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Sedy Admin Sedy
posted on Friday, October 19 2018, 10:16 PM in Updates
The server will be down for approx. 1 hour this evening to perform a much needed maintenance and apply some bug fixes and bring you Halloween.

It's nearly Halloween in Arcana!
Denubu has arrived in Terminus with a daily quest to hunt down Jack'o'Lantern* in selected dungeons. Hunt down Jack'o'Lantern throughout the Halloween period and collect enough of Jack's Dicky Pins and Candy Bats to trade back to Denubu for Jack's Wheels mounts.



Denubu also has a Halloween Store selling food, costumes and mounts, the Pet Exchange Store where you can exchange your collected Pet Summoning Pieces for pet summoning cards, Halloween quests, and free 1 hour 100% Movement Speed, instant cast Broomstick Hire.


Pumpkins have been placed all over Terminus and can be picked on the hour, every hour, for 5 minutes. Turn up your volume and listen out for the cackling witch and get picking and find the Pet Summoning Pieces and Candy Bats.


Dimensional portals are being sighted all over Arcana with ghouls and zombies pouring through. Defeat them and collect even more Candy Bats.

Seasonal event buffs are being awarded every time a world boss is killed - everyone gets a buff!

Keep an eye on the front page of the website for upcoming server event buffs too. Drop rate, Battlefield point bonus, Rep bonus and more will be added during the Halloween period.

*Jack'o'Lantern is a boss with similar difficulty to the final boss of the dungeon it is found in. For players of level 40-74 this will be Decomus Hard, for level 75-84 Circus Hard and level 85+ Circus Insane.

Halloween in Arcana runs until the 20th November at Midnight.

Since it's Halloween... added brand new Skeletal Steed mount in 4 colour variations to the Shopping Mall.

Skeletal Steed of Dawn

Skeletal Steed of Dusk

Skeletal Steed of Moonlight

Skeletal Steed of Sunlight

These mounts are all Moolah exclusive, 100% movement speed with Azure and Amber Rune Slots.

Added 3 new mantle schematics, Reaper's Mantle Schematic, Bat Cloak Mantle Schematic, and Gilded Heavenly Mantle Schematic to the Shopping Mall.

Reaper's Mantle Schematic

Bat Cloak Mantle Schematic

Gilded Heavenly Mantle Schematic

Blood Boil
Can now be used when moving - animation removed and visual effect updated.

Whirlwind 1/2/3
Now causes damage to the target and those around it, instead of around the Crusader.

All Classes
Buff skills that can be cast on self or an ally or party member will now automatically cast on yourself if used when an enemy player is targeted in a duel, battlefield or PK situation, but only if the Target of Target unit frame is turned off in the game options.

Many armor and weapon items have been rebalanced based on a new item scoring system. Items now have a stat budget based on their level and rarity and any existing items that exceeded or did not meet their budget have been rebalanced either with a reduction/increase in certain stats, or a complete stat change.

The result of this balancing is varied and there are way too many changes to list individually here, but overall, the lower level (65-85) healing and tanking armors had considerably higher stats (in most cases) than the other classes, so the highest was picked and the other class items were brought into line with them with an increase or change in stats - rather than nerfing healer/tank items, but there were some exceptions.

Heal on many healer items has been lowered slightly.
Attack Speed on 1H Swords (and other weapon types to a lesser degree) have been lowered.

Notable changes include:
Level 1-65 armor sets and weapons mostly received upgrades to stats.
Level 65-85 shields defense lowered slightly and level 86+ shields defense increased.
Level 100 armor and weapons received slight upgrades to stats.
Healer weapons with a 5th bonus stat of Range had it removed if the equivalent weapon for other classes did not have a 5th bonus stat. It remains on the DMP and Excavater weapons as the other classes have a 5th stat on those.

This was the first phase of balancing. The next will be accessories including rings, necks, bracelets, relics etc., armor set bonuses and consumables including equip cards.

Resolved the issue when a player attempted to evolve a pet that was not the required level, where the Evolution Agent would still be consumed.

Corrected a level requirement mismatch for evolving pets between the game client and the server, which could in some cases cause a problem with evolving.

Corrected splicing of Mane Boar DNA - it was incorrectly giving a Ho Tribe Miner.

Bugfix: Players that defeat another player where the killing blow is caused by a totem/circle/bomb type skill will now be credited with the kill on the scoreboard.

Corrected the issues when the match results in a draw:

Instead of the winner being selected randomly (like battlefields) when there are zero kills, both players will now see DRAW in the results window and will receive the same amount of Colosseum Points, Battlefield Points and Master's Hall Reputation. The received points are the same as a LOSE.

If both players have the same amount of kills (e.g. both players have 2 kills), the winner will continue to be randomly determined either by a. who killed the quickest, or b. who made the first kill.

Colosseum braziers now cause a percentage of the player's remaining HP instead of their Max HP.

Shopping Mall
Added missing Pyron School Backpack to the shopping mall.

Renamed Fight cards and recipes to Physical Attack Card.
Renamed Magical Power cards and recipes to Magic Attack Card.
Renamed Power cards and recipes to Strength Card.

Fixed the missing cooldown of Anniversary Fireworks.

Corrected several Grand Wildwoods daily quests that listed the incorrect monsters in their description or title.

Corrected the monster map coordinate information for the Evidence of Courage, Evidence of Wisdom and Evidence of Fierce Battle quests.

Monsters & Mechanics
Updated the world boss spawning system and announcements to reduce the possibility of spawns getting skipped under certain conditions.

Corrected an issue with some newer monster's casting animations and damage taken animations.

Fixed a bug with monster skills that try to target a player depending on certain conditions, for example, the player with the least HP, most HP, furthest away, least aggro, most aggro etc. etc. where the monster would stop moving or using skills if the selected player was out of range or went out of range at the same moment.

Fixed a bug where monster skills that heal or buff ally monsters were not triggering under certain conditions.

Added new condition to monster skills that heal or buff ally monsters so that the skills can be used on the monster with the lowest HP instead of just randomly picking a monster.

Added new type of percentage based damage over time (DoT) that causes a percentage of remaining HP instead of Max HP. This is currently in use for Colosseum Braziers but might also be used in future content or player skills.

Fixed a bug with the chat system where adding a chat filter for Trade Chat would change to the chat window where a filter for Shout Chat was set.

Fixed a bug with the Game Options not saving the Disable Experience Gain, Show FPS on minimap and Show Server Time on Minimap settings under certain conditions.

Implemented performance testing and logging to the game server to make it easier to pinpoint server slowdowns and their cause.

Fixed a bug with the monthly Chaos event not always resetting player's Chaos Points at the end of the month.

I know some of you are patiently awaiting a new world boss and I plan to release it very soon. It was going to be released with Halloween but it's not quite finished. I hope to release it later next week, so stay tuned!

Enjoy Halloween everyone, and be sure to enter our Facebook Event for a chance at winning a Moolah Jack's Wheels mount.
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We have some interesting innovations coming. It will be interesting to see. I am sure that the game
5 days ago
O-HENRY wrote: What about creating a shop with catacomb dungeon NPC and add it all there, so it won
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Sedy wrote: Bigbat wrote: If the quantity is too large to fit into the mall, perhaps players cou
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Bigbat wrote: If the quantity is too large to fit into the mall, perhaps players could be allowed t
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