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F15H F15H
posted on Friday, March 11 2011, 09:44 AM in Guilds
Update: I am no longer the official guild leader, mostly due to inactivity. I've promoted Magnus to guild leader, as he is someone that I trust, and will do things for the good of the guild, and not just use it for personal gain. I have a few characters that I bounce between, so I will never leave the guild completely. Although alot of friends have left, there are still alot who remain there.
Anyways, any requests to join Inglorious can be posted here, or at the official guild forums. Best of luck to everyone =)


Inglorious started out as a small guild of friends from another private server, who quickly decided to make this their new home. Since then the guild has grown, and is now close to 50 members (50 remains our max, as I hesitate about letting it get too large.)

Anyways, we are recruiting, as long as you are active, and willing to join with other guild members in activities... from farming, to boss hunting and dungeon runs. We have no problem with pk'ing in open pvp areas, as long as it is not griefing, or even worse spawn camping.

We also have a new guild forum, and would like you to participate in that as well. At the very least I'd like all guild members to join up and check it every now and then... Helps me to get an idea of who has and hasn't been active.

Best of luck =]
Responses (53)
  • Accepted Answer

    Alexandria Alexandria
    replied on Thursday, November 10 2011, 02:06 PM #Permalink
    Holy wow this thread is still alive!

    fossilS this lot XD [plural]

    Your a fossil too now Edie
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Juggernaut Juggernaut
    replied on Thursday, November 10 2011, 01:43 PM #Permalink
    Holy wow this thread is still alive!

    fossilS this lot XD [plural]
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Demineaux Demineaux
    replied on Thursday, November 10 2011, 11:14 AM #Permalink
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Tuesday, October 25 2011, 05:12 AM #Permalink
    Not quite the right post for this, is it? ;)
    Reply voted down Show
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    tangaha tangaha
    replied on Tuesday, October 25 2011, 04:00 AM #Permalink
    how to make a guild mark ? sir sedy!!!!
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Tuesday, October 25 2011, 12:40 AM #Permalink
    so magnus went from *oh-so-holy-zerk* to shaman xD

    Berserker > Guardian > Mercenary > Berserker. :x

    The Shaman thing is just a scam.

    The cake is a lie. You hear?!
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Demineaux Demineaux
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 08:35 PM #Permalink
    so magnus went from *oh-so-holy-zerk* to shaman xD

    Berserker > Guardian > Mercenary > Berserker. :x

    The Shaman thing is just a scam.

    Fossil, I may be... But this fossil can still whoop your ass ;D
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Magnus Magnus
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 04:03 PM #Permalink
    so magnus went from *oh-so-holy-zerk* to shaman xD

    Berserker > Guardian > Mercenary > Berserker. :x

    The Shaman thing is just a scam.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    yuki yuki
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 02:59 PM #Permalink
    so magnus went from *oh-so-holy-zerk* to shaman xD
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Magnus Magnus
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 09:20 AM #Permalink
    I'll be home soon~ x3
    (once i finish downloading the path ofc XD)

    Still gonna give you a reminder of our past!
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Mystery Mystery
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 08:42 AM #Permalink
    I'll be home soon~ x3
    (once i finish downloading the path ofc XD)

    Dollieeeeeee D:
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Magnus Magnus
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 07:08 AM #Permalink
    - Tempest
    - CoolJaz
    - Sonia

    All ancient fossils.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    yuki yuki
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 04:51 AM #Permalink
    I'll be home soon~ x3
    (once i finish downloading the path ofc XD)
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 03:27 AM #Permalink
    You are still a freshie. These guys are oldies, almost from the start of the server. I remember tempest being from the first people who posted on the forum, especially when that guild with Russian guys was going around killing everyone and all the World Bosses.

    Well i would have been here earlier but your server was hard to find i couldn't find it on the private server
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 03:19 AM #Permalink
    You are still a freshie. These guys are oldies, almost from the start of the server. I remember tempest being from the first people who posted on the forum, especially when that guild with Russian guys was going around killing everyone and all the World Bosses.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 03:17 AM #Permalink
    Well my alt has been here since april 1st. but i don't think i met you jaz then. nor you tempest. my alt was Dagus
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Demineaux Demineaux
    replied on Monday, October 24 2011, 02:01 AM #Permalink
    Glad to see you two still alive, I still lurk around every now and then, but it's just not the same as the old group who moved over here from HF when it went to shit. I'd build a time machine just to get all my old buds back. And tempest, I never got into the game like that, and you know that very well :P As I rarely logged in after I capped and still managed to level up the guild like a boss. Good luck to the now dead Inglorious.


    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    F15H F15H
    replied on Sunday, October 23 2011, 08:09 PM #Permalink
    I'm still alive, although haven't been in game in quite a while. The little gaming time I have has for the most part been with Aika, although I've started fresh due to locked accounts and lost passwords, etc. Probably wouldn't even be able to post here if it weren't for cookies.

