for you is your way to call attention but really being pathetic is not the best way and I know you gonna keep replying and replying because people like you always want to have the last word doesn't matter if they're right or wrong.

    have a good life and really think a bit because now I really feel pity for you.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 02:12 PM #Permalink
    Bigger* haha typo
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 02:11 PM #Permalink
    Use my quote in wrong situation lol but its fine. What you are saying with you long post are just non-sense. 40% of 60k MP will always bugger than 40% of 30% Mp. 40% Cost Mp of mage will always > 40% Cost Mp of Melee. No matter how much you deny it, you are still at the wrong side. Well learning it wont do you any good anyway.
    I will repeat exactly what I said to Syao for you with some modify to be more correct for you:

    I laugh and in the same time pity the dumb kid who doesnt even know that hes dumb.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 02:08 PM #Permalink
    I can generally consume around 20~30k MP per 10sec ... Which part of generally u dont understand? I have trick up my sleeve to consume less than 10~15k ish per CH run and come out of it full MP bar even if I glitch the heck outta my sorc. Are you jealous of that? The point of bring it up is just to show how little of you when u come and comment on this post. Being pathetic and so pitiful.

    P/s: I aint mad. To be honest I feel pitiful for you because you are just dumb and you dont even know that you are dumb lol.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Syao Syao
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 01:45 PM #Permalink
    LOOOOOOOLLL you really made me laugh this time I just wake up and come to check at ns and surprice!!! a long wall of text from the drama queen vulcan!
    and lol you dont skill spam?? XD "I can generally consume around 20~30k MP per 10sec" yeah right that doesnt sounds like a skill spam LMAO and if you read again you are the one bitching and what does killing a healer or not has to do with anything? really XD Jealous XD jealous of what xDDDD
    anyway ... last time I reply on something so hmm something like this XD

    so U mad Bro?? xD
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  • Accepted Answer

    Charlie(Ninjatwinky) Charlie(Ninjatwinky)
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 12:08 PM #Permalink
    I'm sorry Vulcan, but I'm pretty sure you're the one who got lost in my comments.

    I'm sorry that I'm a literate person and I need to use complete thoughts and sentences.

    On the way to school I was talking to my 15 year old brother and he even understood what I was saying and trying to explain with the percentages.

    It's ok though Vulcan, just because you think that I don't know my own class, i.e. telling me to go look at their skill costs.

    I know my skill costs, and increased them to that of a Caster class for example purposes.

    Because they are so low, you don't see Melee users using a lot of MP, but that's not the point, what Melee user would need to use magic, except to empower the weapon with magical properties, which in reckoning sense would require less Mana than to completely and utterly form something from thin air, i.e. a Shockwave or a Fireball.

    You're thinking of it all as a this class must = this class, not in the literally sense.

    Cloth doesn't need to tank, it can't tank because they wear clothing. And last time I checked, clothing was easily sliced through with any form of sharp object.

    Mail is harder to slice through because it is links of chain woven together, but someone with Magical properties or a giant ass sword can easily cut through mail armor.

    Heavy Armor is harder to move around in, but offers great protection against full on brute force attacks, but is easily heated up or twisted or something with magic, and any skilled assassin can place a well thought out knife between the cracks.

    Each class has their weaknesses and strengths, just because your strength is high burst damage, and your weakness is high MP costs doesn't mean you're worse than the next class, or a sitting duck...
    It just means you didn't think through your skills and consequences well enough.

    Using the same sentence you had in your original comment, only twisted.

    "If a Mage MP go down so fast meaning hes facerolling his keyboard or hes just suck lol."
    I do know what I'm talking about. Maybe you should just stop reading the first couple sentences and trying to base an argument off that.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 11:25 AM #Permalink
    Go read you skill: Cost Part. Im pretty sure now I see why you are so lost in the jungle with all of your long ass post lol.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 11:22 AM #Permalink
    Great, I was right. you have no idea how that % number work. Such a let down 'cause I thought u know wat you were talking about lol.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Charlie(Ninjatwinky) Charlie(Ninjatwinky)
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 11:19 AM #Permalink
    40% = 40%
    So 40% used on Melee is = 40% used on a Caster.
    Its simple algebra...
    Please...just try to stop thinking you know it all and listen to my typed words, because you just might learn something...

