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Spunny Spunny
posted on Monday, March 24 2014, 07:54 AM in Game Guides
Assistant Skills

Hello and welcome!
This thread will be all about the assistant skills available in Iris. Assistant skills are pretty awesome, and it's handy to know at least one! Wouldn't it be awesome to make potions instead of buying them?

General FAQ
Q: What's an assistant skill?
A: A subclass that lets you craft cards/potions/food/enhance weapons

Q: Why do I want an assistant skill?
A: Don't you want to do all of the above? :D Check out each of the advantages in the posts below.

Q: How do I check my assistant skill? Or see what level I am?
A: Click on the star at the bottom right corner and choose Assistant Skill

Q: Why don't I just buy everything from Auction House?
A: Isn't it convenient to make it yourself if auction is sold out? Or what if it's overpriced?

Q: What kind of skills can I choose from?
A: Three types - Cardmaster, Alchemist or Chef (read more about the specific types below)

Q: How do I start becoming a Cardmaster/Alchemist/Chef?
A: Talk to their respective NPC to start the L10 quest (details below)

Q: Omg the Asst skill quest is not there/I quit it halfway etc!
A: Fret not, you can buy the quest reward item from the NPC itself (Elsa Walker for Chef, Archemi for Alchemist, Tobias for Cardmaster)

Q: Omg I can't choose. Can't I be all three?
A: You can choose up to 2. (You need to unlock the second one by buying the 'Add Assistant Skill Scroll' from Al Rotches in Terminus)

Q: I changed my mind, can I learn a different skill?
A: You can learn up to 2 skills. (You need to unlock the second one by buying the 'Add Assistant Skill Scroll' from Al Rotches in Terminus)
But if you really want to, you can abandon it. But if you want to relearn you have to start from 0!

Q: Where do I find all these NPCs?
Responses (6)
  • Accepted Answer

    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Monday, March 24 2014, 07:54 AM #Permalink

    Advantages of Alchemy
    1) Make untradeable damage absorption potions to help you in dungeons and PVP!
    2) Make special enhancement cards e.g. flawless green enhancement cards so you can enhance boots to +15
    % movespeed
    3) Make useful potions such as Greater Giant Potions giving you 8% more damage
    4) Enhance high level weapons eg L75 Nereus (world boss) weapons to L85 weapons

    How to become an alchemist
    1) Talk to Archemi in Terminus, accept the L10 quest 'Amazing Alchemy'
    2) Complete it to get '[Beginner] Alchemist' & '[Recipe] Beginner Alchemist' as a reward
    2a) If you already deleted these items from when you were a newbie, you can buy them from the same NPC
    3) Right click both items. You will acquire Alchemy as an assistant skill and learn the Magic's Essence Powder Transformation and Light HP regeneration Potion recipes.

    Leveling up your alchemy skill
    1) So you're an alchemist. Now what?
    You can see that your skill level in Alchemy is 0/70. You can also see that you are in the beginner stage. Recipes are different colors. Orange gives you 3 skill levels in Alchemy. Yellow gives 2. Green give you 1 skill level. White give none. So you can't level by using the same recipe 70 times.
    2) Leveling up! E.g. Click on the orange recipe. What does it need?
    To get magic essence powder, you need to make it using the other recipe you have.
    Glass bottle - check Archemi, he sells this.
    Keep leveling up until you get to 10/70 skill level.
    3) It's time to buy a new recipe! Check Archemi. He sells alot. Which to buy?
    Hover your mouse over the recipes he sells. You want to find something that says Use skill: Alchemist (10). This means that the minimum level your alchemy needs to be is 10.
    Keep leveling up and buying new recipes every 10 points. Remember, Kristin Owens in Terminus sells many potions. You can get coins from mobs, or get more coins from Boss mobs e.g. Boss Treeky.
    4) You're finally at 70/70! Even if your recipe is orange, you can't level up.
    5) Talk to Archemi in Terminus, accept the L25 quest 'Intermediate Alchemy' and the follow up L25 quest 'Intermediate Alchemy Test'. You will need to give Archemi 20 'Light Potion of Power'. You can either craft them (recipe from BF vendor) or buy it from Kristin Owens.
    6) Complete it to get '[Apprentice] Alchemist' as a reward. Right click. You will see your skill level go to 70/200, and your Rank go to Intermediate.
    7) Continue leveling until you get to 200/200. You can now learn the recipes to make Flawless tempering cards for L51-75 armors!
    8) You will see another L50 quest at Archemi 'Advanced Alchemy Test'. This quest is a bit harder than the Intermediate one.
    You need 3 each of the Fire, Water, Wind, Earth elixirs. The recipes for these are not at Archemi. You will need to head over to the BF vendor for recipes. Check the Alchemy and Material sections.
    9) Just keep leveling until the level you want from here! Remember, NSDB is your friend. You can easily find out where recipes drop or are sold.