    Miss alot of you guys, although that is largely part of why I left. It overstepped some boundaries, and for a while I was almost more concerned about in-game happenings than what was going on in real life. Needed to get real life back in order, which is still a work in progress at this point.
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  • Accepted Answer

    katie katie
    replied on Sunday, October 02 2011, 03:59 AM #Permalink

    any of you still alive

    tis yuko
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Demineaux Demineaux
    replied on Wednesday, August 03 2011, 02:42 AM #Permalink
    Where has my guild gone? IT WILL NOT DIE ON ME. >.>
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Demineaux Demineaux
    replied on Saturday, July 02 2011, 06:22 PM #Permalink
    I have returned, also. So subtlely, I will be re-taking over the guild.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    F15H F15H
    replied on Saturday, July 02 2011, 12:52 AM #Permalink
    btw.. Puppy Puppety Puppet.. if you wiLL login in the game (sorry bad engLish)
    pLease PM me Kiezaya/Yaeli..

    remember our secret xD

    :D miss yah

    ...Can't help but wonder what kinda thoughts ran through people's heads at the mention of 'our secret' lol

    I'll definitely try to contact when i get back in, not so much about the secret, but because i miss you guys.

    Oh, and Luna, so awesome that you came back as well =)
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Der Geist Der Geist
    replied on Tuesday, May 24 2011, 07:33 AM #Permalink
    pm one of these people:

    or Sunlight
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Janrae Janrae
    replied on Tuesday, May 24 2011, 02:59 AM #Permalink
    Can I join too? I'm Fernz in game who can I contact to join? I'm a beginner lvl 60 I'm looking for a guild that can guide me I hope you guys are ok with that.. thanks in advance
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Karahay Karahay
    replied on Sunday, May 22 2011, 12:56 PM #Permalink
    btw.. Puppy Puppety Puppet.. if you wiLL login in the game (sorry bad engLish)
    pLease PM me Kiezaya/Yaeli..

    remember our secret xD

    :D miss yah
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Demineaux Demineaux
    replied on Thursday, May 12 2011, 07:46 PM #Permalink
    The REAL Luna, has my respect.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Demineaux Demineaux
    replied on Monday, May 02 2011, 09:00 PM #Permalink
    Inglorious still grows stronger. Do well, Magnus.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Saturday, April 30 2011, 03:40 PM #Permalink
    Best wishes to you too brightspark, even though I'm not sure who you are. Getting confused with everyone's char name and forum name etc, and I apologise for that. :)

    Just wanted to say, I hope everyone's irl situation or/and problems gets sorted out, and the people who need their time away I hope will find everything works out for them.

    Just pointing out this post as well, about certain recent events that upset people, to make sure you guys will also read it: ... =viewtopic

    Thanks for taking time to play with us. Take care.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Andrea Jane Andrea Jane
    replied on Friday, April 29 2011, 05:45 PM #Permalink
    I guess it all boils down to me realizing that if I want to have fun with the game, I have to stop doing what I think others want, and instead do whatever it is I want to do. I've always given, and have never asked a thing from anyone. Every boss drop, I'd rarely even roll... Hell, I once even changed my main because I 'was asked to'. After some donating to beef up this new 'main', I sat around in terminus while I watched random boss drops appear, along with the names of those who asked me to switch. Two of my closest friends constantly run dungeons with someone outside the guild, and then eventually leave to join another, and I'm just like 'sure, no problem =]' But when I happen to be in a party with some people who are nice enough to ACTUALLY INVITE ME INTO SOMETHING, it ends in all this drama, and someone who I thought was a good friend, rage-quitting out of the guild.

    What really sucks, is that this crap actually has this much of an effect on me. Sucks, but aside from my daughter, this is where my only friends are/were. Why else would someone who is barely making the rent donate so much to a server. Yeah, I had to be an idiot to think I should try running a guild, when I can barely manage my real life =/

    reading this aLmost made me cry

    sad Life :(

    Reminiscin the first time we did Gigantes at Corrupt Valley, the first time we did Tundro, those times we were PKed by Republic. It was Luna who i first met and she was busy on megaphone that time recruiting members for Inglorious. Then it was Raf/Senzu whom i asked to invite me in but sadly Luna was already quitting at that time.Then i met iLuna/Jessie, followed by Raph/Tuna, and Motoharu, one of the coolest guys in the server. Lilith/Hades came next. Then came aloyy/Radiance and a lot more; Rina, Shiori, etc.. Then i became inactive, got busy with real life but my characters were still there thanks to my little bro. When logged in i was surprised to see Raf guildless and was wondrin really why? Anyways, to cut the long story short i just wanna thank you guys really for the good old times. Concentrating on my real life for now, i leave server but i guess you will still see my character around if my bro logs it in.

