Due to the sanctions on Russia, most of our regular payment systems are currently blocked and will not work for players in Russia.
Until the situation is resolved, I have added a listing on FunPay.com so you can still get your Moolah. I have setup the price so that I cover the fees and the price per Moolah is as close to our regular payment offers as possible.
Please be aware that this system will not automatically and instantly send you the Moolah. I need to add it manually after receiving a notification email, which obviously requires me to be at my computer. So depending on the time of day it might take a few hours before I am able to send it to your Giftbox in the game.
If you use this, all you need to do is provide the Character Name you want the Moolah sent to. Do not give login details or any other information - it is not necessary.
The listing is here: