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Mat Mat
posted on Saturday, July 04 2015, 02:42 AM in Game Suggestions
If I give you a balloon and tell you to blow it none stop, what will happen? It will explode.

What is the best build on the server? Get CQ gear and card it with All Stats VI.
Why? Duh, all stats means everything increases.

That is the most sought after, and ultimate goal of every player. It’s also a way that people support this server. However, because of it, there is no variation on how each player build their char despite Sedy’s effort of making duo stats card.

How about we look at it in a different way starting with things that are usually overlooked, and things with yes-no-needed stats?

Things that are overlooked:
-Critical chance

Yes-no-needed stats:
-Hit chance.

Crit chance: regardless of not using crit cards, no one really has problem hitting crit.

Protection: there is only one class, to my knowledge, that actually benefits from protection: Vanquisher. However, it’s mostly Physical Protection. Magical DMG can crit them like there is nothing standing between them.

Recovery: I don’t even know why the original developer made such stats at the very beginning. Unless it could recover 10k HP/MP every 10s while standing/fighting, no one would even bother to look at it. So don’t even think some1 would use it unless it’s to make a joke.

Hit chance: yes-no stats because there is no mob or boss with over 400 evasion, not to mention we started out at lvl 1 with 100 hit chance,and gain more and more hit along the way, so it’s definitely useless in PvE. In PvP, it’s also useless because there are very few skills with effect that depend on hit chance. Chance to land an effect of almost every skill is fixed. Hit is only useful against Evasion build players.

Iris seriously lacks variety of character build aside from Eva depended classes. As I said above, card everything with all stats => done.

Since Sedy said the all stats issue can’t be fixed unless he started from scratch, we can go the other way. This the-other-way can take advantage of Sedy’s previous work, the mechanic of making duo stats, combined with enhancement cards.

Most used enhancement card and it’s remained unchanged since the beginning of time:
Colorless card: absorb ALL DMG 15%.

Recently introduced enhancement cards:
- Physical ATK
- Magical ATK
- Healing increased
- HP increased
- MP increased.

These cards are great, but too op. They should give some kinds of trade off to balance things around, and make players choose which to use depending on situation.

For the DMG abs:

I suggest making 2 new enhancement cards which give 20% Magical or Physi DMG abs and 5% of Magical or Physical Def while the current all DMG abs 15% remain unchanged. This way, people will have use more gears than just the famous CQ, gears will be used depending on situation. We can take advantage of the I-Don’t-Want-ToAI/Bear/Von-set gear. If they still like CQ, they can spend moolah to buy another part.

Recommendation: 3 types of DMG abs: - All DMG abs 15%.
- Magical DMG abs 20% and 5% Magical Def or simply just 25% magical DMG abs.
- Physical DMG abs 20% and 5% Physical Def or simply just 25% physical DMG abs.

Why 25 or 20+5? Because duo 15% can easily overshadow 20% single DMG type abs.

For Physical ATK and Magical ATK:

You should give them the trade off. And trade off in this case should be reduce Crit chance of that respective DMG type. With this,hopefully, we can reduce the DMG output as well as make people use Crit item. I know a few people use Hit acc, and they can still crit every hit.

Recommendation: Phys/Mag ATK increases by 10% + Phy/Mag Crit decreases by 10%.

For PvP DMG:

Hit chance reduce should be the trade off. If the weapon is imbued PvP DMG, it will get - Hit Chance, normal enhancement and ATK enhancement don’t get this effect. Why? Eva user trades their ATK and DEF for eva, it’s kinda unfair if you hit them too hard. So either hit all the time, but DMG is a little lower, or high DMG but miss often.

Recommendation: PvP DMG increases by 15% + All hit reduces by 10%.

For healing increased:

Trade off is either ATK Speed or Casting Speed. Brief explanation: when was the last time you saw a healer who actually has to cast before healing? For me, it was back in retail. I dare say all healers with decent gears have 0 cast time.

Recommendation: Healing increases by 10%, either ATK Speed or Casting speed reduces by 10%.

