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Xertini Xertini
posted on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 01:07 AM in General Chat
Thanks to ArcIris event I now have a wonderful new thing to write about~

If you wish to be included in my story as one of the following please tell me! This story is for ALL of Iris to enjoy.

Characters needed:

Xertini and Kaiyumie's Mother(Claimed by paperheart)
Evil Wizard (Claimed by Aquarius)
An unexpected ally(Claimed by OnlyYours)
another enemy
Xertini's long lost brother(Claimed by Smoochie)
Absymal Priestess of Earth(Claimed by Sorrow)
Spirit Lord of Death(Claimed by Darcel)
King of Assassins(Claimed by Emolga)
The ghost of Xertini's father(Claimed by HellMary)
people whom are helped by Xertini's group
Evil Wizards assistant (claimed by MiSHART)
E.W's Son and daughter (daughter befriends Kaiyumie)
Last of the Featherfolk(Claimed by AsianRider)

if have more character selection idea's let me know! Im excited to get started on this story~ Would absolutely LOVE IT if Admins and GM's got involved too!
Responses (62)
  • Accepted Answer

    Aquarius Aquarius
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 01:08 AM #Permalink
    I can be the evil wizard o/
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  • Accepted Answer

    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 03:27 AM #Permalink
    I want the Lord of Death. muwhahahahaha
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sorrow Sorrow
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 03:34 AM #Permalink
    Absymal Priestess of Earth

    IGN: Sorrow

    cant wait to read these :3
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ur Ur
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 03:35 AM #Permalink
    I want to be the Evil Saint. I help evil-doers on their plans to conquer the world. >:D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 03:46 AM #Permalink
    Priestess of Darkness(Claimed by Ur)
    Guardian of the Snow(Claimed by Yuukino)
    Keepers of Atlantis

    TY to Ruffian and Ur(the priestess) for these suggestions
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  • Accepted Answer

    Fayth Fayth
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 03:57 AM #Permalink
    Ahah we're truly honored to have such talented people be a part of ArcIris xD Looking forward to reading your finished work!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 04:03 AM #Permalink
    Im getting excited with more and more people volunteering into this story and their inputs for more character groups. I just need a few more characters and then i can start on the story \o/
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 04:14 AM #Permalink
    Arcanian God
    Arcanian Goddess(Claimed by WinJR)
    Summoner of darkness
    Prophet of Air
    Sorcerer of Island Fire(Claimed by Zemirenth)

    TY to Ruffian again for more wonderful suggestions
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 04:19 AM #Permalink
    Unexpected might as well join in on the fun of forums

    ign OnlyYours
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 04:42 AM #Permalink
    heres the intro so far. its still a rough draft so i have to smooth out the details later.

    A NOSCRUBS STORY( Havent thought of a title yet .-.)

    A woman ran quickly along the passages of Terminus, two small girls in tow. She stops at a corner and whispers hurriedly to them
    “Mommy has to go away for a while. You two take care of each other ok? Here, a gift to remember mommy by.”
    She pulls out two necklaces and puts them around each child’s neck. Both necklaces were silver and extremely intricate in design. A loud sound followed by a scream echoed from behind the mother and she glanced back. She looked back at the girls, into two sets of lilac eyes before turning and running away, tears streaming.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Aquarius Aquarius
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 04:53 AM #Permalink
    NO! You're a tortol! you should e a tortol in the story!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ur Ur
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 04:59 AM #Permalink
    FUCKYOU! ofc I am. I can transform into a turtle. like How Professor McGonagall changes into a cat in harry potter.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ur Ur
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 05:00 AM #Permalink

    fucking weyl!! (fucking was used as an adjective!)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 05:54 AM #Permalink
    Alrighty Guys here's the rest of the prologue and Chapter One. its the last I'll post for tonight. Worn out ^^;. remember these are rough drafts and try to get some of your pals to join in~

