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Comfy Comfy
posted on Sunday, May 08 2016, 09:49 AM in Guilds
I'm gonna have to say not to join Remi. They have such nice members or at least you think they're nice at first, but then you just become a mule that sits outside of fun things to buff everyone, even though you also need to run the same thing, but if they invite you then they don't get enough loot for themselves and it "Wastes a slot." And when you're fed up with how people treat you and quit, they have their members go on your account and rip everything off. Sure you did help me get the Armor/Weapon,that's fine, take it. But they go one step further and take anything that can be traded. This includes all your Materials that you mined for hours and days on end for! As well as all your gold that they had no hand in helping you earn! Love it.
Responses (7)
  • Accepted Answer

    NoiveRaiDark NoiveRaiDark
    replied on Wednesday, May 11 2016, 08:29 PM #Permalink
    *sigh* brandon if only you just can ask where is my item or thing....
    if only u didn't cursing her with your bad mounth this thing wont happend.
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  • Accepted Answer

    arianrox arianrox
    replied on Wednesday, May 11 2016, 02:39 PM #Permalink
    Hahaha! They are fun to play with if you're looking for experienced player for runs. Too bad for you then! :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, May 11 2016, 09:41 AM #Permalink
    Ray Darkwolf Monday, May 09 2016, 03:08 AM

    You sharing your account to another is already an issue that is not liable by the guild but the people you deal with. I do not promote sharing acccounts to strangers by any means.

    So whats your point of view then aside from being angry. Is it true you said "Do whatever you want", is it true you said you were quitting? If not what did you say? Did you know they wanted to get back items?

    I already talked to the other people involved, but it was based on what i think happened. So give me an overvoew of your side so this shit doesnt happen again.

    Also to be quite frank, posting on my recruiting thread telling people not to join remi without reasonable grounds and generalizing to say that all members of our guild does it is assuming as fuck.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, May 11 2016, 09:41 AM #Permalink
    Comfy Monday, May 09 2016, 12:18 AMYou don't even understand all that happened and I, unlike your fellow guildmates don't do that kind of shit. They trusted me with their account info and I didn't touch a single thing I wasn't meant to, can they say the same? I logged in because I felt like saying hi to everyone just to find out everything that I myself worked for was all gone, can you say you wouldn't be upset? Sure I got hot-headed but I still stand by it, if you think it's okay for people to do that to someone then props to you I guess. I left my account info only because someone offered to help me work on it for if I came back, obviously that was a mistake and so be it. I can still get upset if everything I spent my own time and money on disappears and then for them to say "give me time to get it back to you" is laughable. Why would you take it in the first place? Another thing, I spammed bad things? Please, I wrote one single mega saying that your members, who I left unnamed publicly, you're welcome, wiped my character. Whatever, consider yourself right and live a long happy life.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, May 11 2016, 09:41 AM #Permalink
    Spunny Sunday, May 08 2016, 02:55 PM

    Sigh. #drama. I thought that at the beginning when you joined, we mentioned that any issues should be brought up to myself + ray?
    Leaving that aside, to address your concerns since you don't seem to be online.
    1. not invited to parties - people are sometimes already in fixed parties and it's not fair to ask them to kick out a regular to let you join
    2. fed up with how people treat you - from what I understand, people gave you stuff? Helped answer questions eg ray's long discussions on builds? But you left guild without even talking to myself + ray? It's not like you didn't get to join stuff... eg pretty sure you joined Catacombs
    3. taking stuff from your account - I understand you told them that you quit + 'do whatevr' with the account.

    Finally, what I heard is that you then spammed bad things about the guild (which consists of far more than the people you have problems with) in mega.
    And that you then logged into the (far better geared than your char) chars that our guildies shared with you, deleted the chars, then changed their passwords.
    Frankly, I don't think this was well handled on any party's side, but your actions also do not lend themself to sympathy.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, May 11 2016, 09:40 AM #Permalink
    Perubi Sunday, May 08 2016, 12:30 PM

    hey hey hey
    If you're going to leave, stop blabbering us this us that. This is not our fault. And that kind of thing was your own business with a few guild members not all ppl. DON'T YOU JUST BRING OUT THE WHOLE GUILD AND SAY BAD THINGS!!
    We didn't say that you're "Wastes a slot" when you join us. Our raid boss have some requirements you need to meet and you already did join our raid boss too for a few times. We helped you a lots now you just there quitting and blabbering bad things to us? How disrespectful.
    Plus, those normal party one was a personal party. They also have their OWN RULES. They have their own right to invite whoever they wanted to. If you can't join them, find others party and join. There're many personal parties that created by our guildies, you don't have to just join one, get decline then bring the whole guild out to bad mouth them.
    You're very disrespectful and you remind me of one of the very old member that used to be our guildmate. Stop being a jerk. If you're going to quit, just quit. Don't have to go so far by doing this stupid thing.
    I was very nice enough to you and didn't say a damn thing when you just out of the blue log in the game and megaphone saying that WE, THE REMIS only DO bad things to YOU!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, May 11 2016, 09:40 AM #Permalink
    Moved this out of recruitment thread but replies didn't get carried over so I will just paste them into the next reply. Sorry.
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