For MP/HP increased:

You have lots of HP/MP, how about taking out some of your protection so we can crit easier?

Recommendation: HP increases by 10%, Physical Protection reduces by 10%; MP increases by 10%, Magical Protection reduces by 10%.

Final verdicts:

LvL cap isn’t likely to be increased any time soon. Even if it could make it way through, we would be back to our old road, “I have that Master-I-Can-Do-Everything gears, why would I farm another set?”

Server is stuffed with lots of under-used items because of I-Can-Do-Everything items, I will call it ICDE. It prevents the flow of currency because there is a very little number of items that players are willing to get due to ICDE.

Let’s give ToAI, Von, Bears set,etc... some justice that they deserve rather than get overshadowed by the famous CQ. Plus, Sedy spent time working on them, he didn’t have some1 did it for him for free. He’s said several times that it saddens him that there are things that he worked so hard on, but eventually they’re ignored.

I do believe they are not hard to do. The mechanic of reducing stat should be similar to cast time reduce which has been there since forever. There is duo stats card to add on gear, hence duo enhancement is doable. It’s not like writing a completely new enhancement cards except DMG abs. It’s just to add trade off to the current ones we have.

More variety in character build can make it way through thanks to this change as well as reduce DMG output. The reject examine is introduced to prevent players from copying each other build, but up to this point, what it does is very little. And it can raise the important of the overlooked stats I mentioned above, well, Recovery can’t be helped, honestly, it’s too useless to be mentioned.

Last but not least, it affects everyone, not just you, not just me. It’s not targeting a single class. You can’t QQ. If someone complains, for example: a healer complains “No,it targets my class, my AS/CS get reduced.” You can tell them how you class is negatively affected, for example “I play Sniper, my crit chance gets reduced.”

Responses (18)
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    Werewolf Werewolf
    replied on Thursday, August 13 2015, 05:53 AM #Permalink
    Even still, that doesn't transfer over to PVE when it comes to bosses does it? What then? (I don't know very much about them) Since bosses don't die in like five hits I'm thinking the percentage dps doesn't work on bosses, and still there's eva and kiting. There are ways around it. My issue with SS as well as champs is that they don't have a "win" condition. There's no real heavy dps for those classes, yet not enough def/debuff to keep them alive as well.
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    Ash Ash
    replied on Saturday, July 04 2015, 09:42 AM #Permalink
    wooo kinda pissing me off those sentences:

    What is the best build on the server? Get CQ gear and card it with All Stats VI.
    Why? Duh, all stats means everything increases.
    -i hate all stats XD, i dont have even 1 all stats in my set and i am still doing good as full all stats players >.> (+with old lappy with low graphic card which crashes every few hours haha).

    That is the most sought after, and ultimate goal of every player
    -dont include everyone, its not everyones goal, maybe for you it does but not for me and probably for few more people.

    Iris seriously lacks variety of character build aside from Eva depended classes
    -before you say this, please try to ask people from the server. i have my own build, to be specificly 3 builds(still building it tho) each build for different case such as pve,pvp :3

    Let’s give ToAI, Von, Bears set,etc... some justice that they deserve rather than get overshadowed by the famous CQ
    -some of those sets are better than the cq itself, i still remember one sharpshooter said that he prefer von set over a cq since it more fits to his build. also toai set is really close to cq set therefore people are more focusing on get toai than a cq since you know people are lazy :P

    and last thing... about the cards... yes i do agree with you they are making things unbalance and stuff like that but the dmg abs... i dont think it would be a good idea :x since you can just switch between the situations and see what is more important for you to sarcafice at this specific moment, have you considered how it will be in dungeons? +10/5% more damage absorb >.> thats making it even more op XD so consider this again.

    welp... i am done :3 thanks for reading hehe
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    Mat Mat
    replied on Tuesday, July 07 2015, 02:53 AM #Permalink
    Only 1 comment after 3 days, I’m kinda disappointed. It’s either because what I said is too complicated and there are only few people understand but they’re too lazy to reply, or it’s not their time. I’m gonna go with the first case to console myself after spending so much time writing this post. And I appreciate Ash’s reply although I’d like to hear some words from Sedy[b] himself.