    Sedy, Galadriel, aloyy, you guys are the best.
    Goodluck on you Raph and best wishes for your little girl.
    Raf, same goes to you. Jessie as well.
    Goodbye,,see you when i see you.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    replied on Friday, April 29 2011, 01:14 PM #Permalink

    -fk off jessica
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Magnus Magnus
    replied on Friday, April 29 2011, 12:12 PM #Permalink
    You were a good leader Puppy. I still remember our first day. :3

    I wish you the best of luck with your real life issues.

    I'll take care of the guild.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    staminamina staminamina
    replied on Friday, April 29 2011, 09:28 AM #Permalink
    reading this aLmost made me cry

    sad Life :(
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Luna Luna
    replied on Friday, April 29 2011, 08:02 AM #Permalink
    Thank you Magnus... Seriously, reading that post helped me alot more than you'd realize.

    Sorry I have not been active the past few days... Alot of real-life drama going on, and I've just been avoiding alot of things. Unfortunately today, upon returning to the game, it seems that the drama just keeps on coming anyway.

    Anyways, the drama helped me decide something that has been on my mind, but you'll know about that soon enough I guess.

    I know that was to me ^^
    Sorry, but i just saw you with Pegasus guys and whole conversation.
    Btw, i wont argue here, this isn't place to do that.

    And to who want join Inglorious: Go ahead, it's a good guild. They are family like really, i left for some personal reason.



    You say we are like family, yet you drop out of the guild because I was in a raid with Pegasus, or perhaps because Inglorious is allied with them? I DC'd right before the issue with Chai happened, and only logged in in time to catch the conversation afterwards. Since I had missed what had actually happened, and because I thought of us as good friends, I sat there, my usually quiet self, and remained neutral on the issue. Now, supposedly I was making fun of you at some point, but really, why did you not answer when I asked you what it was that I said? I remember some joking about how we should ban the bears for spawn camping, or banning frigid for doing it, but hell, it was like half an hour after the drama had even died down.
    For one thing, I am not an idiot. If I wanted to talk shit about someone, why would I do it in normal chat in a pk zone where i can't see half the names? Why not party chat? ...Guess I'll have to be more careful though, knowing that invisible GMs might be spying on me =/

    1st - I noticed you weren't online much more now, i tought you were taking care of your daughter.

    2nd - I quited Inglorious for 2 reasos: 1 you already stated, the 2nd, and most important to me, is because i REALLY DISLIKE Pegasus guild (there are some nice people inside it, is just like Pilipinas guild), and with that union i wasn't able to kill em at Wars and at NF. So i left Inglorious mostly because of that. And i kill on my normal chars (which are way older than whole Pegasus guild and my GM position).

    And before some QQr come Rage fight me, isn't only because i dislike you guys, i will exclude them from Events or anything else.
    I did event, and who was there, seem i invite everyone without discrimination.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    F15H F15H
    replied on Friday, April 29 2011, 07:45 AM #Permalink
    Thank you Magnus... Seriously, reading that post helped me alot more than you'd realize.

    Sorry I have not been active the past few days... Alot of real-life drama going on, and I've just been avoiding alot of things. Unfortunately today, upon returning to the game, it seems that the drama just keeps on coming anyway.

    Anyways, the drama helped me decide something that has been on my mind, but you'll know about that soon enough I guess.

    I know that was to me ^^
    Sorry, but i just saw you with Pegasus guys and whole conversation.
    Btw, i wont argue here, this isn't place to do that.

    And to who want join Inglorious: Go ahead, it's a good guild. They are family like really, i left for some personal reason.



    You say we are like family, yet you drop out of the guild because I was in a raid with Pegasus, or perhaps because Inglorious is allied with them? I DC'd right before the issue with Chai happened, and only logged in in time to catch the conversation afterwards. Since I had missed what had actually happened, and because I thought of us as good friends, I sat there, my usually quiet self, and remained neutral on the issue. Now, supposedly I was making fun of you at some point, but really, why did you not answer when I asked you what it was that I said? I remember some joking about how we should ban the bears for spawn camping, or banning frigid for doing it, but hell, it was like half an hour after the drama had even died down.
    For one thing, I am not an idiot. If I wanted to talk shit about someone, why would I do it in normal chat in a pk zone where i can't see half the names? Why not party chat? ...Guess I'll have to be more careful though, knowing that invisible GMs might be spying on me =/

    BlahBlahBlah... here I go just making moar dramah...

