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Sedy Admin Sedy
posted on Wednesday, November 08 2023, 12:35 AM in Updates
The server will be down for a short time for maintenance and the following updates:

Skills Window
Chat Emotes

The Other tab of the Skills window [K] now contains icons for the chat emotes that were added in previous updates. You can hover over each of these to see the slash commands and type them directly into the chat or you can drag the icons to your Quickbar slots. I realise it's not the best looking layout, but with so many of them the icons had to be quite small.


If you are not aware of these emotes - you can type for example, /hug in the chat and you will see "You need a hug!" and everyone else nearby will see "Name needs a hug!". Or if you target a player and type /hug you will see "You hug name." and they will see "Name hugs you.", and everyone else will see "Name hugs name."

Skill Preview Window
The Skill Preview interface window has been given a visual overhaul.

The 1st Job skill tree has been separated into more obvious sections to make it easier to understand along with headings depicting which 2nd Job and weapon type or role the skills belong to. This wasn't so much of an issue for the cloth and mail class Skill Preview, but it was a bit of a mess for the plate Skill Preview due to having 3 different weapon types and 2nd job paths.


The layout/positioning of some skills have changed, along with a few minor level requirement changes that are outlined in the Class Skills section below.

Passive skills for the Plate and Mail wearing classes, that depend on a specific weapon type, have been moved into the tree with regular skills, but those that depend on armor type and can be useful to all job paths, as well as the Racial Passives, remain on the right side of the window as before.


All of the Cloth wearing class passives remain separate as they were before, as they depend on Staff/Rod which applies to all Cloth wearing classes. This is only a visual change - the level requirement for learning them remains the same.


The 1st job skill tree will now display automatically when you open the Skill Preview at a class trainer - previously you had to click on the tab button to activate it.

Amanita's Nest Rewards Interface
Corrected an issue with the SHOW RESULTS button sometimes being unusable if you had used it in your previous run.

Corrected an issue with the achievements interface cutting off some achievements in the Feats section.

Reputation Booster Tooltips
Reverted the tooltip of Reputation Booster and the Server Event buff to show as a percentage again, so it now says 300% again instead of x4 for the booster, and 100% instead of x2 for the event buff. The reason for changing this back is because if you have multiple reputation bonuses, from the booster and from the event buff, it's a bit misleading. x4 from booster and x2 from event buff and you would think you have x6, increasing 1 rep from a monster kill to 6 rep when it's actually 5 rep. While each individually is as expected (x2 from event increases 1 rep to 2 rep, and x4 from booster increases 1 rep to 4 rep), if you add them together it's incorrect.

Passive Skill Dependencies

Several Passive skills of the Mail and Cloth classes had their dependency on other Passive skills removed. Passive skills now only depend on their previous versions for all jobs. e.g. The Adventurer's Improved Daggers 2 now only depends on it's previous job version, the Ranger's Improved Daggers 1.

Improved Daggers
no longer depends on Sharpened Daggers.
Gun Scope no longer depends on Gun Expert.

Improved Daggers 2
no longer depends on Sharpened Daggers 2.

Improved Daggers 3
no longer depends on Sharpened Daggers 3.

Gun Scope 2
no longer depends on Gun Expert 2.

Gun Scope 3
no longer depends on Gun Expert 3.

Cane Expert
no longer depends on Increased Intelligence.
Devotion no longer depends on Increased Wisdom.

Mystical Amplification 1/2

This passive skill has been corrected to require a Staff or Rod to be equipped - not cloth Armor.

Devotion 2/3 icon corrected.

Visceral Penetration

Now penetrates 10/20/40/50% Physical Defense like the Ranger's version of the skill.

Impregnable Cataclysm 2

Rank 1 level requirement reduced from 90 to 85.

Killing Spree
Rank 1 level requirement reduced from 100 to 95.

Vampiric Curse
Rank 1 level requirement reduced from 90 to 85.

Blood Craze
Rank 2 level requirement reduced from 90 to 85.

Manticore String 3 no longer depends on Adhering Terrain 2.

Flash no longer depends on Regeneration/Delayed Cure.

Arctic Gust 2 corrected to depend on Arctic Gust 1, not Chilling Shock 1.

Augment Depletion
Now purges 1 Magic and 1 Physical and cooldown increased from 7s to 8s.

New Skill: Augment Depletion 2

Purges 1 Magic and 1 Physical buff with an 80% chance.
Efficiency 10/12/14.
Available at level 95.
Depends on Augment Depletion 1 from the Magician skill tree.
Cooldown 8s.

Black Hole
This channeled skill now penetrates 20/25/30/35/40% defense and no longer knocks back enemies.

Magic Depletion

Now purges 1 Magic and 1 Physical and cooldown increased from 7s to 8s.

New Skill: Magic Depletion 2

Purges 1 Magic and 1 Physical buff with an 80% chance.
Efficiency 10/12/14.
Cooldown 8s.
Available at level 95.
Depends on Magic Depletion 1 from the Warlock skill tree.