    Anyway, let’s get back to the main topic.

    [b]To Ash:

    I notice a few things. First of all, you play Prophet, second of all, I’ve met you in BF. More or less, I know how you play, and how your character is.

    Prophet’s best skills:
    -Magical Immune Circle, Physical Immune Circle, and Poison Immune Circle. Sage Tree: last 30s, have 30s cd. Prophet Tree: last 20s, have 20s cd.

    We can easily see you can use another circle or repeat the one you previously use right after the effect wears off. 1.5s to react and put down the circle starting right after it disappears, another second for it to take effect. So there is only 3s gap between the first and second circle so that one can take advantage of.

    -Sanctioned Grace: grants 40% DMG absorb buff in 15s at max level and has 1m cd. Can be used on self or other player without having to be in the same party, raid.

    Prophet’s most noticeable disadvantage: gotta stick to where circle is place and can only use one at a time.

    Ash wrote:
    What is the best build on the server? Get CQ gear and card it with All Stats VI.
    Why? Duh, all stats means everything increases.
    -i hate all stats XD, i dont have even 1 all stats in my set and i am still doing good as full all stats players >.> (+with old lappy with low graphic card which crashes every few hours haha).

    That is the most sought after, and ultimate goal of every player
    -dont include everyone, its not everyones goal, maybe for you it does but not for me and probably for few more people.

    An estimated 1 in 20000 people worldwide are born with oculocutaneous albinism. There are more than a hundred players on this server. Of course there are few that don’t follow the trend like the example I just said.

    Your heal is below average, if not too low. PvE wide, your only job is to put down circle every 20s for a Prophet, and sometimes, to give a member DMG abs rather than to heal party member. PvP wide, unless getting ganked by at least 2 different players with 2 different types of DMG, Phys and Mag, that’s when you lose the circle advantage since you can only put down 1 type at a time, else Wall + Prophet for the win.

    You carded All Def cards on your gears, and it results in your low heal like I said above, however, you’re tanky in PvP but in PvE, it’s meaningless.

    Moreover, the 3s gap, also explained above, can be avoided using trans which has 15s cd or using DMG on self which last 15s.

    Prophet’s uniqueness of circles allow you to use such build, and with the addition of DMG abs. And I don’t wanna talk to much about DMG abs. You can ask a veteran Sorcerer player for more information. They know best about that skill, and whenever something comes up against Sorcerer, their Wind Fortification gets attacked first.

    I dare you to use the same builds on a Saint and do as good. I know lots of people can play well on Prophet but suck on Saint. However, Saint users can do pretty good on Prophet if they are given one. To my knowledge, it's because Prophet's skills are passive but can actually be active while Saint's is the other way around, they only know what skill to cast after others attack them.

    Ash wrote:
    -before you say this, please try to ask people from the server. i have my own build, to be specificly 3 builds(still building it tho) each build for different case such as pve,pvp :3

    Let me tell you this. The majority of players have 2 builds: PvE: no BF acc, PvP: use BF acc. Some players are richer, so they have hit acc. That’s it, end of the story. How do they card those? All stats. Why not duo stats? Cause those are even rarer than All Stats and aren’t as good as all stats.

    Ash wrote:
    Let’s give ToAI, Von, Bears set,etc... some justice that they deserve rather than get overshadowed by the famous CQ
    -some of those sets are better than the cq itself, i still remember one sharpshooter said that he prefer von set over a cq since it more fits to his build. also toai set is really close to cq set therefore people are more focusing on get toai than a cq since you know people are lazy :P

    Would you spend time making a Lamborghini Aventador and expect that only one is sold, and at the same time, the sale of your old model, Lamborghini Gallardo, keeps increasing?

    That’s how people treat CQ and the rest. :p One person uses it doesn’t mean anything, the majority still rules. And nope, Sedy forces them into using those gears because he keeps changing ore spot. No one wants to spend time doing something and finally throw it away. It’s really hard to farm diamond ore now, and it’s hard to make a IDQ party if you’re not in a big guild or know some strong players. My guess is Sedy practically has no other way to replace CQ other than to ruin diamon ores, the essential ingredient to make CQ. Even so, their ultimate goal is still CQ.

