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Spunny Spunny
posted on Sunday, October 23 2016, 07:40 AM in Game Guides

What should I farm?

Ok so a common question is what should I loot.
Here is a list of some items I think are useful and possibly sellable. I exclude items you need for leveling chef (since people usually farm these when they need them), and food that is not so useful at higher levels.

=== Items found everywhere (world drops)===
Fairy Powder: Used for bronze tarots and can be made into fairy pieces.
Fairy Pieces: Used for Silver tarots and can be made into fairy marbles.
Fairy Marbles: Used for Gold tarots
Mass Fissures: Found more in dungeons but they do drop randomly elsewhere. You need these to convert fairy pieces into marbles, and to make cards via cardmaster

====Items found depending on level of mobs===
(pro tip: click on the item and see what recipes it is used in!)
Mental Decision: Used in various potions
Determined Soul: Used in various potions/battlefield injectors
Magic Essence: Useful for making alchemy pots, people buy this to make regen potions
Soul Essence: Good for making cards
Calming Fruit: Used in various potions
Humbled Soul: Used to make potions like Potion of attention IV (+150 range, +80 hit)

Yes, you should mine these when you see them. Buy a mining pick (10k gold) from the Artisan NPC in Terminus.
Used extensively for leveling up Artisan assistant skill and for some potions; you can mine even if you are not an artisan.

Iron Veins: eg Iron or other rarer ores - Shebuz Snowfield, Shrouded Valley, Resource Mine, Altus Gorge.
Silver Veins: eg Silver or other rarer ores- Shrouded Valley, Hidden Cavern 1F/2F, Red Sand Hill, Wind Basin, Conflict Valley, Frozen Nest.
Gold Veins: Gold or other rarer ores- Red Sand Hill, Eye of Annes, Wind Basin, Spirits Shelter, Warriors Refuge, Frozen Nest, Twilight Quarry, Corrupt Valley, Nightfall Shelter.
Platinum Veins: Platinum or other rarer ores like Diamond Ores: Corrupt Valley, Nightfall Shelter, Sandfall Desert, Abysmal Shore, Pandan Cove, Pandahama Island, Sandstorm Desert.
Orihalcum Ore/Amethyst Ore (Tainted Fen, Grand Wildwoods, Port Plunder)
Diamond ores are also required for some quests hence people buy these.

The rest of the list is by map.

===Logging Area===
Tree sap: Run faster by 5% + used in recipe for food to run faster by 10%
Deer Antlers and Mushroom Spore: Used in recipe for food to run faster by 10%

For newbies: in case you have not done it, do kill the Cutie Shushu for the 'Cute' title which gives 30 mspd.

===Shebuz Snowfield=== NA
===Shrouded Valley=== NA
===Resource Mine=== NA
===Altus Gorge=== NA

===Conflict Valley===
Bigfoot's Heart piece: You need to collect 5 for a SP quest

===Eye of Annes (EoA)===
Big Poison Pouch: Makes Poison dispel potion
Blue Magic Seed: Makes Magic dispel potion
Desert Snake Molar: Makes Physical dispel potion

These are also dropped more frequently in NFS (PK zone)
For newbies: dispel potions at this level get rid of one debuff of that type. E.g. the stun from Radon in Wood Garden is physical and can be removed using the physical dispel potion.

===Frozen Nest===
Spirit Marbles: Good for making alchemy potions like Potion of Protection (gives 10% damage absorption) etc.
Purpuresia parts: Collect one of each (Seed, Leaf, Fruit) for a SP quest

===Hidden Cave=== NA
===Hidden Cavern 1F=== NA
===Hidden Cavern 2F=== NA

===Red Sand Hill (RSH)===
Spirit Marbles: Good for making alchemy potions like Potion of Protection (gives 10% damage absorption) etc.

===Wind Basin (WB)===
Spirit Marbles: Good for making alchemy potions like Potion of Protection (gives 10% damage absorption) etc.

===Spirit's Shelter (SS)===
Dried Worm Worm Tail: Makes elixir to reduce your casting time
High Class Aloe Leaf: Makes elixir to increase attack speed
PS. People also like to collect the armor that drops from the world boss Tundro to use as armor schematics.

===Ursadine Highlands (UH)===
Part of the ingredients for allstat +65 food: Ginseng, Rabbit Liver
Light Wolf meat: Makes Wolf Charcoal (+HP, 30% shrink)

===Colossus Shadowfields (CS)===
Mighty Trophies (MTS): to buy things at the NPC
Spirit pieces (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind) - each makes different things, eg to make V cards.

===Nightfall shelter (NFS)===
Big Poison Pouch: Makes Poison dispel potion
Blue Magic Seed: Makes Magic dispel potion
Desert Snake Molar: Makes Physical dispel potion
These are also dropped (less frequently) at EoA (non-PK zone)
For newbies: dispel potions at this level get rid of one debuff of that type. E.g. the stun from Radon in Wood Garden is physical and can be removed using the physical dispel potion.

===Corrupt Valley===
Part of the ingredients for allstat +65 food: Bigfoot Meat, Loose Spider Legs

===Sandfall Desert (SFD)===
Ingredients to make allstat(+100) food: Chopped Pincers, Soft Fox Meat, Choppa Brisket, Typhoon Jewel
This food can be upgraded to +120 food (see Pandahama Island).

Pelican Choppa Transformation: Important to use by melee to debuff bosses (second skill gives a spammable -defense)

===Abysmal Shore (AS)=== NA
===Pandan Cove (PC)=== NA

===Pandahama Island (PI)===
Tender Wolf Meat and Tentacle Poison: Makes Dark Wolf Steak or Wolf Tenderloin (+ 1.5k-2k HP, 30% shrink)
Powdered Owl Eyes: Part of ingredients for Haunted Seafood Risotto (allstat+120)

===Grand Wildwoods, PP===
Fruits of the forest Used to make potions like Potion of Giant V


For all: Mass fissure
For all: Gold (CH and WGH give the best ratio of time:gold)
For Scrub Trophy: WGN, DH bosses, DH mobs
For Scrub Mighty Trophies: CH and WGH bosses, LI and DI mobs
For Scrub Shining Trophies: LI, DI, WGI, CI, TOAI, GTI dailies + TOAI, GTI bosses.
For Scrub Moolah: Check the noticeboard in middle of terminus for daily quests (L75 onwards). Do consider donating to help the server if you can too!

-Transformation cards here are useful. Try them out! The effect of some is best seen in PK.
-Circus Hard drops cool stuff. E.g. V cards like StaminaV, Potions, Recipes, StatIV (rarely)
- Roszak sells best.

Wood Garden:
-Transformation cards here are useful. Try them out! The effect of some is best seen in PK. Gerry sells well.
Responses (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Ash Ash
    replied on Monday, October 24 2016, 10:44 PM #Permalink
    nice work fae :D just one thing you forgot to mention and its the flux for artisan hehe
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Monday, February 06 2017, 03:54 PM #Permalink
    This seems like an offtopic question but er..
    If you want soulstone powder, you could consider getting this instead:
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sayaka Sayaka
    replied on Monday, February 06 2017, 03:32 PM #Permalink
    Umm how can i get flawed soul stone (to make buff potions) without battlefield points?
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sayaka Sayaka
    replied on Monday, February 06 2017, 04:16 PM #Permalink
    Oh i didnt know lol sorry :3
    Reply voted down Show
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