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3rd Job Preview: The Sniper

An excellent kiter with slows, stuns and knockbacks - maybe the No.1 melee counter-class?


Advancing from the Scout you will find many updated and upgraded skills and a bunch of new ones including an escape (Vault), new auras (Engage and Disengage), buffs (True Alacrity) and an AoE (Bullet Time).


Dexterous Shot 3

An accurate instinctive shot deals 400/500/600/700/800/900/1000 damage with a 50/50 chance of a crit and interrupts actions. (5s CD)

Conflagrated Barrage 2

Shoots an incendiary projectile that deals 15/20/25/30/35% Physical damage and burns the target over time. (-1200/1400/1600/1800/2000 HP/s for 5s) (9s CD)

Buckshot 3

Fires heavy shrapnel in front of you causing 15/30/45% bonus damage, recoiling back the targets and briefly suppressing them. (Knock back and -30/50/70% Movement Speed for 2s). (10s CD)


Shoots an incendiary bola that wraps around the target(s), causing 35/45/55% bonus damage and briefly constraining them and detonating after a brief delay. (Stun, 2s; after 2 seconds, HP -6/9/12%). (16s CD))

Eradicating Shot 2

An enchanted double shot deals damage and removes a Strengthen and a Magic buff from the target (efficiency 6/8/10). Briefly dazes the target (0.5/1/1.5s Phys. SKill Paralysis) (8s CD)

Controlled Barrage 3

A short controlled burst deals 400/500/600/700/800/900/1000 bonus damage, with a chance of diminishing the target's defenses. (All Defense -4000, All Evasion -3/6/9/12/15/18/21% for 10s) and a chance to increase your Attack Speed by 8/10/12/14/16/18/20% for 3s. (8s CD)

Deranged Shot 2

Shoots a jagged spike at the target, ignoring 20/25/30% Physical Defense and causing intense uncontrollable bleeding over time. (-600/650/700/750/800 HP/s, -10/17/24/32/40% Heal Received for 4s) (8s CD)

Mortal Impact 2

Forcefully blasts a target, dealing it 700/900/1100 Physical damage and throwing it back 8 meters and dazing it. (8s CD)


Rapidly fires at an enemy, dealing him 10/20/30% bonus damage and tackling him to exchange your speeds. (Movement Speed +-15/22/30%, Attack Speed +-10/15/20% for 4s) (6s CD)


Rebounds off an enemy leaping back 12 meters. (25s CD)

b2ap3_thumbnail_Bullet-Time.pngBullet Time

Fires up a deadly bullet hail at the target zone causing 20/35% bonus damage suppressing everyone inside -60/-90% Movement Speed/Attack Speed/Cast Time (2m CD) 

Conceal 3

Ancient magic refracts the light around you, rendering you less visible. Dissipates upon getting hit. (-35%/45% Size, -35/50% Aggro Acquired, Tranquil Communion for 30s). (30s CD)

Magical Resistance 2

Further improve your armor to dissipate magic attacks. (+150/200/250 Magical Evasion).

Brief Alacrity 3

A unique technique enables you to cross extreme distances: you move so fast that monsters do not even realize you're there. Breaks upon getting hit. (+45/50% Movement Speed, Tranquil Communion, up to 30s) (40s CD)

Marksmanship 2

You vigilantly track your enemies, granting you 100/150/200 more Physical Hit.

b2ap3_thumbnail_True-Alacrity.pngTrue Alacrity

Calls ancient winds upon your squad, granting all of you Brief Alacrity 3 of 1/2 level. (3m CD)

Leg Snare 2

Ensnares the target from a distance, further decelerating it. (-40/50% Movement Speed for 5s) (20s CD)


Switches your focus to offense, gaining 8/16/24% Physical Attack and 12/24/36% Physical Crit but losing 9/18/27% Damage Absorb. (5/4/3s CD, shares with Disengage)


Switches your focus to retreat, gaining 12/24/36% Movement Speed and 11/22/33% Physical Evasion but losing the ability to attack [Physical Skill Paralysis]. (5/4/3s CD, shares with Engage)

Storm Marksmanship 2

Relentlessly attack without caution, trading defense for attack. (Ranged Attack +10/18/25% but Physical Defense -20/40/60% for 15s) (1m CD)

b2ap3_thumbnail_Flak-Attack.pngFlak Attack

Using your gadgetry and magic affinity alike, you push yourself to the limit, enabling you to attack 3 additional frontal targets with 10% increased Attack for 30s. (3m CD)


Marks the target, revealing its presence and demoralizing it slightly. (Size +35/55%, Visual Mark, Movement Speed -7/15% for 15s) (5s CD) 


Grapples the target from a distance, dealing 25% bonus damage and pulling it to yourself. (40/30s CD)

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Valid until:15-03-2025 00:01
Nighttime Party Bonus
Valid until:15-03-2025 06:01

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