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Kyleakin Kyleakin
posted on Tuesday, April 15 2014, 08:58 AM in General Chat
So I seen a few people on my (Personal FB, not GM FB) FB account where people were saying 12 random facts about them, so I thought why not learn about the players~

So I suppose I will go first xD

12 Random Facts About Kyleakin : o

1- I am a vegetarian and have been since I was 7 years old.
2- I have 3 dogs, 2 birds, a bunny and a butt load of fish (Not literally).
3- I am a very honest person and sometimes it's not a good thing. ;)
4- I LOVE my dog, she is my world
Responses (38)
  • Accepted Answer

    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Tuesday, April 15 2014, 10:39 AM #Permalink
    1. I'm a twin to a girl
    2. I almost died at birth and developed a brain hemorrhage because of those complications they hindered my development at an early age
    3. Favorite Song: Perfect by Simple Plan/ Second Chance by Shinedown (Also I love Marianas Trench)
    4. I have an extreme issue of getting too attached to people. lol (Yes mean GM does get attached to you guys)
    5. I am a brutally honest person (Worst trait ever)
    6. I love Chinese food(Americanized since I haven't had authentic Chinese from China)
    7. I do have friends on here whom I really do hold dear. (Anna (The American one and Russian One), The admins, Selka, Ray, and a couple others)
    8. I dislike a lot of American culture because of how ignorant and stupid we've become. lmao :P
    9. I'm 23 and only dated like 5 times. lmao (Sad right) (Also not super into online dating)
    10. I have 4 tattoos but only three can be seen because one was covered up. (All medium to large size bc go big or go home. XD)
    11. I've switched my choice of a degree over 6 times (Astronomy, Geology, Seismology, Cuilnary Arts, Information Technology, and now Game Art and Design)
    12. I dislike mayo and american cheese! (I HATE THEM WITH A PASSION!!!!) lmao
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, April 15 2014, 12:47 PM #Permalink
    wat happen to you rdy to turn gay for RayDarkwolf? that should be 1
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    Matthew Matthew
    replied on Tuesday, April 15 2014, 01:37 PM #Permalink
    whatt, about mee ^^?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Michael Michael
    replied on Tuesday, April 15 2014, 10:05 PM #Permalink
    1. I got my ign from an episode of the simpsons i saw when i was a kid (PopNFresh).
    2. The only pets i've ever owned were birds.
    3. I'm an impulsive buyer. (this includes moolah which a certain someone isn't always happy about lol)
    4. My favourite food is potato
    5. Favourite song is Iris (coincidence) by the Goo Goo Dolls.
    6. I met my now rl gf in retail iris (Hi babe xD)
    7. I still remember random useless facts about retail iris, like how Ray used to use the Lisk top in retail, when everyone else used to use Florist Top, and how Suki used to pm me asking to see my Seraphic Set.
    8. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a fan of romantic comdeies and Taylor Swift.
    9. I'm half Thai and wish i could speak it more fluently.
    10. Aside from fish, I'm not a fan of seafood.
    11. My favourite author is Chirstopher Pike
    12. Despite trying, i can't seem to give up playing Iris. Been playing it since closed beta in retail, and will continue till this server shuts down.
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  • Accepted Answer

    CherryMango CherryMango
    replied on Wednesday, April 16 2014, 08:02 AM #Permalink
    1. My mother, aunt, and I share the same birthday, as well as my other aunt's wedding anniversary (March 29th)
    2. I love to draw
    3. I have 6 dogs
    4. I'm a big Minecraft nerd ;3; and adore Endermen
    5. Top fave movies would be Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies. Nerd for those too ;w; (and spam them waaaay too much)
    6. I love video games *-* (Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Shadow of the Colossus, and many more)
    7. I absolutely adore dragons and robots.
    8. People tell me i'm super sweet and caring (though most of the time to me I feel mean ;-; )
    9. I'm bi o-o
    10. I'm related to the man who built and owned the castle that sits on Loch Ness in Scotland, that supposedly has Nessy
    11. I was stung by a scorpion on my left ring finger many years ago and it still has a pulsy tingly feeling
    12. I'm a bit afraid of heights, but I've always wanted wings or flying super power ;w;
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Wednesday, April 16 2014, 02:38 PM #Permalink
    Anna (the american one) is that me?? lol