    If my skill costs me 10% of my 21k MP
    It'll use 2.1k MP
    Ok, no big deal, 2.1k MP isn't alot....but
    Use it 3 times.
    I've used 30% of my MP
    Which is 6.3k
    A 20% MP pot regens 3.2k

    Now on to casters.
    If you use a skill that uses 10% of your MP and you have 60k MP
    Thats 6k MP
    Yes, you used more MP than me....
    But, you have more MP than me....
    10% is still... well 10%...
    So you use more MP, and regen more MP with % based MP pots..


    The whole point behind Mages is in fact to know which spells to use when, and how to use each spell, and which will most utilize and help the team...
    Not spam all skills and hope for the best, then complain about no MP...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 11:18 AM #Permalink
    I dont think that you dont care, you just cant argue with it. Calling me illogical? but non of your post have any logic in it. 20% is just 20%? No big gap between 84 and 85 but 84 cant fight 85? Whats next? The rabbit = the wolf? Do your homework before posting next time maybe? So I dont have to actually look down on you?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 11:13 AM #Permalink
    Also for your long ass post but has nothing in it Ninjatwinky.

    Skill (MP% consume) this has everything with the amount of MP consume of some class bigger than other. % MP consume deal with the Mp base, not the total MP. MP base of Magic will always be bigger > Melee. Hence why I state that Magic's MP consume faster then other classes.

    40% MP consume of a melee could be 200~300ish MP per use while 40% Mp consume of my Sorc is 1000~1100 MP (This is an example so before you jump in with another long ass post to clarify your number? quit it). 40% of melee vs 40% of mage is 1 thing the gap maybe ok in consideration, but the gap between those upper like 100%MP consume per use will have a huge different.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Charlie(Ninjatwinky) Charlie(Ninjatwinky)
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 11:05 AM #Permalink
    The thing is Vulcan is that I honestly don't care what the argument is at this point, its the fact you're trying to use illogical facts to base your argument off of, that is what I care about.

    I said nothing about anything relating to the said argument.
    Just that percentage based skills will always do the same percentage based heals/damage.
    That's what I'm trying to get across.
    It doesn't matter if you're level 1 or level 85.
    If you do 20% to something or heal 20% of something.
    It's still 20% of it...
    The numbers change based on the starting number.
    But it is still the same number.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 11:00 AM #Permalink
    The argument itself, is that MP consume is ranked from Magic > Melee no matter what % or watsoever you are talking about. Meaning, in whatsoever way, we still consume more and will always be more than your MP consume.

    2nd argument is, without MP Magic user is useless 'cause auto attack range got cut half and the dmg got cut half + A LONG ASS animation while Melee still get the same dmg and animation is still fast.

    3rd argument, is I dont give a damn if either the Mana regens kill get to 4/4 with % regen MP or stay at 3/3 and get a fix or GET LOWERED than where it is now.

    4th, this is not a PVP game, this is PvE. If you are just arguing about Niria got hit by other players and go down rapidly? so with new skill we get a huge advance over other players? then it is just you guys being pathetic about thing that everyone use. Currently Saint can drain 10% MP and recover 5% Mp for themselves every 2sec. Templar can heal 15% MP with 5 sec (1min CD and if they are dumb enough to choose to recover HP/Mp while ppl will potentially hit them? then suck it up because they are dumb).

    5th, Saint + Templar got skill that come from no where from their previous trees to heal MP and We Magic got a previous heal MP skill but didnt get update so asking for it is just normal.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Charlie(Ninjatwinky) Charlie(Ninjatwinky)
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 10:39 AM #Permalink
    Can I please get a break with this percentage thing...

    If the skill costs a percentage...and its the same percentage across the board...

    Yes it takes more from someone with more of that stat...but its a percentage...

    It takes the same amount from everyone, i.e 20%.

