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Spunny Spunny
posted on Wednesday, January 18 2017, 04:27 PM in Game Suggestions
Edit: In case there are new readers feeling alarmed about this, there have been updates since then to improve player experience. Conclusion to be drawn is that if you can provide evidence of why a change is required, Sedy is willing to listen, so if you have something sensible to say, do say it (nicely) xD

Previous post: As the update stands now, I (and several other people) are pretty disappointed in the way the "balance" has worked out.
I speak from the cloth (mdps and healer) and gunner perspective in this commentary.

In PVP terms: It's pure carnage.
a) A geared sniper can hit geared saint for 44k
b) Reflect is too broken in this new era. A couple of hits from a sniper can kill itself. E.g. Sniper can hit WW for 55k
c) Zerks are OP. Can oneshot a WW. 20k on sorc with abs on.

In PVE terms: We are pathetic.
a) Mobs are so painful.
Example: newbie L100 sorc almost died doing CH when luring mobs. (These are 30 levels down)
Example: geared MDPS and healers getting hit between 30-40k in WI mobs normal hits (which is ridiculous in view that red roses do not have any aggro when first spawned). Have also seen templar (geared) being hit up to 48k by those same red roses.
Example: Elite Piranha can OHKO cloth char.
Example: Dolls in CI hit us about 2/3 as much as Pome.
Example: horrible damage in PP mobs too.
b) Our damage was secretly nerfed
Because our effects appear less.

TLDR: Too squishy, not fun.

Not sure how I can recommend playing these classes, mdps in particular.
Responses (28)
  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Wednesday, January 18 2017, 04:51 PM #Permalink
    Testing on a full Stat V sorc vs a full StatVI sorc, both with similar gears/buffs etc.
    Damage taken on average is the same from the mobs I was testing with lol. Even same numbers appeared. I was testing on CI dolls, and lions if curious.
    Idk man, was there a point to spending $$$ on cards where now you dont even need to build anything since you die in 2 hits anyway? LOL. Just a thought really. Get that fact Sedy doesnt want a "pay to win" game but, still. Lol.

    I think the PvE balancing needs more work lol. The one right now made everything much stronger than the time prior to update, and honestly that was already painful to begin with. The moment an elite can kill ya in one hit, man. Lol.
    PvP, meh not interested anymore. Based on what's happening its quite sad for any cloth users to even go and bother haha. :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Jempoy Jempoy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 02:53 AM #Permalink
    Please give sorcs some more debuff, all we do is bombard are enemies to death while others can just put debuff after debuff on us.
    Making enemies sleep to death is, meh.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Shin(oob)iashy Shin(oob)iashy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 04:19 AM #Permalink
    Ok, I'll wall text bc why not. My perspective is that of a player with no moolah items, no wings etc etc (undergeared in compairson to most).

    The update, as expected, created some imbalance issues, like Fae said, its carnage; With the changes to damage absorb comes a new wave of pvp dominance from classes such as Champion and Vanquisher (the first having incredible high reflect damage and the second well ... wrecking havoc in battlefields due to high damage + ITD's), it used to be Templars and Champions pre-patch, both of these sustaining ungodly amounts of damage and never dying. Me as a very generic Wind Walker am naturally squishy, I try to put up a fight as much as I can with what I have, filling up my gear short-comings with monster trans for different debuffs and whatnot, but it has its limits.
    This also applies to cloth users (I use Sorcerer), for a newbie sorcerer with lets say, TOAI gear and GT weapon is very difficult to do anything in pvp due to being extremely squishy and the changes to Absorb only made it worse. I've seen players geared like myself discouraged from doing pvp at all because of how impossible pvp seems at times.

    As far as PvE goes, its very .... meh, the fact that not even a budget tank (which should be enough honestly) cant even tank properly in dungeons like CI because of how much magic/phys damage is being dealt, is a bit annoying. Hell, even geared tanks are surprised at the amount of damage monsters are dealing now in end-game dungeons such as Wonderland Insane (around 35k+ from each magic mob), which means that the to-be-implemented Dead Man's Peak isnt going to be very doable for most people. And thats for tanks, squishy classes like the ones I previously mentioned feel even worse to play in PvE. Newbies are going to have a very, very difficult time trying to run dungeons like this x.x, anyways hope you read and take into consideration our oppinions Sedy! We need to find a middle ground :p
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  • Accepted Answer

    Enreinion Enreinion
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 07:45 AM #Permalink
    About PvP with mdps.

