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Aiden Aiden
posted on Wednesday, August 09 2023, 08:53 PM in Game Suggestions
Então, estou com uma dúvida. Tenho 3 DNA'S de Shushu e gostaria de transformar em pet, porém quando vou na NPC, os 3 que possuo só pegam um slot e não consigo colocar os outros dois. Estou fazendo algo de errado?

Accepted Answer

Sedy Admin Sedy
replied on Wednesday, August 09 2023, 11:35 PM #Permalink
Você precisa dividi-los. Mantenha pressionada a tecla SHIFT e arraste o DNA para um slot vazio em seu inventário e você poderá dividi-los.

Eu realmente deveria mudar a interface para que você possa soltar 3 diretamente nela :)
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Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Aiden Aiden
    replied on Thursday, August 10 2023, 12:18 AM #Permalink
    Thank you! I was trying to figure out how to do that, had no success lol.
    Reply voted down Show
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Thanks guys. It's working again now
1 week ago
Sedy wrote: Can you provide a bit more information? Is it a particular voting site that isn't wor
1 week ago
I got the same problem, I voted correctly on all the sites. Showing on picture, but still the tears
1 week ago
Having the same problem sir Sedy been 2 days now
1 week ago