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Mythos GM Mythos
posted on Tuesday, March 01 2016, 09:37 PM in General Chat
Hey guys~ it's your friendly neighborhood Mythos here~

"Mythos why have you stopped your daily Lisk I runs?"

"Mythos what happened to daily events?"

"Mythos why you no battlefield anymore"

I have not given up on you guys. I do try and battlefield but i don't do it every match... some say it's too unfair.

My lisk I runs have been on hold due to my Rl schedule. But i promise i will do more again.

Daily events... not so much i did that for valentines but i promise to do more after this screenshot contest ends.

Short version no i'm not giving up on the server. I'm not stopping what i've been doing. but it does get tiring after a while. That said i'm still around and still online almsot hourly (sometimes just twice a day if it's hectic) i'm still here though. That said right now i'm just giving myself time to not get burnt out on constant runs and events. but i promise things will go on as planned and more runs of lisk i featuring your friendly neighborhood GM will return~
Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Cie wie Cie wie
    replied on Wednesday, March 02 2016, 10:05 AM #Permalink
    what its unfair actually?? ppl will always say unfair when they losing.... just ignore lol
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  • Accepted Answer

    Mythos GM Mythos
    replied on Wednesday, March 02 2016, 10:58 AM #Permalink
    I"m a gamemaster. If i'm winning it's unfair. If i'm playing it's unfair. Even though i have a set of gear weapon. costume acc and armor that is lower in grade than what i normally use. and is made with V/IV cards. Plus i use no title unless requested to play fully (there are those that want me to try) then welll people always say i'm not playing fair to other players. It's always the case honestly.

    The very ones who say "It's not fair" actually cheer when i'm on their team. I've become use to it. So it's kinda just become easy for me to stop joining EVERY match and just go to every other or every 3rd match
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