    Ash wrote:
    and last thing... about the cards... yes i do agree with you they are making things unbalance and stuff like that but the dmg abs... i dont think it would be a good idea :x since you can just switch between the situations and see what is more important for you to sarcafice at this specific moment, have you considered how it will be in dungeons? +10/5% more damage absorb >.> thats making it even more op XD so consider this again.

    Yes, it’s kinda op. But...

    First of all, you only talked about the abs card, how about the rest? Is it bad? I believe it’s not because aside from abs card, the rest gets negative effect along with their current stats. And I don’t suggest boosting any of them according to what I said other than a nerf. So there is a catch if you wanna use OP enhancement cards :p

    Second of all, have you done CI, Decomus, Golden Temple, or farmed/lvled on AS and PI beaches? If you have, are they all one type DMG mobs/bosses? Imma answer the 2nd question for you so you don’t have to waste your time testing. The answer is no. Half of first stage mobs in CI is magical DMG, the other half is Physical DMG. At Golden Temple chamber, boss and bird do 2 types of DMG I believe. Decomus priests and knight are 2 diffrents type of DMG as well. Same goes to AS and PI beach.

    With that being said, duo DMG abs, as of now, benefits in every situation. Especially, Typhoonus can move which means we can’t stick to the altar and hope we won’t aggro any mobs while tanker tanks it. Typhoonus is Magical type while at least either Scorpion or Golem is Physical DMG or maybe both of them are. With duo abs, you can tank both boss and mob, but if single abs, you must be extra careful or they will ko you before you even notice.

    So is it really bad to have a single type DMG abs enhancement card? The answer is yes and no. It has benefit and drawback. Not like Mr. All mighty duo DMG abs. And just so you know, I'd thought of this single abs before I made this thread.

    Thank you for reading.
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    Ash Ash
    replied on Tuesday, July 07 2015, 03:41 AM #Permalink
    aweeee and sad that no other people here with more opinions :x
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    AsianRider AsianRider
    replied on Tuesday, July 07 2015, 04:10 AM #Permalink
    i was reading this thread and im like TOO LONG! give up reading :P. have fun guys :D
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    Ash Ash
    replied on Tuesday, July 07 2015, 03:41 AM #Permalink
    ew =w= its just... erased all my long reply q.q gonan re-write it D
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    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Tuesday, July 07 2015, 02:27 PM #Permalink
    Lol. I would have thought Sedy already making small advances to the concept of tradeoffs by putting out the Catacomb parts. Which some people already have plans on swapping over or merging it with their current sets today like Frigid and CQ. I find the only prob with the implementation is that its so hard to get the parts you need, like along with those dual stat cards.

    Text so long but i do like the concept of it. Though at the same time its not as updated to the current end game. With Abs being capped, its kinda not efficient to have extra abs when it's gonna poof from the capping when you have certain skills on. Probs tinker with Protection, Reflect or Self Regen or Def a bit more XD Since people have too much high crit, having an effective prot build would negate x2+ attacks
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    Ash Ash
    replied on Tuesday, July 07 2015, 03:59 AM #Permalink
    (short cutting a bit from all what i have tried to say cuz too lazy now to retype all :x)
    Second of all, have you done CI, Decomus, Golden Temple, or farmed/lvled on AS and PI beaches? If you have, are they all one type DMG mobs/bosses? Imma answer the 2nd question for you so you don’t have to waste your time testing. The answer is no. Half of first stage mobs in CI is magical DMG, the other half is Physical DMG. At Golden Temple chamber, boss and bird do 2 types of DMG I believe. Decomus priests and knight are 2 diffrents type of DMG as well. Same goes to AS and PI beach.
    -true i do agree with you, but try to think in a way like a champion, they have 2 main skill which they are switching between them always and its their defense, same will be as with abs :3 just take for example... toai chest and cq chest, place one with magicaly abs and one with physical abs, then switch between those chests everytime you need, if you are vs magic type, switch to magic abs, if you are vs phy switch to phy abs.(at least... thats what i would do xD)