    Seventeen years later

    Xertini glanced around the Alchemists home at a pair. She maliciously grins and turns to beckon to her sister to follow. Kaiyumie crept close behind her and they both nodded in agreement. They sneak up behind the pair ever so quietly, their shoes making no noise on the grass. Kaiyumie threw a sphere of light into the air, temporarily blinding the pair. Xertini aimed a kick at one but was shocked when a man grabbed her foot. Frustration shoots through her veins and she threw a fireball at this face. Quick as lightning he avoids it and grasps her wrist with his free hand. Kaiyumie summoned a tree and one of the branches whacked the man across the face. Kaiyumie got overjoyed and didn’t see the trap beneath her feet. Another man had shown up to help. The smoky circle encased Kaiyumie and she could not escape. Distracted by her sister, Xertini did not see the previous man sneak behind her. She tried to kick him as she turned but he just put her into a head lock. The pair whom had been attack were watching this with fright. The second man walked to them and said
    “Everything is fine now. We are sorry of this frightened you. Please proceed from here.”
    The pair left and the second man let out a long sigh. He looked back at his partner and the girls they had stopped. The one his partner held had pure hate in her eyes. The trapped one just sat quietly inside her circle and just watched both men with fear in her eyes. Finally he spoke
    “So Ladies mind telling me what you were doing?”
    “Look you guys could be something better than just bullies. Try to join a guild.”
    The hateful eyed one answered, every word dripping with pure venom
    “We don’t need anyone.”
    “So you say. You both belong somewhere and you both need help badly.”
    The fearful girl looks at her sister and says
    “Maybe we should try to join something? Honestly Xertini, I’m tired of attacking people. I want to help.”

    CHAPTER ONE: Burn Tini Burn!

    The sisters approached a large building made of marble. The door was a large oak one with an old iron knocker. Written in fading elaborate letters was ‘Tatakai’. Kaiyumie slid behind her sister as she knocked. The knocks reverberated loudly. A sound behind the door followed by “shoot” alerted the girls. The door opened inward and a young man’s face popped out. He looked at them with circled blue eyes, indicating he slept very little. He coughs then clears his throat
    “May I help you?”
    “Hello. We are Xertini and Kaiyumie. We wish to join the guild.”
    The man stares at them for a few more minutes before saying
    “Alright I’ll take you to our leader. It’s her decision.”

    Aquarius sat on his throne of shadows, bored beyond recollection. In his right hand he twirled his staff of darkness. He looked over to a black wall at a composite. Staring at it only infuriated him worse and the twirling of his staff quickened a humming noise now audible. His assistant MiSHART walked into the room and his mood immediately lightened. He could never stay angry for long around her. She was holding a few parcels in her hands and she passed them to him. Aquarius took the parcels and began to read them. On the last parcel was a drawing and Aquarius began to chuckle. He had finally found his missing prey from the years before. He leaned back into his throne chair and laughed loudly. The drawing was of Xertini and her sister. “Soon” Aquarius thought. Soon he would fulfill his seventeen year old goal and show Arcana reason to fear him for ages to come.

    Xertini’s mentor sighed loudly and deeply. Xertini had managed to burn up half of the fields they were training on in a matter of seconds. xMori glared at her and barked
    “Again! And this time do control it better. I’d rather not have the Abysmal Priestess breathing down my neck because you can’t control a tiny spark.”
    Xertini frowned at this remark and she flicked her wrist. A large boom sounded and the fields were once again ablaze. xMori quickly pushed water from a nearby river onto the flames. He lets go of the book he had been reading, leaving it to float in the air, as he strolled over to his newest disciple. He looked at her and said in a somewhat agitated tone
    “Pay attention.”
    He lifted his right hand and a small orb of flame appeared, its flames leaping about hungrily.
    “Creating a spark is all about care and control. You are letting your emotions rule over your power and this is why it’s……messy.”
    Xertini took a deep breath and relaxed. She pictured that exact same orb in hers, the flames, and the way it seemed to just hang there. She opened her eyes and saw an identical orb in her hand. She started to laugh and let out an excited sigh when the flames went berserk. A stream of fire nearly hit xMori as he evaded it. She quickly stops the power and helps xMori back to his feet. He looks at her and says
    “Almost. Now do it again.”
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  • Accepted Answer

    Fayth Fayth
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 06:16 AM #Permalink
    Words aren't enough to describe this. At this rate you're definitely making it on the winner's list. The little mixes of comedy and the sister's mischievous actions, and when put together with their sad past, kept me right on the edge of reading and definitely put a smile on my face. I'm sure the artist would love a plot like this included xD
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  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 11:13 AM #Permalink
    Do you have any "Deus ex machina" position for a little admin? :P
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  • Accepted Answer

    The Alphanumeric The Alphanumeric
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 04:33 PM #Permalink
    Can i join too? I posted my story in ArcIris's thread. I wanna be someone from the darkside too. Hahah!

