Card Master
Advantages of Card Mastery
1) Make cards to put inside your armor e.g. Power/Int/Stam
2) Enhance high level weapons eg L75 Ulric (world boss) weapons to L85 weapons
How to become a card master
1) Talk to Tobias in Terminus, accept the L10 quest 'Becoming Card Master'
2) Complete it to get '[Beginner] Card Master' & '[Recipe] Beginner Card Master' as a reward
2a) If you already deleted these items from when you were a newbie, you can buy them from the same NPC
3) Right click both items. You will acquire Card Master as an assistant skill and learn the following recipes: Blank Card, Wisdom Card I (O), Stamina Card I (O).
Leveling up your card master skill
1) So you're a Card Master. Now what?

You can see that your skill level in Card Master is 0/70. You can also see that you are in the beginner stage. Recipes are different colors. Orange gives you 3 skill levels in Alchemy. Yellow gives 2. Green give you 1 skill level. White give none. So you can't level by using the same recipe 70 times.
2) Leveling up! E.g. Click on the orange recipe. What does it need?

To get a Blank Card, you need to make it using the other recipe you have.
Yellow Ink - check Tobias, he sells this.
Keep leveling up until you get to 10/70 skill level.
3) It's time to buy a new recipe! Check Tobias. He sells alot. Which to buy?
Hover your mouse over the recipes he sells. You want to find something that says Use skill: Card Master (10). This means that the minimum level your CM needs to be is 10.

Keep leveling up and buying new recipes every 10 points. Note there may be multiple recipes at the same level that you can choose from. You can get coins from mobs, or get more coins from Boss mobs e.g. Boss Treeky.
3a) Oh no, I'm at 50/70 but no matter what recipe I buy from Tobias, they aren't orange! I can't get to 60/70! Check the Medal NPC, Terrio Lowman. He sells recipes too.
4) You're finally at 70/70! Even if your recipe is orange, you can't level up.
5) Talk to Tobias in Terminus, accept the L25 quest 'Intermediate Card Master' and the follow up L25 quest 'Intermediate Card Master Test'. You will need to give Tobias a 'S Ability Wearing Card I'. You can either craft them (recipe from BF vendor, you may need some mats from Jem Grabber in Shebuz Snowfield) or buy it from Nojacque (in Terminus).
6) Complete it to get '[Apprentice] Card Master' as a reward. Right click. You will see your skill level go to 70/200, and your Rank go to Intermediate.
7) Continue leveling until you get to 200/200.
8) You will see another L50 quest at Tobias 'Advanced Card Master Test'. This quest is still pretty simple.
You need Flexibility Wearing Card II, Saint Wearing Card II, Snipe Wearing Card II. You can buy all from Nojacque.
9) Just keep leveling until the level you want from here! Remember, NSDB is your friend. You can easily find out where recipes drop or are sold.
Where to get recipes
1) Tobias
2) BF vendor (most V cards)
3) Terrio Lowman (there are lots here!)
4) Mob drops in normal maps (I,II,III,VI)
5) Mob drops in dungeons (eg. Laioha normal, Circus hard)
5) Quests (Protection IV)
7) Ian Durak (Frozen Nest)(Wis IV, Stam IV, Power IV, Agi IV, Int IV)
If you're looking for a specific recipe, check NSDB.
Q: Where do I get ____ recipe?
A: Check NSDB.
Q: Where do I get Crystal Gemstone?
A: Check Gem Grabber (Shebuz Snowfield)
Q: My assistant skill isn't improving! Why?
A: Are you at max skill level? Do you need to take the intermediate/advanced card master test?
Q: How do I make All Stat/All Def/EvaRes/All Regen cards
A: These are special cards, you can only get them as drops. (Or buy from moolah vendor)