Basically, the gpotato server for Iris Online went down last year. But did that mean that the
original Iris Online developers, Eyasoft (Korea), stopped with the development/update of Iris itself?
I understand that I still see active Taiwan, Funmily etc. servers and private servers like NoScrubs etc. still running their own, but what I want to know is if Eyasoft and the Iris Studios are still continuing developing the game. A friend told me that yes, Iris is still being updated by their original devs, but the latest news was in 2012, so I'm not so sure.
Sorry, this has been bugging me for a long while now.
There's been a lot of things posted on other server sites and I really want to know
if Iris is technically still 'alive' within Eyasoft itself. If anyone here understands Korean and can read it, maybe you can help translate what's said on this link here :
And mouse over 'Game' on the upper left. What are the 2 tabs there?
Big thanks to anyone who can help clear this. I love Iris with a passion, for more than it's game, and would really want to know more.