    Where to get recipes
    1) Archemi
    2) BF vendor
    3) Terrio Lowman
    4) Mob drops in normal maps
    5) Mob drops in dungeons (eg. Laioha normal, Circus hard)
    5) Quests
    7) Ian Durak (Frozen Nest)
    If you're looking for a specific recipe, check NSDB.

    Q: Where do I get ____ recipe?
    A: Check NSDB.

    Q: My assistant skill isn't improving! Why?
    A: Are you at max skill level? Do you need to take the intermediate/advanced alchemy test?

    Q: Where do I find Regular Potion of Faith?
    A: L39 quest chain starting in HC2F (see NSDB comments on this recipe for details). But check BF vendor... you can level your alchemy without this particular recipe.

    Q: Where do I get Colorless and Odorless Liquid?
    A: It's made by Chefs. So you can become a chef as your second skill and make it, or buy it on auction. Or get a friend to make it for you!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Monday, March 24 2014, 07:54 AM #Permalink

    Advantages of Chef
    --- Food buffs which gives extra stats like +All Stat, Attack, HP, +/-Size, Move speed and the like. All are essential for PvP and PvE.
    --- Maker of raw materials for Card Master and Alchemist. As a Chef you are able to make Colorless and Odorless Liquid and Mysterious Magic Liquid, which are needed by the other skill classes.
    --- Able to enhance the L75 Livid weaponry to L85.

    Disadvantages of Chef
    --- Loads. Loads. LOADS of farming compared to the other skills.

    How to become a Chef
    1) Talk to Elsa Walker in Terminus and accept the L10 quest 'Joy of Cooking'
    2) Complete it and get [Beginner] Chef, Symbol of Beginner Chef, [Recipe] Beginner Chef as rewards. If you deleted these items or the quest is not available, simply buy it from Elsa.
    3) Open your inventory and right click on the scroll and the paper icons. These will open your Chef assistant skill and learn how to make Roasted Spider Shashlik.

    Chef Interface
    In the image above, you'd see that your skill level in Chef is 0/70. This is the beginner rank. As you learn new recipes, you'd see that they are in different colors. Orange gives 3 skill levels, Yellow gives 2, Green gives 1 and White gives none. Most effective way is to learn new recipes and keep farming and crafting them until you reach a new tenth of a level for your next recipe.

    Leveling and Farming
    To know what you need to farm next; you must click on the recipe and look at the Materials Needed section. The icons below are the things you need to farm. Generally to quick level your assistant skill, you need to obtain at least 6pcs of each material of an Orange recipe.
    For this instance, we need to get Spider Meat. Which drops from Shebuz Snowfield, Red Leg Spiders. I'm telling you now -- NSDB is your friend, it will show you where the items are dropped/located.

    Keep leveling up and buying new recipes and you'd reach the max level of 70/70 for Beginner. I'm sorry; Chefs do not have the luxury of having NPCs selling most the items needed so you would need to farm most of them from mobs.
    Spoon: Take note of the 'Chef's Lunch Box Set' Materials, namely: Soft Deer Antlers Cookies, Aromatic Sprout Soup, Soft Roasted Rolled Meat and Aromatic Roasted Rolled Meat. You'd need it for L80 Recipe.

    When you reach 70/70 now you need to accept the L25 quest 'Intermediate Chef' and the follow up 'Intermediate Chef Test'.

    You'd learn that you need to surrender 30 pcs of Sweet Bear Meat Soup and Boiled Boars. BACK TO FARMING! -- Can't remember where they were? NSDB knows the answer!
    Spoon: Boiled Boar recipe drops from the boars at Resource Mine.

    When you're done, submit your quest and grab the new scroll for the Intermediate Chef. Right click on it and BOOM! 70/200.


    Level up as usauly, keep farming and saving the food you farm since you MIGHT need them in the future.
    Spoon: I suggest taking note of the "Master's Lunch Box Set" Materials, and use those recipes. Namely: Rare Taste Combat Ration, Smoked Mole, Smoked Furious Boar, Spicy Snack~ Make sure you farm loads of these. Really. >.> Loads of them. Around...30-50~ just to be sure =D Why? You'd find out later.

    When you're finally 200/200, time to get the L50 Advanced Cook test~ YAY PAIN!!! Now you need 50pcs of Master Lunch Box Set, Spicy Leaf Salad and Spicy Smoked Rabbit. Oh JOY! Farm for your life eh?