    With that being said, duo DMG abs, as of now, benefits in every situation. Especially, Typhoonus can move which means we can’t stick to the altar and hope we won’t aggro any mobs while tanker tanks it. Typhoonus is Magical type while at least either Scorpion or Golem is Physical DMG or maybe both of them are. With duo abs, you can tank both boss and mob, but if single abs, you must be extra careful or they will ko you before you even notice.
    -yup, i do agree with you but here is the catch: sarcafice, sarcafice your damage abs to make you survival longer...(oki that was not clearly that much XD) lets take it for a moment to a pvp thingy as a prophet: you are alone and have vs you 2 players which one of them is a crusader and the second one is sorc(+you are without dispell potions) so now you have this situation when you must sarcafice one of your immue debuffs(phy or magic {note: think about it as abs xD}) so as i think ,its better to sarcafice your magic immue to phy immue since crusaders -hp% and -cast time%(not including -healing recieve% since they can eat all of it anyway even if you have the circle on it) will kill you faster than sorc burns. now same thing about typhoonus and scorpions, make your own choice and what will hurt you more, if you have atm 1 scorpion+typhoonus, better to keep the magic damage abs but if you have now 5 scorpions+typhoonus so better to switch for phy abs for a moment so your teammates will kill them and then to switch back to magic abs.

    hope i made myself a bit clearier and... sorry if i didnt reply to other things that you said cuz... i just agree with it and i accept it xD and sorry that it didnt post my previous thingy... D: thanks for reading o3o again hehe.
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    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Friday, July 17 2015, 11:53 PM #Permalink

    Not according to this topic tho HAHAH but I would like to add that Sedy already has beefed up melee classes in a lot of aspects. Magic damagers are actually in a pit with mostly PvE to go for, and even then the damage they deal in big groups of people are towered by the power of physical attackers. Now most of melee are glass cannons, Crus, Vanqs, SB, Myrms, Sins, WW, hold power but not survivability --- compensating though are their skills. They are anti tanks, anti healers, anti magic casters, anti each other LOL. Have you seen the power of a crus' debuffs? Not even counting the DoT they have, the immense ++casting and -atspeeds even pose threats to anyone even with dedicated healers. Not even gonna comment on how OP sins and ww are built lol.

    In this game right now, PvP aspect at least, I find that it is very focused on HP%. Since most classes, which are all phys, are reliant on their skills working for them. All stats is yeah, really OP and very expensive if you want VI for super well roundedness, but for some classes, Stamina VI does the same thing and is effective too. Your skills are more than enough to go in for the kill LOL.

    Pvp wise nowadays, magic peeps are a dying class since the stakes are against them, and people can say, "oh glitching is something there". But glitching is learned by the player~ XD Not 1 button i can press without much thought. PvE wise though, range shines.


    Honestly wolfehh, I find that gunners have the best of both worlds. phys dmg, loads of good debuffs and ranged ~>~ I jelly...but then again thats why i made one. HAHAHAHHA

    Also world bosses, which ones? Nereus and below? Cause that's 75 and quite easy to tank by anyone who actually wants to tank it. Anything more than that are ridiculous. My sorc cannot tank Namazu more than 1-2 seconds if Im gonna stand like a totempole, and more if I have shields. Compared to my tanker...I can afk hit and it wont even dent it's HP >_>"""

    But yeah it is true. Most of the PvE side of balancing for the game is not that noticeable to people unless they have a good guild to go with. Some even have a hard time going to simple dungeons like GTI, ToAI and LiskI; let alone even wanting to try Catacombs LOL. In Catacombs, any melee shines. Our party is 50-65% phys/melee.

