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Umpity Umpity
posted on Thursday, June 22 2017, 02:32 PM in Game Suggestions
i know there is alot of mixed feelings about absorb being taken away im not trying to argue about that.

some of you may or may not know before the absorb got taken away wizards had a passive buff giving physical dmg absorb.

sorcerers had a passive granting magical dmg absorb.

both clases were changed from absorb to defense respectively.

however it is now unbalanced for wizards in battlefield.

absorb took the brunt of an attack for wizards this meant absorbing so much physical dmg.
to make up for a lack of push skill to keep physical players at bay.

now that it was changed to defense wizards get shafted because not only can they not aborb the dmg from physical players and a lack of push and stuns nerfed but casters already have such low physical defense anyway that adding 1-2k phys defense is like adding nothing. might as well be nothing + they now take the same amount of dmg from sorcs but cant give the same amount back.
because sorcerers already naturally have higher magic defense which gives them a huge advantage over wizards.

look at the following chart for clarity.
the chart shows stats before passives and after sp added to passives giving 5% defense repectively. (NOTE NOT ACTUAL NUMBERS SEE MY SECOND POST FOR BETTER PERCENTAGES)

wiz :
mag defense: 10,000 --after passives added--> mag defense: 10,000
phys defense: 5,000 < > phys defense: 5,250

mag defense: 10,000 < > mag defense: 10,500
phys defense: 5,000 < > phys defense: 5,000


these numbers may not seem like much in this chart but when u get into higher numbers for lvl 100 players the amount of magic defense that sorcerers can get is staggering.
if i had +5% magic def on my wiz added to what i have the total would be almost 4,000 extra magic defense.
where as the amount of physical defense for wizards is still negligible at best.
for mine it gives around 1,500 phys def which added to an already low physical defense is crap.

i propose instead of the two having different types of defense that it be changed to an all defense passive for both classes.
this would help even things out.
and its an win win for everyone because honestly physical players dont have any harder time kiling wizards vs sorcs from the negligible amount of physical defense they have. the only downside would be for sorcs realizing they have had it made with magic defense they might notice less dmg to wizards however they might or might not see a benefit from the little bit of physical defense they gain.

please take this into consideration.
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Ash Ash
    replied on Friday, June 23 2017, 09:04 AM #Permalink
    i don't think its a matter to complain about it, and i certainly don't think you will like it either, if it will get changed then all of human classes will get magic defense which means your output damage on humans will get decreased(assuming you are a wizard), and vice versa. elves will get physical defense which will mean they will be a bit more tanky against physical type.

    but each race has its own unique passives, humans gives mana and physical defense, hybrids gives physical damage and health, and elves gives magic defense and increase int/agility

    casters(of elves race) suppose to have a lower physical defense in the first place because they are not focused on the physical stats which are strength and stamina (these 2 grant physical defense) so granting all defense wont change much to the casters tbh and you wont see the difference in damage taking. casters of the human race will do have a higher magic defense but the downside of it as i mentioned before, will grant the whole human class more magic defense which will decrease your own damage on them so not sure if this is a worth trade off.
    also wont it damage the uniqueness of the classes themselves?

    and a little further explanation, it wont only affect casters, it affects the whole race(its a race skill passive, not class) which will result in higher defense for everyone except hybrid race and some classes such as templar(will boost their magic defense), saint(will boost their magic defense) or prophet(will boost their physical defense) will get much more benefits out of it than the casters will since they tend to focus more on survivbility than other stuff and believe me, they don't need more boosts to their defense since its already hard to poke them down (good geared ones)

    in the end of the day, i don't see the actual reason for changing it from physical defense or magic defense to all defense because it creates more problems than solving.
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