Here's a bump from the awesome Magnus.
Just kidding, this is a good guild. Friendly and helpful members.
My first guild, and will never leave!
Thank you Magnus... Seriously, reading that post helped me alot more than you'd realize.
Sorry I have not been active the past few days... Alot of real-life drama going on, and I've just been avoiding alot of things. Unfortunately today, upon returning to the game, it seems that the drama just keeps on coming anyway.
Anyways, the drama helped me decide something that has been on my mind, but you'll know about that soon enough I guess.
Thank you Magnus... Seriously, reading that post helped me alot more than you'd realize.
Sorry I have not been active the past few days... Alot of real-life drama going on, and I've just been avoiding alot of things. Unfortunately today, upon returning to the game, it seems that the drama just keeps on coming anyway.
Anyways, the drama helped me decide something that has been on my mind, but you'll know about that soon enough I guess.
Thank you Magnus... Seriously, reading that post helped me alot more than you'd realize.
Sorry I have not been active the past few days... Alot of real-life drama going on, and I've just been avoiding alot of things. Unfortunately today, upon returning to the game, it seems that the drama just keeps on coming anyway.
Anyways, the drama helped me decide something that has been on my mind, but you'll know about that soon enough I guess.
I know that was to me ^^
Sorry, but i just saw you with Pegasus guys and whole conversation.
Btw, i wont argue here, this isn't place to do that.
And to who want join Inglorious: Go ahead, it's a good guild. They are family like really, i left for some personal reason.
Thank you Magnus... Seriously, reading that post helped me alot more than you'd realize.
Sorry I have not been active the past few days... Alot of real-life drama going on, and I've just been avoiding alot of things. Unfortunately today, upon returning to the game, it seems that the drama just keeps on coming anyway.
Anyways, the drama helped me decide something that has been on my mind, but you'll know about that soon enough I guess.
I know that was to me ^^
Sorry, but i just saw you with Pegasus guys and whole conversation.
Btw, i wont argue here, this isn't place to do that.
And to who want join Inglorious: Go ahead, it's a good guild. They are family like really, i left for some personal reason.
You say we are like family, yet you drop out of the guild because I was in a raid with Pegasus, or perhaps because Inglorious is allied with them? I DC'd right before the issue with Chai happened, and only logged in in time to catch the conversation afterwards. Since I had missed what had actually happened, and because I thought of us as good friends, I sat there, my usually quiet self, and remained neutral on the issue. Now, supposedly I was making fun of you at some point, but really, why did you not answer when I asked you what it was that I said? I remember some joking about how we should ban the bears for spawn camping, or banning frigid for doing it, but hell, it was like half an hour after the drama had even died down.
For one thing, I am not an idiot. If I wanted to talk shit about someone, why would I do it in normal chat in a pk zone where i can't see half the names? Why not party chat? ...Guess I'll have to be more careful though, knowing that invisible GMs might be spying on me =/
I guess it all boils down to me realizing that if I want to have fun with the game, I have to stop doing what I think others want, and instead do whatever it is I want to do. I've always given, and have never asked a thing from anyone. Every boss drop, I'd rarely even roll... Hell, I once even changed my main because I 'was asked to'. After some donating to beef up this new 'main', I sat around in terminus while I watched random boss drops appear, along with the names of those who asked me to switch. Two of my closest friends constantly run dungeons with someone outside the guild, and then eventually leave to join another, and I'm just like 'sure, no problem =]' But when I happen to be in a party with some people who are nice enough to ACTUALLY INVITE ME INTO SOMETHING, it ends in all this drama, and someone who I thought was a good friend, rage-quitting out of the guild.
What really sucks, is that this crap actually has this much of an effect on me. Sucks, but aside from my daughter, this is where my only friends are/were. Why else would someone who is barely making the rent donate so much to a server. Yeah, I had to be an idiot to think I should try running a guild, when I can barely manage my real life =/
reading this aLmost made me cry
sad Life![]()
btw.. Puppy Puppety Puppet.. if you wiLL login in the game (sorry bad engLish)
pLease PM me Kiezaya/Yaeli..
remember our secret xD
miss yah
You are still a freshie. These guys are oldies, almost from the start of the server. I remember tempest being from the first people who posted on the forum, especially when that guild with Russian guys was going around killing everyone and all the World Bosses.
I'll be home soon~ x3
(once i finish downloading the path ofc XD)
so magnus went from *oh-so-holy-zerk* to shaman xD
so magnus went from *oh-so-holy-zerk* to shaman xD
Berserker > Guardian > Mercenary > Berserker. :x
The Shaman thing is just a scam.
so magnus went from *oh-so-holy-zerk* to shaman xD
Berserker > Guardian > Mercenary > Berserker. :x
The Shaman thing is just a scam.
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