    EDIT: *here's the SS*
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ur Ur
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 04:37 PM #Permalink
    when you find Arcana in google maps, Tini will let you join.
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  • Accepted Answer

    The Alphanumeric The Alphanumeric
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 04:48 PM #Permalink
    I found arcana! wait imma post the SS
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  • Accepted Answer

    Aquarius Aquarius
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 05:06 PM #Permalink
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Ur Ur
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 05:33 PM #Permalink
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Emolga Emolga
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 05:37 PM #Permalink
    Well... I'm an assassin, can I be the Assassin king since nobody's claiming it? :3
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 10:12 PM #Permalink
    if you can explain to me what that is i can blend it into my story~
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 10:27 PM #Permalink
    hmm. You could be Ur's assistant: Assassin of the Shadows?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 12:39 AM #Permalink
    here's whats been typed for Chapter Two so far. Still transferring it and Chapters 3 and 4 from my journal at the moment lol


    Kaiyumie sat next to paperheart as they watched Xertini nearly kill her teacher numerous times with sparks. When one zoomed too close xMori would yelp. Finally xMori stopped for a break. Xertini walked over to a surviving tree and collapsed under it. paperheart motioned for Kaiyumie to follow her. They walked over to the burnt fields, where paperheart touches a tree that was still ablaze. The flames go out and the tree blossomed new leaves. Kaiyumie stared with an open mouth. Eager to do the same, she cast a glowing circle of blue light. The grasses began to rise from their pitiful state back to complete green blades. Unbeknownst to them, a tiger had prowled over to their field. It smelt them and growled. Both girls stiffen and slowly turn to stare at it before screaming and running. They climb the tree that paperheart had healed. xMori peers around a different tree at the sudden noise. When he catches sight of the tiger he yanks Xertini with him. He says to her
    “Maybe your excessive fire will come in handy. Go distract that tiger.”
    The tiger hears this and turns towards Xertini. Xertini gulps and takes off at full speed. The tiger follows in hot pursuit. Kaiyumie yelled after her sister, fearing for her safety. xMori helped them out of the tree and says
    “Go help Xertini.”
    He opens a scroll, the letters written on it brighten to an iridescent blue. A blue twister engulfs him and when it disperses he is gone. Kaiyumie summoned her unicorn mount and rode after the tiger. The tiger smelt the unicorn and pursued Kaiyumie instead. Xertini takes deep breaths and runs after them, occasionally stumbling and requiring help from paperheart.
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  • Accepted Answer

    The Alphanumeric The Alphanumeric
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 02:55 AM #Permalink
    ^ Yay! Yes pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 03:04 AM #Permalink
    ok here's the rest of Chapter two and part of chapter three:

    MiSHART quietly followed the unicorn. She hid in the shadows with her black griffon. It made soft noises that sounded like a mix of chirping and purring. Kaiyumie pulled her unicorn to a stop, looking around for the tiger. The unicorn kept moving about in circles, fear radiating from it. The tiger burst out and knocked the unicorn down. Kaiyumie fell onto the ground and rolled over twice. As she got to her feet the tiger lunged. She touched her Crimson Torch in time and summoned a blue tree. The tree lifted the tiger into the air. MiSHART grew impatient with watching and decided to test this prophet. She came from her hiding spot and with one swift blow, impaled the tiger in the face. The tree bursts into pieces and Kaiyumie stares at the incoming crusader with fear. She swallows hard and throws dust into MiSHART’s eyes. Kaiyumie dove under the crusaders blade, her side gaining a deep gash as she went to the dying tiger. She threw up a red barrier barely in time. The barrier became cracked and Kaiyumie quickly healed the tiger then herself. MiSHART saw this and stopped her attack. She pulled out a scroll and whistled as the letters began to brighten. Her griffon shot out of its hiding spot and as it zoomed by Kaiyumie, its front feet grasped her silver necklace. It lands by MiSHART and they disappear into the blue twister. Kaiyumie looked at the tiger and whispered to it, promising everything would be fine.


