2 weeks ago
Iceland wrote:
really looks like remis protection
Heathie wrote:
I totally agree with you...those Events should be for ALL the people. and if you say we're not allowed to complain about unfair events...thats just sad.
Mythos wrote:Hahaha, we had A CHANCE, and WE CAN TRY ;___; please.. I MEAN THAT THEY ALWAYS ARE FIRST EVERYWHERE AND NO ONE CAN EVEN TOUCH THEIR BOSS, and maybe 6 months ago (x'D) he added someone outside his unions, but now he didn't maybe because HE WANTS EVERY LOOT FROM THAT BOSS TO STAY IN ENTIRE UNION. ;__;
to address both points:
Etna: NOt just remi has CQ 85 gear. And NOT JUST remi is spamming wonderland for lvl 100 gear. That being said others CAN TRY.
About your "Ray wouldn't add other people" i seem to recall a world boss style cletus that happened about 6 months ago to where Ray mega'd out for ANYONE TO JOIN. and with a random raid took down Cletus and people OUTSIDE OF THE TYPICAL UNION actually did get the earring box. So that's kinda a bad point
Iceland: Whoever hit the boss first. WHY did you not go and take first swing at it with the raid you said you could put together and fight it with?
You read the rules right? No Aggro wars of boss meaning that if your raid TRIED FOR IT FIRST it's by default yours. If remi buts in they would be punished BY THE RULES OF THE EVENT.
Iceland wrote:
lol seriously
we tried to make raid
but WHY if we even havent chance, cuz loot will be to whom who hitted boss first
anyway even if we'll decide to join their raid - raid only for 16 ppl
havent place for us, cuz they're always full raid
We DO NOT choose players. We encourage all to join. If you joined their raid for the boss you'd get to roll as well.Ah really? Do you think Ray would add us tohis raid? Add people from other guilds? NO, NO and NO. Please don't be funny. Some people got Livids, haha.. What about people with worse gear, lower lvl? They can't join!!!!! And it's not about a time and getting people!!