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Xertini Xertini
posted on Friday, April 05 2013, 02:04 AM in General Chat
Everyone complains they are bored so here's something that may perk your interest.

I have an over-stuffed inventory so you may be able to win some good stuff/some bad depending on your point of view. So here goes the main point of this:

For this first round I would like us all to say our favorite dungeon/boss and why they are.

Rules are simple:
1) you cant just say "i like Enraged tundro for drops" be creative~
2) dont bicker please. this is only meant for fun/pass the time.
3)there can be up to 4 winners 1st and 2nd placers can choose what item they want from the rewards list that follows:


Bloodletters Crimson Barrier
Symbol of the Bloodletter
Wizards Butterfly Robes
Wizards Butterfly Leggings
Legendary Cards of your Choice x5

i know they arent what alot of people want but hey \o/ lets have fun with this

Rewards will be Given out on: April 8th
Responses (9)
  • Accepted Answer

    NiKKi Ü NiKKi Ü
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 12:32 AM #Permalink

    My favorite boss is Livid!


    1. it's a pink bunny (i love pink)
    2. it drops food weapons (i love foods)
    3. it summons more pink bunnies! (i love hang-lagging :D )


    My favorite dungeon is Crystalisk Hard

    Because, as a Saint with poor tiny range, I find it more challenging for me to survive lisk's -attack and movement speed buff or
    whatever that is called. I don't know when lisk will do these and that~ etc HAHA.

    Well any dungeon actually would be my favorite as long as I'm doing it with Wifey♥

    That's all. Thankyou.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Ryan Ryan
    replied on Monday, April 08 2013, 07:06 AM #Permalink
    I like ToaN and ToaH

    For the reason that that 3rd boss reminds me of Octillery from pokemon

    and the last boss reminds me Articuno from pokemon

    I have either forgotten both of their names or just don't know how to spell them (thats for you to decide) :p


    IGN: Luxray :)
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    KaceY KaceY
    replied on Monday, April 08 2013, 05:08 AM #Permalink
    hows that for an entry?
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  • Accepted Answer

    KaceY KaceY
    replied on Monday, April 08 2013, 05:08 AM #Permalink
    here is the story of my first Crystalisk dungeon!

    and by far it is my favorite dungeon!

    it started with a [megaphone] by Gie: LFM liskN, i said to my self "Hmmmm, i think lisk is fun, better try it now with friends, at least they can tell me what to do." and so i PMed Gie i want to join them.

    moments later...

    the party is full..

    with party chat they called my attention, "KaceY, come to hidden cavern f1", well i didnt know that lisk entrance is there, poor noob me...

    as soon as we entered lisk, i was shocked there are no mobs and a tini winnie map, i said to my self "is this it, this will be a piece of cake!"
    then it began, the tank transform into this tree like monster and lured the only monster in the map.

    for the first few hits it was a piece a cake, i thought nothing could go wrong! until...

    i got panicked. that huge icy lizard hit me with 25,000 damage and made a 1/2 dmg on my HP. i was stunned and was afraid to go near it.
    he then summon this crystal like things around him. and actually i dont know what does that do...

    me running and running and running.... until a storm hit an icy blizzard was initiated with me worried i tried attack that huge icy lizard/dragon it pushed be back...


    i got killed in 1 hit!!! or i dont know if that was really 1 hit... what i know is that i died after that knock back! our healer tried to revive me...

    poor me.... but i was glad there was a healer on the party that could revive me... then i pressed revive and baaaam! im back in the game! but...

    unfortunately as soon as i was revived i died instantly! poor me!

    i said to my party mate " dont worry no need to revive poor Kacey, just kill that F*****g lizard".

    a few min later...

    huge icy lizard/dragon is dead.

    our party was victorious in slaying Crystalisk!

    the end

    i think your saying that what was my purpose on the party?
    well im useless! it hurts but its true... that gave me the motivation train more and know more about this game! it inspired me to be stronger! thats why Crystalisk dungeon is my favorite dungeon.


    the next time i went to Crystalisk normal! i didnt die.... guess i was a little stronger...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Kawaii Kawaii
    replied on Monday, April 08 2013, 04:07 AM #Permalink
    My favorite boss is Crystalisk. The items that you can earn from there are worth quite a bit, it can be challenging at times if you don't have the right party, and plus i love seeing people plank during DS.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Monday, April 08 2013, 03:02 AM #Permalink
    Btw please inbox me your char names on here. I sorta forgot to add that i just noticed lulz .-.
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  • Accepted Answer

    jose jose
    replied on Saturday, April 06 2013, 05:46 PM #Permalink
    I like Nereus because of his chin , and him looks very powerful , maybe steroids?
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  • Accepted Answer

    The Alphanumeric The Alphanumeric
    replied on Saturday, April 06 2013, 01:58 PM #Permalink
    I like Livid.

    For the simple thought of Bunnies being one of the most sexually playful mammal. They multiply like crazy, just like how it spawns/summons 9999 bunnies.

    Oh, and it looks cute and fluffy.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Saturday, April 06 2013, 10:14 AM #Permalink
    I like Payaso in Circus (Hard and Insane now) because when we first released CH I was stalking people to see how they are doing with it and it was one-shotting people and going on killing sprees. Made me laugh! :D

    No rewards for me by the way.. Just wanted to get this started, good idea Xertini!
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