    20% can fluctuate depending on the number you take 20% from, but nonetheless it is still the same 20%.
    Meaning that the bar HP or MP that was taken down 20%, will still be taken down the same length for someone with 100 HP/MP or 1000 HP/MP
    Because it is a percentage.

    20/100 is the same as 200/1000.
    Because of the Fundamental Rule of Fractions.

    You multiplied both the numerator and denominator of the fraction 20/100 by 100, to get 200/1000.
    Making them the same number, only bigger values.

    That number still goes into decimal form as .2
    And still translates to a percentage as 20%

    Making it the same number.
    Making it the same number.
    Maybe a 3rd time.
    Making it the same number.

    It's basic Math people...
    Just because you're skill takes 200 MP
    And his skill takes 20 MP
    And it has the same percentage doesn't make it a different number
    It just means you have more Mana.
    It's all a ratio of it self...
    If you went back to your first job tree and used Tempest Shock from the Shaman, and it takes like 2% MP
    At the level you used it at, up to level 30,
    it only too like what 37 MP?
    Well 2% of 67000 MP is about 300ish.

    Does it make it cost more?'s still 2%...
    You just have more MP.
    So no matter what, unless you want to suggest to Sedy making MP skills have a set MP usage, i.e Costs 1000 MP to use this skill instead of 6% or something.

    Then you could make an argument stating that the more MP, the more levels, the more higher ranked skills you have is making you use more MP.
    And that 20/30% MP pots aren't cutting it because 20% of 67k MP is 13.4k but 2 skills you use run through that at level 85.
    And your MP regen to MP usage isn't 1:2 like it's supossed to be i.e
    You regen enough to cover 1 skill after using 2. Which is the usual MP regen of mage classes.
    Just saying, please go back and look at what you're saying, everyone, percentage based skills are just that...a percentage.

    They take out the same no matter the number because it is a percentage...

    "Hey, I'm a percentage, and I'm take -20% from everyone!"
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 09:12 AM #Permalink
    oh yah, when a magic user being ganged. They go down faster than tanker because we have no eva/resis or any def. So yeah we suck and its just normal. But if a Templar with crap load of def and absorb and skills to anti dmg go down so fast? NEED TO RELOOK AT HOW TEMPLAR play his class lol. Just a friendly advise.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 09:07 AM #Permalink
    I dont care its buff up or down because I know how to control my skills, not spamming like there is no tmr like you and go complain how fast ur MP consume even tho you aint even in the list of 1 of the top MP consume class. 2nd It is just obvious that magic cant do anything without MP, but Sin can still go on auto attack with fast animation. All classes use Niria so your argument just show that you are just bitching about Magic has Mp regen and you dont so raising it making you become more jealous. Sin is a eva/resis class so even with low MP pool people still cant hit your MP pool fast because they will be missing (well assuming if you know how to build but u seem not to be able to do that so your MP run out fast). Even you complaining about unable to kill healer 2 on 1 or 1 on 1 from post long ago show enough how much you dont understand the PvP. Such a laughable to go complain about unable to kill healer like that.
    By the way, we dont Niria in PvE just in case you thought everyone Niria to go PvE like you. We have a huge mana pool and it ran out within 30~40sec while farming is just too much, Mana Pot is hard to farm as well, just look at how expensive it is and the limited amount of supply as well as supply sources. I can see why they ask for the Mana Regen go upper. Like I said I have never ever put a *GOD DAMN POINT* on that skill in my entire Sorc's play. I survive good with my Mana while farming so I am neutral on this. They just make suggestion, they have their reason to suggest it. I dont like you come in and bitch about it so I counter your comment. Otherwise, MP regen up or down? its not the end of the world for anybody.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Syao Syao
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 02:01 AM #Permalink
    lol funny
    well it was you who said "If a templar HP go down so fast meaning hes being ganged or hes just suck lol."so if it was obvious then why do you have to point that out? maybe is you who is being funny because if you don't care if that skill is buffed up or down then why did you say "Magic only live base on MP " anyway I know is magic life because if you use niria all the damage goes to your mp right? so then if as you said you have 60k+ more mp and 60k+ hp and getting a better regen is not a big advantage to your class ? just so you know I do know how fast the mp in magic users goes down I do have played sorc and wizy but really why dont you guys stop being selfish and think of the other classes too and stop bugin sedy with "ah my class needs this and that" why dont you let him fix the other classes like crusaders and vanquishers? but who cares about them right? so as you said before if a templar gets his hp lowered fast is either being ganged or just plain sux right? well I could say the same if the sorc get his mp drained fast is either being ganged in niria buff or just sux because cannot keep his mp up.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Thursday, October 24 2013, 12:36 AM #Permalink
    lol Im pretty sure you dont understand that fact that without MP MELEE can Auto attack with the same amount of dmg, while magic auto attack range got cut to half and auto attack take forever to finish right?
    Also you are being funny Syao, anyone being gang bang should get their HP go down fast, not just templar.
    Also I am not the one who asking sedy to buff up the mana regen. The fact that I am commenting is just to counter your comment. I couldnt be more careless about regen skill get buff up or buff down because I've never ever use that skill from the beginning of the time when I stepped into NS (no point to waste on just useless buff).