    I feel very inferior as a magic class nowadays, and the only thing that makes me "pro" is that Ive memorized PvE HAHAHAHA
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    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Sunday, July 19 2015, 02:03 PM #Permalink
    when I go bf I hate crusader the most most most.
    sorc aren't really scary unless they have op dmg like stat vi level.
    I don't consider myself a good pvper. but if I play on sorc, I feel like food.
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    Mat Mat
    replied on Friday, July 17 2015, 07:44 PM #Permalink
    bump, before I reply. Hoping for more reply. and I'm sorry about the wall of text. Can't help it. :D
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    Werewolf Werewolf
    replied on Friday, July 17 2015, 10:06 PM #Permalink
    The new stuff is pretty unobtainable. Only a few guilds have strong enough players to get the gear from catacombs, and toai to begin with. And to do so you need CQ gear and to be OP lol. which makes it pointless to try and get because you don't need it.

    I agree that way too much is based on allstats. But the game is so unbalanced you need them. If you are a melee player there's no way you can survive long without the added Mdef and Meva that comes from allstat in pvp. And pve is dead for most average players unless they have super friends or guilds lol. Sedy has done so much for Iris, it's a much larger and better game than was designed, but the main thing is excessive nerfing and magic overpowering makes the game what it is.

    You gotta do what you can to survive lol.

    For instance, just look through the past update notes. Melee classes take hit after hit just about every major update sometimes with way overboard changes to the way classes work, and from this, I lost a lot of friends that quit playing because everything they built up becomes useless. But long-standing known issues with magic classes are either left alone or have their changes rolled back. So what you end up with is super strong long range atk and op class def vs point blank attacks no real defense or countermeasures.

    Or more simply people bring bats to a flamethrower fight.

    personally, I've never been a fan of magic classes in games, they aren't my style. And I hate having to allstat everything but there's no choice. Melee classes get raped without the Mdef, prot, and eva from allstats. They do even with them really.

    I know several wizards and sorcs (no names, right Ray? ;D) that can tank world bosses better than shield classes with no healer. Not to mention the heal spells they have from early jobs that still get buffed with allstat and no real CD, so how can shield classes compete with that? PVE or ESPECIALLY PVP.

    And its the same for melee damage classes, or worse really, they don't often have the defense to be useful in high level boss fights, especially since that updated that nulled most attack effects from melee classes against bosses.

    ------>>>>> The point

    it all goes back to class balance and overall game difficulty. Until that is more uniformly adjusted, nothing is going to change variety for the better
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    Werewolf Werewolf
    replied on Saturday, July 18 2015, 12:22 AM #Permalink
    I'll agree with most of everything Ray, there are a few things I differ on. My champ has issues with nere and below. Even LiskH where before it was easy even with 75 gear, and my build is allstat V and higher. So if you aren't what hope is there? On Lion I'm trying to focus on the dual cards, but need allstats to fight the bears to get them X____X. I feel like the game is targeted to allstat players (bc there are a lot) while trying to steer away from them and that can't really happen at the same time.

    Also, I think magic players are very much alive in bf. I'm glad to see some Crus, champs, and mryms making the scene now, but still the real pvp killers are sorcs and wizzes (lol).

    The stun, silence and immo comboes from magic classes are usually enough to kill anyone but tanks, and i have died from single combo strands many a time myself. On SS it's pretty much not even a fight unless they don't notice me XD. Which in the long run kills bf, nobody but campers and pain freaks really go anymore bc unless youre OP allstat you're feeding the other team >_<

