Well since everybody is saying a few things about themselves, I might as well.
So here I go… In NO particular order:
1. I have a phobia of mushrooms and black holes. It's complicated (please don’t ask), but mushrooms I've hated since I was a kid walking in forests and black holes are so immense and awe-inspiring they make my heart race when I start thinking or reading about them. Which is inevitable, since I love reading about the universe and watching documentaries.
2. Amongst the number of languages I speak or understand, Latin and Ancient Greek are included.
3. I have two types of family, my proper one and my friends. I consider them to be the family I chose for myself and we've been through a lot. I'm very very protective of both my families.
4. I was working as a radio host in two shows (a music one and a live audience one), and also as a female lead singer and acoustic guitarist in a rock/alternative band, doing live shows in a club for some years while getting my first degree. My parents didn't want me to have a career in music, so I had find a second-hand guitar when I was 12 and teach myself, never took classes.
5. I've always wanted to be a writer. I've got an incredible amount of notebooks stashed up in a small chest with a little padlock on from back when I was 10, full with stories, poems and a great many songs. For some time now I've reached a point where I don't want to write or sing because I feel that it won't be perfect, and that discourages me. Many worlds and concepts swirl inside my head though, and I hope I'll find the courage to put them on paper in the future.
6. One of my favorite places in the world are libraries. I could work in a library, or even live in one. It's the most peaceful and quiet place in the world, where you can actually hear your own thoughts. And as my primary school teacher always said, you are never alone as long as you have a good book in the house.
7. When in restaurants, bars or generally rooms, I hate taking the chair that has a back towards an open door, it makes me feel very uneasy.
8. When I was a kid, I had imagined a full dark world living under my bed, with a stairway leading down to some sort of hell. Up to this day, I sometimes walk up to the corner of the bed and then jump on it instead of walking too close to its edge.
9. I'm one of those romantic people that believe in justice, honour and the goodness that exists in every person. I always give second chances to people, but I DESPISE those that cheat, wrong others and take advantage of them, with all my heart.
10. I have a very unstable mood and a very weird brain (that I cherish and try to keep intact). The smallest of things can put me in a sad, irritable or incredibly happy state, and this can cycle around all day. So when it comes to happy moments, I try to live and feel them fully, and not take them for granted. As for the brain, apart from the fact that it has helped me with academic achievement, it amuses me quite a lot with its vast resources of imagination, but can also scare me a lot, since the scenarios imagined can be either bad or good. It also has the disadvantage of keeping me awake at night.
11. My favorite colour is black. If I could, I would paint my walls black (Sedy would go enrage mode though).
12. I am a total geek. Huge fan of the Tolkien universe since I read the books at the age of 10. Huge Harry Potter fan, I've listened to the audiobooks about 23 times now. The rest of my geek fancies include Sword of Truth series, Star Wars, comics, Legend of Zelda, several games' lore. I've read a great many books ranging from classics to smutty fan-fiction, I’ve got geeky t-shirts or gadgets, I’ve played roleplaying tabletop RPGs for more than 15 years, you name it.
My geekiness includes knowledge about a lot of stuff, like where words or phrases come from, or how things work, and I get on Sedy’s nerves when every now and then I start my sentences with “Did you know that…”, ALWAYS followed by a very interesting fact of course!