No this isn't another one of those "Why are they mean when I farm" threads.
I just simply think that Ore Veins should be for level 85 farming only. It gets annoying seeing these level 75s come around and farm ores when they don't actually need it for a quest/weapon. Should a level 75 need them for a weapon... they couldn't use it till they reached 85.
Again, this isn't one of those rant threads, I just think only level 85s should be able to farm the Ore Veins since that is the level the Mining Pick says.
replied on Thursday, July 25 2013, 03:34 AM #Permalink
coz they buy it when 3rd job patch come, thats why some lvl 75 can mining that vein. Dont know why that mining is diff with new one (after Sedy change it)
replied on Thursday, July 25 2013, 02:07 PM #Permalink
lol is fun to see this kind of post .. is like "Q.Q why they can farm only me is allowed i don't care if they gonna need them or want them ish mine" Q.Q
replied on Thursday, July 25 2013, 02:42 PM #Permalink
I totally agree to this but if I had to look at this from another side, it's part of the market. They can farm it to sell it if they wish to or keep it for when they get to the quest. Easier to farm it early than later. Plus, some people may think that ORES drop easier for different levels. I don't know really, I don't farm them because I rather just buy it.
replied on Friday, July 26 2013, 07:34 PM #Permalink
Yes it can be annoying but, don't be greedy. Some lvl 75+ Farm for CQ or just to sell them and buy their equips. Actually there are MANY spots where you can farm Ores at, so I think you guys lvl 85 Should share with them.
replied on Thursday, July 25 2013, 06:59 PM #Permalink
Thanks Anna. I know it's part of the "market" but with the level stated on the item they shouldn't have been able to farm them in the first place. I actually refuse to buy any Diamond Ores if they're not from someone level 85.
replied on Thursday, July 25 2013, 09:53 PM #Permalink
Kelly is right. Their reasons for farming them are irrelevant since the simple fact is they shouldn't be able to do it in the first place. Although i have to admit, it was fun watching some lvl 70's trying to farm the ores from the spot i was in only to die in a few hits
replied on Friday, July 26 2013, 07:39 PM #Permalink
At 75 you don't need to buy equips if you do your first CQ. You get 3 pieces you use up until 85 from that and the other 2 pieces are from Lisk. I understand that 75's farm to sell and make money (main reason I come across is Wings) but again, the Mining Pick says 85 ergo, should be limited to 85.