2 weeks ago
Wie wrote:
LOL you just need wasted 1 mons card for trial, just make your own list dont be lazy.
Umpity wrote:
Wie wrote:
LOL you just need wasted 1 mons card for trial, just make your own list dont be lazy.
for some trans cards which are rarer than those from vendor ie: lisk mumu etc if you only have one and have to use it to see what its stats are then u just wasted it if it isnt an appropriate situation for that card.
and i seriously doubt you sit around with a list of every trans card stats next to you while u play lol.
Wie wrote:
Umpity wrote:
Wie wrote:
LOL you just need wasted 1 mons card for trial, just make your own list dont be lazy.
for some trans cards which are rarer than those from vendor ie: lisk mumu etc if you only have one and have to use it to see what its stats are then u just wasted it if it isnt an appropriate situation for that card.
and i seriously doubt you sit around with a list of every trans card stats next to you while u play lol.
Dude i wont said you lazy, if i no try to list it before LOL, i have excel list for all this mons card debuff. And mumu? i dont worry about it, i have more then 200 card ++
Wie wrote:
Umpity wrote:
Wie wrote:
LOL you just need wasted 1 mons card for trial, just make your own list dont be lazy.
for some trans cards which are rarer than those from vendor ie: lisk mumu etc if you only have one and have to use it to see what its stats are then u just wasted it if it isnt an appropriate situation for that card.
and i seriously doubt you sit around with a list of every trans card stats next to you while u play lol.
Dude i wont said you lazy, if i no try to list it before LOL, i have excel list for all this mons card debuff. And mumu? i dont worry about it, i have more then 200 card ++
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