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Ermac Ermac
posted on Sunday, September 07 2014, 09:48 PM in Game Suggestions
Hi folks... i am here to suggest one “new” pvp mode... its the same thing at all, except by one thing: it Will be in compensation mode.


Compensation mode is an kind of pvp style thats makes dont count ur items, all the stats are generic according to the first job (warrior/fighter – mage/shaman- ranger/rouge), it includes the Max and min atk and def.


its simple ^^, Just because lots of things on pvp keeps unfair, i.e. the donnors, winged players and all other players with things obtainable by moolah.

Here is my Idea to it:

→ No buffs when u join in battleground. No matter what buff u are using, they Will be vanished when u join. Why? Because most of the players are using buffs from high lvls players, and they’re not from the battle lvl most of the times. The buffs can be used by cards or from anothers players INSIDE the battlefield.
→ Not allow to use mana potion % at least. Thats because the mana shield makes everything easy when u got houndred of mana potions% and X combinated.
→ All stats gived from gear and weapon Will be “lost”. When enter in this battlefield u will have the same atk/M.atk of the others and the same stats of ur 1st job (dont care the race). It allows the player skill to win, instead the gear of the player.
→ Trasnformation, foods, crafted potions are allowed, because everyone can get it. Just need to plan ur tatic.

I’m suggesting it Just because lots of my friends leaved the game by saying thats become “P2W”, saying now everyone in pvp are cash players and they are missing the old pvp times bla bla bla... and by me too. Its kinda unfair when ur team are full of “normal” player and the other have only cash geared in matches like BoA and DM ...

Its Just my vision. Please, say what u think about.
Responses (18)
  • Accepted Answer

    Ermac Ermac
    replied on Saturday, September 13 2014, 11:43 PM #Permalink
    ty all guys who are supporting my suggestion ^^ and sedy, i hope u can do it one day :D

    about captain, this pvp method "wasn't made" to make anything boring as u said. this method of pvp will make possible the player skill be the key to the victory. i feels so much if u don't know this skill and only play (and win i suppose) because ur cash items that gives hyper status in relation to the others players...

    this game have a awesome arsenal of items and give to u so many tactics to play... directly to the point: a match as that (comp. mode) where the player abilities with their jobs makes all the difference, cant be called unfair. is that.

    thanks again to all, and i hope sedy would look at this suggestion with love in future c:
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    Ecroier Ecroier
    replied on Thursday, September 11 2014, 12:13 PM #Permalink
    People these days don't understand the concept of bills. When you pay your own and you have to support two people by yourself. come back and talk to me. i explained why i couldn't in my last comment to you... Learn to read? also why bother reply after reply after reply? just comment back... points been made though.
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    Captain Captain
    replied on Thursday, September 11 2014, 06:25 AM #Permalink
    Nice. Since you are working and you are earning. Why won't you donate some?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ecroier Ecroier
    replied on Thursday, September 11 2014, 01:12 AM #Permalink
    Yes i do agree with the suggestion and you know why? it's because i'm NOT a donator.

    Money is power. what happens when that money gets taken away? weed out the "pros" from the "joes" play with SKILL not your "stats"

    Now as for your last statement i'm 26, working two jobs. and every DIME i get goes to keeping me and my sister alive. bills bills bills bills, food, gas and more bills. By the end of a week i have about 40 dollars left on a weekly basis... so yeah. I'd LOVE to be a "donator" thing is not everyone CAN.

    I like and fully agree with this idea
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tom Tom
    replied on Wednesday, September 10 2014, 07:32 PM #Permalink
    nope my knight in bf74 is not moolah costume or winged but i'm on honor RANK and i can kill donato players i can kill them winged,costume moolah i can kill players build stat,eva VI and it mean how u playing ur class not how u donate or anything and players must donato for help Sedy to make sever alive for u guys playing.
    donato is not mean u strong and u op if u want be op and strong u need play good ur class first and do all u can

    ps: my english bad((:
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    Arctic Arctic
    replied on Wednesday, September 10 2014, 05:33 PM #Permalink
    and sorry me by my bad english btw D':
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  • Accepted Answer

    Arctic Arctic
    replied on Wednesday, September 10 2014, 05:24 PM #Permalink
    I Agree with both: Sedy and Ermac :v

    Thank you to the hard work of sedy to keep this game running, and also, to make the moolah be tradeable in game, cuz many ppl are able to farm gold to have it without spent real money... but as Ecroier said "What if you don't know the best way to make money? What if you don't have a nice guild to help you?"...