    P/s: all the skill is % base MP so the more MP you have the more MP consume. So your Mana pool is small? your mana consume per skill is smaller than us Mage with 50~60k ish MP bar average.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Syao Syao
    replied on Wednesday, October 23 2013, 09:58 PM #Permalink
    I guess assasin can use his skills when runs out of mp? and i guess you know too how fast an assasin mp goes down but we do not have that high ammount of mp you maybe have noticed maybe not but really what else do you sorcs want? asked Sedy to make mp pots 15 secs cd so he did it now asking sedy to get a better mana regen? why dont just ask sedy to make skill cost 1 so no problem with mp? and yes I have noticed I the 5% hp regen but have you noticed it stops when you get hit? so yeah if a templar is being ganged it goes down fast so using that hp regen skill is useless isnt? but oh well ....
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  • Accepted Answer

    Arctic Arctic
    replied on Wednesday, October 23 2013, 09:53 PM #Permalink
    Ty vulcan by ur gr8 comment *-*
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  • Accepted Answer

    Charlie(Ninjatwinky) Charlie(Ninjatwinky)
    replied on Wednesday, October 23 2013, 08:54 PM #Permalink
    Lets give Magi's/Sorc's what they want Syao, that way they can infinity use Niria and face roll their keyboards and win things c;
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Wednesday, October 23 2013, 08:02 PM #Permalink
    hmm, Do Assassin live only base on MP? I highly doubt that they do but Magic only live base on MP and run out of it, we are just sitting duck. 2nd Templar has a healing skill and you should go check it. Its %Hp/%MP for 5sec. You also have no idea how fast MP with 3rd page sorc skill consume eh? I can generally consume around 20~30k MP per 10sec (for the lowest MP Cd pot is 25% and my MP base is 65k so it recover like wat? 16250).
    If a templar HP go down so fast meaning hes being ganged or hes just suck lol.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Arctic Arctic
    replied on Wednesday, October 23 2013, 02:35 PM #Permalink
    yeah xD! Ty xMori

    but i think its a just/possible sacrifice xD . and i believe not many ppl did all the quests that gives sp xD
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  • Accepted Answer

    Syao Syao
    replied on Wednesday, October 23 2013, 02:33 PM #Permalink
    Assasins are meele and still they consume alot of mp and do you see people complaining about it? or telling how hard it is? if you consume too much mp use pots ? and yeah you gonna say is not enough they dont recover enough well then use two kind of pots? maybe a templar should have a faster hp regeneration skill cuss hp goes down fast too?
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  • Accepted Answer

    xmori92 xmori92
    replied on Wednesday, October 23 2013, 06:05 AM #Permalink
    I aggree for this one!!
    And a few people will be using it because of lack of skill points .-. you'll need to take off one of your current skill or lower the level of it to get that skill. And it's a level 4 for the %regen.... xD
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