    probably not!
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Martha Martha
    replied on Wednesday, April 16 2014, 08:13 PM #Permalink
    1.) I'm the middle child in my family
    2.) when I was an infant I used to eat chicken poop (lived on a farm in Mexico)
    3.) I speak 3 languages, Spanish (being my native tongue), English, and French
    4.) My mother and I were both born in March while my eldest sister and father were both born in September
    5.) I have an immense fear of talking on the phones. Every time I hear one ring my heart starts beating faster. I don't even own one
    6.) I love spoilers
    7.) My dream career as a kid was to become a cryptozoologist. Now I'm more interested in trying graphic arts
    8.) I have a mole on each of my collar bones
    9.) I'm easily distracted and have the attention spam of an infant
    10.) I like to hide chocolate and other goodies under my pillow...... because I'm a fatty QwQ
    11.) I was hit by a truck once when i was 12
    12.) I hate making eye contact with people. They're peering into my soul T^T
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    Martha Martha
    replied on Wednesday, April 16 2014, 08:15 PM #Permalink
    4. My favourite food is potato lol what? Baked potatoes, hash browns, mashed potatoes, potato chips, french fries? ;o
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    Michael Michael
    replied on Wednesday, April 16 2014, 10:54 PM #Permalink
    lol i probably should have added all types like the ones you listed :p
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    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, April 17 2014, 02:07 AM #Permalink
    Roasted FTW! (and mashed!)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Thursday, April 17 2014, 04:37 AM #Permalink
    1) When I was an infant, I used to eat the wood and foam from my crib. >.>
    2) I started as a student assistant teacher on my last year in college and now I am one of the youngest professors.
    3) I am proud to be a child at heart.
    4) I want to build cosplay props/armors as a hobby.
    5) I have a very high tolerance level for pain.
    6) I hate/don't like scary movies! Or anything with jump scares and stuff =P
    7) I'm creative! And an artist 3
    11) I'm OCD~
    12) I get lazy to do laundry so 99% of the time at home, I am naked :D :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Thursday, April 17 2014, 04:37 AM #Permalink
    3 Im happy you remember me so much AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAH =))
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  • Accepted Answer

    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Thursday, April 17 2014, 04:39 AM #Permalink
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Thursday, April 17 2014, 07:19 AM #Permalink
    1. I am the first one born in the U.S. in my family but the 4th child.
    2. I am a gambler even when I have no money.
    3. I am street smart, not book smart.
    4. I think with my heart and not with my head.
    5. I hate seafood.
    6. I have not yet broken any bones.
    7. I am older than my boyfriend by 7 yrs.
    8. I'm super lazy when it comes everything.
    9. I complain too much.
    10. I love my job but hate the pay.
    11. I'm a smoker but have the ability to quit at any time.
    12. As a kid, my brother missed my head with a homemade ninja star and it got stuck to my thigh instead so I have a huge gash as a scar.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Kyleakin Kyleakin
    replied on Thursday, April 17 2014, 09:46 AM #Permalink
    I'm so jealous that you have 6 dogs! I really want a puppy but I'm not allowed one :
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  • Accepted Answer

    Michael Michael
    replied on Thursday, April 17 2014, 03:38 PM #Permalink
    yes i remember you ray. you were the enemy back then lol. Nightwish ftw!!! xD
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    CherryMango CherryMango
    replied on Thursday, April 17 2014, 04:29 PM #Permalink
    Pretty much all of my dogs are strays ;-; only 1 we got from the pound
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  • Accepted Answer

    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Friday, April 18 2014, 01:24 AM #Permalink
    *nosebleed* lmao
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  • Accepted Answer

    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Friday, April 18 2014, 01:25 AM #Permalink
    Of course you anna!

    One of the couples who I didn't say was Crystal (the crazy one) bahahahahahaha
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  • Accepted Answer

    Matthew Matthew
    replied on Friday, April 18 2014, 03:27 AM #Permalink
    So im not one of them :(''
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Friday, April 18 2014, 02:38 PM #Permalink
    how sweet KeeKee! i so .we need like a mumble reunion without creeper! kidding fatty!
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Saturday, April 19 2014, 01:08 AM #Permalink
    1. i am
    2. i was
    3. i will be
    4. im anyone i want to be
    5. i can beat you at chess
    6. i write, draw, paint, and play 3 different musical instruments
    7. ive been to almost every country and have friends in all of them.
    8. im stronger than the average bear... and im very thick skinned.
    9. computers are a hobby
    10. my family comes first
    11. treat others as you would have them treat you.
    12. always be true.. never lie... worst of all is to lie to yourself.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Selka Selka
    replied on Saturday, April 19 2014, 03:07 AM #Permalink
    1. I am the youngest of 3 children by 3 minutes. Yes I have a twin sister.
    2. Ever since I was a child I've always had 1 single white eyelash.
    3. I was single until the age of 23 and have yet to have an actual relationship since. Meaning offline.
    4. Didn't get my driver's license till I was 27.
    5. 2 months after I got my license I took a 500 mile road trip and lied to my family as to where I was going.
    6. I dislike sushi but I love seafood.
    7. I usually always put others before myself.
    8. I tend to fall for people fast.
    9. I enjoy my once a year vacations to Hawaii.
    10. I only have 16 teeth left in my mouth.
    11. I used to draw a lot, but stopped and cross stitch instead. One of my cross stitches
    12. I am very accident prone.
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  • Accepted Answer

