Who am I?
Alright so I had planned many times to make this thread but others kinda made me change my mind.
I don’t understand the need to find out who I used to play as, I am not that player any more and I haven’t touched that account in months. People saying I favour 1 guild over the other, I personally dislike all guilds evenly. I class no-one in-game as a “Friend” you’re all just players to me and it’s always going to be that way.
I was Naoi, I am now Kyleakin. I have not touched that account in months as said above.
Aaoi was Naoi’s boyfriend and he was in Pandora but I was never in Pandora, I never favoured them because he was in their guild, nor did I give him items or spawn bosses for him/Pandora (If I had I wouldn't be a GM right now –FACT-).
I never helped Aaoi win any of my events, he always won the legitimately. I also never helped anyone else win my events for that matter.
Aaoi no longer plays Iris but he appears in the Name that Monster event to try guess it because I still wont tell me what it is xD.
I am Kyleakin and I used to be Naoi. It shouldn't matter who I used to play as because I never even spoke or remember most of you when I played as a player. At first I wanted to keep it hidden I was Naoi but most of you figured it out anyway so that's okay.
If you wish to ask me anything feel free to PM me in game or on the forums.