    IKR how costly is to build nice items @_@, and i did it without moolah anyway... i'd geared my main char (also called Arctic~and a sage called Cronos :3 ) to join pvp and have a chance to fight against donors, what wasn't easy... they insane damage and tankness always made the advantage... I think i can say that i was a good player, and maybe someone still remember me in 74's BF, and anyway i would like if it comes in that time...

    No buffs when u join in battleground. No matter what buff u are using, they Will be vanished when u join. Why? Because most of the players are using buffs from high lvls players, and they’re not from the battle lvl most of the times. The buffs can be used by cards or from anothers players INSIDE the battlefield.

    i think its quite exaggerated remove all buffs, i think foods and transformation buffs would be kept. Cuz, no one wants they (sometimes) expensive foods/potions going to waste D: ... buffs that are given from players are enough to be removed xD

    Can you imagine without wings on battlefields? No buffs and stats? How boring is it?

    yes i can @_@ ! i'm not a winged player, and also, i played so many times without any buff as well. and not a biiig difference (except the HP side and mana shield..) each class have they own buff its not sufficient? @_@ (i'm not trying to create a fight here.. e.e .. so, peace) if u are a skilled player, the buffs is only a matter.

    the more, other ppl already told here xD
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    CoffeeCat CoffeeCat
    replied on Wednesday, September 10 2014, 12:50 PM #Permalink
    In case this so called "new pvp mode" gets approved.
    Why not just don't join it?
    Not trying to fight or anything but just leave it to those people who want to join it (again just in case it gets approved).
    This game is not just about the donators who help keep this game running.

    Anyways, I like this idea also.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Captain Captain
    replied on Wednesday, September 10 2014, 06:22 AM #Permalink
    what are you trying to say here Ecroier? are you supporting Ermac's suggestion?
    Can you imagine without wings on battlefields? No buffs and stats? How boring is it?
    Im a donator man. I bought MOOLAH WINGS and worked hard to buy this. I bought this wings to make my character strong in battlefields. Thats my main purpose.
    I cant support this topic called "NEW COMPENSATION MODE".
    I donate because I support Sedy in making this game alive for us to have fun.
    Can't you just ask your parents to buy you some moolahs? Im sure they have money to spare.
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    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Wednesday, September 10 2014, 01:37 AM #Permalink
    In retrospect, I've donated more than my share of moolah a year ago for 2 wings, mounts etc etc. And not once complained about prices going down since there has been ample time for it. Goods always have market value and it will keep decreasing as time goes by. Now if I bought it like 1 week before and Sedy decreased price, I'll be annoyed XD! But yeah *amused* It was a gradual change ergo, quite agreeable.

    =)) Either way I like the suggestion---but not your arguments.
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    Ecroier Ecroier
    replied on Tuesday, September 09 2014, 08:57 PM #Permalink
    Hey captain would you care to go about thinking about the OTHER side of the players?

    What if you don't know the best way to make money? What if you don't have a nice guild to help you?

    What if you don't have the spare to donate due to day to day life?

    with that said is it fair that people who don't have good statted gear, who don't have wings. get to be subjected to and "bullied" by people with wings? or with all stat VI? do you think it's fair that EVERY honor and Fame crown holder has been someone with wings massive ammounts of stat or donator items. Do you think it's fair that the top i wanna say... what. 25 on the PVP PK and BF ranking charts are all winged players?