    NiKKi Ü NiKKi Ü
    replied on Wednesday, April 23 2014, 07:49 AM #Permalink
    aweee Kelly that's nice ;3 i used to cross stitch too(school project) cookie monster. AHHAAH? =))
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  • Accepted Answer

    NiKKi Ü NiKKi Ü
    replied on Wednesday, April 23 2014, 08:36 AM #Permalink

    1. My real name is Rachelle Christina, I don't know where Nikki came from =)))
    2. On 1st grade I stabbed a classmate with pencil for teasing me. 2nd grade i bit his arms cuz he told me he is like Jax on Mortal Kombat. on 3rd grade I threw a pencil case in his face (hit him in the eye), and on my 18th birthday he's one of my 18 roses. HAHA!
    3. I don't like talking in front of the class, or in front of many people.
    4. I got many scars on my knees (always planking when i was a kid, 'til now actually)
    5. I love to sing! in the bathroom or whenever I'm alone.
    6. I love dogs and cats.
    7. I'm afraid of frogs, fishes and wide open spaces. :X
    8. I don't like girly stuffs, dresses, shoes.
    9. I love Avril Lavigne, but I don't like her songs.
    10. I failed an "Introduce yourself" exam on my English subject in my 1st year in college.
    11. I am very moody.
    12. I have a thumb sucking habit since I was little, I just stopped when I got my braces on 1st year high school. HAHAHAH :3
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  • Accepted Answer

    Verna Verna
    replied on Wednesday, April 23 2014, 12:05 PM #Permalink
    1. i have a twin brother
    2. im afraid of the dark
    3. im afraid of open doors, open cabinets and open windows at night
    4. i got hit by a truck when i was 14 y.o and no bruises or scratches at all
    5. i only go to the church once a year and that's easter sunday only (but i still have my faith)
    6. i dont love to eat vegetables, but now im trying
    7. i love to go to the beach
    8. im a nurse by profession but im not practicing it atm
    9. i always wanted to be a flight attendant so i can travel and see places
    10. i am a sucker for romance and love
    11. i have a big ugly feet hahahaha
    12. i love shopping for SHOES!!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Verna Verna
    replied on Wednesday, April 23 2014, 12:17 PM #Permalink
    #3 i know that person :P
    #4 yep u always order potato
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cie wie Cie wie
    replied on Wednesday, April 23 2014, 12:18 PM #Permalink
    2. On 1st grade I stabbed a classmate with pencil for teasing me. 2nd grade i bit his arms cuz he told me he is like Jax on Mortal Kombat. on 3rd grade I threw a pencil case in his face (hit him in the eye), and on my 18th birthday he's one of my 18 roses. HAHA!
    WOW @@
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  • Accepted Answer

    NiKKi Ü NiKKi Ü
    replied on Wednesday, April 23 2014, 02:26 PM #Permalink
    why hahaahahah
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  • Accepted Answer

    ica ica
    replied on Thursday, April 24 2014, 12:33 AM #Permalink
    1. I'll basically eat anything you give as long as it's edible (mostly).
    2. I hate looking into windows at night.
    3. I've never broken a bone in my body.
    4. I have eczema and hay-fever, and it isn't pleasant.
    5. I love cats but I'm allergic to them.
    6. I have a deep love for anime. c:
    7. I am a major bookworm.
    8. I look smart because I'm Asian and have glasses, but honestly I'm not.
    9. I'm more of an indoor person.
    10. I love reading, writing... literacy, really.
    11. I love to learn anything. Anything I can suck in.
    12. I suck at every sport except swimming.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cie wie Cie wie
    replied on Thursday, April 24 2014, 01:04 AM #Permalink
    better not touch u, so scary hahaha
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  • Accepted Answer

    NiKKi Ü NiKKi Ü
    replied on Thursday, April 24 2014, 03:15 AM #Permalink
    he was teasing me! D;
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  • Accepted Answer

    Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher
    replied on Friday, May 02 2014, 09:31 AM #Permalink
    1. I taught myself how to read, write and speak Japanese since the age of 13. Native Japanese people I've met tell me I have an accent of someone who lived in Tokyo.

    2. My professor bribed me to join a school cosplay competition in exchange of exempting me to her subject's Final exam. I ended up winning second place. 8 months later, I debuted as a serious cosplayer.

