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gaviscon gaviscon
posted on Sunday, April 27 2014, 08:19 AM in General Chat
Hi guys, I was just thinking about my sorcerer skills and was wondering if it would be possible to make sorcerers have an AoE skill that reduces targets movement speed and does a small amount of damage and allows the user to move and cast while the AoE is still in effect. I was thinking that it could reduce movement speed by 50% and deal 2k - 3k damage per second/ 2 seconds. With sorcerers not being the bulkiest or fastest (without wings) it would help them out at lot especially at lower levels (would give them a chance to avoid a bit of damage).

Another thing is (if the new skill isn't possible) maybe upgrade the sorcerers shield (wind fortification) a bit, since wizards have a shield that blocks all damage for a set amount of time. Am not saying sorcerers should have the same sort of shield but maybe make it so wind fortification adds 10% magic defence and 10% physical defence (so that it relys more on your stats rather then affect the oppents skills in PvP).
I know this may seem like an unfair comaparison but this is stats of my templar and my sorcerer:

Class: Templar
Level: 77
Title: Crystalisk Conqueror ( +80 all attack, +50 all stats, +1000 max HP)
Physical Defence: 41,751
Magic Defence: 19,984

Class: Sorcerer
Level: 85
Title: I'm No Scrub ( +10% all attack, +10% all defence, +15% all stats)
Physical Defence: 15,477
Magic Defence: 22,067

Remember this is just defence stats comaprison to show that the shield upgrade won't make sorcerer OP and comaprison was done WITHOUT ANY BUFFS

Please please please don't hate on me for this i am not trying to make sorcerers OP am jst trying to make a couple of suggestions to make them a little bit less squishy (not immune to damage).
Responses (15)
  • Accepted Answer

    Michael Michael
    replied on Sunday, April 27 2014, 12:39 PM #Permalink
    wind fortification doesn't need buffing, and imo is a lot more effective than the shield wizards have. also their shield only blocks 6 hits, for the amount of time its on, not every hit. so if the shield is active for 30secs it will block 6 hits within that timeframe and thats it. with glitching its easy to use up those 6 hits in a matter of seconds.
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  • Accepted Answer

    gaviscon gaviscon
    replied on Sunday, April 27 2014, 01:04 PM #Permalink
    yeah i know wizards shield only blocks 6 hits but its full block, while using wind fort i still take a lot of damage from bosses (average of 40k+) at least wizards shield blocks ALL damage even if it is only 6 hits or 30s its still FULL BLOCK where as max wind fort it +40% damage absorb so if you wanna do some maths it works out that for every 100 damage points sorc still take 60 damage points, yes it lasts for 30 second.

    a little maths (not accurate just estimates for Circus Insane)

    1 hit with wind fort active = 43k ( the last i was hit in CI)
    40% of 43k = 17.2k
    43k + 17.2k = 50.2k (damage without wind fort)

    lets not forget that wind fort also has a 1m cooldown, so for a full minute i could take 50k damage
    might not seem that bad but at the moment (as a non OP sorc) my HP hits its limit at 51k
    that leaves 1k HP and about 5 seconds to live.
    Even with wind fort active i wouldn't live 2 hits

    btw this is NOT a post to complain or OP sorcs this post IS just to see what people and GMs think to a bit of an upgrade and adding 10% all defence isn't that much of a boost to sorcs since 10% probably only an extra 5k - 7k defence (hardly OP territory)
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  • Accepted Answer

    gaviscon gaviscon
    replied on Sunday, April 27 2014, 01:15 PM #Permalink
    also would like to add that 10% is not what am saying we should get its just a number obviously the GMs would decide the actual boost to def
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  • Accepted Answer