    I know I don't have the answers or ideas for balancing things out, but for things like gcast, and -cast speed cards, there are still no melee counterparts. Even with Crusaders massive damage, they can't just POUR damage and skills out like magic users can in 2sec. PVP is still pretty much unbalanced. PVE however is much more balanced attack wise, but melee defense isn't anywhere near where it needs to be and melee skills dont affect bosses for the most part. Which is why nobody wants them in parties (calls only for RDPS in mega), making it even harder for melee classes to get the drops they need. Not to mention they are all super flipping SLOW. Just boosting their speed would help a great deal. Everything melee is just... so much more tedious, for a lot less of a payoff y'know? having to walk from mob to mob vs targeting a bunch in a group or just shooting them... Trying to lure a boss from a crowd like The Pope in Deco... I don't feel the pains of leveling and using melee equal out to what you get at 85. Even with allstat reall, and it seems to go downhill from there unless you are in an OP guild that can float you along to better gear and cards, or only pvp
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    Verna Verna
    replied on Thursday, August 06 2015, 09:23 PM #Permalink
    lol i rmb wolfy died against our serk Moist when pop played it for bf, its like 4 - 5 hits dead when he was not on wf lol
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    Scarlet~ Scarlet~
    replied on Thursday, August 13 2015, 12:04 PM #Permalink
    i do not think many dots work on bosses, even low ones don't. It's of course known high DoTs don't. The reason for the HIGH ones not working is, sin's dot and crusader's dots are cause and effect. for the DoT to take hit the target must have the effects of the rest of the skill. IE: Crusader Dot: Immobilize+ 4% hp per second dot. Bosses can't be stunned or immobilized. therefor the DoT won't hit.

    Also Sedy didn't want stuff like... say Namazu dieing to soloers in just 4 hits. That would be stupid...

    As for champs... Come on Champs are OP as hell >.> sure my sin can beat a champ but do you know how long it takes? I have to slowly destroy all their MP to avoid KO myself... it takes SO LONG.

    i mean 200% reflect almost. and a masssssive OP heal skill... champs survive just as well if not sometime better than Templars...

    SS... i can't say much about in PVE at least. in PVP SS can kill things so fast it's not funny. Just sleep circle then double bomb that easy. in PVE yes they get the short end of the stick x.x
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    Mat Mat
    replied on Sunday, August 02 2015, 01:19 AM #Permalink
    Theoretically, sorcerer USED TO be able to tank everything. Why?

    Look at replies on Ginta's comment. Even Ray said it himself.

    But anyway, class is fairly balanced now. My point is about enhancement cards, not class balance.
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    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Sunday, August 02 2015, 02:36 AM #Permalink
    Regen Enhance =D Get 1k Regen :D
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    Scarlet~ Scarlet~
    replied on Sunday, August 02 2015, 07:05 PM #Permalink
    allow me to poke some holes in SOME of what you said

    For one yes Von Berg, Ci, bears are "lower" than CQ but Bears have some better basic stats. and it's EASILY possible to tank Lisk I with bear set.

    CI set. I remember watching my friend who was an assassin TANK Nereus using only a allstat IV, Eva VI, and agi build CI set. i used his same build and setup for the first six months i hit 85 on my sin. i ALSO did BF in that very set and actually won MANY matches.

    Okay now ToAI I have TWO chars with full ToAi gear (working on a 3rd) ToAI is JUST AS STRONG as CQ. the difference? it comes in bonus stats. Some parts of CQ have higher bonus stats. Like... in templar set one peice of templar CQ armor has + crit while the same piece of armor only ToAI set has + hit instead. In the end YES your stats will be slightly lower than CQ but it shouldn't make any difference at all. So Do it justice? how it's already better than most crap out there. Though for my crusy i love my BF set. but another topic for another thing.

    Now you said something about if you have pvp damage enchant your hit should be lowered? I don't have a link to said topic BUT i'm sure if you look around there is a topic about "Magic hit" at which point my lovely guild leader Ray posted several screenshots of his stats. And his "Hit build priority" setup had ALL of his stats looking horrid compared to his normal setup.

    Why does this matter? Because it does. I'll give you an example.

    Need a better one about power compared to stats? Crusaders. Even one of the "strongest" crusaders in the game, SunnyDD has what seems to be low def. My sin easily takes her down. yet she has 200k + HP. High HP low other stats i'd guess. Also crusaders in general. Crusaders are a GG class. they can take out anyone in 4 hits YET 3 minute cooldowns mean they are punching bags. cause and effect.

    Templars: High Hp and Def. Low attack strength by comparison. and Low hit.

    i can go on and on about EVERy class if you need me to. the point is. we don't need the drawbacks as we already have to fight through enough as it is. You have ANY idea how hard it was for me to get my sin to 450% physical evasion? Yet my def is like 22k x.x
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