I know most of you wont care or have even noticed I've not be ingame for a couple of weeks but since some people have messaged me on my FB asking why I've not been playing, I will briefly explain here.
First of I've been in and out of hospital with kidney infections and it's started to damage my kidneys so I've been unwell for quite awhile now with that.
Secondly my dog died on Wednesday, if you'll see in the 12 random facts I made in April. I said she was my world and now she's gone and for some they'll just be like "It's just a dog" but she was my dog. She was my everything and I spent the last 13 years looking after her.
I have decided I will be taking a break from GMing because I don't think in my current state of mind and health being a GM isn't what I need right now. Plus I do not think I am able to give the players the attention they need which is bad for a GM.
I will be back hopefully before summer ends because I have some event ideas I'd like to do. I will contact one of the other GMs to give out the prizes for the Twitter event so those that entered will receive their prizes.
If you have a pet, please hug it for me because time is limited.
If you wish to contact me, feel free to add me to any of the things below.
My GM FB Account
Steam - Naoi