    xMori pinched the bridge of his nose and asked with disdain
    “I understand wanting to save animals and take them as pets. A bird, cat, or dog is fine, but….tigers that tried to EAT us? I would like to disagree.”
    Xertini snickered at xMori’s displeasure. He retaliated with a whack to the back of the head with his book.
    “Another verse giggle-box.”
    “Oh come on.”
    “Fine, two verses.”
    Kaiyumie pets Tatakai’s new pet. They had given it an eye patch to cover the stab wound and fashioned it with a saddle also. Only paperheart and Kaiyumie were able to seat upon it. Kaiyumie scratched the tigers ears and said
    “Technically he is a cat. Plus Bite’s super sweet now.”
    xMori’s face twitched as he replied
    “’Bite’….the irony.”
    “Only if he bit you.”
    The guild doors opened and Kage strolled in, placing his sword and shield on a nearby table before stretching out on a couch. He looks at Xertini and sends her a smile. She returns it by giving him the bird before reading once again.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ur Ur
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 03:29 AM #Permalink
    make him wash my clothes. >:D
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  • Accepted Answer

    jose jose
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 03:30 AM #Permalink
    you can add me to the story if u need one more character a wind-walker
    IGN: Dap
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  • Accepted Answer

    Yuyu Yuyu
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 03:36 AM #Permalink
    wow o.o
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 03:46 AM #Permalink
    you need to specify what role you want to be. Like ex: Aquarius is the Evil Wizard. i need one more good guy so if you want you can be that one so i can get into chapter eight by the end of the week.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 03:47 AM #Permalink
    hmm? o.o
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  • Accepted Answer

    Yuyu Yuyu
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 03:48 AM #Permalink
    cool O.O make a manga :OO its really cool o.o
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 03:49 AM #Permalink
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 03:50 AM #Permalink
    lol thank you~
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  • Accepted Answer

    Yuukii Yuukii
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 04:02 AM #Permalink
    Oooh I'm looking foward to it! Let me be the Guardian of the Snow, pretty please :D?
    IGN : Yuukino

    Keep up the good work!!
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  • Accepted Answer

    xxiv xxiv
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 06:22 AM #Permalink
    Deus ex machina is the one who controls time and space of the world wahahahaha nice nice :D :D :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 12:53 PM #Permalink
    Hahaha noooo! In ancient Greek theatre, Deus Ex Machina is a deity that appears sometimes to give solutions to problems mortals might be facing that make them desperate and doubting their existence.
    So when somebody has a very serious problem and a solution comes from nowhere, like divine intervention, we call that "Deus ex machina".
    What it means in Latin is "god coming from the machine", and the ancient Greeks called it that because the God that was coming was appearing on stage through a machine that lowered them down, as if they were flying down, or presented them above the mortals, watching them.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 04:49 PM #Permalink
    I replied to your comment explaining about Deus Ex Machina Xertini, but thought I'd put it here too so more people learn what the expression means and where it comes from.

    In ancient Greek theatre, Deus Ex Machina is a deity that appears sometimes to give solutions to problems mortals might be facing that make them desperate and doubting their existence.
    So when somebody has a very serious problem and a solution comes from nowhere, like divine intervention, we call that "Deus ex machina".
    What it means in Latin is "god coming from the machine", and the ancient Greeks called it that because the Deity that was coming appeared on stage through a machine that lowered them down, as if they were flying down, or presented them above the stage and the mortals, watching them.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Smoochie Smoochie
    replied on Thursday, April 11 2013, 08:30 PM #Permalink
    Oooh.. this is getting interesting.. Since no one's taking the spot for Xertini's long lost brother, might as well give a try on it.

    IGN : Smoochie
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