    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Sunday, April 27 2014, 03:37 PM #Permalink
    Actually I don't think fort works like that. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    You get abs from your top (15), RT (2), guild buffs (varies but I think 8), prot pot (10), turkey (10), tarot (lets say 9% if you got a donator tarot from a stall). Total of 54% abs. This is attainable by everyone.
    So Eg the original dmg is 100k. Without fort you are getting hit 46k.
    After fort (40%) you'd be getting hit by 100k - 94% abs. Which will be 6k.
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  • Accepted Answer

    gaviscon gaviscon
    replied on Sunday, April 27 2014, 04:49 PM #Permalink
    Gotta say i used all abs buffs at once and never noticed a 94% decrease in damage, even with all abs buffs and foods i still get hit for around 35k - 45k, with all buffs i been hit for 60k+ too (including fort) so i can see the sense in your logic but doesn't really seem to pan out like that, if it did i wouldn't be asking for a shield boost XD plus if sorcs could abs 94% damage that would really OP them. anyway thanks for your opinion on the shield but what do you think to the new AoE skill that would allow sorcs to move and cast while its active (i belive the wizards have one similar but am not 100% sure so am sorry if i am wrong and if they don't have one maybe give them one too)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Kage Kage
    replied on Sunday, April 27 2014, 09:43 PM #Permalink
    Sorc can absorb a lot temporaily. I think sorc is probably OP enough as it is. That 35-40k you are feeling is probably from ignore dmg absorb skills that other players have, or you are fighting some of the super strong bosses or mobs that are intended to deal lots of damage or 1 hit kill you.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Julieann Julieann
    replied on Monday, April 28 2014, 03:09 AM #Permalink
    Sorc's wind fortification is sooooooooooooo OP.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Kage Kage
    replied on Monday, April 28 2014, 06:48 AM #Permalink
    Oh, also, WF does indeed have a 1 minute cd. But you aren't going a minute without WF, it lasts for 20 seconds, so you are going 40 seconds without WF (max active time 1/3 of the time). In dangerous situations if you need a little more time, you can hit skill reset and get another another 20 seconds out of it, for 40 seconds total run time. If it takes longer than 40 seconds to escape danger, you are probably doing something a sorcerer wasn't designed to do (not that OP sorcerers don't do that all the time), like tanking 20-30 dungeon mobs at once or CI boss.

    I have a non-OP sorcerer. Has less HP, only 41k HP. Mostly die in CI when tanker dies or i accidentally wander through the mobs the tanker is tanking and get aoe death. Which usually doesn't happen. I'm squishy, but my sorcerer is an rdps class, so I keep back from mobs so as not to get hit, as that would mean death.
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  • Accepted Answer

    ginta1503 ginta1503
    replied on Monday, April 28 2014, 11:24 AM #Permalink
    about sorc's shield: sorc can have 100% dmg abs in pvp after use WF (with abs tarrot + protectiong pot + turkey + saint buff)
    so i dont think WF need buffing :)
    about a thing u said that boss hit u around 35-45k while u with all abs buffs and foods, can u tell what boss hit u like that?
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  • Accepted Answer

    gaviscon gaviscon
    replied on Monday, April 28 2014, 01:42 PM #Permalink
    yh was payaso
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  • Accepted Answer

    Aquarius Aquarius
    replied on Monday, April 28 2014, 10:49 PM #Permalink
    LOL just LOL
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  • Accepted Answer

    Michael Michael
    replied on Tuesday, April 29 2014, 10:34 AM #Permalink
    Last I checked Sedy capped dmg abs at 80% so no, we can't reach 100% anymore. On a different point, why are you getting hit by payaso anyway? You're a range class so you shouldnt be standing close enough to get hit...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Michael Michael
    replied on Tuesday, April 29 2014, 10:42 AM #Permalink
    To be honest I think the main reason you are taking so much damage even when not using wind fort, is your defence. I'm not sure what armor you use but your defenses for a lvl 85 seem very low to me.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Tuesday, April 29 2014, 09:58 PM #Permalink
    ^ This. =) Back then there was a 90% Abs cap and now its 80%
    Unless you are an over achiever like tankers and get a 120% Abs (in total) then you technically get 100% in effect =)).
    I think. Tested it before but Its been a while lol
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  • Accepted Answer

    ginta1503 ginta1503
    replied on Wednesday, April 30 2014, 12:04 AM #Permalink
    aw, because when i use tarrot abs + saint buff + prot pot + turkey, and join BF, when i active WF, i saw all damage come to me = 0, so i thought it was 100% abs =))
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