Alright guys im adding last of Chapter 3 and all of Chapter 4 since alot of you have been asking me in PM's in game.
Kage clears his throat and says
“No one has seen the Crusader that attacked you. It’s been two weeks and surely someone would have seen her by now.”
Kaiyumie continues to scratch Bite’s ears. Had she imagined the crusader? No, she couldn’t have. Bite’s face was evidence it had been real. She shuttered from the recollection. Suddenly Xertini was beside her and there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. xMori was lecturing to Kage about his laziness and was obviously distracted so he couldn’t pay attention to his pupil. Xertini whispers
“Lets go exploring. I want to see Nightfall Shelter.”
Kaiyumie’s eyes widened and she hissed
“No way! You still cant control your powers enough! What if we get attacked?!”
“Hey! I can control them just fine.”
“Tell that to paperhearts wardrobe you blew out the window last week when you sneezed.”
Xertini frowns and continues
“Come on, we are just going to look around. Fine. You don’t have to go since you’re a chicken.”
“Me a chicken? Bring it loose cannon.”
Xertini hid her smile of triumph and they quietly went outside and teleported to Nightfall Shelter. The map was extremely dark, an aura of evil emitting from everything. Kaiyumie grabbed her sister’s sleeve and they proceeded.
Aquarius stepped over the woman Saint he had just killed. He glared at the form with disgust. The kill had been to easy. He glanced over at MiSHART and saw that she too was disgusted by her kill. Aquarius looked around at the never ending sand and ask’s himself
“Is the gods temple here?”
There was a squeak to his left and he looked over with an annoyed look. It quickly became a malicious grin as he realized it was his long lost prey. He motioned to MiSHART and she followed. Today they would not fail, Aquarius would be sure of that.
Kaiyumie stopped dead in her tracks, frozen with fear. The Crusader that had attacked her and Bite was coming. Xertini looked at her sister and followed her gaze. Anger filled her features and she pointed at the Crusader with her Crimson Stave as Kaiyumie screamed
“Wait don’t!”
It was too late. The Crusader went flying through the air. Xertini’s triumph was short lived when she was hit with the end of a staff. She fell to the ground and rolled to the left, narrowly avoiding a stab from the pointed scepter. Kaiyumie attacked the Wizard from behind, beating him in the head. The Crusader had gotten up and with the hilt of her sword, slammed it into the back of Kaiyumie’s neck. She immediately collapsed into a pile on the ground. Xertini felt an anxiety attack coming on and she lunged at them with everything she had. She set the Wizard on fire, only to have the fire freeze and shatter. The Crusader ducked under the flames and ran her blade through Xertini. All of the heat of battle ebbed quickly from Xertini. The Crusader withdrew her blade and Xertini fell back on her back. The sand beneath her started to turn black. The wizard walked over to Kaiyumie and removed all of her scrolls and took away her ring, proof that she had belonged to Tatakai. He stomped it to pieces and returned to Xertini. She had rolled over onto her stomach and was reaching for her sister. The Wizard told his accomplice
“MiSHART go on ahead. I’ll catch up after I have a few nice words with this thing.”
MiSHART grabbed Kaiyumie by the back of her shirt and opened a scroll. They were gone in seconds and Xertini gurgled her sisters name in an attempt to yell. The Wizard kneeled next to her and placed an object next to her. It was Kaiyumie’s missing necklace. The Wizard said to her
“Something to remember her by.”
Memories of Xertini’s mother came up. “A gift to remember mommy by.” Xertini spat blood into the Wizards face and he back handed her. He got up and also teleported away. Xertini felt the tears run as she squeezed Kaiyumie’s necklace in her hand. Why hadn’t she listened? Xertini told herself she deserved death and surrendered to the tides of darkness.
Kage yawned as xMori kept going on and on about his lack of enthusiasm for work. Rabid knocking on the door stopped xMori and he grumbled something about unwanted visitors. He opened the door and horror etched his features. A woman was holding his pupil. “Or what remained of her”, he thought. He asks her as he takes Xertini
“What happened?!”
“I don’t know. I was looking for the people who had killed my guild mates when I found her. She was barely alive and I saw her ring I immediately rushed here.”
“Come in and I’ll ask our leader for a change of clothes for you after we help Xertini.”
The Sorcerer followed them in and Kage says drowsily
“Coming back to lecture me?”
xMori zoomed by and up the stairs to paperheart s room. Kage follows and heard a paperheart’s “oh my god”, which made him quicken his pace. Paperheart told xMori to lay Xertini on a spare couch then quietly whispered
“Get out.”
“I want to be of assistance. You can’t handle some-“
“I. Said. Get. Out.”
xMori heard the venom dripping for each word and hurried out, shooing Kage out as well, and he shut the door behind him.
“Mind telling me why you ran up here?”
“My idiot pupil apparently went on her own adventure and got herself nearly killed.”
“How bad is the injury?”
“I couldn’t see it for all the blood but it is definitely going to leave a scar.”
They headed back down to the lobby and sat in silence. Hours passed and paperheart finally came down to them. She told them Xertini would live and demanded to know what happened. She saw the Sorcerer who had brought Xertini and said quietly
“Hello OnlyYours. I thank you for bringing her back when you did.”
xMori went to get OnlyYours a new set of clothes and paperheart asked
“Any idea who it was?”
“More than likely it was Aquarius and MiSHART. They’ve been killing a lot of people lately and your friend was muttering “Kill MiSHART” over and over until she stopped and I thought she was dead then.”
paperheart looked around and said
“Where’s Kaiyumie?”
“This Kaiyumie must have owned these.”
OnlyYours pulled out a broken Tatakai ring and a bloodied necklace. Paperheart began crying at the sight of them and prayed that Kaiyumie was safe.
Kaiyumie woke up and saw ice. She glanced around, trying to see where she was. It was solid ice and crystals all over. She saw a door and quietly ran to it. It was an easy lock she saw, and inserted a small amount of magic into it. She heard a soft click and the door opened. She stepped quietly out into a hall of more crystal. Kaiyumie glanced at the shadows under the crystals. She kept getting this eerie feeling she was being watched. She heard footsteps and she immediately ducked behind a crystal and peered out over it. A saint walked past and towards another door. It appeared to be the same as the door she had just opened so Kaiyumie slowly got up when a dagger was placed onto her neck. The cold metal told her not to move an inch and a voice followed
“My my we have a little mouse trying to go back to its hidey hole.”
The Saint hears this and walks back over to them.
“I told you that door was too simple to keep a magic user in.”
“So put a ward around the lock.”
Kaiyumie captor spun her around and back to her dungeon. He shoved her in and slammed the door shut. She tried her magic again and saw it failed. She started kicking the door and a muffled voice from behind the door said
“You break it you buy it.”
Kaiyumie ignored him and kept kicking until her legs couldn’t hold her up anymore. She fell to her knee’s and glared holes through the door. Her mind was set on escaping and finding her sister. Nothing would stop her, not even some cheap door.