Reverted this skill. It can once again be used without a target and affects the area in front of your character.

This channeled skill now penetrates 20/30/40% defense and no longer knocks back enemies. The 1s Immobilize debuff remains as it was and can be reapplied by each 2s damage tick.

Celestial Anger

Now correctly depends on Colossal Capability 2 Rank 3.

Aquatic Blessing
Level requirement reduced from 35 to 30.

Augment Dismissal 2
Level requirement increased from 30 to 35.
Now depends on Weakened Dismissal 2.

Antidote 2
Level requirement increased from 30 to 40.
Now depends on Augment Dismissal 2.

Colossal Capability 3

No longer depends on Pyre Blessing 2.

Celestial Anger 2
No longer depends on Potential Growth 3 - only Colossal Capability 3, and Celestial Anger 1.

Potential Growth 3
No longer depends on Colossal Capability 3 - only Potential Growth 2.

Aquatic Blessing 2
Level requirement reduced from 80 to 75.
No longer depends on Antidote 3.

Earthen Blessing 2
No longer depends on Weakened Dismissal 3.

Pyre Blessing 2
No longer depends on Augment Dismissal 3.

Augment Dismissal 3
Level requirement increased from 75 to 80.
Now depends on Weakened Dismissal 3.

Antidote 3
Level requirement increased from 75 to 85.
Now depends on Augment Dismissal 3.

Natural Power 2

Level requirement of rank 2/3 reduced to 53/55.

Pillar of Life
Now correctly depends on Natural Power 2 rank 3.

Augment Dismissal

Level requirement increased from 75 to 80.
Now depends on Weakened Dismissal.

Level requirement increased from 75 to 85.
Now depends on Augment Dismissal.

Amanita's Nest Entries

One of your 3 entries per day will no longer get used if you disconnect while moving to the map, or while inside the dungeon before starting it, or if the dungeon server has died and is awaiting a restart.

Monster Type
Corrected Shady Treeky's type to Elite.

Colosseum Diminishment

Corrected the Colosseum Diminishment debuff duration - it now lasts for 2 minutes.

Auto Pilot Auto Looting

As requested, Auto Pilot will no longer disable Auto Loot when your inventory is full. It will now continue to loot items that can be added to existing stacks in your inventory. So for example, if your inventory is full and you have a stack of 50 Fairy's Piece, it will continue to Auto Loot Fairy's Piece until that stack reaches the max of 500.

Auto Pilot Speed
Skill selection and attacking has been reworked and optimized. You will find and attack your targets much faster than before.

Auto Pilot Kill Count
Corrected an issue with the kill counter sometimes counting a single monster kill twice.

Party Blessing Skill
Corrected this skill to heal the pet's master and party members in an 8m radius around them, as per the skill's tooltip, not 8m around the pet itself.

Corrected an issue with pet EXP not getting saved when using a teleporter item or scroll to leave a dungeon.

Basic Attack Debuff Chance
The chance of the following pet auto attack debuffs have been raised from 10% to 15%.

Snowy Fur Bear
Ice Soldier
Snowfield Shushu
Pumpkin Boy
Ice Lich

Battlefield Mounts

Mounts from the Battlefield and Colosseum vendors in Terminus, including those already purchased, have been upgraded to Instant Cast! The prices haveincreased to reflect this change.

This includes:
Brown Ferocious Lycan
Black Ferocious Lycan
Purple Ferocious Lycan
Righteous Mystic Lycan
White Mystic Lycan
Corrupt Mystic Lycan
Blue Jurassic Stalker
Purple Jurassic Stalker
Orange Jurassic Stalker
White Jurassic Stalker
Green Jurassic Stalker
Yellow Jurassic Stalker
Sea Green Jurassic Stalker
Blue Mystic Saberwolf
Magenta Mystic Saberwolf
Black Mystic Saberwolf
Ice Cold Saberwolf
Prestigious Saberwolf
Red Tribal Boar
Brown Tribal Boar
Purple Tribal Boar
Purple Magic Cloud
Red Magic Cloud
Black Magic Cloud

Boss Monster Drops

Loot chests dropped by Boss type monsters now last longer than regular drops and are bigger than regular chests.

Drops from General, Elite, Veteran monsters last for 3 minutes in the open world and 1 hour in dungeons, as before.
Drops from Boss monsters last for 1 hour in the open world and dungeons.

Stuck Command

The /stuck command now works correctly in Vortex, Hall of Elements, Snow Mountain, Garden of Baphomet, and Amanita's Nest dungeons.
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Hello, Premium items from the Daily Gift are rotated every so often - we had the Auto Pilot in ther
2 days ago
I realized my mistake, you need to be in a group, then the contribution for killing a world boss or
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Guild members earn a Guild Contribution Point when they defeat dungeon and world bosses while in a p
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Type /ping in the chat
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