    When all that's pain is done and you're tired of the Hidden Cavern maps~ Master Time! Right click on the Advance Chef scroll and you're done~

    ------ MASTERY LEVEL ------

    For 200 and up, you're on your own >] It's quite easy now
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  • Accepted Answer

    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Monday, March 24 2014, 07:54 AM #Permalink
    Card Master

    Advantages of Card Mastery
    1) Make cards to put inside your armor e.g. Power/Int/Stam
    2) Enhance high level weapons eg L75 Ulric (world boss) weapons to L85 weapons

    How to become a card master
    1) Talk to Tobias in Terminus, accept the L10 quest 'Becoming Card Master'
    2) Complete it to get '[Beginner] Card Master' & '[Recipe] Beginner Card Master' as a reward
    2a) If you already deleted these items from when you were a newbie, you can buy them from the same NPC
    3) Right click both items. You will acquire Card Master as an assistant skill and learn the following recipes: Blank Card, Wisdom Card I (O), Stamina Card I (O).

    Leveling up your card master skill
    1) So you're a Card Master. Now what?
    You can see that your skill level in Card Master is 0/70. You can also see that you are in the beginner stage. Recipes are different colors. Orange gives you 3 skill levels in Alchemy. Yellow gives 2. Green give you 1 skill level. White give none. So you can't level by using the same recipe 70 times.
    2) Leveling up! E.g. Click on the orange recipe. What does it need?
    To get a Blank Card, you need to make it using the other recipe you have.
    Yellow Ink - check Tobias, he sells this.
    Keep leveling up until you get to 10/70 skill level.
    3) It's time to buy a new recipe! Check Tobias. He sells alot. Which to buy?
    Hover your mouse over the recipes he sells. You want to find something that says Use skill: Card Master (10). This means that the minimum level your CM needs to be is 10.
    Keep leveling up and buying new recipes every 10 points. Note there may be multiple recipes at the same level that you can choose from. You can get coins from mobs, or get more coins from Boss mobs e.g. Boss Treeky.
    3a) Oh no, I'm at 50/70 but no matter what recipe I buy from Tobias, they aren't orange! I can't get to 60/70! Check the Medal NPC, Terrio Lowman. He sells recipes too.
    4) You're finally at 70/70! Even if your recipe is orange, you can't level up.
    5) Talk to Tobias in Terminus, accept the L25 quest 'Intermediate Card Master' and the follow up L25 quest 'Intermediate Card Master Test'. You will need to give Tobias a 'S Ability Wearing Card I'. You can either craft them (recipe from BF vendor, you may need some mats from Jem Grabber in Shebuz Snowfield) or buy it from Nojacque (in Terminus).
    6) Complete it to get '[Apprentice] Card Master' as a reward. Right click. You will see your skill level go to 70/200, and your Rank go to Intermediate.
    7) Continue leveling until you get to 200/200.
    8) You will see another L50 quest at Tobias 'Advanced Card Master Test'. This quest is still pretty simple.
    You need Flexibility Wearing Card II, Saint Wearing Card II, Snipe Wearing Card II. You can buy all from Nojacque.
    9) Just keep leveling until the level you want from here! Remember, NSDB is your friend. You can easily find out where recipes drop or are sold.

    Where to get recipes
    1) Tobias
    2) BF vendor (most V cards)
    3) Terrio Lowman (there are lots here!)
    4) Mob drops in normal maps (I,II,III,VI)
    5) Mob drops in dungeons (eg. Laioha normal, Circus hard)
    5) Quests (Protection IV)
    7) Ian Durak (Frozen Nest)(Wis IV, Stam IV, Power IV, Agi IV, Int IV)
    If you're looking for a specific recipe, check NSDB.

    Q: Where do I get ____ recipe?
    A: Check NSDB.

    Q: Where do I get Crystal Gemstone?
    A: Check Gem Grabber (Shebuz Snowfield)

    Q: My assistant skill isn't improving! Why?
    A: Are you at max skill level? Do you need to take the intermediate/advanced card master test?

    Q: How do I make All Stat/All Def/EvaRes/All Regen cards
    A: These are special cards, you can only get them as drops. (Or buy from moolah vendor)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Tuesday, July 22 2014, 01:21 PM #Permalink
    Final reserved post and it's complete yay!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Tuesday, July 22 2014, 06:16 PM #Permalink
    Awesome guide guys, thanks for this! I'm sure it will be very handy!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vig Vig
    replied on Saturday, June 27 2015, 06:44 AM #Permalink
    Nice guide! It saved me alot of running around. :D
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There is something else to say, it's tough to get points and reputation when you keep losing Battlef
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Thank you! And also can you make a requirement for joining in the event? Like 20lvl or above. Ther
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Yeh it's a good idea. I will look into it
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Sedy wrote: They should have ended tomorrow, not today, my bad. I will extend them until Sunday.
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