    3. My little sister is my best friend.

    4. I have a habit of walking with my hands in my pockets.

    5. I have a thing for hats and any kind of top/jacket with hoods.

    6. Favorite season would be winter.

    7. "The airport is my favorite fashion runway."

    8. I like my iced tea bottomless, most of the time.

    9. Enjoys reading or sleeping during my free time.

    10. I'm a quiet and reserved type of person but can be very straightforward and frank once i start talking.

    11. First foreign country I've visited was Singapore.

    12. I have the same hairstyle as the character I got my main's IGN from. :))
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  • Accepted Answer

    Kyleakin Kyleakin
    replied on Friday, May 02 2014, 09:44 AM #Permalink
    I'm the same with #5 : )
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  • Accepted Answer

    Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher
    replied on Friday, May 02 2014, 02:59 PM #Permalink
    Glad to know I'm not the only one :))
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  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Sunday, May 04 2014, 02:38 PM #Permalink
    Well since everybody is saying a few things about themselves, I might as well.
    So here I go… In NO particular order:

    1. I have a phobia of mushrooms and black holes. It's complicated (please don’t ask), but mushrooms I've hated since I was a kid walking in forests and black holes are so immense and awe-inspiring they make my heart race when I start thinking or reading about them. Which is inevitable, since I love reading about the universe and watching documentaries.

    2. Amongst the number of languages I speak or understand, Latin and Ancient Greek are included.

    3. I have two types of family, my proper one and my friends. I consider them to be the family I chose for myself and we've been through a lot. I'm very very protective of both my families.

    4. I was working as a radio host in two shows (a music one and a live audience one), and also as a female lead singer and acoustic guitarist in a rock/alternative band, doing live shows in a club for some years while getting my first degree. My parents didn't want me to have a career in music, so I had find a second-hand guitar when I was 12 and teach myself, never took classes.

    5. I've always wanted to be a writer. I've got an incredible amount of notebooks stashed up in a small chest with a little padlock on from back when I was 10, full with stories, poems and a great many songs. For some time now I've reached a point where I don't want to write or sing because I feel that it won't be perfect, and that discourages me. Many worlds and concepts swirl inside my head though, and I hope I'll find the courage to put them on paper in the future.

    6. One of my favorite places in the world are libraries. I could work in a library, or even live in one. It's the most peaceful and quiet place in the world, where you can actually hear your own thoughts. And as my primary school teacher always said, you are never alone as long as you have a good book in the house.

    7. When in restaurants, bars or generally rooms, I hate taking the chair that has a back towards an open door, it makes me feel very uneasy.

    8. When I was a kid, I had imagined a full dark world living under my bed, with a stairway leading down to some sort of hell. Up to this day, I sometimes walk up to the corner of the bed and then jump on it instead of walking too close to its edge.

    9. I'm one of those romantic people that believe in justice, honour and the goodness that exists in every person. I always give second chances to people, but I DESPISE those that cheat, wrong others and take advantage of them, with all my heart.

    10. I have a very unstable mood and a very weird brain (that I cherish and try to keep intact). The smallest of things can put me in a sad, irritable or incredibly happy state, and this can cycle around all day. So when it comes to happy moments, I try to live and feel them fully, and not take them for granted. As for the brain, apart from the fact that it has helped me with academic achievement, it amuses me quite a lot with its vast resources of imagination, but can also scare me a lot, since the scenarios imagined can be either bad or good. It also has the disadvantage of keeping me awake at night.

    11. My favorite colour is black. If I could, I would paint my walls black (Sedy would go enrage mode though).

    12. I am a total geek. Huge fan of the Tolkien universe since I read the books at the age of 10. Huge Harry Potter fan, I've listened to the audiobooks about 23 times now. The rest of my geek fancies include Sword of Truth series, Star Wars, comics, Legend of Zelda, several games' lore. I've read a great many books ranging from classics to smutty fan-fiction, I’ve got geeky t-shirts or gadgets, I’ve played roleplaying tabletop RPGs for more than 15 years, you name it.
    My geekiness includes knowledge about a lot of stuff, like where words or phrases come from, or how things work, and I get on Sedy’s nerves when every now and then I start my sentences with “Did you know that…”, ALWAYS followed by a very interesting fact of course!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Sunday, May 04 2014, 10:13 PM #Permalink
    Love the last one o/ I RELATE HAHAHAHAHAH XD
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  • Accepted Answer

    Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher
    replied on Tuesday, June 24 2014, 06:06 AM #Permalink
    # 3, 6 (especially this one) and # 10 I can totally relate! XD
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