    Well, long story short, I am no longer the leader of Inglorious. I passed leadership to Magnus, before leaving the guild with Puppet. This was not actually spur of the moment either. Some (although very few it seems) may have noticed me not around for a few days. Kinda got sick of having someone asking me for handouts just about every time I logged in, yet nobody bothering to invite me for anything, or even wondering why they hadn't seen me for X amount of time. TBH, I felt like I was not going to be around enough, to properly lead the guild, and felt it would be better to pass it on. I originally intended to afk, and wait for people to come on to come up with a decision, as far as who and how. I was even playing Prius (disappointing really), and was alt-tabbing. The announcement about trying to find frigid showed up though, and I went for it. It was fun, and that event was actually reminding me of what I liked about this game. But then everything kinda went to hell, with all the drama, and alot of things being blown out of proportion (on both sides)

    I guess it all boils down to me realizing that if I want to have fun with the game, I have to stop doing what I think others want, and instead do whatever it is I want to do. I've always given, and have never asked a thing from anyone. Every boss drop, I'd rarely even roll... Hell, I once even changed my main because I 'was asked to'. After some donating to beef up this new 'main', I sat around in terminus while I watched random boss drops appear, along with the names of those who asked me to switch. Two of my closest friends constantly run dungeons with someone outside the guild, and then eventually leave to join another, and I'm just like 'sure, no problem =]' But when I happen to be in a party with some people who are nice enough to ACTUALLY INVITE ME INTO SOMETHING, it ends in all this drama, and someone who I thought was a good friend, rage-quitting out of the guild.

    What really sucks, is that this crap actually has this much of an effect on me. Sucks, but aside from my daughter, this is where my only friends are/were. Why else would someone who is barely making the rent donate so much to a server. Yeah, I had to be an idiot to think I should try running a guild, when I can barely manage my real life =/
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Andrea Jane Andrea Jane
    replied on Friday, April 29 2011, 06:52 AM #Permalink
    Sedy, Galadriel, aloyy, ur great guysss. Steered NoScrubs to the top. Thanks for the server, hope it stays at the top.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Luna Luna
    replied on Friday, April 29 2011, 06:51 AM #Permalink
    Thank you Magnus... Seriously, reading that post helped me alot more than you'd realize.

    Sorry I have not been active the past few days... Alot of real-life drama going on, and I've just been avoiding alot of things. Unfortunately today, upon returning to the game, it seems that the drama just keeps on coming anyway.

    Anyways, the drama helped me decide something that has been on my mind, but you'll know about that soon enough I guess.

    I know that was to me ^^
    Sorry, but i just saw you with Pegasus guys and whole conversation.
    Btw, i wont argue here, this isn't place to do that.

    And to who want join Inglorious: Go ahead, it's a good guild. They are family like really, i left for some personal reason.


    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Andrea Jane Andrea Jane
    replied on Friday, April 29 2011, 06:49 AM #Permalink
    Here's a bump from the awesome Magnus.

    Just kidding, this is a good guild. Friendly and helpful members.

    My first guild, and will never leave!

    Thank you Magnus... Seriously, reading that post helped me alot more than you'd realize.

    Sorry I have not been active the past few days... Alot of real-life drama going on, and I've just been avoiding alot of things. Unfortunately today, upon returning to the game, it seems that the drama just keeps on coming anyway.

    Anyways, the drama helped me decide something that has been on my mind, but you'll know about that soon enough I guess.

    Raph i am with you. Magnus afterI joined this guild, there was no leaving. I sticked to Inglorious til the end. Today also after reading the megaphone war, sumthing inside of me clicked and told me that's it. Im not as active as before for the last month and my brother was the one who maintained my accounts and now i guess i am leaving those accounts to him. Bye Raf/Senzu/Ley, iLuna/Jessie, ZeroJaz/CoolJaz, Luna, Motoharu, Shiori, Radiance, Alexandria, Rina and to those i forgot to mention. Thanks for the friendship.

    Packin up.

    - AndreaJane/AJ/zzz
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    F15H F15H
    replied on Friday, April 29 2011, 05:52 AM #Permalink
    Thank you Magnus... Seriously, reading that post helped me alot more than you'd realize.

    Sorry I have not been active the past few days... Alot of real-life drama going on, and I've just been avoiding alot of things. Unfortunately today, upon returning to the game, it seems that the drama just keeps on coming anyway.

    Anyways, the drama helped me decide something that has been on my mind, but you'll know about that soon enough I guess.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Magnus Magnus
    replied on Friday, April 08 2011, 06:23 AM #Permalink
    Here's a bump from the awesome Magnus.

    Just kidding, this is a good guild. Friendly and helpful members.

    My first guild, and will never leave!
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Demineaux Demineaux
    replied on Saturday, March 26 2011, 02:35 PM #Permalink
    Sorry for the late response. I'm very lenient so, RoyalGaurd, talk to me in-game (CoolJaZ) Or PM me on the forums.
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