    One my friend tell me , Mag's its like crystal sword , they must make colossal dmg but die fast . Now mdps die fast , but I still didn't see colossal dmg . Trivia ask about more debuff for sorc , but I ask about more debuff for sorc and wizard + add more ITD.Cause ppl who can't glitch casting die before say "ops"

    Please don't ignore this post.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ur Ur
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 08:49 AM #Permalink
    PVE-wise, I think the reduction (or removal) of damage abs made the mobs hurt more. If Sedy intends to keep the current state of dmg abs, prolly the damage of the mobs could be altered?
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  • Accepted Answer

    swesu swesu
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 09:23 AM #Permalink
    lol what do you expect on vanquisher they built for pvp sure they can one hit some classes without good items they already sucks in dgn and you want in pvp also plus sedy already nerf the skills he remove some ITD skills and lesser the ignore defense of some skills... range char suppose to be squishy its cloth user compared to mail user you can take bullet so easily than mail user for sure and if you compared it in other online games cloth users is more squishy than this game lol
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  • Accepted Answer

    Audr3y Audr3y
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 12:00 PM #Permalink
    So u want pvp just for vanquisher class??? 1hit dude, seriously 1hit Wtf games is it????
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 01:41 PM #Permalink
    Personally I prefer no sassy comments on this thread cause for me it's a serious issue. I hate seeing the game i love to play just be, meh.

    Like yeah, PvP give what the melees are strong in, make tanks killable sure, make mdps squishy and make gunners snipe.
    But for PvE?
    My built Templar and Champion can die so fast vs 1 or 2 mobs in WI, both of which stun AoE, both of which have DoTs of %Mp and %HP every 1 second. Basically the supposed "tanks" arent even "tanking" because guess what, all we can do is be bait, and hope we don't get hit, pray our party doesn't get aggro and pray that the dps kills faster than we RIP.

    I know for a fact that our parties can do the dungeon, even if its this stupidly unfair. We've known its patterns for weeks and we compensate.

    But other characters who arent as built? Tanks who can barely afford shit, do you expect them to be able to tank? DPS classes who die from splash damage from an AOE pull by some boss? Really? Do we expect them to even want to play this? They're already food in PvP, you want them to be food in PvE too? Gears of which we cannot sell or give to lowbie characters, stats cards of which aren't even substantial due to this bastardization of Defenses and ABs that we don't have. Seriously, Im asking for fairer adjustments on Elites and Mobs cause really. I already vowed off PvP due to carnage. And if PvE aint playable, well.

    No point right?

    Sorry if I sound bitter but its really depressing to log on, and not even want to play.
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  • Accepted Answer

    D king D king
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 01:52 PM #Permalink
    From personal view as a pvp player i didnt notice the "1 shot" vanq can do. so sadly i dont understand whats the big problem in pvp. also not all vanq are that strong who can 1 shot you and very few of them doing high amount of dmg.
    What about other classes as champ, yeah they are strong beacuse of their reflect, but the very few champs that join bf i saw them dying very easy after they used their 4 high reflect skills wich have high cd, they cant be killed by one person but by 2 or 3 for sure.
    And if we talk about sorc well they always were squishy but always did high amount of dmg, i used my sorc for pvp before and after the update and i felt a small change in the dmg done on me wich is abit higher, but i still managed to do high amount of dmg. So as i see it things in pvp are not the most balanced they can be but they not that worse as ppl say.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ghost Ghost
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 02:39 PM #Permalink
    why you all complaining so much lol HAHAHAHA


    the last patch will decide if the players will stay or leave the game
    if more ppl is happy on that patch sure more ppl will come and donate the game
    if ppl will leave less ppl=less donations on game less donation= goodbye iris so no need to complain so much if this will happened xD cuz ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOD PATCHHH INDEED!!!
    next time remove the fire pit so i have no more reason to log in..
    anyways GL on this game as i said the last patch will decide if ppl will stay and play this game if they stay its good for iris community :D

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  • Accepted Answer

    Shin(oob)iashy Shin(oob)iashy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 02:56 PM #Permalink
    Point, most current pvp players wont experience that "one-shot vanq" situation but that doesnt take away that they benefit a lot from the abs changes (which I tried to say but had a brainfart lol). And yeh Sorcerers are meant to be a glass cannon of sorts in PvP but tbh the only sorcerers that pose a threat are the geared ones, like a said a newbie sorc has no chance, PvP did strike a balanceish with the update, PvE didnt xD
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  • Accepted Answer

    Shin(oob)iashy Shin(oob)iashy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 03:01 PM #Permalink
    Probs, adjusting the damage from mobs instead of re-tinkering with abs would be a way to lessen the pain for sure lol we'll have to wait and see
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 05:24 PM #Permalink
    First of all I'm not ignoring this post, when have you known me to just ignore stuff you suggest unless it's just plain ridiculous or you are being rude or unreasonable. Since this post is mostly opinions, I wanted to see some more from other players before I chime in with anything.