    True we worked for those things but. what about those of the players who "know" they are good but sadly don't have the money to compete with the "donators". I think this idea is pretty good as it weeds out the people who KNOW how to play their class from the people who just flat out donate for the power to win
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  • Accepted Answer

    Captain Captain
    replied on Tuesday, September 09 2014, 03:36 PM #Permalink
    In my own opinion. That would be unfair if Sedy would take out all those stuff inside battlefields. Thats boring.
    Thats why people buy moolah items so they will be stronger in battlefields and dungeons.
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    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, September 09 2014, 02:30 PM #Permalink
    this is not a new concept its called communism....yes thats right 'COMMUNISM" if i work my ass off and donate to be able to spank in bf i hould be able to spank in bf... if you want to have everything handed to you like a puppet told what you can cant use etc and expect the same of others... you sir are a communist.

    the idea of a match like that is great idea but to change it for all matches dm fm boa ctf is completely one world side view.

    why dont we make another channel just for ppl like this to play on ... except they arent able to play on the main chan.

    or even bettter idea once a day get around group of your friends and everyone duel naked see who wins! yayay!!
    the higher lvl char will win... and spoiler alert person with more defense attack will win most likely

    or just create a bf match where everyone goes naked except thier weapons ...i hvae a feeeling you would still whine about it tho cause u dont have a good weapon.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Monday, September 08 2014, 07:03 PM #Permalink
    Yeh I know it's not great if you already bought something at the higher price but that's the way it goes really. I cry whenever I think how much I paid for stuff compared to their price now, car, tv, computers, all of it getting cheaper and cheaper every day :/ Just have to look at it from another side and think that maybe more players will be able to afford one and feel more competitive instead of not having one and feeling like the underdog and quitting. I think/hope in the long term, it will benefit us all more to reduce them slightly.
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    Selka Selka
    replied on Monday, September 08 2014, 04:04 PM #Permalink
    You know Sedy, every time you lower the cost of something in moolah a little bit of us players who paid full price ($100 titles/$50 mounts) dies a little inside.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Monday, September 08 2014, 12:55 PM #Permalink
    hahaha, cry me a river :D Our main source of donations is for titles - I think if I were to introduce lesser versions for tears it would be the final nail in the coffin. I have always said that the day I have to pay my own money to keep this running will be the day it closes down. In a way I have always paid for it myself with my time, but I won't pay twice :P

    I am considering reducing the prices of some of the more expensive titles to make them a more realistic target for more players just like I did with mounts. It won't be by a massive amount though as it would be unfair to those that already bought them. Probably into line with the limited edition titles, $75 for max.
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    Ecroier Ecroier
    replied on Monday, September 08 2014, 03:56 AM #Permalink
    I have one single question about something you said. "Tear version of almost everything "

    why isn't there a lesser form of a moolah title you can buy for like 5k tears? should be called "cry me a river"

    I kidd
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Sunday, September 07 2014, 10:41 PM #Permalink
    I have been considering making something along the lines of this suggestion for a while now, a new battlefield where certain things are not allowed - outside buffs, titles, transformations etc. I even thought about making a flagmatch type battlefield where skills are completely disabled - making it more of a race to collect flags rather than fighting, but I just think it would become boring very quickly.

    Euh that old chestnut again. P2W. All mmos, especially free2play designed mmos like Iris are like that. The companies and individuals that run these services are not charities - they need to make money, and NoScrubs is no different. The server doesn't run on air - it costs a lot of money every month for server hardware and network bandwidth as well as a lot of my personal time. Anyone that thinks they can go play on a server completely for free and be just as powerful as people that pay some real money are deluded. These so called donation-free servers might pop up now and again but they don't last 5 minutes because as soon as the person running it realises how much of their time is used up running it and they aren't getting a penny, they drop it like a hot coal.

    I try to make it as fair as possible here by allowing people to trade Moolah, with which they can buy nearly everything a donator can without a cent leaving their wallet. There are tear versions of almost everything which don't cost a penny either - just some mutual understanding that they need to spend 2 seconds a day voting for us. I can't really be fairer than that. If people don't like it they can cry P2W as they leave, and I wish them luck finding that elusive completely free server. o/

    Anywayyyyyyy, ranting over and back on topic. Yes it's a good suggestion/idea and I would like to put something in the game that is just a bit of fun that everyone can participate in without fear of being owned by the big scary donators :P
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