    But really, I have to say one thing. Don't bother with the smart comments. Just state the facts and offer a suggestion if you wish. If you want to quit because your overpowered class got knocked down a peg or two and you can't understand that it's for the good of the server as a whole, then just quit already, I don't need to know about it.

    Ok PvE. Most dungeon bosses and monsters had their damage reduced and their ITD percentages lowered to compensate for the loss of Absorb on tank classes. It's difficult to know if the amount I reduced was enough until I get comments and I can then look at them again. HOWEVER, these ARE dungeons, you are supposed to go with a proper group with a tank, healer and some dps. I don't care if XXX boss or XXX mob hits your cloth/mail char for ridiculous amounts of damage - you are not supposed to be tanking mobs in dungeons.

    I say most dungeons. I have not adjusted the damage in Wonderland. I wanted to see how it was after this change because quite frankly it was too easy. It's a level 100 Insane mode dungeon - it should require a well geared party of players including a tank, healer and dps that are not afk or being multiboxed. Not newbies or undergeared players - it's the current endgame dungeon. If you are getting raped by newly spawned roses then perhaps you are taking on too much at one time, pulling half the instance. You will just have to slow it down a bit until you adapt to the increased difficulty. If it's too hard for your party, go to Wonderland Hard or Normal mode.

    I also didn't adjust damage in LI, DI, WGI other than reducing some ITD percentages in WGI, but I will make some reductions to overall damage in those dungeons and some others for an update tonight.

    Stop being drama queens. Just calmly give your opinions and suggestions and leave out the dramas and sarcasm and I will get it fixed. Do you really think I would go to all this bother running this server if I wanted to destroy it or let it die? No. You need to understand that I am not a player, I look at the game entirely differently to you and I don't pretend to always get it 100% right, but I always do what I feel is necessary to fix it.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 05:25 PM #Permalink
    Don't worry, FP changes will come soon after I gather some suggestions on what to do with it. It will no longer be the farm it is right now.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Mateos Mateos
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 06:17 PM #Permalink
    Just as a side note, I reset my skills just a few minutes ago, to remove the new skills that replaced the abs passives in sorcerer. But everytime I use 2 or 3 skill points, the game crashes.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 06:49 PM #Permalink
    Which skill and rank are you trying to learn when it crashes?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Mateos Mateos
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 06:54 PM #Permalink
    It happens in the sorcerer tree, fire skills all of them been crashing my game. I think it crashed 5 or 6 times at least, gave up for now lol.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 07:13 PM #Permalink
    Are you happy for me to log into your character to see what is causing it?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Mateos Mateos
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 07:26 PM #Permalink
    Sure, I dont have any problem with it
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 07:33 PM #Permalink
    Thanks. Character name?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 07:54 PM #Permalink
    ok I found the problem - and I have released a new client. Run your launcher to get it and you should be fine to learn skills again. It was a small bug with tooltips.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Mateos Mateos
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 07:58 PM #Permalink
    Thank you Sedy. I was checking if it was my pc, but other characters were fine.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 08:02 PM #Permalink
    Nah was a bug - somebody else was having the same problem earlier today too but I was able to find it quickly using your char, so thanks for reporting it :)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 08:08 PM #Permalink
    ok guys. I have been through dungeon monsters and made some reductions. I wasn't really wanting to reduce the damage of the new dungeons so boss damage didn't get big reductions but trash monsters did. This is a rough idea of how it will be - I won't give every single details per monster because it would be a novel, but this is the jist of it:

    TLC boss damage reduced by 30% and monster damage reduced by 50%.

    LH all damage reduced by 10%.
    LI boss damage reduced by a further 30% (now -40%) and monster damage reduced by a further 20% (now -30%).

    DH all damage reduced by 10%.
    DI all damage reduced by 30% (now -40%).

    WGH all damage reduced by 10%.
    WGI boss damage reduced by 20% and monster damage reduced by 30% and lowered the ITD on the plant and scorpion monsters.

    CH monster damage reduced by 10% - it's super low already with no nasty ITDs, and boss attacks are also super slow - don't go tanking too much on undergeared cloth chars and you will be fine.
    CI boss monster damage reduced by 10% and monster damage reduced by 30%.

    ToAN monsters damage reduced by a further 20% (now -45%), boss damage remains the same (it already had 25% reduction).
    ToAH boss damage reduced by 30% and monster damage reduced by a further 30% (now -40%).
    ToAI boss damage reduced massively - the min to max damage had a massive range difference and this has been brought right down so damage should be much less spikey than before and monster damage reduced by 30% and summoned Nieless and Nieleium no longer have ITD skills.

    GTN boss damage reduced by a further 10% and monster damage by a further 20%.
    GTH boss damage reduced by a further 10% and monster damage by a further 20%.
    GTI boss damage reduced by a further 10% and monster damage by a further 20%.

    VSMN boss damage reduced by 10% + several ITD skills removed, monster damage reduced by 30%.
    VSMH boss damage reduced by 10% and monster damage reduced by 30%.
    VSNI boss damage reduced by 10% and monster damage reduced by 30%.

    WN boss damage reduced by 10% and monster damage reduced by 30%.
    WH boss damage reduced by 10% and monster damage reduced by 30%.
    WI boss damage reduced by 10% and monster damage reduced by 30%.

    Magic Tower, Snow Mountain and Hall of Elements (all modes) damage reduced by 20%. Vortex remains the same - it's hella low anyway.

    Raid and World Boss
    Catacombs boss and monster ITD damage reduced considerably.
    LiskN auto-attack ITD reduced - otherwise damage remains the same.
    LiskH auto-attack ITD reduced, Shockwave aoe no longer does ITD - otherwise damage remains the same.
    Rhinestone - as above.
    Glaceon, Sakun, Athelon, Sraclone, Tundro, Frigid Glaceon, Cringer, Lost Mysterion, Ulric, Livid - damage reduced by ~10-20% depending on skill etc.
    Nereus - already had massive reductions before, it's fine.
    Enraged Sakun/Tundro - lowered their only ITD skill slightly and reduced damage by ~10%.
    Namazu - more ITD reductions on autoattacks and ITD removed from aoe knockback skill Boredom.
    Cletus - damage reduced by 30% and ITD reduced.
    Frigid Queen Glaceon, Shadows and Enslaved Neill damage reduced by a futher 10% and some of the ITDs reduced more.
    Monoxia damage reduced by 10% and some ITD skils reduced.

    These changes should equal out the damage caused by trash monsters in dungeons to be around the same as before the absorb reductions - bosses will still be doing more on tanks in most cases but that is absolutely intended otherwise it defeats the point of removing absorb in the first place.

    You will still see a big jump in damage going from Circus Hard (level 72-75) to Temple of Atlantis Normal (level 76-78). Circus Hard has always had comparatively low damage.

    Remember, some monsters or specific monsters skills you are not supposed to be touched by. Think Mumu's Pets, Tomb Sand Worm Worm, Arcturis xxx, Lisk's Death Spark, Thiassis casted skills etc. these are set artificially high because they are supposed to oneshot if you get hit by them or you don't move into the shield domes etc. Some players could probably survive these before due to all the absorb and other effects, but might not be the case anymore.

    If you know of, or come across any situations where massive damage is absolutely unavoidable to you as a dps or healer class then please let me know about it. By this I mean massive damage that is not announced in some way, or gives some visual clue that something big is being cast. Something you have no chance of escaping.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 09:03 PM #Permalink
    Added more changes for SM/MT/HoE/Raid/Worldboss
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  • Accepted Answer

    Shin(oob)iashy Shin(oob)iashy
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 09:17 PM #Permalink
    Oh yeah, some of my skill tooltips weren't readable at all, and whenever I tried to level up my sorcs skill it would close lol. Ima try again
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  • Accepted Answer

    AsianRider AsianRider
    replied on Thursday, January 19 2017, 10:30 PM #Permalink
    WOW! ROFLMAO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i died readin this, it wouldnt be a problem if we have hp absorbed cards PVE all day everyday HAHA... have fun guys eheheheheehehehe:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ranin Ranin
    replied on Friday, January 20 2017, 09:01 AM #Permalink
    no sedy don't change anything, we're leaving so ppl can join it again :)
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